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Chapter 315 Homemade 50 Mortar Please subscribe

After lunch, everyone took a short rest at the headquarters.

"Don't mention it, Zhou Weihan has chosen a good place. When he was at the headquarters, he got wet every time he ate. On King of Hell Mountain, the breeze blows, it's so pleasant!" the deputy chief of staff said.

I sat by the window and enjoyed it very much.

Behind enemy lines, facing the high-pressure rule and tight blockade of the Japanese army, even the senior cadres of the Eighth Route Army were miserable, but this did not prevent everyone from displaying their spirit of revolutionary optimism.

Taking pleasure in hardship may be one of the reasons why comrades can persevere.

After a short break, Zhou Weihan called on everyone to set off for the farm in the back mountain.

At this time, Ding Abacus, who was the head of the logistics department, had been waiting for a long time. He saw Ding Abacus standing at the door of the farm office wearing a patched military uniform.

Ding Abacus had never met the chief and others, so Zhou Weihan stepped forward to introduce them.

Then he introduced Ding Dabaan to the chiefs: "Chief, this is Ding Dabaan, the head of the logistics department of my independent detachment. He is our big steward. He ran the farm single-handedly and gained its current scale!"

"Comrade Abacus, you have done an outstanding job as the logistics minister. The farm has been able to support so many soldiers, and you are the number one contributor!" the boss said cordially, holding Ding Abacus's hand.

Even though Ding Abacus is usually a cool person, when he sees a boss like his boss, he still feels a little guilty.

"Chief, this is what I should do!" Ding Abacus replied in a trembling voice.

"Hey, although we are all for the revolution and require everyone to be enlightened, there is nothing we should do. We are not saints. We should be rewarded for our merits. Do you have any requirements? As long as I can do it,

I promise you everything!" The boss made his promise at that time.

Ding Abacus scratched the top of his bald head, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "I usually don't have to worry about food and drink, and I really don't have any requirements. But I am 36 years old this year and I don't have a wife yet, but I joined the army.

It’s not even five years and I haven’t met the requirements. Can the organization allow me to take a wife?”

As Ding Abacus spoke, he looked at Zhou Weihan. He had mentioned looking for a wife to Zhou Weihan before, but Zhou Weihan rejected him.

Everyone burst out laughing after hearing this. They really didn't expect Ding Dabaanpan to make this request.

Political Commissar Deng said at this time: "Boss, specific issues need to be analyzed in detail. Comrade Abacus has merit, and he is older than ordinary comrades. Although some of the conditions are not met, I think we can handle special matters!"

"Get a daughter-in-law as soon as possible. My wife and children will be on the hot bed, so I can settle down and continue to contribute to the revolutionary cause!" Political Commissar Deng said half-jokingly.

"I think it's okay. This matter is settled. Zhao Gang, I will leave this matter to you as the political commissar. You must find a suitable wife for Comrade Abacus!" The boss finally made the decision.

The boss said that the matter of finding a wife for Ding Dabaan was settled, Zhao Gang nodded in response.

The reason why Zhou Weihan originally disagreed with this matter was because Ding Abacus did not have enough years in the army. Now that the boss has nodded, Zhou Weihan will not be such a bad person.

"Thank you, Chief. Chief, please come in and I will show you the farm!" Ding Dabapan, with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to invite the group in.

The farm is built on the back hill, and the entire farm is divided into several subdivisions, each of which is surrounded by fences.

The first thing we arrived was the pig farm, each pig house was an adobe house.

"Chief, this is a pig house. There are two breeds now, 162 adult native pigs and 115 adult foreign pigs!"

The local pigs are all bought from fellow villagers, and they are raised and eaten at the same time, and the overall number is maintained at a certain level.

"This is a foreign pig. It looks much fatter than the average native pig!"

"This pig must weigh about three hundred pounds. You can't raise a local pig like this!"

In the crowd, several logistics cadres squeezed to the front and exclaimed in surprise.

Then everyone went to the chicken coop. There are now six chicken coops on the mountain with more than 3,000 chickens. In addition, the garrison regiment and the Tainan District Office each have a chicken coop.

Going further up the mountain, there were acres of farmland and vegetable fields opened up, and finally everyone came to the cave where fungus and mushrooms were cultivated.

"Comrade Abacus, this trip is really an eye-opener for us. It's not easy for you to produce so many things by yourself. If each base area can be self-sufficient, then there is no need to worry about the Japanese blockade!" the boss said with emotion.

"Zhang Wanhe should come with us this time. After we go back, we must let Zhang Wanhe come and learn from us!" the division commander said after political commissar Deng.

"Chief, I also plan to build a greenhouse to grow vegetables in winter, so that comrades can eat fresh vegetables even in winter!"

“Vegetables grown in greenhouses?”

Zhou Weihan then explained the method of greenhouse farming.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news!" the boss said.

Before leaving, Zhao Gang asked people to bring out hundreds of printed books recording fungus and mushroom cultivation and distributed them to everyone.


Inside the repair shop.

"Is this a grenade?" the boss asked suspiciously as he looked at the guy in front of him.

"The first one should be an improved version, with the addition of a gun mount, which improves the stability a lot. Is the second one designed by you yourself?" The deputy chief of staff has been in charge of the arsenal, and he recognized it at a glance.

