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Chapter 487: Invite the boss and others to Tainan to celebrate the New Year

Returning to Tainan this time, Zhou Weihan only took two guards with him. They went from south to north, crossed the Zhanghe River, and inspected the Jinan Corps and Cixian Corps before finally arriving in Pingshun.

In Pingshun City, the division headquarters compound.

Wen Qiang, who had been waiting for many days, was overjoyed by Zhou Weihan's sudden arrival.

"Wen Qiang, this is a letter from your cousin!" Zhou Weihan handed the letter addressed to Wen Qiang to Wen Qiang.

"Cousin? Which cousin?"

"You will know after reading it!" After Zhou Weihan finished speaking, he asked the monk to call Wen Hao.

"It turns out he is the cousin of Qi Gu's family. I only met him a few times when I was a child, but I often heard the elders mention it!" Wen Qiang seemed to have recalled something, but she didn't have a deep impression of her cousin.


There was only a wall between the political training office and the division headquarters compound. It didn't take long for Wen Qi to arrive.

"Hey, you're back!" Wen Yu saw Zhou Weihan smile and looked a little embarrassed.

I haven’t seen him for nearly a month, but Wen Hao has changed a lot. I don’t know if it’s because the food is too good or because he’s getting fatter.

Wen Yu's face became noticeably rounder, and his belly also bulged.

Zhou Weihan handed the letter to Wen Wei, who noticed that the envelope was written in the handwriting of his cousin Wen Wei. His eyes shrank, and then he thought that the letter was delivered by Zhou Weihan, an Eighth Route Army soldier, and he immediately realized something: "This is?"

"You'll know just by looking at it!" Zhou Weihan repeated this sentence again.

Compared with Wen Qiang's calmness and composure, Wen Qiang obviously spent more time with his cousin, and more things happened between them.

In fact, when Wen Rong was in his teens, using the cover of his family identity, he often sent letters to his cousin who had already participated in the revolution.

It can be said that my cousin was Wen Rong's leader in the revolutionary cause, but some things happened later that no one expected.

After reading the letter, Wen Qiang had a gloomy expression on his face. After a long time, he said: "I will leave Wen Qiang to you from now on. Treat my sister well!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. He didn't even seem to be in the mood to care about his sister's life-long event.

"Brother, brother!" Seeing her brother's retreating figure, Wen Qiang didn't seem to understand why a letter made Wen Qiang change so much.

"Brother Weihan, what's wrong with my brother?"

"He just wants to go home, but he doesn't dare to go back!" Zhou Weihan said with deep meaning.

The happy event was approaching, and Wen Qiang forgot her brother behind her in the blink of an eye: "Brother Weihan, when will we get married?"

"How about three days later, let's make it the New Year's Day? It happens to be a lively day!"

"I don't have any opinion on the date, but my parents and uncle are both in Shonan. Do they have time to come?"

Wen Qiang only has one older brother by her side right now, and Zhou Weihan's relatives are in separate places. The eldest brother is far away in Shaanxi Province, and the second brother is probably still in Taiyuan at this time.

"Wen Qiang, that's what I think. The identity of our family is relatively sensitive among the National Government. Plus I'm currently in the Eighth Route Army camp. It would be better for our marriage not to be a big deal!"

"Just do it simply and don't notify your relatives. This will save them unnecessary trouble, what do you think?" Zhou Weihan said softly.

"Brother Weihan, no matter how you arrange it, I will listen to you!"

One good thing about Wen Qiang is that she is obedient. Zhou Weihan was extremely satisfied with this. After sending Wen Qiang away, Xu Dali, who had been waiting at the door, pushed the door open and entered.

Zhou Weihan returned to Tainan during this trip. In addition to preparing for the marriage, he also had to inspect the troops one by one.

"Where's Weiguo? I've been back for a while, why haven't I seen him?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Detachment leader, didn't Director Zhou form a special force? It's almost the New Year. Intelligence personnel reported that the Japanese and puppet troops in Anyang have prepared a lot of new year's goods. Director Zhou said that he would lead the special force to collect the new year's goods.

Come back and improve the food for the soldiers, we have been gone for several days!" Xu Dali said.

When Zhou Weihan heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. This was really Zhou Weiguo's temperament.

The personnel of the special operations team formed by Zhou Weiguo were selected from the best from the entire Tainan Military Region, and only 60 people were selected in total.

Not only are these 60 people talented, but their individual combat capabilities were developed through many battles with grassroots units, and the foundation has been laid.

Therefore, when the special operations team was first formed, Zhou Weiguo improved the food conditions of the team members and conducted some targeted training for them, but spent most of his time popularizing the concept of special operations.

Then, as the New Year approached, Zhou Weiguo personally led a special forces team to start actual combat.

"It's a pity that we don't have this condition now, otherwise I would like to see whether the special operations team is better or the reconnaissance company is better!" Zhou Weihan said with a little pity.

These days, there are no bulletproof vests, let alone blank ammunition. The two parties are sure to kill each other as soon as they take action, but if it is not done with real swords and guns, it cannot reflect the true level of both parties, so Zhou Weihan can only give up.

Xu Dali then reported on the current situation of the second district. When he heard Zhou Weihan mentioned that he wanted to get married during the Chinese New Year.

Xu Dali grinned and said immediately: "Detachment leader, can we join in the fun?"

"I accept your wishes, but please don't leave. It's Chinese New Year. As the military commander of the second division, you must be with the soldiers. Of course, don't let down your guard!"

"Yes!" Xu Dali responded, thinking about it in his mind, and asked a few cadres of the second district to raise funds and purchase some gifts in Pingshun, and then send them there on behalf of the second district.

The story is divided into two parts, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

Before Zhou Weihan returned to Tainan, he reported the matter to his superiors.

At this time, the heads of the headquarters and divisions were all there.

"Everyone, I want to inform you that Zhou Weihan is getting married on the New Year's Day. He invites everyone to Tainan to celebrate the New Year and have some fun together?"

"In addition, we need to have a witness among the few of us. Who will be there?" the deputy chief of staff asked everyone present with a smile.

"Good guy, Zhou Weihan's movements are fast enough!" Commander L said in surprise: "Let me tell you, according to the tradition of our Eighth Route Army, this witness is always a political commissar, so you are suitable!"

After Commander L finished speaking, he pointed at Political Commissar D beside him.

"Can I?"

"Why not? I remember that several comrades are your witnesses. You are familiar with this process, so you are the most suitable!"

"It's the Chinese New Year anyway, and it just so happens that the little devils have stopped recently, so I can celebrate wherever I can. I can go wherever the big guys can, and it can be considered as a way to support Zhou Weihan!" the boss greeted with a smile.

"That's it, our headquarters and division headquarters will prepare congratulatory gifts on behalf of all comrades, and I will ask Lao Yang to prepare them later!" the deputy chief of staff finally said.

It’s the last moment, please vote for me

This chapter has been completed!
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