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Chapter 218 The Daily Life of the Independent Detachment (2)

It's like summer sleep, and you can't wake up as soon as you fall asleep.

Zhou Weihan forcibly sat up, rubbed his eyes hard twice, and shouted into the room: "Monk, monk, bring me a basin of water!"

Zhou Weihan screamed for a long time, but there was no response in the house. He walked to the water tank, picked up the water ladle and drank a ladle of water directly.

Then he took off his jacket, tucked it into his pants, scooped up a ladle of water, bent over, and poured it directly on his head.

When the breeze blows, there is still a hint of coolness: "Happy!"

Zhou Weihan got up and walked into the house. He went straight to Wei Dayong's house. When he went in and took a look, he looked like an old man, shirtless and sleeping soundly.

"Hey, wake up, don't sleep!"

Zhou Weihan shook it a few times, and Wei Dayong finally woke up.

"Feeling Yuan!" Wei Dayong sat up, his eyes were sleepy and he didn't seem to wake up yet.

"Comrade Wei Dayong, look at what time it is. You are more comfortable as a guard than I am!" Zhou Weihan said, pointing to the watch on his wrist.

Ever since Wei Dayong saved Zhou Weihan's life in Peach Blossom Mountain, Zhou Weihan has really regarded him as a brother. No one except Zhou Weihan can really care about him. Wei Dayong eats whatever Zhou Weihan eats. It's a very comfortable life these days.


Wei Dayong is a man who is honest and shrewd. As a personal guard, Zhou Weihan is very thoughtful about everything inside and outside.

"Hey, it's already past three o'clock!" Wei Dayong got off the kang quickly and put on his gown quickly.

"Stab!" Wei Dayong put on his clothes too quickly and accidentally tore his clothes.

"Look at your clothes. They haven't been washed for a long time. The neck collar and sleeves are black. You have to wear such a fine military uniform!" Zhou Weihan said, but he went into his room and dug out

A new military uniform.

"You are only a little taller than me, so quickly put on this new military uniform and follow me to the farm!"


The two of them left the house, walked out of the yard, and went straight to the farm in the back hill.

On the way, we happened to catch up with the cavalry camp for equestrian training.

Zhu Dashan was also a clever man. He cleared a forest on the mountain and used the shade of the trees to avoid the harsh sun.

Zhu Dashan saw Zhou Weihan coming and immediately came over.

"Hui Lingyuan, the cavalry camp is conducting equestrian training, please give instructions!" Zhu Dashan was shirtless, sweat beads were flowing down his shoulders, and they were shiny when the sun shone.

"Okay, your cavalry battalion is training along the way! Practice in the morning and practice in the afternoon. Can you bear the food?"

"Fei Lingyuan, it's too hot in the summer, people are prone to dozing off, and the same goes for war horses. If you don't form a habit, it will be easy to get into trouble on the battlefield!"

"Our cavalry battalion has cleared out the forest in front of us. It has tree shade and ready-made miniature obstacles, which is perfect for equestrian training!" Zhu Dashan said, pointing to the forest in the distance.

"As long as you are sure, I will ask Abacus to send you more eggs, black beans, and salt later to replenish the warriors and horses!"

"Thank you for feeding Lingyuan!" Zhu Dashan said excitedly.

After leaving the cavalry battalion training ground, Zhou Weihan continued to rush to the back mountain.

Ding Abacus is calculating the expenses for the past half month in the house. The guard's mistress is sitting on the door frame, holding a pencil and a notebook in his hand.

When Zhou Weihan walked in front of him, the mistress didn't notice it at all.

"Sanzi, your handwriting is not bad!" Zhou Weihan said softly.

"Fei Lingyuan!" The third son stood up in a hurry.

Zhou Weihan took the notebook from the hands of the mistress. The notebook contained exactly the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" in the document issued by the command headquarters.

"How many words do you know now?"

"There are almost three hundred words, and my godfather asked me to go to Camp Commander Chen to learn arithmetic!" said the mistress.

Ding Abacus was alone, without a wife or children, and his third son's parents were both dead, so Ding Abacus adopted a godson.

"Well, after listening to this, keep working hard and you will have a chance to go to university in the future!"

