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Chapter 376: Bloody Battle in Weizi Town. Please subscribe.

Northeast of Lucheng, Weizi Town.

The New Regiment repelled the Japanese attack again. Li Yunlong fell down in the trench and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in his pocket with trembling hands. However, the matchbox was stained red with blood at some point.


Li Yunlong took a match and struck it on the flame for a long time without lighting it. He threw the matchbox on the ground in anger.

Luo Benzhong on the side saw this, smiled, pulled out a piece of firewood from the burning fire next to him, and then handed it to Li Yunlong.

"Hey, you, Lao Luo, still understand me!" Li Yunlong grinned, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

He took a deep breath and then said: "Continue, you said before that the Weizi Town we are in now is a famous ancient place?"

It is rare to see Li Yunlong being so studious, and Luo Benzhong also talked about it with gusto: "The historical origin of Weizi Town can be traced back to Weizi, the elder brother of King Shang Zhou in the late Shang Dynasty. At that time, this place was the fiefdom of Weizi, so it was named Weizi Town. Later,

King Zhou was unruly, and Wei Zi was forced to flee to the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was here that he escaped. During the Tang Dynasty, Wei Zi was also decreed to be the Duke of Renjing!"

"Weizi Town is the largest town in the east of Lucheng, Changzhi. It is also a major gateway from the Shangdang area to the three provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan. It has been a village that traders must pass through since ancient times. There are also cultural relics left over from ancient wars.

, such as beacon towers, etc., haven’t you seen them before?”

"I have learned a lot, I have learned a lot. In the past, the little devils could escape, but now the little devils who are besieging us will definitely not be able to escape!"

As soon as Li Yunlong said these words, Luo Benzhong immediately rolled his eyes and said to himself that you are really playing the piano to a bull, and you are probably the first person to compare a little devil with a bastard.

At the moment, I was too lazy to talk to Li Yunlong, a jerk.

"The regimental commander, political commissar, and the Japs are attacking again!" A correspondent from the Second Battalion hurriedly reported.

Li Yunlong jumped up and lay down on the trench.

The New Regiment set up three positions in the southwest outside Weizi Town. Due to sufficient time, many anti-gun holes were built in the trenches. At this time, it was officially the time for the first and second battalions to change their defenses.

"The little devil's commander has a very vicious vision, and his timing is very clever!" Luo Benzhong sighed.

"Damn it, the little devil really didn't give us a moment to breathe, but the more this happens, the more it proves that our blockade in Weizi Town is working!" Li Yunlong said, turning to look at the correspondent of the second battalion:

"Have all your second battalions entered the position?"

"Everyone has entered the position!" the correspondent replied.

"That's good, the little devil can't change the world!"

In the field of view of the telescope, the little Japanese were seen rushing towards the first position of the Second Battalion of the New Regiment like locusts.

On the position, soldiers from the 6th Company of the 2nd Battalion were deployed. Li Zhifu, the commander of the 6th Company, was half lying in the trench and shouted: "Save your bullets, wait until the little Japs get close before attacking, first use a grenade to greet them!"

"One, two, three, throw it!"

The grenades exploded like cannonballs in the Japs' offensive formation. At this time, Li Zhifu was like a human mortar, and the grenades in his hand kept throwing towards the Japs.

The little Japanese was thrown off his back after being bombed, and the offensive formation suddenly came to a standstill.

Immediately, two heavy machine guns and several light machine guns on the position fired, and the scorching bullets swept towards the attacking Japs like tongues of fire.

The two sides immediately started shooting at each other. At this time, it was the turn of both sides' Type 89 grenades and 50-mm mortars to show their power.

Heavy machine gunners became the first targets to be attacked. A machine gunner of the Sixth Company was hit by shrapnel from a grenade, and the deputy gunner immediately took over.

However, the 50 mortars equipped by the Tainan Military Region to the New Regiment were not a vegetarian, and they immediately knocked out the Japanese grenades.

