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Chapter 215: Three renovations and three constructions, recuperation and recuperation

This chapter is a bit empty, or a bit watery. Sanshui declares in advance that those who are not interested do not need to subscribe.

It is about the concrete construction of the overall policies of our army and the implementation of independent detachments.

In my opinion, we should not just fight blindly, but also cultivate internal strength. Our victory is not accidental.


Tainan, as the name suggests, is the southern part of the Taihang Mountains. From the perspective of Shanxi as a whole, Tainan is also a part of southeastern Shanxi.

The "Tainan" where Zhou Weihan's independent detachment is located is only a part of the real Tainan, located in the north. The vast Tainan area is occupied by the national army.

After negotiations between the two parties, the Eighth Route Army withdrew from Tainan. In a sense, it was a territorial division. On the surface, it was a bad thing, because the northern area of ​​Taihang designated by Chang Kaishen had barren soil, poor people, and a backward economy. In some places, it even

It is deserted, but careful analysis has many benefits.

Because this is a territory where our Eighth Route Army can truly take charge.

The Eighth Route Army did not have its own territory in Shanxi, but lived together with Yan Xishan, so they had to "wear Yan Xishan's hat" and "speak Shanxi dialect". Their actions were often restricted and their activities restricted. In name, they had a base, but in fact

But they have no right to speak, autonomy, or leadership, and are often in a passive position of being beaten.

After retreating to the north of Taihang, this territory was not only larger than before, but also had a reasonable and legal independent nature, with real territorial rights, jurisdiction, and governance rights.

Chang Kaishen never dreamed that he would designate a "special zone" for the Eighth Route Army.

Here, our party and army carried out the three rectifications (party rectification, army rectification, and political rectification) and the three constructions (party building, army building, and government building), and successively established the Taihang District Party Committee, Taihang, Taiyue Military Region, and Jinan.

Taihang, Taiyue Joint Administrative Office and other party, government and military agencies.

August 1, 1940.

Our party has established Taihang, Taiyue Military Region, Jinan, Taihang, Taiyue Administrative Joint Office and other party, government and military agencies (referred to as the Hebei-Taiyuan Joint Office).

Yang Xiufeng is the director, and Bo Rong is the deputy director.

Jinan, Tainan, and Taiyue are divided into 3 administrative regions, 15 special districts, and 115 counties.

The people's governments, anti-Japanese armed forces and mass organizations in all counties and districts under its jurisdiction were quickly established and improved. Economic construction, rent and interest reductions, and reasonable burdens were also pushed forward. The Taihang base area gradually became the center of the Anti-Japanese War and the hope of the people across the country.


In terms of military construction, various departments of the Eighth Route Army make full use of their time to conduct political army reorganization and military training between battles.

On the basis of political army reorganization, the entire 129th Division was reorganized.

The organizational structure of the 385th and 386th brigades remains unchanged.

The newly formed First Brigade, originally part of the Second Column of the Eighth Route Army, was reorganized into the 129th Division.

In addition, 6 new brigades were formed: the Youth Column was reorganized into the new Fourth Brigade.

The eastward advancing column was reorganized into the new seventh brigade.

The new eighth brigade was reorganized from the building column and advance column.

The basic armed forces in southern Hebei were reorganized into the new Ninth Brigade.

The 10th Brigade was reorganized from the 1st and 3rd Shanxi-Hebei-Henan Border Column, the 6th Security Regiment (formerly part of the 1st Column of the Death Squadron) and the Ping-Han Column.

The 11th Brigade was reorganized from the Western Hebei Guerrillas, the 2nd Border Regiment (adapted from the 1st Brigade of the Advance Detachment) and the Zanhuang Independent Regiment.

The division's special agent regiment was organized into the 34th Regiment.

At the same time, in order to meet the needs of the struggle, the division of military regions and military divisions was adjusted, and the Taihang and Taiyue Military Regions were established.

The division also serves as the Taihang Military Region, and directly commands the 385th Brigade and the newly formed 1st, 10th, and 11th Brigades.

The Taihang Military Region has five military divisions: the first military division is Qin, the second military division is Zhang, the third military division is Guo, the fourth military division is Shi, and the fifth military division is Pi.

The 386th Brigade is also the Taiyue Military Region, with commander Chen Geng and political commissar Wang, and has three military divisions under its jurisdiction.

The Jinan Military Region, under the command of Commander Chen Zaidao and Political Commissar Song, has jurisdiction over five military divisions and commands the newly formed 4th, 7th, 8th, and 9th brigades.

