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Chapter 321: Equipment of three Su Mechanics. Please subscribe.

At the meeting, Deng ** mentioned the request to report to superiors about the Changzhi District.

"Zhou Weihan, do you know that Changzhi proposed that the Tainan Military Region send a main force to support the construction of local political power?" Deng ** asked.

Regarding this matter, Wang Yigong reported the situation to Zhou Weihan when he returned from Changzhi.

Although Zhou Weihan was the top leader of the Tainan Military Region and also held the position of deputy director of the Tainan Region, it was related to the development of the entire Tainan Military Region. Zhou Weihan did not dare to make the decision without authorization, so the matter was left behind.

Seeing Zhou Weihan nod, Deng ** immediately said: "Tainan is your base camp, tell me what you think!"

"Chief, although the current development trend of the four counties under the Tainan Base is relatively good, judging from the current situation, the troops affiliated to the Tainan Military Region are sufficient to ensure the security of the base area. However, Changzhi is an important springboard for the Japanese army to attack Zhongtiao Mountain. Changzhi is rashly attacked

Will the march break the existing balance?" Zhou Weihan said hesitantly.

"If it's still the same as before, just shoot and change places, and the troops can withdraw as they go, that's no problem. But now that we have a stable base, we can't be the same as before!"

The development of things has two sides. When the base area thrives, corresponding manpower and material resources will be concentrated here. When the Japanese army attacks, it will also be a disguised drag. After all, no one wants to burn the results they have cultivated personally.

"Well, it's normal for you to have concerns, but looking at it another way, will the Japanese army continue to develop the Tainan base area? No matter how close Isamu Terauchi is to our Eighth Route Army, can he influence the decision-making of the top brass of the Japanese army?"

"The Tainan base area guards the Handan-Chang Highway, and the troops are always pointed at Handan, which can cut off the Japanese railway line at any time. For the Japanese army, it is like a dog in the throat. If they slow down a little, Tainan will not have a good life!"

"It is certain that troops will be sent from Handan. Will some of the main force of the Japanese army be sent from Changzhi for encirclement and suppression? Sometimes we should make arrangements in advance, otherwise once the Japanese army attacks from both sides, your Tainan Military Region will be passive!"

Deng ** asked questions one after another, which made Zhou Weihan feel a little headache.

"Send a force to Pingshun. Once the Japanese army in Changzhi sends troops, this force will be a hidden arrow, posing a threat to Changzhi City at all times. Secondly, even if its location is discovered by the Japanese army, it can force the Japanese army to divide their forces and push towards Pingshun.

, reduce the pressure on the main force, so why not do it? With the strength of your independent detachment, you won't be able to pull out a force of five or six hundred people, right?" Deng ** said with a smile.

"Chief, have you all thought about it?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"We have thought about it, but we still need to consult you, the client, for your opinion!" the boss said.

The location of the Tainan base area is really embarrassing. It is on the transportation line that the Japanese army strictly guarded. It was okay that it was not discovered by the Japanese army at first. But now it has come into the eyes of the Japanese army's top brass. How could the Japanese army just give up?

Originally, according to Zhou Weihan's wishes, this was the time to tighten his fists, stabilize the political power in the base area, digest the spoils of war, and restore combat effectiveness. It was really not appropriate to be greedy for more and expand the base area.

However, how can everything in the world go as planned? Previously, the independent detachment had been struggling, but now it can only be forced to show off its capabilities.

"In this case, let's adjust the strategic deployment. The defense focus is in the east, and the development focus is in the southwest and south!" Zhou Weihan said with determination.

"Hey, you can go south, but there are miscellaneous troops of the national army in Lin County. You have to remember it and don't cause trouble easily!" the deputy chief of staff reminded.

"I understand, I will give you instructions on relevant matters!" Zhou Weihan nodded.

"Now that the matter is finalized, let me tell you one more thing. During the previous talks between the two parties, Jiang proposed that the Eighth Route Army should provide targeted support to Zhongtiao Mountain behind enemy lines, and at the same time, he asked us to send a main force into Zhongtiao Mountain.

We are currently negotiating with the National Government on this matter to fight against the Japanese troops in the region!" the boss said to Zhou Weihan and others.

"The decisive column in the southern section of the Tongpu Railway, the 386th Brigade in Yuenan, and your independent detachment in Tainan are all likely to go, but I personally prefer to send your independent detachment. After all, you have connections there.

Well, they don’t dare to do evil things casually!” The boss smiled.

"Negotiation? We can't just send an army there for no reason, we have to make some conditions!" Zhou Weihan said.

"You see, he is a good businessman. This is the case. After our Eighth Route Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, Big Brother in the north has been secretly receiving and transferring weapons and equipment through the offices in Xinjiang and Lanzhou. But in 1939,

The Nationalist Government completely cuts off this secret transportation route."

"One of the contents of the negotiation is to restore this route. At the same time, we have secretly opened a new transportation route in Suiyuan, and then the two routes will be transported!"

"Big Brother promised to support the weapons and equipment of the three Su weapon masters!" At this point, the always stern boss also had a smile on his face.

"Three Su weapon masters? If we really have this batch of equipment, that would be great!" Zhou Weihan said excitedly.

Soviet aid has always been a favorable support for China's war of resistance. There has been a rumor in the country that the Eighth Route Army added millets and rifles to defeat little Japan.

To be more realistic, it is not very accurate. Taking the sophisticated equipment of the Chinese army as an example, by the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, almost all of it was lost.

The Eighth Route Army, with the support of Big Brother, secretly obtained a large number of Soviet weapons and surpassed the National Army before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

In May 1938, under pressure from Japan, Germany formally issued an order banning the delivery of war materials to China.

On July 5, the last 27 members of the German military advisory group in China left for home, officially ending Sino-German military cooperation.

At this time, the Chinese army's German ordnance troops had been basically exhausted after the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Nanjing, the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Battle of Xuzhou, and the Battle of Wuhan. However, the troops with self-produced weapons simply could not fight against the Japanese army, and their numbers were seriously unable to be self-sufficient.

Self-sufficient, the average annual output of Chinese and official rifles is 40,000.

In order to avoid the danger of having no weapons available, the Nationalist Government presciently signed the "Mutual Non-Aggression Treaty" with the Soviet Union on August 21, 1937.

The Soviet side agreed to arm 20 Chinese divisions with Soviet weapons in addition to heavy weapons such as aircraft (including pilots), tanks, and artillery. The Chinese side used tin, lead, antimony, nickel, copper and other metal raw materials, as well as tea, to

Raw silk, wool, cattle and sheepskin, etc. were used to pay off debts (following the Sino-German military cooperation method). This was the only foreign aid China received at the time.

During the entire Anti-Japanese War, the equipment of more than a dozen Soviet artillery divisions flowed into the Eighth Route Army and even the New Fourth Army.

In the end, the Nationalist Government purchased only 18 Soviet armored division equipment from the Soviet Union. Before the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, nearly three-quarters of the equipment was consumed, leaving less than five divisions.

Taking the 74th Army of Huben's Ace Army as an example, after the Xuefeng Mountain battle, the Soviet Union's weapons and equipment were less than one-third; they were mainly Japanese weapons, and the core firepower was the American howitzer battalion.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Soviet Union transported 5-10 Soviet weapons, equipment and supplies to the Eighth Route Army through Xinjiang, Guanwai, and Lushun. At this time, the Soviet weapons and equipment of the Eighth Route Army exceeded those of the National Army. Obviously, the Soviet weapons and equipment of the National Army were more advanced than those of the Chinese Army.

The fewer there are, the more Soviet weapons and equipment the Eighth Route Army has.

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