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Chapter 460: Graduates from Tainan Cadre School

December 31, 1940, the last day of 40 years.

Tainan Cadre School was established in early September. The initial students were composed of educated patriotic young people from Xinghuo Society, Wuyi and Wu'an, totaling 500 people.

In the following time, outstanding trainees were continuously transferred away, and 300 comrades rescued from Japanese prisoner-of-war camps were separately added.

Yama Mountain, Cadre School.

On the podium in the playground, the graduation ceremony of the students is being held.

Zhao Gang, as the actual person in charge of the cadre school, was giving a routine speech.

Zhou Weihan on the side was looking at the roster of the first batch of graduating students. There were a total of 632 students on the roster.

Behind each student's personal information, Zhao Gang made detailed notes, as well as allocation suggestions for the student.

Among them, 120 are civil affairs cadres who will be assigned to local governments after graduation, and 60 are love workers and security officers.

Among the military cadres, 60 were assigned to the artillery battalion, 250 military cadres were assigned to each regiment, and 182 served as political cadres, clerks, and cultural teachers.

Finally, there were 60 people assigned to the Staff Office and Political Department of the organs directly under the military region.

Zhao Gang did an extremely detailed job and considered many factors when formulating this distribution plan.

Most of the female trainees who graduated were assigned to the Propaganda Section of the Political Department or served as cultural instructors in various regiments.

Among the students recruited from the local area, the youngest was only 16 years old, and the younger students were assigned clerical duties.

Most of the military and political cadres assigned to each regiment hold deputy positions at the company or platoon level, while a few experienced veteran comrades hold the position of company or deputy battalion level.

In the audience, in addition to many students and teachers from the Cadre School, there were also representatives from various groups and departments involved in the graduation ceremony.

Wang Ying, director of the regional government, once again took time out of her busy schedule in order to recruit more students.


"Ahem!" Zhao Gang coughed lightly and pushed the microphone in front of Zhou Weihan: "Say a few words!"

"What you said is very good, I won't talk about it anymore!" Zhou Weihan declined.

"What are you talking about? There are so many students below watching!"

Zhou Weihan reluctantly took the microphone and said immediately: "Comrades, first of all, I would like to apologize to you. When our Tainan Cadre School was established, as promised, I will go to the school regularly to teach you!"

"But the little devils won't let us live in peace. I can only go to the front and run around in the rear. My legs are almost broken. Today you are graduating. I have only been there twice. For this reason, Political Commissar Zhao complained about me a lot.

He’s a hands-off shopkeeper!”

After Zhou Weihan finished speaking, the students below burst into laughter.

"Compared with the academic system of a regular military school, four months of study time is really too much time, but the atmosphere of the cadre school is very good. The teachers spare no effort to teach knowledge, and the students are still discussing with each other even after class!"

"What you learn in the classroom is only in the classroom. You still need to slowly understand it in practice, and even introduce new things!"

"I would like to make another request to everyone. You must maintain this momentum in the future. Those assigned to the army must lead other comrades. Those assigned to local governments must serve the people wholeheartedly in the future!"


Zhou Weihan looked around at the many students in the audience. Everyone's face was full of hope for the future and full of firm belief in the Communist Party.

This group of trainees are all seeds. After being assigned to the troops, they will slowly take root and thrive in the troops. The troops of the Tainan Military Region will undergo earth-shaking changes in all aspects.

Then Zhao Gang called the names one by one according to the roster, and a long queue formed behind each representative.

Wang Ying in the audience was obviously happy when she heard that the district government had allocated 120 people.

Although Zhao Gang did not reveal the specific allocation plan before this, Wang Ying had always known how many old comrades in the district government were serving as teachers in the cadre school. How many civil affairs cadres were there in the school, how many were transferred out, and how many were brought in.


Now there are more students than expected. How could Wang Ying be unhappy?

Wang Ying immediately found Zhao Gang and expressed his gratitude: "Old Zhao, I won't say any more. If you have anything to say in the future, just talk!"

"Don't thank me. The sixteen extra military cadres were specially ordered by Lao Zhou. They are all old comrades who have been on the battlefield. Your specialized government also needs military cadres to lead the local armed forces!" Zhao Gang said with a smile.

Wang Ying wanted to go and thank Zhou Weihan again, but when he saw Li Yunlong talking to Zhou Weihan again, he could only ask Zhao Gang to convey his gratitude.

Let’s talk about Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong also participated in the graduation ceremony as a student of the Cadre School, although he had only been enrolled for more than ten days.

However, when he saw that every student was called by name, but Zhao Gang did not hear his own name, he immediately couldn't sit still and went straight to Zhou Weihan.

Seeing Li Yunlong secretly dragging him to a corner, Zhou Weihan thought to himself that this guy has improved a bit. In the past, he might have started making noise in front of everyone.

"I said, Lao Li, you only have half a month to study in the cadre school. What can you learn in this little time? Why don't you come?" Zhou Weihan heard Li Yunlong's application for graduation.

After asking, he said dissatisfiedly.

"Hey!" Li Yunlong grinned at first. He had long been accustomed to being criticized by Zhou Weihan, and then lit a cigarette for Zhou Weihan.

"Old Zhou, I feel both happy and uncomfortable at the cadre school during this period. You don't understand me yet. I feel itchy when I'm not in the army for a day!"

"There used to be a group of people accompanying me, but now I'm alone. How am I going to live like this!"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong is a famous figure in the cadre school, and he is the only one in the school as a regiment-level cadre.

When he had time, he would tell the students about the battles he had experienced in the past. Although Li Yunlong had no education, the battle examples he told were in plain language and vivid, which was suitable for a group of young students with little combat experience.

Within two days, all the students were convinced, and everyone was shouting "Teacher Li."

I almost praised Li Yunlong to the heavens. Li Yunlong had never been treated like this before. He was happy to be in the cadre school.

"I heard that our Tainan Military Region is going to make big moves again. I can't stay in school forever!" Li Yunlong said anxiously.

"Who told you about the big move?" Zhou Weihan glanced at Li Yunlong.

"You don't need to hear this. Lao Xing has been integrating intelligence from Hebei, Shandong and Henan. Jing Dagang's group has already rushed to Hebei, Shandong and Henan. Even a fool knows what's going on!"

"Old Li, I really have nothing to do with you wanting to graduate. Old Zhao has always been in charge of the cadre school. You go to him. If Old Zhao approves, you can return to the army. I have no objection!" Zhou Weihan pushed the ball to him.

Got Zhao Gang.

Li Yunlong immediately fainted when he heard this. He was not afraid of Zhao Gang. First of all, his relationship with Zhao Gang was not close, and they had always maintained a normal relationship between comrades.

Secondly, during the period when Li Yunlong was studying, Zhao always praised Li Yunlong when they met and even set Li Yunlong as a role model in front of many students.

In this case, how could Li Yunlong have the nerve to mention this matter to Zhao Gang.

This chapter has been completed!
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