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Chapter 26 New Second Regiment Expansion

Chapter 26 Expansion of the New Second Regiment

After the public trial was held, Zhou Weihan's new second regiment successively recruited more than 600 new soldiers.

Originally, more young men wanted to participate, but Zhou Weihan ordered to stop it, considering that in the future, each village would set up semi-off-the-job militia teams.

Zhou Weihan's original intention of recruiting troops was to expand the army first. Who knows when the little devils will sweep over?

Originally there were more than 700 people in the New Second Regiment, but their strength was still too weak.

Secondly, in this operation to suppress the bandits, there were approximately a thousand people willing to stay and join the New Second Regiment.

This group of people is a mixed bag, including local people who have turned into bandits, stragglers who have been on the battlefield, and of course there are also real heroes who are doing justice for heaven.

Although Zhou Weihan has sent people to screen and eliminate the bad apples among them, it is inevitable that some fish will be caught.

Recruiting new soldiers is to maintain the purity of the team, and it is safer to keep the gun in your own hands.

Considering this, Zhou Weihan continued to recruit new soldiers regardless of the decline in combat effectiveness.

Returning to the topic, Zhou Weihan held an emergency meeting at the headquarters of the New Second Regiment of Yanwangshan. In addition to the former cadres of the New Second Regiment, Zhu Dashan and Li Shengdong also attended the meeting.

"Ding Da Baanpan, look at your kid's grin, like a flower. If you don't know, you would think you have a new wife!" Zhou Weihan said to Ding Da Baanpan.

"Captain, I have never seen so much food. Let's save some food. This food alone is enough to feed two thousand people for a year," Ding Abacus said with a smile.

The materials seized this time included more than 100,000 jins of fine grains and more than 300,000 jins of coarse grains.

In the TV series, the bandits in the copycat eat rice and flour, drink heavily, and eat meat. This is something that only leaders with a certain status can enjoy. The ordinary gangsters can eat the steamed buns of Bangzi Noodles, which is good.

According to a rough calculation by Ding's abacus, there are about a thousand kilograms of gold, nearly ten boxes of various jewelry, and more than 600,000 yuan. These are the savings of more than a dozen bandits of various sizes within a radius of dozens of miles over many years.

(In this article, one pound = ten taels. After checking a lot of information, I don’t know if the above statistical materials are reasonable. After all, I have never experienced it in Sanshui.)

"Captain, you came to us this time for expansion, right?" Jing Dagang always understood Zhou Weihan's thoughts.

"Yes, our new second regiment now needs people, money and food. Although the equipment captured can be used first," Zhou Weihan said.

"What is urgently needed now is the reorganization and integration of personnel to improve combat effectiveness. The little devil will not give us time."

Zhu Dashan on the side said: "Captain, although we were bandits before, there were many who had served as soldiers, so we often trained. Moreover, we who were bandits only took in those who were in good health, so our bodies were very strong.

Okay, you only need to train for a period of time before you can go to the battlefield."

"Lao Zhu, I heard that you used to be a cavalryman. This time I captured more than 200 horses. I plan to form a cavalry company and you will be the company commander," Zhou Weihan said.

"Commander, if you give me Lao Zhu face, I will definitely unite the cavalry. It turns out that many brothers are good at fighting on horseback." Zhu Dashan said.

"Now I announce that the commander of the first battalion is Jing Dagang, the commander of the second battalion Xu Dali, the commander of the third battalion Wu Qin, the artillery company has been expanded into an artillery battalion, the commander of the cavalry company Zhu Dashan, and the commander of the guard company Dong Jiang."

The regiment headquarters has a security company, a baggage company, a communications class, and a cooking class.

The first battalion is a reinforced battalion, expanded based on the Sharp Knife Company, and has three infantry companies, a heavy machine gun company, and an 82nd mortar company.

The infantry company was expanded to four infantry platoons, one 60-gun mortar squad with three guns; each platoon had three squads, each squad had three rifle groups of 9 people, and a machine gun group of 3 people, including one Czech.

The heavy machine gun company consists of three and three heavy machine guns, with six Maxim heavy machine guns, two in each row.

The 82nd Mortar Company is equipped with six 82nd mortars, two in each row.

The first battalion has a total of 660 combatants.