There are actually two types of grenades equipped by the Japanese army: light and heavy. Among them, the light grenade is the Taisho 10th-year type. It weighs 2.6 kilograms and has a range of 175 meters. It was one of the main weapons of the early Japanese army.

However, its range was too short (less than 200 meters), and riflemen at that time could achieve hits at 200 meters. This prevented Japanese soldiers from using it at a safer distance, so it did not pose a great threat to our army, so it was quickly eliminated.

Replaced by the Type 89 rethrowing cartridge.

First of all, the Type 89 grenade can weighs 4.7 kilograms, which is about the same as a rifle. It is very light. Moreover, the grenade shell it uses is only 820 grams. A two-person grenade team can carry 16 rounds. And even if the ammunition is used up,

, you can also use infantry type 91 grenades.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Secondly, the maximum range of the Type 89 re-thrown grenade is 700 meters. When operated by a Japanese veteran, with the range measurement of the Type 93 Cao Chang telescope,

At around 500 meters, very accurate hits can be achieved.

Finally, in addition to firing anti-personnel grenades, the Type 89 re-thrown grenade can also fire incendiary bombs, white phosphorus smoke bombs, poison gas bombs and hand grenades.

During wartime, we usually fired anti-personnel grenades first, and then smoke grenades to block our line of sight and cover the charge. In fact, when they couldn't attack for a long time in the end, the Japanese often used it to launch poison gas bombs.

The biggest advantage of this weapon is that it allows the Japanese to have direct firepower at the most basic level.

Troops from other countries, such as the US military, only have direct firepower such as 60mm mortars at the company level. As for the Chinese army, before the war, only the battalion level had two 82mm mortars.

Each squadron of the Japanese army had 6 to 9 grenade launchers, which was equivalent to the direct firepower of two to three grenade launchers per platoon.

In this way, in the most basic squad-level confrontation, they can combine direct firepower and curved firepower. When you are shooting with it, grenade shells are constantly hitting your head, which affects morale very much.

The deputy chief of staff picked up the second sample, looked at it carefully, and then said: "The rifled bore was replaced by a smooth bore, the length of the launch tube was increased from the Japanese 280 mm to 500 mm, a bipod was added, and the arc station

The plate has been changed to a triangular base plate, which is small, and the firing method has been changed from a pull-type to a press-type. It’s a very clever design!”

"You are walking in front of the Huangyadong Arsenal. I am curious how you made the launcher?"

Zhou Weihan glanced at Huang Liang, the director of the repair shop. Huang Liang immediately stepped forward and explained: "Chief, since the staff and machinery and equipment in the institute are relatively small, we cut the captured rails into steel bars and then forged them into 20

Centimeter-thick, 30-centimeter-wide steel bars are made into launch tubes using spiral coil welding, which is more efficient than hot forging."

"On the one hand, the launch tube has become longer and the range is longer. After testing, it can reach as far as more than 800 meters. However, the grenades cannot be produced by ourselves and can only be captured!"

The production of 50 mortars is also due to Zhou Weihan.

In his previous life, Zhou Weihan had always paid attention to military blogs, and he still had fresh memories of the 50mm mortar produced by the Eighth Route Army, so he gave Huang Liang a lot of suggestions before.

Unexpectedly, Huang Liang's hands-on ability is so strong that he actually did it.

"That's amazing. It's amazing, boss. I suggest that all the steel traded be used to produce this grenade. No, it should be called 50mm mortar. The arsenal should produce it immediately. This is a treasure!" said the deputy chief of staff.

Said excitedly.

"Our next step is to add a simple disc-type indexing sight on the side of the barrel, with 0-90 degree divisions engraved on it. The angle can be controlled based on the position of the pointer tip on the disc scale, so that

It can greatly improve the hit rate.”

"But with the current manpower, even if all the people are concentrated, they can only produce three pieces per day. The efficiency is really low!" Huang Liang shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with the productivity.

"Zhou Weihan, I'm going to open my mouth to you again. I'll lend this comrade to the headquarters arsenal for a few days and let him personally guide the work for a few days. I promise to return it to you!" The deputy chief of staff took Zhou Weihan's hand, as if Zhou Weihan didn't want to.

If you agree, he won't let go.

"Chief of Staff, I brought this thing out just to popularize it in our Eighth Route Army!" Zhou Weihan then said to Huang Liang: "Huang Liang, pack up and go to the Huangyadong Arsenal with the chief tomorrow!"

The development of 50 mortars is definitely an important weapon and equipment that can enhance the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army.

Its superiority and usability are definitely better than the Japanese Type 89 grenade. With the level of the Eighth Route Army's arsenals and repair shops in various base areas, it will not be a problem to popularize it in a small area within half a year. After a year, it is estimated that troops closer to the headquarters will

There can be more than twenty 50 mortars.

Just imagine how the Japanese army destroyed our army's firepower points. This time we can return them in the same way, and because the range is longer, the safety is higher.

Later, Zhou Weihan personally arranged for someone to test the performance of the 50 mortar.

The shelling distances were 600 meters, 700 meters, and 800 meters respectively. Because I was an expert, all three shells hit the target.

Hearing it a hundred times was worse than seeing it, and the eyes of everyone present were about to pop out.

Asking for a monthly ticket.

This chapter has been completed!
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