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Chapter 47 Became the main force

Dong'an Village Station of the 386th Brigade Independent Regiment.

"Captain, it's time to make a decision on this matter. If it's a little later, Commander Zhou and the others will have passed our independent regiment and gone straight to the brigade headquarters." Second Battalion Commander Shen Quan said.

"Don't bother me, I'm thinking about this." Kong Jie took out the pipe at his waist and filled it with tobacco leaves.

Chen Quan on the side quickly took out a match and lit it for Kong Jie. The room was filled with smoke. Kong Jie, who was thinking about something, took a deep breath from his pipe.

"Oh, that's it. I'm willing to give up my old face and ask for something from Commander Zhou." Kong Jie said and knocked his pipe on the table.

"Where are Captain Zhou and the others?" Kong Jie asked with a frown.

"The sentry at the entrance of the village just now reported that Captain Zhou and others have passed through Dong'an Village and are heading west. They are driving a cart and they should not be far away at this time." Shen Quan said.

"Ready your horses, I'll go after them."


Here, Zhou Weihan and his group were rushing towards the brigade headquarters and entered the base area. Along the way, various brother troops looked at these supplies with jealousy, but Zhou Weihan sent them away.

"Captain, there's a situation behind us, someone is catching up." The soldiers of the security company who were on alert at the back reported.

"Stop advancing, all personnel are on alert."

"Old Zhou, Old Zhou, I am Kong Jie." Kong Jie shouted from afar on his horse.

"Lao Kong, what are you..."

Kong Jie drove his horse up to him while he was talking: "Old Zhou, you have arrived at the station of our independent regiment, why don't you stay and rest?"

"Old Kong, we are really worried about escorting this large amount of supplies."

"Lao Zhou, I, Kong Jie, don't have that many twists and turns. Today I will get straight to the point." Kong Jie said directly and decisively.

"Since the last counter-mopping up in Yunling, our independent regiment had an encounter with the Bantian Regiment of the Japanese Fourth Brigade. I was injured at the time, and the political commissar Li Wenying led the team to break up the rear. In the end, the political commissar died, and the entire regiment lost three members in the battle. One percent, I have lost almost all my belongings, and I have not recovered yet. Alas, this battle was a waste." Kong Jie patted his head and said.

"Old Kong, I've heard about this. Alas, don't be sad. As long as the old foundation remains, the Independent Group will regain its glory sooner or later."

"Don't worry, don't let me meet the Bantian United. I have to frustrate him." Zhou Weihan said.

"Old Zhou, I have no other purpose in coming here this time. The Independent Regiment really can't get rid of the pot, so it can only come to you to ask for help. I know you are sending it to the brigade headquarters, but when this batch of supplies arrives at the brigade headquarters, wait I'm afraid there won't be many left in the Independent Group when it's my turn." Kong Jie, a tough man, had red eyes.

Looking at Kong Jie's appearance, Zhou Weihan thought to himself: "I'm not giving it to anyone. They are all brothers in the army, and Mr. Kong is a kind man."

"Ding's big abacus, evenly distribute 10,000 jins of fine grains, 30,000 jins of coarse grains, and 2,000 jins of horse meat."

"Forget it, Lao Kong, I'll help you as much as I can, and I'll give you two more Maxim heavy machine guns, five Czech-style guns and matching bullets. 10,000 rounds of 6.5mm and 7.92mm bullets each," Zhou Weihan said in one breath.

"Old Zhou, I thank you. On behalf of the nearly a thousand soldiers of the Independent Regiment, I thank you." Kong Jie took Zhou Weihan's hand and said.

"Okay, Lao Kong, we are all old comrades in arms, what kind of words can we say?"

After Kong Jie left, Dong Jiang said: "Captain, Commander Cheng of the 772nd Regiment is here, and you sent him away. When you get to Commander Kong, what do you do..."

"What's there to say? The 772nd Regiment is the main regiment with a regular military establishment. It's different from the Independent Regiment, which only has a nominal number. They are the sons of their own mothers, and their superiors are always close to them for all kinds of supplies. Independent Regiment

As for the regiment, we all rely on ourselves, and from time to time we have to let the brigade commander fight in the autumn wind." Zhou Weihan said with some complaints.

