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Chapter 299: New Corps Staffing

Isamu Terauchi was alone in the house, thinking about things. The expression on his face changed, and he suddenly showed a trace of regret. He slapped his head, not knowing what he thought of.

Then he quickly walked to the temporary telephone set up in the room, picked up the phone, and shook it twice: "Moxi, Moxi!"

"I am Isamu Terauchi!"

Watanabe's voice came from the microphone: "Your Excellency Da Zuo, I am Watanabe!"

"Watanabe-kun, I have something important for you to do!"

"Hey, please tell me, I will do my best!"

Then Terauchi Isamu explained what he had to do on the phone.



Watanabe on the other end of the phone had an extremely upright attitude and kept nodding in response.

"Watanabe-kun, you must explain clearly and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Do you understand?" Terauchi Isamu asked.

"I understand!" Some other voices came from the other end of the phone.

Terauchi put his ear close to the microphone, then his face tightened and he said, "Watanabe-kun, what are you doing? Why are there other sounds?"

"Tell Zuo that I'm on duty in the war room and playing some music!"

"Youxi, thank you for your hard work!"

Watanabe on Wuyi's side put down the phone and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. With a perverted smile on his face, he looked at the woman sitting at the desk: "Sadako, I'm here!"

He opened his hands, shook his butt, and pounced on the woman in front of him.

The words are divided into two parts.

On the Yama Mountain.

Except for the soldiers responsible for guarding, all other soldiers have taken a rest.

Inside the headquarters, the lights are brightly lit.

Zhou Weihan and the three of them sat together and held a meeting about the events of the past few days.

"Old Zhao, please speak first!" Zhou Weihan said.

"The results of the seized grain have come to fruition. The total amount of grain is just over 2.6 million kilograms. Most of it is polished rice and a few are white flour. They are all stored in the grain depot in the back mountain. When they are being unloaded to the grain depot in the back mountain, the cadres in charge stop by.

Just count them out!”

"According to Ding Abacus, this food, even if the ration of three kilograms per person per day, is enough for our detachment for five months!" Zhao Gang has been exhausted for the past two days and is slightly tired, but when it comes to food ***

God's head suddenly came up.

"Okay, as the old saying goes, if you have grain in your hands, don't panic! During the autumn harvest, the harvest will be quite large based on the wheat yield in the field. After a while, it will be time to harvest the next crop of corn again. Try to raise enough grain for next year.

!" Zhou Weihan said with a smile.

The southern Hebei Plain is an important producing area of ​​grain, with more rice grown in the eastern part of Handan, supplemented by wheat and corn.

The areas around Wuyi and Wu'an are mountainous, so wheat is grown in the base areas.

These two million and six hundred thousand kilograms of food may seem like a lot, but compared to the defense area of ​​the 104th Brigade, it is not much at all.

Within the defense area of ​​the 104th Brigade, there are grain depots in each of the subordinate counties. Coupled with the large grain depot in Handan City, there must be tens of millions of kilograms of grain at least.

During the autumn harvest, the Japanese army harvested grain in the defense zone. The Japanese army's transportation lines never stopped, and a large amount of grain was transported from Handan to various places to serve as war preparations.

When the Japanese army wanted to establish a military circle and capture cities and territories, they did a lot of burning, killing and looting in our country, but they tried their best to maintain a hypocritical appearance in the defense zones they occupied.

The local maintenance president and landlord organization personnel in the defense area will hand over food to try to maintain peace in the defense area.

The Japanese army's grain harvest is also seasonal. In October, corn matures on a large scale, and the Japanese army will still harvest grain at that time.

However, Japanese soldiers generally eat only rice and do not eat corn.

Usually at this time, according to the convention, the same proportion of polished rice is turned in, and the white flour is converted.

When it comes to the Eighth Route Army's base areas and peripheral guerrilla areas, the Japanese and puppet troops will not show mercy. Grain grabbing during the autumn harvest is inevitable.

The main force at this time was the puppet army, and few Japanese troops were dispatched.

Ordinary puppet soldiers do not have access to polished rice and white flour. They go to the countryside regularly to plunder grains and eat these grains.

Therefore, the common people often say that Ergouzi hates the traitors of the puppet army to the core, even more than the Japanese army.

After talking about the food, Xing Zhiguo continued: "I have nothing to say. The training of new recruits is on track. The current equipment is still short of some light machine guns and heavy machine guns!"

"This is nothing, Old Zhao. It doesn't matter if the weapons and equipment are not completely inventoried. Let's make up for the new corps first. How much is the difference?" Zhou Weihan said.

"Forty-two light machine guns and twenty-four heavy machine guns!" Xing Zhiguo said, and the heavy machine guns happened to be the equipment of four heavy machine gun companies.

