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Chapter 240 Good news comes frequently

Because the truck couldn't turn around, Ouchi Weiwu was leading his troops on foot towards the rear artillery convoy. As a result, the fierce gunfire just now suddenly stopped. Ouchi Weiwu's face turned pale. At this time, everyone understood what was going on.


"Quickly, send a report to the division headquarters and ask for support!" Ouchi Weiwu shouted.

The adjutant on the side responded: "Your Excellency, Wing Commander, the division headquarters probably won't be able to send reinforcements! We won't have reinforcements!"

The adjutant's words were very clear. They were just a patchwork of reinforcements, so why were they asking for support?

Ouchi Weiwu looked at the surrounding terrain, and there was a small high ground not far away. He wanted to let his soldiers seize the small high ground.

But then I thought about it, without reinforcements, instead of fighting like a cornered beast, it would be better to fight with all my might, which would give me a glimmer of hope.

In the direction of Guteng's squadron, there was constant fighting and gunfire, and it looked like they would not be able to resist for long.

After Ouchi Weiwu made up his mind, he did not shout any slogans of loyalty to the emperor. He knew the morality of his soldiers better than anyone else.

Instead, he said loudly: "Warriors, we all came from Aomori, and as the captain of the company, I will take you back!"

The 108th Division is a division formed as a reserve member of the Eighth Division. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is weaker than the Type A division, but stronger than the average Type B division.

Although there were only soldiers from an engineering squadron present, after hearing Ouchi Weiwu's inspiring words, the sagging morale was boosted again.

Seeing the effect, Ouchi Weiwu continued: "In order to return to my hometown and reunite with my family, please organize your formation and rush out with me!"

As he said that, he pulled out his saber and said, "Give me some!"

Hearing Ouchi Weiwu's order, more than two hundred Japanese soldiers howled and launched a pig charge.

"Damn it, what's the name of the little devil?" Li Shuangxi said with a frown.

"Machine gun ready!"

While Ouchi was reorganizing his troops, the regiment's heavy machine gun company and mortar company were already in place.

Two Maxim heavy machine guns were mounted on bullet boxes and placed in the middle of the road, while the remaining four were placed in the mountains and forests on both sides.

The headlights of the truck clearly illuminated the whereabouts of the little devils, and I saw the little devils rushing over in a swarm without concealment.

"Hit!" Li Shuangxi shouted loudly.

"Click, click, click!" Six Maxim heavy machine guns, more than thirty light machine guns, and many rifles opened fire at the same time.

The Japanese soldiers rushing in front were immediately swept down by the flames sprayed from the heavy machine guns. Blood overflowed from the remains of their bodies, and their upper bodies were struggling on the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A round of mortar shells fell in the charging formation of the Japanese army, and the scattered shrapnel caused great damage.

After being baptized by heavy machine guns and mortars, the Japanese charge formation stagnated, their morale was directly shattered, and the remaining Japanese troops ran back in an instant.

"Give me some!" The desire to survive caused Ouchi Weiwu to change from his normal state and did not retreat. He continued to give orders, but the defeated Japanese army ran past him regardless.

In the blink of an eye, he was exposed from the formation, and the raging Maxim heavy machine gun immediately targeted the exposed Ouchi Weiwu.

"Da da da!"

A string of heavy machine gun bullets hit his abdomen, and a large hole immediately appeared.

With a look of pain on his face, Ouchi Weiwu punched the ground with his saber, covering the wound on his abdomen with his left hand. He looked around and saw that the adjutant Tsukadao had long since disappeared.

"I really want to see the cherry blossoms in Aomori again!" Ouchi Weiwu said and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Seeing that the Japanese army was defeated, soldiers from the Second Regiment surrounded them from the front and both sides.


Although it was dark night, the soldiers' charging speed did not slow down at all, and they rushed straight towards the crowd of little Japanese.


The Japanese reinforcements were wiped out, and the soldiers of the First Regiment and the Second Regiment successfully gathered together.