Most of the commanders of the above military divisions are concurrently served by the brigade commanders and deputy brigade commanders of the newly formed brigades. In addition to the main forces, there are also a large number of local armed forces in the military divisions.


If the above orders are implemented to the independent detachment, there will be specific arrangements.

First of all, in terms of political power construction.

The Tainan Prefecture was established, which governs four counties: Wuyi, Wu'an, Shexian and Cixian. It is located to the west of the Pinghan-Han Line and north of the Zhanghe River.

The director of the special area is Comrade Wang Ping, the local comrade representative, and Zhou Weihan, as the military representative, also serves as the deputy director.

The Tainan District Government, in accordance with the policy agenda proposed by the central government, conducted universal suffrage for grassroots political power, laying an initial foundation for the implementation of democratic politics.

Immediately afterwards, regulations such as the "Regulations on People's Armed Organizations" and the "Regulations on Preferential Treatment for the Families of Anti-Japanese Soldiers" were implemented one after another.

This has made the various principles and policies related to consolidating the base areas more concrete and put all aspects of construction on track.

The second is in the political reorganization of the army.

The independent detachment held many meetings successively, with class education as the center and cadres as the focus, and successively carried out "Overcoming the Current Crisis", "Anti-Japanese National United Front Policy", "New Democracy Theory", "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention"

》 and other documents.

It has improved the class consciousness of the majority of cadres and soldiers, carried forward the fine traditions of the people's army, and improved the fighting will of the troops and the policy and strategic level of the cadres.

At the same time, in order to solve the contradiction that the work ability of cadres cannot meet the needs of work in the great development.

According to the instructions of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, a cadre education department was established in the army, a two-hour study system for cadres was established every day, and a rotation training system for cadres was adhered to.

To this end, the independent detachment specially established a camp school, a military training team, a political training team, as well as various training classes at all levels such as supply, health, and communications, and deliberately trained a large number of cadres.

Independent detachment headquarters, Yamawang Mountain.

"I've been really busy these days. There are so many things going on. The three of us are really working hard and can't stop for a moment!" Zhou Weihan sat down on the kang, turned around, pulled the quilt forward, and lay down.

Go down.

In my previous life, I used to say 996, but these days it is really more cruel than 996, but the effect is obvious.

"Thankfully, you, Old Zhou, had the foresight to set up cadre training classes, cultural classes, and lay the foundation for the medical system and supply!" Zhao Gang said happily.

"So, many things instructed by superiors have been implemented before. It's just that our Eighth Route Army was too scattered and expanded too quickly. When it comes to the lower units, the implementation is not specific enough. This time, it is just right, and it will be implemented in place with the help of this trend!"

Zhou Weihan said.

"How about it, you two, let's take your pick. Comrade Wang Ping is in charge of the special district government. We don't need to worry about it. I've taken over the responsibility of the military training team. The political training team must be headed by you, Lao Zhao, the political commissar. I'll take care of it soon."

I will leave the camp school to you, Lao Xing, as the chief of staff.

The camp school involves the widest number of people, whether they are comrades from your staff office or the propaganda section of the political department, as long as they are qualified for this job, use them all!" Zhou Weihan said that he asked Zhao Gang to choose between them, but he told the truth.


"On the supply side, we have the factory director Ding Abacus, so we don't have to worry about production. I'll take care of the specific supply issues for each regiment.

The hospital and health team are left to Comrade Li Xianshu. Hasn't she already joined the party? There is nothing to say about her professional and political abilities. If she is left to him, even a woman can hold up half the sky.

Let Comrade Li Yunshan, the chief of the telecommunications section, start the communications class!"

"Speaking of Comrade Li Yunshan, this comrade is not a simple one. I have been in contact with him during this period. He is a great talent. Unfortunately, due to physical limitations, he can only work in telecommunications!" Xing Zhiguo said with regret.

"Comrade Li Yunshan, let's see how things develop. I have a little idea. The above cannot just be superficial to the headquarters and regiment headquarters. It must be carried out down to the company level." Zhou Weihan said.

"You are right. Take the political construction of the company as an example. It will stimulate the enthusiasm of party members at the grassroots level and develop a group of activists at the grassroots level. They will lead more with less, break the surface with points, and slowly sort out the issues at the grassroots level for them to discuss.

As long as everyone unites as one, there is no problem that cannot be solved!" Zhao Gang said firmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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