"No problem, I'll have it delivered tomorrow!" Zhao Gang responded.

"There are a lot of things going on during this period. From now on, the three of us will have a meeting every night!" Zhou Weihan finally said.

In fact, each regiment has its own storage of weapons and equipment, but Zhou Weihan never likes to get too involved and leaves each regiment with a certain degree of autonomy.

In the Battle of HD and the Battle of Zhanghe, when a lot of seizures were made, Zhou Weihan sent an order to each regiment to not hand over the seizures from separate battles.

Weapons and equipment are useless, so Zhou Weihan was not stingy about the use of weapons and equipment.

Early the next morning.

The monks in the opposite room, Tian Defu, got up relatively early and called Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang breakfast.

After washing up, Zhou Weihan sat cross-legged on the table.

Two bowls of stick porridge, four large steamed buns, two salted eggs, and a stack of pickles.

"Young, eating white flour steamed buns so early in the morning is not a bad meal!" Zhou Weihan said in surprise.

"The soldiers have been working very hard these past two days, so I asked the cooking team to improve the food!" Zhao Gang explained.

The Eighth Route Army values ​​equality between officers and soldiers, but there are differences in food and allowances.

In terms of food for independent detachments, the cavalry battalion, artillery battalion, and reconnaissance company on Yamawang Mountain are all served separately.

The training of the cavalry battalion is intensive, and Zhou Weihan has specially approved it. The cavalry is better fed than ordinary soldiers, not to mention the army horses. Horse food is often mixed with eggs and salt.

The artillery battalion is a technical branch and has better food than ordinary soldiers.

The most special thing is the reconnaissance company. In order to ensure the nutrition of the soldiers, there is enough oil and water. They eat meat every other day and are provided with eggs, rice and white flour every day.

On the contrary, the headquarters and several subordinate agencies and the logistics personnel on the mountain have a normal diet.

After breakfast, Xing Zhiguo called Zhou Weihan to go around the camp of the new regiment at the foot of the mountain.

Inside the new regiment camp.

The new regiment did not have a battalion level, but established ten infantry companies and four heavy machine gun companies.

Each infantry company has four infantry platoons, each with two light machine guns, and twelve infantry squads, each with twelve people, including a squad leader, deputy squad leader, and team leader, a total of 144 people, as well as several platoon leaders and company commanders.

, deputy company commander, instructor.

The heavy machine gun company has three machine gun platoons, each with three squads, two machine gun squads, and one ammunition squad, with a total of six heavy machine guns and 108 people.

The above personnel establishment was agreed upon by Zhou Weihan and the three of them. However, the cavalry battalion came to select people for the new regiment, and the artillery battalion also came secretly behind Zhou Weihan's back. Therefore, the number of new regiments kept changing.

"The soldiers are very enthusiastic in training and have a good foundation. The soldiers from the backbone guard company are outstanding. I think it will take less than a month to replenish them in each regiment!" Xing Zhiguo said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhou Weihan couldn't help but feel a little proud. He had always taken the training of local armed forces at heart. He had emphasized at meetings many times that the training of local armed forces in the defense area had been implemented in a practical manner. According to Zhou Weihan's order, all regiments had previously sent key personnel to the county.

Serve as an instructor in the brigade, district squad and militia team.

As for the security company, Zhou Weihan has always been training them as reserve cadres.

Now that the results of his previous efforts have paid off, how can Zhou Weihan be dissatisfied?

"Not bad, not bad!" Zhou Weihan said one after another with a smile on his face.

Every time the two men arrived at a company, when the soldiers saw Zhou Weihan coming, their shouts of killing became louder and louder, vowing to compete with other companies.

Yang Bo, the guard company commander who was supervising the training, saw Zhou Weihan coming and trotted over quickly.

"Detachment leader, chief of staff!" Yang Bo saluted.

"Yang Bo, I heard from the chief of staff that you did a good job!" Zhou Weihan praised.

Yang Bo serves as Xing Zhiguo's deputy in the new corps and is responsible for daily training.

"The leaders used to give us guards a lot of firepower. Now it's our turn to lead the troops. If it doesn't work, wouldn't it be in vain?" Yang Bo heard Zhou Weihan's praise, looked at Xing Zhiguo gratefully, and then said


"After the new recruits join the company, I will give you the title of battalion commander!"

"Detachment leader, I still want to stay with you as the guard company commander!" Yang Bo said.

Zhou Weihan was stunned for a moment, then said: "Okay, you will bring me a security company when the time comes!"

The guard company has always been a highly valuable position, with three company commanders. The first, Wu Qin, is now the regiment commander, and the second, Dong Jiang, is now the tank company commander.


Does anyone have any idea what Isamu Terauchi is up to?

This chapter has been completed!
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