"Besides, when no one is in trouble, the supply problem of a regiment with thousands of people is not so easy to solve. Not to mention, the independent regiment is under the nose of the superiors. If you make a small move on the front foot, the superiors on the back foot will know. You

I think everyone is Li Yunlong, and the King of Heaven is not afraid of me."

"Isn't it just some weapons and food? If we don't have it, we can trade with the little devil. At worst, we will rob him of his stupidity. This is what we do." In the eyes of Dong Jiang and others, Zhou Weihan is a very conscious and principled comrade.

, there is rarely a time to complain.

At the 386th Brigade Headquarters, the brigade commander, political commissar and a group of staff officers were discussing something around the map.

"Brigade commander, the soldiers reported that Commander Zhou of the new second regiment has arrived and brought a lot of supplies." said a brigade staff officer.

"Yo" the brigade commander threw the pen on the table and said to everyone: 'That's it for today, let's disperse.'

The political commissar asked: "How many supplies did you bring?"

The staff officer said: "There are too many. There have to be seventy or eighty trucks transported, mostly grain, horse meat and weapons and equipment."

"Zhou Weihan is quite an honest guy. Local comrades reported that during the battle at the Liubao stronghold, the Liu family, which was a group of three families, was also captured by the New Second Regiment. Zhou Weihan made a fortune." The brigade commander smiled.


"Hey, Commander Zhou has sent supplies to the brigade headquarters again. What good things have he brought this time?" said an officer from the brigade headquarters.

"We seized some supplies from the little devil. Our New Second Regiment can't use them, so we sent them to the brigade headquarters." Zhou Weihan said.

"Brigadier Commander, Political Commissar, I have brought you something good." Zhou Weihan strode into the brigade headquarters.

"Zhou Weihan, congratulations on your victory at Liubao stronghold and opening up transportation channels one by one," the brigade commander said.

"What good things did you bring this time? Tell me quickly." the political commissar asked.

"Forty thousand jins of rice and white flour, 120,000 jins of stick noodles, millet, 18,000 jins of horse meat, and some canned goods and daily necessities."

"In terms of weapons, we traded with the Japs, eight Maxim heavy machine guns, fifteen Czech-style guns, and matching bullets."

"100,000 rounds of 6.5mm bullets, 50,000 rounds of 7.7mm bullets, 150,000 rounds of 7.92mm bullets, 500 Little Japs Type 93 anti-tank mines, and various medical supplies." Zhou Weihan came one by one.

"Were all these weapons, equipment and supplies obtained from the Japs?" the political commissar asked.

"Yes, we have established a relationship with Neiyong in Wuyi Temple, and the cooperation is now good." Zhou Weihan replied.

"These supplies, especially medicines, have solved a big problem for our 386th Brigade."

"Brigadier, I have already communicated with Isamu Terauchi and asked him to initiate connections with the Japanese defenders to try to expand the scope of the transaction."

"That's great."

"Okay, I announce the appointment of the headquarters. The new second regiment of the 386th Brigade Nine Columns wiped out all the enemy troops in the battle at the Liubao stronghold and opened up the transportation channel to the base area. This is a great achievement and is specially promoted to the troops directly under the 386th Brigade of the Taiyue Military Region.

, No. 386 Brigade New Second Regiment." The brigade commander said with a smile.

"How are you doing, my commander Zhou Da? The New Second Regiment has grown from an unsatisfied local basic regiment to the main regiment of the 386 Brigade in less than two months. You are doing well," the brigade commander said, patting Zhou Weihan on the shoulder.

"Brigadier, we don't care about the main force or not." Zhou Weihan, a man, said he didn't care, but he was still very happy in his heart.

"Don't do this to me. You don't care. You're grinning like a flower."

***The author has something to say***

I posted two posts about the system today. If you have any questions, you can go there and ask.

This chapter has been completed!
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