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Chapter 444: Deputy Chief of Staff: You are so scheming

December 4, 1940.

A telegram was sent from the Eighth Route Army headquarters. The headquarters was represented by the Deputy Chief of General Staff, and the Tainan Military Region was represented by Zhou Weihan. A delegation went to Luoyang, where the First Theater Command was located.

Zhou Weihan explained the specific affairs of the Tainan Military Region, and then went to Shexian County to meet with the deputy general staff.

In addition to the two guards and six reconnaissance company soldiers including Dong Jiang, Zhou Weihan was accompanied by a telegraph operator, a total of ten people.

Before leaving, Zhao Gang asked his mother-in-law again: "Old Zhou, are there only ten people including you too few? What if something unexpected happens?"

"Old Zhao, don't worry about my situation. Most of the territory along the way is owned by the national army. If anything goes wrong, it will be too late for the national army to protect us!"

"On the contrary, I am worried about the base area. I will not be able to come back within ten days. Although the national army has given up a division, it might be a cover to paralyze us!"

"So you should be more vigilant while staying in the base area, and always pay attention to the trends in Changzhi!"

Although the chance of what Zhou Weihan said happening is extremely small, we must be on guard against others, not to mention that the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party has always been unstable.

The next year was a year when the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party took a turn for the worse. The New Fourth Army in the south was severely damaged by the surrounding Kuomintang troops. It is inevitable that someone in Chiang Kai-shek had his thoughts on Tainan, where the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were facing a confrontation.

"I understand, feel free to go!"

Zhou Weihan and his party then went directly to Shexian County, where they met with the Deputy Chief of General Staff and his party.

The distance from Yanwang Mountain to Shexian County is nearly two hundred miles. Even though Zhou Weihan and his party were riding horses, they arrived at the headquarters of the Shexian Cadre Regiment at around one o'clock in the afternoon.

The deputy chief of staff and his party set out from Zhuanbi, where the headquarters is located, and passed through Japanese strongholds along the way.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when the two sides met.

"I hurry up and hurry up, but I'm still late. I must have waited for a long time!" the deputy chief of staff said with a smile.

"We have just arrived, Chief of Staff, can we have a meal first?"

"Farewell, comrades, we all brought dry food. It's getting late. Don't rush on the night journey. We'll go to the 28th Regiment Headquarters first!"

Then the group of people did not delay and immediately went to the headquarters of the 28th Regiment of Luxinan.

At around 7 o'clock that evening, a group of people arrived near the headquarters of the 28th Regiment.

Ding Wei sent someone to meet him in the direction he came from early in the morning. As soon as the soldier in charge saw Zhou Weihan and others coming.

"Chief, this is the chief!"

"Hey, Second Strong, did your captain send you here?"

"Well, the chief, political commissar Luo, and regimental commander Li are all waiting at the regiment headquarters!"

As soon as he entered the headquarters of the 28th Regiment, Zhou Weihan heard Li Yunlong's loud voice speaking.

"Old Ding, what you're doing is so uninteresting. Our new regiment can't work in vain?"

"Hey, what's not interesting enough?" asked the deputy chief of staff who was walking at the front.

"Hey, Chief of Staff, you're here. Please comment. A group of Japanese and puppet troops from Lucheng entered the territory of Licheng. They were discovered by my new regiment's soldiers. They were wiped out and the supplies were seized.

Should it belong to our new group?"

"What I said is correct, whoever did it gets it, but our Comrade Ding Wei has to say that these weapons and equipment must be handed over to the military division. Do you think there is such a thing?" Li Yunlong frowned, with a look on his face.

She looks like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Old Li, don't take this opportunity to talk nonsense. Did you agree before that all the weapons and equipment seized recently will be handed over to the military division and reserved for supporting local armed forces and militias?"

"I accidentally let the Japanese escape, otherwise you would have had the chance to do something?" Ding Wei retorted directly.

Due to the short development time of the three newly established military divisions on the front line, although the main force is strong, if you want to radiate the entire military division area, the main force alone is not enough.

A large number of local armed forces still need to be formed to assist. A few days ago, Zhou Weihan transferred a batch of equipment from each of the three military divisions to supplement the 29th Regiment, so this happened.

