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Chapter 24 Seizure Statistics

Chapter 24 Seizure Statistics

Early the next morning, Zhou Weihan got up, and Ding Abacus also excitedly submitted the report Zhou Weihan needed.

"Captain, we've sent it." Ding Dababaan looked like he had never seen the world.

When Zhou Weihan looked at the list of supplies compiled by Ding Abacus, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"Damn Yan Ba ​​is really rich. He has made a lot of money over the years."

In this battle at Yanwang Mountain, the New Second Regiment gained a huge harvest. In addition to the more than 600 prisoners, they also captured more than 500 long guns, more than 80 short guns, eight light machine guns and a Type 92

Heavy machine guns, with more than 30,000 rounds of various bullets.

What pleased Zhou Weihan the most was that there were more than fifty war horses hidden in this bandit's den.

Most of these war horses were ridden by various mountain leaders to participate in Yan Batian's birthday, and now they all have an advantage over Zhou Weihan.

In addition to weapons and equipment, the troops also seized more than 200,000 silver dollars, three boxes of gold and various jewelry, an entire cave of grain, estimated to be more than 100,000 kilograms, and some oil, salt, cloth and cotton.

All the wealth that Yan Batian accumulated over the past twenty years fell into the hands of Zhou Weihan.

After reading the report, Zhou Weihan looked at Ding Abacus, whose eyes were bloodshot, and asked with a smile: "Are you exhausted? Go and rest quickly."

"It's okay, looking at so many supplies makes me laugh even when I sleep." Ding Dababa said with a silly smile.

"Has the interrogation of these bandits been completed?" Zhou Weihan asked Jing Dagang.

"Captain, it's done. Some people, including Yan Batian, have heavy blood debts. I suggest that those bandits with blood debts be shot on the spot." Jing Dagang said.

"You don't have to worry about the minions whose circumstances are not serious, but the leader must die." Zhou Weihan instructed.

"Captain, there is another situation. In fact, there is a reason why we were able to take down this bandit den so easily last night!" Jing Dagang reported.

"What's the reason?" Zhou Weihan asked with interest.

"The third master, Zhu Dashan, and the fourth master, Li Shengdong, were dissatisfied with Yan Batian's surrender to the Japanese and prepared to launch a mutiny. Taking advantage of Yan Batian's birthday, they held a banquet in the village and killed Yan Batian and a bunch of his hardcore cronies.

It was poured down, so it was so smooth when we came in." Jing Dagang said.

"What else? This is indeed good news. I was worried about how to collect these bandits. Now it will be easier. Go to the dungeon now and invite Zhu Dashan and Li Shengdong.

Here comes the company headquarters!" Zhou Weihan said.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" After saying that, Jing Dagang walked towards the back hill.

Zhu Dashan and Li Shengdong were both great Han men from the Yan and Zhao Dynasties. They served as soldiers in the early years and fought among warlords. Later, they could no longer survive and fell into bandits.

For them, everything last night was too sudden. They had been preparing for so many days, but they didn't expect that Zhou Weihan would pick the peach in the end, and they themselves would become prisoners.

So these two people definitely didn't have a good look towards Zhou Weihan.

Seeing the two Yanzhao men in front of him looking at him with unkind expressions, Zhou Weihan smiled nonchalantly and said, "Take a seat, you two!"

Ignoring Zhou Weihan's words, Zhu Dashan asked: "This Eighth Route Army commander, what do you plan to do with us? If you want to kill us, give us a happy word!"

Zhou Weihan smiled and said, "Then do you want to kill or shave?"

"We are already your prisoners. You can kill or behead us as you please!" Zhu Dashan said loudly.

"If I really wanted to kill you, you would have died last night. I heard that you planned to launch a mutiny to kill Yan Batian last night. Why?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Because he wants to be a traitor!" Li Shengdong said directly and decisively.

"You haven't always followed his lead, so why are you unwilling now?" Zhou Weihan asked again.

"It's okay to be a bandit, but I will never be a traitor to the Japs," Zhu Dashan said categorically.

"I don't understand this. Bandits and traitors are both shady people. How can you follow Yan Batian Luocao but not follow him as a traitor!" Zhou Weihan asked deliberately. He wanted to see how good these two people were.

Be sincere.

"That's different. Bandits are forced to do what they do in order to survive, but even so, I don't have any blood debt on my hands. But if you become a traitor, you will forget your ancestors. What's more, most of us are from this area, little devil

He killed many people after he came here, and many of us have blood feuds with the Japs." Zhu Dashan said loudly.

"Bah bang bang" Zhou Weihan couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"Yes, he is a man. Are you interested in following me?" Zhou Weihan said with a smile.

"Sir, does your Eighth Route Army also take in bandits?" Li Shengdong said suddenly.

"Now the whole nation is resisting Japan, and we welcome all like-minded people who want to fight the Japanese," Zhou Weihan said.

"But one thing is that our troops are disciplined. We will not accept anyone who smokes heavy cigarettes or has blood debt." Zhou Weihan said.

"Okay, I promise to follow you, but you can't embarrass my brothers." Zhu Dashan said seriously.

"Of course, our Eighth Route Army always treats prisoners favorably and never kills them, except those who have committed capital crimes!"


"Go and tell your brothers in the village about our policies. Those who are willing to follow me, Zhou Weihan, to fight the Japanese can stay, and those who are not willing can be given travel expenses and let them go home. In addition, we will punish those bloody bandits who have committed capital crimes.

A public trial, and then they were shot." Zhou Weihan said solemnly.

"Well, let's go right now!" After saying that, Zhu Dashan took Li Shengdong and left the Juyi Hall.

After Zhu Dashan's work, more than 400 people were finally willing to stay and fight the Japanese with the New Second Regiment. There were also more than 50 people who were unwilling to stay and hoped that Zhou Weihan would let them go home.

In the end, more than 100 bandits, including Yan Batian, who were carrying blood debts, were prepared to be shot after a public trial.

In the Juyi Hall, which is now the headquarters of the New Second Regiment, Zhou Weihan once again convened a meeting with all the cadres of the regiment, including Jing Dagang, Xu Dali, Wu Qin, Chen Feng, Dong Jiang, and Li Daben.

"I won't talk nonsense. In this battle at Yamawang Mountain, our New Second Regiment has soldiers, money and food. Now we can strike while the iron is hot and wipe out the bandits dozens of miles around in one fell swoop." Zhou Weihan said.

"Captain, this is easy to handle. Bandits are originally a group of rabble. This time we have taken down the bandit leaders from the nearby hills together, so it will be easier to handle," Li Da said confidently.

"Zhu Dashan and Li Shengdong have led their men to join the New Second Regiment. You guys go and select people, temporarily add them to your own team, and do your best to clear out the nearby bandits." Zhou Weihan said, doing this can be regarded as letting Zhu Dashan and others do something.

Apply for a certificate of honor and draw a clear line with the past.

In the next few days, the New Second Regiment attacked separately. Heifeng Village in Daheishan still wanted to fight to the end. However, Zhou Weihan asked the artillery company to pull out the Type 92 infantry cannon.

After a few shells were fired, the bandits raised the white flag.

(End of chapter)

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