Ding Abacus heard the movement outside the house and came out: "Feed Lingyuan!"

I saw Ding Abacus holding a cattail leaf fan in his hand and wearing a brand new military uniform.

"I said Ding Abacus, your military uniform is quite new!" Zhou Weihan joked.

"Zi Lingyuan, don't get me wrong, I have never been willing to wear the clothes at the bottom of the box!" Ding Dabaan explained.

"Monk, look at this person's abacus. If you don't become a householder, you don't know how to make money, rice, oil and salt. Even if you have good clothes, it will be a waste!"

"Zi Lingyuan, I was about to go find you to report on my work during this period?"

"In the past half month, the farm's net income has been 1,468 yuan, which mainly comes from broilers, eggs, vermicelli, fungus, mushrooms, and soap. This is given priority to our internal supply!" Ding Abacus said with a grin.

"Some time ago, during the autumn harvest, the base area, plus the large guerrilla areas of Wuyi and Wu'an, turned over 730,000 kilograms of fine grains. Unfortunately, the wasteland we reclaimed did not catch up with the planting of wheat. But by October and November, corn

When it’s mature, a large amount of grains will enter the warehouse!”

"How are pig farms and chicken farms doing now?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Because it can be artificially hatched, the chicken farm currently has five chicken houses with 3,000 chickens, the pig farm has 46 native pigs, and the number of foreign pigs has increased from six to 52!"

"Feeding Lingyuan, these foreign white pigs are very easy to feed. They gain weight quickly and can also give birth to piglets. One litter can give birth to 11-15 piglets. And by the end of the year, our independent detachment will be able to have a good meal

It’s meat!”

Ding Abacus kept talking, and Zhou Weihan patiently analyzed this joy with him.

"Abacus, it's not easy for you to be the farm director and logistics director. I made the right choice!" Zhou Weihan said with emotion.

"Zi Lingyuan, judging from what you said, I am happy to deal with this aspect!"

"Now the whole detachment is undergoing training, and the soldiers rarely have a chance to rest. We will take this opportunity to send more supplies to each regiment so that the soldiers can replenish their health, especially the cavalry battalion!"

"I see!"

"Consider whether chicken farms can be popularized in each regiment's garrison. Firstly, the scale will increase, and secondly, it will be convenient for the soldiers to eat. Even if the main force is lost in the future, won't there still be local troops?"

Zhou Weihan suggested.

"Well, it's a reminder, don't put your eggs in one basket!"

After Ding Abacus finished speaking, he rolled his eyes, with a smile on his face, and then said: "Hey Lingyuan, we've finished talking about official matters, let's talk about some personal matters!"

"Third son, I've been here for a long time, and you still haven't gotten me a bench! Bring up the cold watermelon from the well again!"

The mistress ran into the room in response, and Ding Abacus forced Zhou Weihan down on the bench, and then cut the watermelon open with a kitchen knife.

"Ji Lingyuan, try it. I bought it at my hometown. It's so sweet!"

Zhou Weihan took the watermelon and put it on the small table. He looked at Ding Dabaopan who was smiling and said, "First tell me what the private matter is!"

When the matter came to a close, Ding Dababaan was still a little hesitant and said hesitantly: "Zai Lingyuan, do you think I, the logistics minister, can be considered a regiment-level cadre according to his rank?"

"The detachment is at the brigade level, so of course you, the logistics director, are at the regiment level!"

"I heard that the political commissar is playing matchmaking with the disabled soldiers on the farm during this time?"

"Well, there is such a thing!" Zhou Weihan replied with a straight face.

"I often deal with fellow villagers, I'm familiar with them, and I'm suitable for this job!"

"Is this a private matter you're talking about?"

"Ji Lingyuan, I am already 36 this year. Although I am not qualified to be in the 285th Regiment, I will be 40 in a few years and I still don't have a wife!" Ding Dabaan said with a blushing face.

"Oh, Ding Dabaan, this is the first time I've heard of someone who is trying to find a matchmaker for himself. Monk, take the watermelon and let's go!" After Zhou Weihan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The monk picked up half a piece of watermelon on the table, and Sayazi ran away with Zhou Weihan.

This chapter has been completed!
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