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Chapter 519: Post-War Pension

Regarding Tan Lin's request, Zhou Weihan agreed relatively readily, and then contacted Zhao Gang and Wang Ying through the radio.

During wartime, or for a period of time after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the top leaders in various places had great power in all aspects and did not need to ask their superiors for instructions on everything.

The current general environment in Tainan Base Area is very stable, and the staff and cadres of the regional government are also approaching saturation. On this basis, Wang Ying also began to train the regional government's own reserve cadres.

Therefore, after Wang Ying received Zhou Weihan's telegram and thought about it for a while, he directly agreed to the matter.

Afterwards, a group of cadres transferred from the Eighth Route Army Headquarters and the Northern Bureau from the Anti-Japanese University and more than 200 students from the Tainan Cadre School rushed to Hebei, Shandong and Yu.

As the director of the district government, Tan Lin specially organized a welcome party. Tan Lin had already made arrangements for the arriving cadres and trainees.

Land reform in the Zhinan area was urgently needed, but Tan Lin was reminded by Zhou Weihan and knew that he could not eat hot tofu in a hurry. If the situation was not handled properly, a civil uprising would be triggered.

The land reform in the Zhinan area was more complicated than that in Tainan. Previous comrades had carried out land reform in the base areas, but due to the obstruction of the stubborn armed forces and landlord forces, the land reform was not carried out thoroughly.

After the anti-rebellion campaign, many ownerless fields appeared. Before the spring plowing, due to the shortage of manpower in the regional government, the instability of the base area, and the eager eyes of the Japanese, only a small-scale land reform was carried out.

In order not to delay spring plowing, the fields obtained from the stubborn army were handed over to the local people for cultivation. As a result, uneven distribution occurred. Some villagers had too much land in their homes, and correspondingly, the land output in some villagers' homes was still not enough to satisfy their families.

Human rations.

Therefore, the main contradiction in this land reform has been transformed from the contradiction between the landowners and the common people into the contradiction between the common people and the common people, and the Eighth Route Army.

Faced with such a difficult situation, Tan Lin conducted a three-day training. After the training,

More than two hundred cadres and trainees were assigned to the county committees of Huang, Nanle, and Qingfeng counties, as well as the offices in Huaxian, Junxian, Guancheng, and Guanxian counties to cooperate with local comrades in the land reform work.

"Old Zhou, I can't stay at the headquarters any longer. The main responsible comrades of the district government have gone to various counties and offices to watch the city. Guan County is particularly complicated, involving the New Eighth Army and Lu Xi

Base area, so I have to make a special trip, and I will leave the headquarters to you!" Tan Lin said.

"Don't worry, these regiments, except for the third regiment, have all participated in land reform work in Tainan and accumulated a lot of experience, so it is still somewhat convenient!" Zhou Weihan comforted,

"Come on, you can just stand and talk without your back hurting!"

After Tan Lin left, Zhou Weihan was not idle either. People from each regiment came to Leijia Village where the military region headquarters is located.

In the previous counter-mopping operations in Zhinan and the subsequent series of battles to expand the base area, the casualties of each regiment have been reported.

The four regiments that participated in the war had a total of 632 casualties after the war, with the third and fourth regiments having the majority, and less than 100 recruits from Hebei, Shandong and Henan died.

Since ancient times, China has attached great importance to returning fallen leaves to their roots. There are still soldiers from the Eighth Route Army. Most of those who later joined the army were local people. They were lucky enough to be buried near their hometown.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the national army came to the front line from all over the country. For example, the officers and soldiers of the Sichuan army rushed all the way from the center of Sichuan to the front line. After finally dying on the battlefield, it was considered good that they could wrap up a straw mat and be buried in peace. Most of them could only be exposed to the public.

Corpse wilderness.

After the war, the follow-up arrangements for the sacrificed soldiers was a big problem. The sacrificed soldiers mainly came from Tainan, some soldiers came from Taiyue, Jinan, Hebei, Shandong and Henan, and there were only a dozen or so from other places.

In response to this situation, Zhou Weihan and Tan Lin immediately decided to send dedicated personnel from each regiment to handle post-war pension work.

Soldiers who are far away or have no direct relatives at home are placed in a martyrs cemetery built near Leijia Village, the headquarters.

"Comrades from the Political Department have found out the home addresses of the fallen soldiers from the files. Those who go to Tainan can take the note I approved and contact our local comrades nearby to receive pensions and food allowances!"

"Those who go to southern Hebei, go to the southern Hebei cadre group, and those who go to Hebei, Shandong and Henan, get it directly from the military region. You must send the pension and food to the families of the martyrs. If you have difficulties, contact local comrades for special help. Do you understand?

?" Zhou Weihan urged again and again.

"Understood!" Representatives of each delegation responded in unison.

"Let's go quickly, don't delay!" Zhou Weihan waved and said.


Wuyi, Shang'an Village.

Miao Guolu's family has a small reputation in the local area. Although the family is not a wealthy family, Miao Guolu's father is a teacher in the local villages of Shiliba.

Before the little devil came, he usually made a living by teaching students and collecting monks, and his life was quite comfortable.

After the little Japs arrived in Wuyi, Mr. Miao repeatedly called on local young people to join the army to fight the Japs. Later, Miao Guolu also joined the Eighth Route Army.

"Old man, I want to ask you something, where does Miao Guolu's family live?" Zhang Guowen, the operational staff officer of the Fourth Regiment who spoke, inquired about the situation with the fellow villager.

When the fellow saw Zhang Guowen dressed as an Eighth Route Army soldier, he did not doubt that he was there. He said very enthusiastically: "Guolu family, go up this slope. The green brick courtyard is the ancestral hall, and next to the ancestral hall to the east is Guolu family."


"However, if you want to find Mr. Miao, you have to go to the ancestral hall, where students are being taught!"

The fellow stood there, watching Zhang Guowen turn and leave, and then looked at the soldier holding the horse next to him carrying a bag of grain on his back. He felt something in his heart, and he probably understood something.

There are several children in the village who have joined the army, but if this happens, the chances are high.

The fellow thought to himself, his body visibly slumped, and he walked toward home with a staggering step.

On the other side, Zhang Guowen and his two men arrived outside the ancestral hall of Shang'an Village.

Listening to the sound of reading loudly coming from the ancestral hall, the two looked at each other. Zhang Guowen smiled bitterly and stepped forward to knock on the door of the ancestral hall.

Originally, this matter was not the responsibility of Zhang Guowen, the combat staff officer of the regiment. The squad leader and platoon leader of the sacrificed soldier should be responsible. However, Miao Guolu's platoon was somewhat special.

Soldiers in the same class and platoon sacrificed their lives to block the Japanese tank troops. More than half of the first battalion and the third company were also killed. The company commander and instructor were all seriously injured and are still in the hospital. Finally, Wang Yigong specially sent the regiment's combat staff to take charge of this incident.


With a creak, the door of the ancestral hall opened, and an old man with white hair poked his head out.

"Who are you looking for, Comrade Eighth Route Army?"

"I'm looking for Miao Guolu's father, Mr. Miao!"

This chapter has been completed!
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