The 2nd Battalion was expanded from the original Recruit Battalion 1, with three infantry companies and one heavy machine gun company under its jurisdiction, with a total of 552 personnel.

The Second Battalion, formerly the Recruit Brigade, has three infantry companies and one heavy machine gun company, with a total of 552 personnel.

The artillery battalion has a mountain artillery battery of 6 75 mountain guns, a Type 92 infantry artillery company of 6 Type 92 infantry guns, a 37mm combat anti-artillery battery of 6 combat anti-artillery, plus four military trucks. A total of 324 combatants.


According to the above-mentioned expansion, the first battalion has six Maxim heavy machine guns, six 82 mortars, 36 Czech light machine guns, and nine 60 mortars, with a total of 660 combatants.

The second and third battalions are the same as the first battalion except for the 82nd mortar company, each with 552 men.

"Each unit will give priority to recruiting battalions, cavalry companies, artillery battalions, and non-combatant personnel to expand on their own," Zhou Weihan added.

On the basis of the original ten Czechs, six Maxims, three Type 60 mortars, and two Type 92s of the New Second Regiment, more than 90 Czechs and 12 Type 92s were taken out from the arsenal.

Maxim, 24 60 mortars, 6 82 mortars, 6 75 mountain guns, 4 92 infantry guns, and 6 35mm combat defense guns.

The weapons Zhou Weihan exchanged for the arsenal were obtained on credit from the system. This time, he paid back the weapons. After killing Yamashita Fengwu, there were basically very few points left.

"The first battalion is all equipped with 38 large caps. The rest of the troops will temporarily use the weapons and equipment captured this time. Get all the weapons and equipment from Ding Abacus." Zhou Weihan said to everyone.

So far, the entire regiment has 660 men in the first battalion, 552 men in the second and third battalions, 324 men in the artillery battalion, and more than 200 cavalry companies, totaling about 2,300 men.

In addition to Li Da's independent brigade, baggage company, guard company, cooking classes, communications classes, etc., the new second regiment will have a total of about 2,500 people after full strength.

"The personnel are basically in place, and the old foundation of the arsenal has been cleared this time." Zhou Weihan said.

"If you still can't show me anything, get out and go home as soon as possible to take care of your child."

"Captain, why is it that his battalion is so well-equipped, with 82 mortars and 38-guns, but when we come here, we just use random brands." Wu Qin said without being polite at all.

"Why, just because his battalion is fighting, he will be the first to go."

"If you want a 38-year-old Gai, well, if you have the skills, go and grab it from the little devil."

"I'm telling you guys, don't rely on the regiment for weapons and equipment in the future. I'm not a landlord or a rich man, so don't always think about beating the rich." Zhou Weihan said.

"Commander, the equipment of the artillery battalion is here, but there are not enough gunners." Chen Feng said a little helplessly.

"There are not enough gunners, and you don't know how to teach them. From now on, you will temporarily train the gunners in each battalion. Don't bother me with everything. I'm not, I'm not your nanny."

"The main task during this period is to improve the quality of the personnel. You should think of more ways and don't be afraid of wasting ammunition. In the worst case, it will be captured from the enemy." Zhou Weihan instructed.

"Li Ziwen, the three of you will serve as instructors in each battalion, and you must do a good job in the ideological work of the soldiers."

"Okay, don't bother me here. You can figure out the training issues on your own. I will see the results in half a month." Zhou Weihan said.

The first battalion is mainly composed of the sharp knife company and the elite bandits who joined the new second regiment. The second and third battalions are composed of the recruit brigade with the original guard platoon as the backbone, bandits and young men who have recently joined the army, and their combat effectiveness is slightly lower.

However, Zhou Weihan's troop training characteristics have been fully activated, and the efficiency of troop training can be doubled with half the effort.

The new second regiment now has strong troops and strong horses. Yamawang Mountain is the regiment headquarters, and the artillery battalion, cavalry company, and baggage company are accompanying the regiment headquarters.

The first, second and third battalions were respectively stationed in nearby Daheishan and other places.

Li Daben's new second regiment independent brigade engaged in guerrilla warfare.

This chapter should have been published yesterday, but I have been thinking about the data in it for a long time, and Sanshui stayed up until after two o'clock and didn't write it out. That's why I have been working on it until now. If you have any questions, you are welcome to complain.

(End of chapter)

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