The battle was over, but the soldiers did not rest. Instead, they used the moonlight to carefully clean the battlefield.

The little devil's personal equipment was picked up one by one, and even his military uniform was stripped off. He was naked from top to bottom, leaving only a piece of crotch cloth.

"Hey, why are you picking up the kid's shit? It stinks, and you don't mind the stench!"

"You have to get something. This shit mustard seed is quite soft to the touch. If you wash it, you can use it to wipe the barrel of the gun!" A soldier with slow hands didn't mind it, and pulled off the crotch cloth in twos and twos.

When the soldiers on the side heard what was going on, they started to take action and completely stripped the little devil naked.

The Little Japanese field artillery convoy was also surrounded by soldiers. Jing Dagang had long been thinking about the Little Japanese's Type 38 field artillery, and came straight here as soon as the battle was over.

"Hey, if I'm not mistaken, this is the little devil's 38-type field gun. It's a little heavier, but it has a much longer range than the mountain cannon!" Jing Dagang grinned and slowly rubbed the cannon with his hand.


"Don't tell me it's you, I feel itchy just looking at it, but the mobility of this big guy is destined to be unable to be equipped at the regiment level. After the war, the detachment leader will definitely let it be handed over!" Xu Dali saw clearly, standing aside

Pour cold water on it.

"It is certain to hand it over, but we can't let us capture it in vain. We have to let the detachment leader exchange it for the Type 92 infantry cannon and mountain cannon!" Jing Dagang said.

Xu Dali was stunned after hearing this. He was not as fussy as Jing Dagang and just wanted to hand it in. Now Jing Dagang reminded him.

"Dagang, okay, don't touch it. This is the artillery captured by our second regiment. It has nothing to do with you!"

"Guards, hurry up and find a few soldiers who can drive to drive the little devil's truck. Without this truck, this big guy can't be pulled by anyone!" Xu Dali yelled.

After Jing Dali heard this, his smiling face just now froze, and he wanted to have a good chat with Xu Dali.

"Okay, two regiment commanders, the battle has just ended. Now report to the headquarters for next instructions!" Li Ziwen, the political commissar of the first regiment, looked at the appearance of the two men and said with a mixture of laughter and tears.

Jing Dagang waved his hand for Li Ziwen to report the situation, while he took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and lit one for Xu Dali.

"The ones I just seized from the little devils are still with filters. I'm giving them to you!" Jing Dagang proudly stuffed the entire box of cigarettes into Xu Dali's hand.

"I'm kidding you, I'm the kind of person who eats alone, but it doesn't matter what I say, I still have to listen to the detachment leader's arrangements in the end!" Xu Dali squeezed the cigarette case and then said.

Here at the headquarters.

Zhou Weihan and Xing Zhiguo were talking happily.

"The Fourth Regiment of Wang Yigong fought this battle efficiently. The Japanese planes at Changzhi Airport were lying down. The Japanese troops in the direction of Changzhi no longer need to send planes to harass them during the day!" Zhou Weihan said happily.

After the New Regiment and the 28th Regiment attracted most of the Japanese troops from Changzhi, Wang Yigong immediately launched a surprise attack on the Japanese troops at Changzhi Airport.

After the first battle, two Type 92 reconnaissance aircraft, six Type 97 bombers were destroyed, and more than 200 airport guard personnel were annihilated.

While Zhou Weihan and Zhou Weihan were talking, the telegraph operator came over again to report: "Detachment leader, chief of staff, the regiment has sent a telegram!"

"Good news comes one after another, and good news comes frequently!" Even Xing Zhiguo, who has a calm temperament, is smiling happily at this time.

Zhou Weihan took the telegram, read it through, and then said: "The work of the first and second regiments has been completed. Now the Japanese garrison strength around the execution platform and Handan is empty, and the next battle plan can be carried out!"

"Order, the first regiment and the second regiment take cover on the spot and rest first!"


This chapter has been completed!
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