"This is an internal matter within your military division. You can handle it yourself!" The deputy chief of staff did not want to deal with such unclear matters and simply withdrew.

Then Li Yunlong looked at Zhou Weihan again, but Zhou Weihan's face darkened: "What is the purpose of our Tainan Military Region establishing military divisions on the front line? Isn't it to strengthen the unified command of your two regiments? There is no joke in the army, since it is the decision of the military divisions.

Just implement the things you need to do. If everyone still looks after their own affairs as before, then why set up military divisions?"

After Li Yunlong heard this, he muttered a few words and did not dare to say anything.

Ding Wei's face didn't look good either. This matter was a trivial matter. He originally wanted to resolve it within the military division. Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong took the opportunity to come to the 28th Regiment to mention the matter, and Zhou Weihan happened to hear it.


"Okay, we've been traveling all day, let's eat first!" The deputy chief of staff came out at the right time to smooth things over.

After the meal, the Deputy Chief of General Staff took the initiative to talk about the purpose of the trip. When several people present learned that the Nationalist Government was going to assign another division to the establishment, Li Yunlong's reaction became even more intense.

"What, he, Mr. Jiang, can have such a good intention? He wants our Eighth Route Army to fight the Japanese for all, and why can he take the initiative to give us benefits?"

Ding Wei was very unconvinced: "If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, but we can ride on the donkey and read the songbook, and walk and see. As long as we don't fall into the trap, what else can the national army do to trick us?"

"I have come to realize during this period that if the current situation around Changzhi can be maintained, it will be beneficial to both of us!"

"I went to the frontline position the day before yesterday and saw that the soldiers of the National Army are getting along very well with our Eighth Route Army. I guess that most of the soldiers of the National Army are satisfied with the current stable situation and are not willing to disrupt the status quo with our Eighth Route Army!


"And the high-level generals of the large national army should also know that peaceful coexistence between the two sides is the most beneficial to both sides. Once one side takes the initiative to break the balance, the remaining side will definitely not be able to stop the Japanese from making a comeback!"

The deputy chief of staff nodded after hearing this: "You have seen this very clearly, but the decision-making power of the future relationship between the two parties is still in Jiang's hands, so everything is business as usual, don't be fooled by the current situation!



"Zhou Weihan, if the Ninety-Fourth Division is established, what are your specific thoughts?"

Zhou Weihan had already planned for this: "The establishment of the Ninety-Fourth Division originally consisted of the 279th Regiment, the 280th Regiment, the 281st Regiment, and a supplementary regiment, as well as several division-directed troops. The total number should be 9,000 to 10,000!"

"The 28th Regiment can use the designation of the 279th Regiment, the second regiment of the Second Division can use the 281st Regiment designation, and the Lin County Cadre Regiment can use the designation of the Supplementary Regiment. The division headquarters will be located in Pingshun, and a separate leadership team will be established. This way

The troops coming to border the Changzhi area are all troops from the 94th Division, and the troops in the rear also have a buffer!"

"But now the 280th Regiment has been rebuilt, and the intelligence shows that there are three thousand people, which is overstrength. I guess the reason why the Nationalist Government finally gave the 94th Division the establishment is to add sand to it, and don't want the 94th Division to be completely

Under the control of our Eighth Route Army!"

The deputy chief of staff nodded after hearing this: "Go on!"

"So we will no longer stop this. Of course, we have to express our disagreement openly. We can use this to strive for some other interests!"

"I have met Yang Han, the leader of the 280th Regiment. When Zhu Huaibing's troops rioted in the prisoner of war camp, he behaved very well. According to Zhang Hao from Lin County, this man is an extremely determined anti-Japanese faction and has a private

We have a good relationship with the Eighth Route Army down there!"

"So it's not certain whether the 280th Regiment will be a nail inserted by the National Government into the 94th Division in the future!" Zhou Weihan said with a smile.

What Zhou Weihan said, everyone present understands that this kind of work is what the Eighth Route Army is best at. When the 94th Division is formed in the future, if you, Yang Han, are under Zhou Weihan, can you still run away?

"Zhou Weihan, Zhou Weihan, you are so scheming. If I leave you alone, this Jiang person will end up losing his wife and losing his troops!"

This chapter has been completed!
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