After a while, the Japanese attacking squadron was repulsed.

"Quickly, enter the bombhole, the Japanese bombardment is about to arrive!" Li Zhifu shouted.

Upon hearing the order, the soldiers of the Sixth Company quickly entered the artillery hole, leaving only a few observation posts on the position.

At the same time, a Japanese mountain artillery brigade opened fire with a total of 12 mountain artillery pieces.

Artillery shells kept pouring firepower towards the Sixth Company's position, and in an instant, the position turned into a sea of ​​fire.

After a burst of wild bombardment, the Japanese artillery extended its fire again and began bombarding the positions of the 7th and 8th companies of the 2nd Battalion.

"Damn it, the Japs are so rich. From yesterday to now, the artillery shells have been bombarded as if they were free. The position has been plowed back and forth several times. Last time on the Handan Highway, we hit the Japs' transport convoy.

We have captured a lot of artillery shells, but it’s a pity that we are short of a few mountain cannons!” Li Yunlong said, smashing and smashing.

"I estimate that the little devil is almost at the end of his rope. He has been fighting for a whole day and a night, and his family's fortune is about to be emptied!" Luo Benzhong said.

"No, what can we eat with our new group? Isn't it a loss-making deal? But I am interested in the mountain cannons of the little devil opposite. After the war, I must ask Zhou Weihan to give me a few!"

Li Yunlong said anxiously.

In this artillery duel, the New Regiment was completely at a disadvantage. The Type 92 infantry guns in the artillery company could only take advantage of the gaps to provide artillery support to the forward positions. After firing two shots, they had to move immediately.

On the contrary, it was the 50 mortars on the front line that made the little Japanese suffer a lot.

After the bombardment ended, a large number of Japanese troops surrounded us.

On the sixth company position.

Under the Japanese artillery fire, an observation post who survived by chance kept shouting: "The little devil is coming up, the little devil is coming up!"

Li Zhifu was dug out of the collapsed shell-proof cave by the soldiers around him, and next to him was the body of his instructor.

Several health workers and correspondents at the company headquarters were all buried deep in the bombhole.

Ignoring his sadness, Li Zhifu quickly shouted: "How many people are left in each row?"

"28 people in a row!"

"25 people in the second row!"

"32 people in three rows!"

Each company reported their numbers one after another. Originally, a company with a full strength of 150 people did not suffer many casualties during the firefight with the Japanese army. However, after a burst of shelling, there were actually 40 or 50 casualties.

"Stop these idiots!"

Li Zhifu personally controlled a light machine gun and sprayed blazing fury at the besieging Japs.

On the opposite side of the position of the 41st Division.

Tian Daoshengwu was shocked by the counterattack of the Sixth Company, which made him couldn't help but recall the fierce battle yesterday. The Japanese army had air support in the sky and artillery fire on the ground. Even so, after the Japanese army occupied the position, it didn't take long for the position to be captured again.

Went back.

"What kind of army is this? The Eighth Route Army position opposite is covered by intensive artillery fire. Even hard steel will be blown to pieces. How can the opponent quickly organize an effective counterattack!"

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, as of now, we have not captured a single alive member of the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side. Even the wounded will fire grenades at the last moment, trying to die with our attacking soldiers!" said the adjutant on the side.

"After capturing Weizi Town, I must go to the Eighth Route Army's position to take a closer look!"

At the same time, a gap appeared in the third battalion's defensive position in the southeast of Weizi Town. The attacking Japanese troops marched straight in, and the two sides engaged in a melee.

At this time, the newly withdrawn battalion suffered heavy casualties and was resting in the town.

"Old Li, you are the chief military officer and you want to take command, let me go!" Luo Benzhong stopped Li Yunlong's idea of ​​personally leading the team to the front line.

Immediately, without allowing Li Yunlong to react, he led the guard company and rushed towards the third battalion's position.

"Lao Luo, be careful, be careful!"

This chapter has been completed!
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