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Chapter 476: Confiscating the house, making money

"Chief, I am Li Lu, the director of the Military Department of Cao County Office under the Southwest Shandong Province. I am very grateful for the support of the main force, otherwise we will definitely be killed by the stubborn army this time!" At this time, Dong Jiang had already arrived with Li Lu to meet him.

Zhou Weihan meets up.

"We have been ordered by the Eighth Route Army Headquarters and the Northern Bureau to support the comrades in Hebei, Shandong and Yu. This is our due responsibility!" Zhou Weihan waved his hand and signaled to Li Lu not to be polite.

"Can we contact comrades from other counties in southwestern Shandong now?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Most of them can be contacted. The comrades from Shan County and Jinxiang have already withdrawn to the nearby Huxi base area. The comrades from Juye have withdrawn northward into western Shandong. Only our comrades from Heze, Dingtao, Chengwu, Caoxian and other places have withdrawn.

Comrades remain where they are!"

"Chief, if necessary, I will send someone to contact them now, but it will take some time!" Li Lu finally said.

Zhou Weihan and the others were standing on a small high ground at this time, looking towards the battlefield in the direction of the first group and the fourth group. Only sporadic gunshots could be heard, and more soldiers were wandering around holding torches, obviously trying to catch them.


Although the stubborn army was defeated, the trouble did not stop there.

Bandits are like combs, soldiers are like goads. This saying is no joke.

Although these stubborn troops are defeated, their combat effectiveness is not very good, but if they are not handled well, they are very likely to bring disaster to the countryside in the future, and even just throw a bone from the Japanese army, and they will quickly turn into puppet troops.

Therefore, before the battle began, Zhou Weihan ordered that after each regiment defeated the stubborn army, they must do their best to encircle and suppress their stragglers.

Zhou Weihan looked at the movements on the battlefield and estimated that it would not be over until dawn.

"There are two important things that need to be done right now. First, county committees and guerrillas in southwestern Shandong are constantly being attacked by stubborn troops. Now we must concentrate our efforts in one place and cannot fight independently!"

"In the next period of time, the Japanese army may not carry out another large-scale sweep. The main force must concentrate on the Zhinan area and cannot provide much support to the southwestern Shandong area, so you must move closer to the Zhinan area!" Zhou Weihan said to Li Lu


"I'm afraid some comrades won't agree with this!" Li Lu said hesitantly.

"There is nothing to hesitate about. Are you still thinking about continuing to fight? Preserving your strength for follow-up is a good strategy!"

"Who is the person in charge of the Southwest Shandong Region now?" Zhou Weihan asked one after another.

"The top officials of the regional government died or were withdrawn to other base areas. Only Comrade Cong Hansen, the director of the United Front Work Department, stayed in southwestern Shandong and was responsible for conducting political propaganda work against the recalcitrant troops!"

"Well, just tell him that this is an order from the Northern Bureau!" Zhou Weihan said this out of nowhere, but the leader of the Northern Bureau did grant him the right to act expediently before coming.

"Yes!" Li Lu responded immediately upon hearing that it was the order from the Northern Bureau.

"Second, the property of Wang Zikui and other recalcitrant soldiers should be immediately searched. Dong Jiang, you will be responsible for this matter. Let the local comrades be responsible for recruiting young people to help with transportation. At the same time, let the first and fourth regiments mobilize some soldiers and prisoners of the recalcitrant troops to assist.

, if there is too much food, give some of it to the young and strong!"

"Remember, you have to move quickly. Although the Japanese army will not take action immediately, I can only give you one day!" Zhou Weihan finally said.

"Yes!" Dong Jiang and Li Lu responded one after another.

Then Li Lu named a few comrades, borrowed some horses from the cavalry company, and headed towards Heze, Dingtao and Chengwu separately.

Southwest Shandong is no better than Zhinan, northwest Shandong and other places. Gao Shuxun and Sun Liangcheng are respectively in charge. The stubborn armed forces here seem to be many in number, but in fact there is no unified command and they fight independently.

Some large local landowners did not take the initiative to join the stubborn armed forces when they were destroying the grassroots regime of the Eighth Route Army and the guerrillas. Most of them maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

Therefore, the situation in southwestern Shandong is slightly better, and Zhou Weihan also saves a lot of trouble.

Dong Jiang's side was even simpler. With Zhou Weihan's order, soldiers were mobilized from the first and fourth regiments, and there were more than 2,000 prisoners of the stubborn soldiers alone.

Under the active leadership of the prisoners of war from various departments, the soldiers divided into six groups and attacked directly at the lairs of the six heads of war, including Wang Zikui and Shi Fuqi.

Although the stubborn army in southwestern Shandong is poor, the leaders of these six families are extremely rich. If these people can be appointed as officials of the Shandong Province Office, they must be powerful factions in southwestern Shandong.

Although there were troops left behind everywhere, when they heard that their own team was defeated and saw the artillery and machine guns of the Eighth Route Army set up, the stubborn troops who stayed behind surrendered one after another.

"Damn, this is so rich!" Dong Jiang couldn't help but cursed as he looked at the bags of grain and baskets of silver coins that the soldiers brought out from Wang Zikui's house.

The local comrade on the side explained: "The Wang family is a big family in the local area, otherwise Wang Zikui would not have been appointed as the commissioner of the Luxi Office!"

The wealth accumulated by the Wang family over the past century was lost in one move.

However, Zhou Weihan did not do everything right, and specifically asked Dong Jiang to leave some money and distribute it to Wang Zikui's family.

Obviously, it was too late to sell off the house and the majority of the land, so it could only be left to the Wang family. However, after losing Wang Zikui, whether they can maintain the century-old family business depends on the ability of the Wang family.

The next day, the Wang family was in Cao County, and Dong Jiang returned first with his personnel and Qingzhuang.

"Detachment leader, according to what you said, the Wang family had too much food. What they couldn't take away was distributed to local people who came to help Qingzhuang's family. The exact amount of money and food seized has not been calculated yet!" Dong Jianghui reported.

"Well, there's no rush!"

After a while, the other teams and Li Lu sent people to notify comrades from all over southwestern Shandong to rush to Liugang Village.

The leader was none other than Cong Hansen, Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Southwest Shandong Region Government. After some pleasantries.

Cong Hansen said: "Comrade Zhou, I have sent all the militiamen from all over the country home. There are now 132 comrades in various county governments and more than 800 comrades in various guerrilla groups!

"I agree with your evacuation plan. Now the comrades really need to find a place to take a good rest, but which place is suitable for us to go to?"

After hearing this, Zhou Weihan said: "Have you ever been to Luling Town on the west side of Heze?"

"I've heard that it's close to the mountainous area and has always been a no-nonsense zone. What do you mean?"

"Yes, that's where we came from when we came to southwest Shandong. The mountainous areas there are suitable for guerrilla warfare. We can first rely on the mountainous areas to develop a base area!"

"No one took care of it before, but from now on someone will take care of it!"

In fact, in addition to the advantages of topography, Zhou Weihan also took a fancy to the oil and water generated by Luling Town's mountainous resources.

In addition, the common people in that area, due to the local conditions, were many strong and strong, and there were also many fierce and powerful people. In Zhou Weihan's opinion, he was really a good candidate to become a soldier.

This chapter has been completed!
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