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Chapter 357: People from Southern Hebei, Red Cossacks

Xingtai Nangong County, the headquarters of Jinan Military Region.

The cavalry regiment of the Tainan Military Region was short of men. Zhou Weihan had no choice but to ask for men from the Southern Hebei Military Region. As a result, there was no reply for three days.

Therefore, another telegram was sent to the Jinan Military Region.

Within the headquarters, Commander Chen, Political Commissar Song, and Zhou Weihan’s teacher, Director Yang, are the top political and military leaders in the southern Hebei base area.

"Look, what is written in this telegram is that the Jinan Military Region is the big brother. The Tainan Cavalry Regiment has just been established and needs the support of the big brother!" Commander Chen took the telegram and chanted word by word with a face on his face.

The expression on his face was a bit dumbfounding.

Zhou Weihan wrote in the telegram: The Tainan Military Region has just been established, and the subordinate regiments have suffered heavy losses in personnel and their combat effectiveness is weak. Surrounded by powerful enemies, Tainan serves as the eastern and southern gateway to defend the Taihang base, and I feel deeply powerless.

Political commissar Zhao Gang thought about the powerful enemies in his surroundings. He often ate without knowing the taste, could not sleep at night, tossed and turned, and his hair gradually turned gray.

I advise you.

Zhao replied: I am afraid of living up to the trust of the organization, so I work conscientiously and do my best to carry out the revolutionary cause.

The cavalry regiment has just been formed and is in urgent need of additional personnel. The Jinan Cavalry Regiment is the eldest brother of the Eighth Route Army. It has rich combat experience and many backbones. I wonder if the eldest brother can allocate a cavalry company to Tainan to support the troop construction of the Tainan Military Region. The Tainan Military Region

Everyone must be extremely grateful.

Zhou Weihan spent all his time on the telegram, but his writing skills were limited and he could not write any gorgeous words.

Zhao Gang's writing is pretty good, but Zhou Weihan didn't dare let Zhao Gang know about it.


The three political commissars Song looked at each other, and political commissar Song asked: "This Tainan Military Region is so difficult. It shouldn't be. With the independent detachment, the main force, supporting the field, the situation in Tainan cannot be opened up? Is it true?

Did the troops suffer too many casualties during the Hundred Regiment War?"

"Bullshit, don't listen to Zhou Weihan's nonsense. In early September, I went to Tainan on behalf of our Jinan Military Region to visit and study. I lived a good life back then. I lived richer than the landlords, old and wealthy, and had more food.

It's rice, white noodles, various vegetables, and eggs every day. Apart from the sick, have you ever seen any unit of our Eighth Route Army live like this?" Commander Chen shook his head and said.

"However, if you talk about troop casualties, during the military parade, I saw that one or two troops had serious casualties!" Commander Chen said, suddenly remembering Zhou Weihan's rescue of hundreds of comrades from the Jinan base area.

"Should we give it or not? The independent detachment helped a lot in southern Hebei. This is the first time he has spoken. Lao Yang, what do you think?" Political Commissar Song continued to ask.

"What can I say about this? Zhou Weihan is my student. As a teacher, I have nothing to do with the affairs of the army. However, we are all brothers. No matter how fierce the fire is, the flesh will rot in the same pot. Today we will support one

The cavalry company, if Zhou Weihan trades with the Japanese army in the future, he can still rescue a group of cadres, and it won't be a loss to share some with us at that time!" said Director Yang from the Jinan Administrative Region.

After all, Director Yang was targeting the student Zhou Weihan. He pointed to the key point in one sentence, and Chen and Song were both moved.

"Yes, then it's settled. I'll go tell Commander Zeng that the cavalry regiment should select a capable company to support the Tainan Military Region!" Commander Chen finally said.

What happened next was that Commander Chen personally negotiated with Commander Zeng of the Cavalry Regiment.

The Cavalry Regiment is the treasure of the Southern Hebei Military Region. Commander Zeng and Political Commissar Kuang are also veteran revolutionaries for many years. After learning about this matter, they agreed to it after a little hesitation.

However, the supporting cavalry company had to leave its horses and equipment behind, and could only send its personnel to the Tainan Military Region.

On the same day, Zhou Weihan received a reply from the Jinan Military Region. The telegram explained the matter and asked the Tainan Military Region to send personnel to respond on the Pinghan-Han line tomorrow.

The next day, Zhu Dashan of the Cavalry Regiment personally led his people to the Mazhuang stronghold on the Pinghan-Han Line to respond.

The Mazhuang stronghold is a stronghold operated by the independent detachment for a long time. Many of the puppet troops in the stronghold are our own comrades planted by the enemy's engineering department.

When the security around Handan had not yet been restored, more than a hundred cavalry companies from southern Hebei quickly crossed the blockade and joined Zhu Dashan and others.

As soon as the two parties met, they could see the difference in their attire.

The cavalry comrades from southern Hebei Province wear steel helmets, which are wrapped in gray cloth and have the word "eight routes" written on the side.

Zhu Dashan and others wore military caps. In addition to normal military uniforms, various vital parts of their bodies were wrapped in leather armor.

Zhu Dashan did not leave any ink, and directly asked the soldiers to let out the extra war horses they had brought with them.

Everyone stepped forward one after another. With a simple movement of mounting the horse, Zhu Dashan secretly thought that he had found a treasure. The hundred or so people on the other side were all knowledgeable.

"Drive!" A group of people rode horses and ran wildly along the Handan Chang Highway.

The comrades of the Southern Hebei Cavalry Regiment secretly smacked their lips. Even in Nangong County, the base area of ​​Southern Hebei, the Cavalry Regiment could only gallop on the country roads. When had they ever been so arrogant on the highway guarded by the little devils?

When approaching the Dongxiaozhuang stronghold at the junction of the suburbs of Handan and Wu'an, the defenders in the stronghold also used the searchlights on the turrets to illuminate the road ahead.

Then the group turned north and marched from Wu'an to Wuyi. The strongholds they passed along the way all imitated the defenders of the Dongxiaozhuang stronghold.

"Company commander, why are the enemies in Tainan different from our enemies in southern Hebei? Why do they seem to be our own!" asked a soldier.

The commander of the cavalry company that came to support this time was named Han Mengzi. Han Mengzi said: "Have you never heard of the name of the independent detachment? The commander of the regiment told me before coming here that it is indispensable to go to the Tainan Military Region. You

Look at these big Japanese horses, they are much better than the Central Plains horses we rode before!"

When the group arrived at Yamawang Mountain, Zhu Dashan asked the soldiers to take the rest to the camp of the cavalry regiment, while he took Han Mengzi to find Zhou Weihan.

Inside the headquarters, Zhou Weihan waited all night.

"Report to the detachment leader, the comrades from southern Hebei have made arrangements. This is Company Commander Han!"

"Reporting to the chief, Han Yongzheng, commander of the fourth company of the Southern Hebei Cavalry Regiment, is here to report!" Han Mengzi stood at attention and saluted a military salute.

"Captain Han, thank you for your hard work!" Zhou Weihan said as he noticed the saber Han Mengzi carried with him, and asked: "Captain Han, your saber is different from the one we often use?"

This saber has a long and slender blade, about one finger wide, and a light and thin back, longer than the average Japanese saber. It has a hand guard.

"Chief, this is the Cossack saber used by our former regiment leader. He once received training from the Cossack advisor. Before leaving, the regiment leader gave this saber to me, asking me to bring the spirit of the Red Cossacks to Tainan!

"Han Mengzi said solemnly, and his respect for Commander Zeng could be seen in his words.

This chapter has been completed!
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