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Chapter 425: Internal Punishment, Area Merger

On the same day, after Zhou Weihan rushed back to Pingshun, he immediately used the radio to call Political Commissar Deng, the top leader of the Taihang Administrative Region, and explained what happened in southeastern Li and Ludongnan.

Division Headquarters.

After the telegraph operator had translated the message and saw the content, he did not dare to delay and immediately reported it to the Political Commissar Office D.

After political commissar d read the contents of the telegram, he slapped the telegram on the table: "Nonsense!"

When Teacher L on the side saw this, he couldn't help but be very curious. In his impression, this old partner had the ability to remain unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain.

This telegram was delivered directly to Political Commissar D. Division Commander L knew that it must be a local matter and immediately asked: "What makes you so angry?"

"Zhou Weihan reported that Tainan Prefecture and Changzhi Prefecture had a dispute over the land reform between Lidongnan and Ludongnan!"

"Oh!" Teacher L responded and said nothing further.

"As soon as we achieved some results, we started to hold each other back. Is this what comrades as Communist Party members should do?" Political Commissar D said angrily.

"Licheng and Lucheng are now the frontiers of the Tainan base area. It is not easy for Zhou Weihan to open up the current situation. Tainan needs a stable rear to support the troops in operations. The good situation cannot be destroyed because of these things!" l

The teacher emphatically stated his opinion.

"I know it's time to kill this unhealthy trend. I'm going too far south!"

d. The political commissar always acted vigorously and resolutely, so he immediately called several administrative district officials and a team of guards to go to Tainan.

The words are divided into two parts.

After Xing Zhiguo learned about this, he said worriedly: "Old Zhou, are you a little thoughtless in doing this? Logically speaking, this matter should be handled within the district government. Even if it doesn't work, they should take the initiative to report it!"

"Old Xing, I understand what you mean. Don't forget that I carry the title of deputy director of the region. If you find a problem and don't stop it, will you have to wait for the situation to escalate?"

"I am not afraid of trouble, nor am I afraid of offending others. Of course, I will never allow some people to trample on the results that the soldiers have fought with their lives. It is better to resolve the matter as soon as possible!" Zhou Weihan said decisively.

That evening, political commissar D arrived at the Shexian County Party Committee Office in Tainan Prefecture and learned that the main cadres of Tainan Prefecture and Changzhi Prefecture were in southeast Li.

d. The political commissar and his party then turned to the southeast of Lebanon.

Lidongnan County Party Committee Office.

When Wang Ying saw political commissar D coming, the expression on his face was obviously relieved: "Chief, why are you here?"

"Humph, why don't I come? If we continue to make trouble, you might not even know when the enemy touches your bed?" Political Commissar D said with a cold snort.

Although political commissar d is usually gentle with others, he is a political cadre who has been on the battlefield for a long time. At this time, his words and actions put great pressure on many Tainan District cadres in the room.

"Comrade Wang Ying, I am here to talk on behalf of the organization. Before that, you send someone to lead Comrade Song Xiulin to call comrades Li Dongming and other comrades from the Changzhi District!"

"Xiulin, bring all the comrades from the Changzhi Prefecture, especially the comrades responsible for the specific work in southeastern Lebanon!" Political Commissar D said in a low voice.

Song Xiulin was the person in charge of the Social Work Department of the Taihang Administrative Region, and of course he understood the procedures. He immediately called a few soldiers and rushed to the Changzhi District's office in southeast Li.

Afterwards, political commissar D conducted separate separate inspections of several cadres from the Tainan District in accordance with the procedures, and several officials from the administrative districts who followed him had separate interviews.

Political Commissar D spoke to Wang Ying alone.

"You are an old comrade too. Tell me, what is going on?"

Wang Ying smiled bitterly and slowly told the whole story.

After hearing what Wang Ying said, Political Commissar D's originally tense face relaxed: "Hutu, Wang Ying, you are an old comrade with rich struggle experience. Since you have been appointed as the director of the Tainan District Government, it means that you are responsible for

You are trustworthy!"

"As the regional director, you must shoulder your responsibilities. When you have disagreements, you must push back the opinions of others instead of just being the peacemaker!"

