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Chapter 468: Fighting in the south, devastating the enemy

Later that night.

The three columns launched offensives against their respective targets at the same time, and the Hebei, Shandong and Henan regions were plunged into flames of war.

The local people had seen this kind of scene a long time ago, and they closed their homes or hid in cellars.

Neihuang and Nanle counties are located in the west and east, while Qingfeng is directly south of the two counties. The west column led by Zhou Weihan set out from the triangle area at the junction of the three counties.

The first regiment and a mountain artillery company attacked from Neihuang and Qingfeng. The fourth regiment and another mountain artillery company attacked from Nanle and Qingfeng. The two groups of troops distributed infantry artillery, mountain artillery, and heavy machine guns to the company.

At the same time, the unit went south to carry out a dragnet-style clearing operation in the Zhinan area. Along with the operation, some guerrilla fighters from the Zhinan area and local government comrades acted as guides.

Zhou Weihan personally led the reconnaissance company, followed by the cavalry company, which was nicknamed: the Queen of the Palace.

Gao Shuxun had previously given an order to the stubborn armed forces in the Zhinan area. Those who were willing to give up their family property could gather in the direction of the New Eighth Army in Pu County.

It's a pity that most of the local landlords are unable to give up their property. The reason why they opposed the Eighth Route Army in the first place was ultimately due to interests.

On the one hand, they were worried that Gao Shuxun's territory would annex the men and horses in their hands, and on the other hand, they were also worried about the Eighth Route Army, which had always been despised and could not get enough to eat, and ran out of ammunition and food after three shots.

On the other hand, it was believed that without the support of the local Japanese and puppet troops, the Eighth Route Army would never be able to succeed.

Therefore, in the face of Gao Shuxun's order, most of the stubborn soldiers turned a blind eye and only a few responded.

The stubborn armed forces in the Zhinan area did not have a strict organizational structure. After being abandoned by Gao Shuxun, they did not even have a unified command.

In larger towns, three or five stubborn armed forces in the town barely managed to hold the team together, with as many as four or five hundred people. In smaller towns, there were only more than a hundred people.

As for the landowners in ordinary villages, they were either former Eighth Route Army soldiers because of their sabotage, or they were enlightened gentlemen.

Only the stubborn armed forces in the towns and villages managed to survive because they were not weak.

Qingfeng Southwest Shunhe Collection.

The regiment and company responsible for launching the attack on Shunheji were accompanied by two 82mm mortars.

The situation in Shunheji was really beyond the expectation of the first company commander: "Have these stubborn soldiers lost their minds? They didn't guard the high-walled compound and actually built fortifications outside the town. How many people can they have?"

Guarding the position on all sides of Shunheji? Isn't this just like window paper, which can be broken with a poke?"

The instructor on the side was still observing the stubborn army position on the opposite side with a telescope: "Most of them are composed of servants who look after the landlords' homes. They have never been on the battlefield. They know that lying in the trenches is good. The Hebei-Luyu Base Area

How dare they be so arrogant when the main force is here?"

"Instructor, I will attack from the north. You, the deputy instructor, and the deputy company commander will lead three platoons and deploy a squad from the east, west, and south to contain them. In ten minutes, listen to the sound of artillery from my side!"

The first company commander said.

After hearing this, the instructor nodded and left with the soldiers from the third row.

"Set up the artillery!"

The six 50-mm mortars, two 60-mm mortars, and two 82-mm mortars left by the company in the north simultaneously aimed at the stubborn army positions on the opposite side.

On the opposite side of the stubborn army position,

"The Eighth Route Army has artillery, it has artillery!" an exclamation sounded from the battlefield.

As soon as they saw the iron guy on the other side, many stubborn soldiers subconsciously wanted to fire on the town.

The leader of the stubborn army shot into the sky: "If anyone dares to run away, I will kill you now, and your whole family will starve to death!"

"Think about it, Mr. Jia said, as long as we hold on to our position, each person will receive one hundred catties of white flour and two oceans!"

Faced with threats and inducements, more than a hundred stubborn troops finally stabilized their formation.

"Hit me!"

The leader of the stubborn army gave an order, and there was constant crackling and chaotic gunfire, including two light machine guns.

It's just that the artillery position of the first company exceeded the effective range of the opposite side and was located in a depression. The stubborn army on the opposite side seemed to be quite powerful, but in fact it had no effect at all.

"Fuck, I'll give you a fucking face!" The company commander estimated the time and immediately ordered: "Bomb!"

"Tong Tong Tong!" The first round of artillery shells landed near the stubborn army's position. Thick smoke suddenly rose on the opposite side, and the gunfire was silenced.

"Don't mess around. Tubal Road is bluffing. They can fire as many shells as they can, so hold on, hold on!" The leader of the stubborn army was still trying his best to suppress the team.

In fact, the first round of artillery shells just now could only be regarded as a test fire, and it did not cause too many casualties to the stubborn troops.

Then comes the second round of artillery shells, especially several small cannons. One person is holding the cannon, and the other is responsible for carrying the cannon shells. They can switch positions at any time.

After intensive training by the Japanese artillery instructors, the artillery fire was accurate, hard, and extremely tricky. Wherever the gunfire was dense, the artillery shells were directed specifically to where.

New recruits are afraid of artillery, and veterans are afraid of machine guns. The lethality of artillery shells can easily break the psychological defenses of recruits who have just entered the battlefield.

After another precise bombing of the recalcitrant army's position, the recalcitrant army suddenly collapsed. No matter how the leader shouted, they ran towards the town one by one.

"Brumpeter, blow the charge bugle!" the company commander shouted upon seeing this.

As the loud trumpet sounded, more than a hundred soldiers rushed toward the town.

The stubborn soldiers who were escaping ran faster when they saw this, for fear of being left behind. A group of Wuyang Wuyang people ran towards the town from outside the town, breaking down the defense line at the entrance of the town along the way.

"Hey, you ran really fast, but you still overestimated the fighting power of the stubborn army!"

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, any platoon of a regiment with its weapons and equipment is enough to defeat the stubborn army of 200 to 300 people. The only problem is to capture prisoners.

There was chaos in Shunheji. The stubborn soldiers were hiding everywhere, eager to get into the cracks in the ground. Some ran back home, while others ran towards the high-walled compound of the landlord's house.

Those who ran slowly were captured by a company of soldiers, while the stubborn soldiers who ran in three directions were blocked back by a row of gunshots.

Under the leadership of local comrades, they launched a series of offensives against several landlords' houses in Shunheji, led by the local Jia family.

Even with the high-walled compound as a barrier, it was difficult to withstand a battery of artillery. Several landowners raised white flags one after another.

"He is Jia Daquan. Our captain's head was beheaded by him and hung on the wall of Shunheji for three days. In order to get the captain's body back, our guerrillas sacrificed seven more comrades!" said a local guerrilla fighter.

When I saw Jia Daquan's eyes turned red, I wanted to eat him alive.

"Comrade of the Eighth Route Army, the misunderstanding is all a misunderstanding!" Jia Daquan understood the Eighth Route Army's tactics very well, and he called him "comrade" when he came up.

"Who the hell is your comrade? If you want to get close to me, you are worthy of it. Come on, take these guys with blood debts out and chop them down!" the first company commander said impatiently.

When Jia Daquan heard this, he immediately collapsed on the ground, urinating and urinating at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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