"But you are still smart enough to ask Zhou Weihan to report this matter to me. Fortunately, it didn't lead to a big mistake!" Political Commissar D glanced meaningfully at Wang Ying in front of him.

"Chief, I am also afraid that it will affect the unity among comrades and affect future work!" Wang Ying explained in a low voice.

"We are very particular about listening to the opinions of other comrades, but at critical moments you have to show your courage. Why don't you do something if you are afraid of being criticized by others?"

"Tainan is no different than other places. With the support of Zhou Weihan, the base area has developed very well. Compared with the harsh environment of other base areas, the Tainan base area is much more comfortable in all aspects. I think some comrades have already grown up in this comfortable environment.

It breeds unnecessary thoughts!" Political Commissar D lit a cigarette and said coldly.

When he was at the headquarters of the New Regiment, Luo Benzhong stated objective facts, but how could Zhou Weihan not understand that Wang Ying was really relying on his strength.

If Wang Ying can become the district director, how can he not have political acumen?

On the surface, Wang Yingming wanted to reduce the impact of this matter and keep it within the regional government, but if he could hide it from his superiors, how could he hide it from the army who participated in the land reform work?

Luo Benzhong did not report the matter directly because it was an internal matter of the regional government. However, the matter has not been resolved for a long time. At most, the new group will report it in two days.

Today, a new group of people came to call Luo Benzhong away. Wang Ying had some vague guesses, but he didn't expect that his superiors would come today, and political commissar D actually came in person.

After the main cadres of the Changzhi Prefecture arrived, political commissar D had a conversation with Li Dongming, the director of the Changzhi Prefecture.

The next day, after a night of conversations, political commissar D, after careful consideration, shouted together the comrades from the two regional governments.

It stands to reason that Zhou Weihan, as the deputy director of the special area, should also be present, but political commissar D deliberately did not notify Zhou Weihan, and Wang Ying was also sensible and did not mention this matter.

I saw political commissar D's face full of exhaustion, his eyes bloodshot, looking around at everyone present: "Comrades, you haven't slept all night, you must be tired!"

No one present dared to speak, and it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

"Now I announce the organization's decision. Comrade Wang Ying, director of the Tainan Prefecture, and Comrade Li Dongming of the Changzhi Prefecture are responsible for dereliction of duty, and will be given a warning. Four main cadres of the Southeast Lidong County Committee of the Tainan Prefecture, and Lidongnan County Committee of the Changzhi Prefecture

Three cadres will be given a serious warning within the party!"

"The director of the Organization Department of Tainan District and the director of the Organization Department of Changzhi District have withdrawn from their current positions and gone to study at the first branch of Kangda University!"

The above content can be said to be within the authority of Political Commissar D, but what follows shows the courage and decisiveness of Political Commissar D.

"In view of the current situation, in order to facilitate the better development of the base area and respond to surrounding threats more quickly, the organization has decided to merge the Tainan Special District and the Changzhi Special District, collectively known as the Tainan Special District, with Comrade Wang Ying as the director and Comrade Li Dongming as the deputy director!


As soon as these words came out, the people present immediately exclaimed and turned their attention to their respective directors. However, Wang Ying and Li Dongming did not make any move, obviously they had known about this in advance.

It stands to reason that matters related to the establishment and merger of the district government should be reported to the Northern Bureau. Even if political commissar D is the top leader of the Taihang Administrative Region, he cannot make decisions on his own.

Just like, the Tainan Military Region can order each regiment to establish battalion-level combat units to expand its military strength, but the formation of regiment-level units needs to be reported to the division headquarters.

However, the urgent matter at the moment is to complete the land reform in the two counties before the Japanese army comes back, so political commissar D can only act urgently.

"The comrades from the former Changzhi District will continue to be responsible for the land reform work in Southeast Li and Lu Southeast!"

The political commissar d decided that each of the two regions would be given fifty votes, and both regions would be asked to make sacrifices and concessions.

The comrades from the original Changzhi Prefecture were given administrative power over Pingshun, Ledongnan, and Ludongnan, but in exchange for being merged into the Tainan Prefecture.

I was so excited that I dared to write anything.

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