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Chapter 540 Sun Dianying surrenders to the enemy

The sky was dim and bright, and the more than 5,000 officers and soldiers of the New Fifth Army deployed on the front line collapsed in the face of the Japanese and puppet offensive. Although they did not suffer too many casualties in the battle, they were scurrying around like headless flies.

Even though some officers tried to organize their forces to block the Japanese offensive, before the Japanese troops arrived, the defense line was broken up by our own troops, and all the soldiers were trapped and fled backwards.

After breaking through the two lines of defense, the Japanese army was not in a hurry to continue launching a fierce offensive. Instead, the large force hung behind the defeated army, and several small groups of troops mixed in and kept intersecting, deliberately driving the defeated army away from Lingchuan County.

"Kawamoto-kun, before dark today, the imperial army's sun flag will definitely be raised in Lingchuan City. Looking at all the imperial army's troops, only our flag will be victorious, which is really a great achievement!" Zhang Lanfeng, the commander of the puppet army, rode

On his tall horse, he complimented the Japanese commander beside him.

Zhang Lanfeng had been to Japan before the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, and was well connected with the Japanese military and political circles. Now he has been awarded the title of Advocate of Eastern Henan by the Provisional Political Commissar of Peking. He has 3 armies and 9 divisions under his command.

The two detachments have more than 60,000 troops and are known as the "100,000 Army". They are stationed in 12 counties in Henan and Anhui provinces and have established 8 military control counties.

Sun Liangcheng, who had just joined the Japanese, could only be regarded as a younger brother in front of Zhang Lanfeng, and even the Japanese had to give him some slack.

Captain Kawamoto Ichiro of the 220th Regiment of the 35th Division of the Japanese Army nodded after hearing this, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang, the envoy sent by Sun Dianying should have returned to Lingchuan County at this time, if he knows who he is.

, our troops only need to besiege but not attack, and we can defeat others without fighting!"

At this time, a Japanese officer came over to report: "Sir, only a small part of Sun's defeated army fled into the city. Our army has completed the encirclement of Lingchuan County!"

"Youxi, inform all ministries to apply appropriate pressure and never allow Sun Dianying to successfully break through!"


In Lingchuan County, Sun Dianying was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. The news of the defeat on the front line came even faster than the envoy's return. The speed of the defeat of the New Fifth Army greatly exceeded Sun Dianying's expectations.

"Brother Tongming, I have been surrounded by Japanese troops in Lingchuan County. I beg you to come closer to me immediately. There are only thirty miles between us. You can rescue me with a charge!"

"Brother, I beg you!" Sun Dianying held up the phone and begged to the commander of the Thirteenth Army.

Unexpectedly, the other party hung up the phone the next second.

Listening to the blind voice coming from the phone, Sun Dianying was furious: "Damn, you are really unwilling to save me!"

"Military seat, I'm afraid there is only one way to go at this time!" Chief of Staff Feng Yangtian said at the side.

Zhang Xuezhong, who was on the other end of the phone from the 13th Army Headquarters, had a stern look on his face after hanging up the phone. He paced around the room with his hands behind his back, and wanted to step forward and pick up the phone several times.

"Military Commander, now that the moment of urgency has come, why are you still hesitating? Could it be that you only have Mr. Tang in your eyes and not the principal? When the time comes, the old man will be furious. Do you really think that Mr. Tang can keep you?"


"The defeat of the New Fifth Army is a trivial matter, but if it affects the war situation in the entire Changzhi area, then you will not be able to escape the blame!" The person who spoke was the director of the Political Training Department of the Thirteenth Army.

Zhang Xuezhong's expression changed several times after hearing this, and finally he made up his mind and dialed the phone: "Hello, where is the 89th Division?"

"I order the 89th Division to immediately move to Lingchuan to support the New Fifth Army. Remember, if you lose, you must retreat immediately and do not stop fighting. I will order the 110th Division to respond later!"

The words were divided into two parts. Xing Zhaotang, deputy commander of the New Fifth Army, contacted our comrades in the city overnight and went out of the city to Lin County with him.

Our comrades who communicate with Xing Zhaotang on weekdays do not belong to the Tainan Military Region or the regional government. Their organizational relationship is with the United Front Work Department directly under the Northern Bureau.

After some contact, Zhou Weihan knew the importance of Lingchuan and immediately ordered Lin Nan's 280th Regiment to go south to stop the enemy.

Lingchuan and Lin County are bordering each other. Yang Han led the 280th Regiment on a forced march all the way to the junction of the two counties. When they rushed to the junction of the two counties, they suddenly encountered a large number of defeated troops. After asking, they learned about the situation in Lingchuan.

Yang Han immediately ordered the march to stop, and then said: "It's still a step too late after all. I didn't expect the little devil to take action so quickly. Old Master, what should we do now?"

Fu Weisheng is the deputy commander of the 280th Regiment, but actually serves as the political commissar. Fu Weisheng said: "Commander Xing, you know the situation in Lingchuan County best. Do you think the defenders in the city can hold on until our reinforcements arrive?"


After hearing this, Xing Zhaotang hesitated slightly, but he also knew that this was not the time to cover up: "According to the current situation, the six regiments on the front line have been defeated, and the three independent regiments deployed outside the city should have withdrawn into the city if there is no accident.

Coupled with the special agent regiment and the team directly under the military headquarters originally stationed in the city, the strength is at least 5,000!"

"How can we keep it for a day? If so, we will have room for maneuver!" Fu Weisheng said.

"However, Sun Dianying's attitude is wavering. Now that the New Fifth Army has lost troops and generals one after another, it is inevitable that Sun Dianying will defect to the Japanese in order to preserve his strength. This is why I am anxious to ask for help from your army!"

Yang Han and Fu Weisheng looked at each other and fell silent. The current situation was a bit complicated. It would be better if Sun Dianying held the city and defended it, which would attract the main force of the Japanese army to attack the city. The 280th Regiment could wait for an opportunity to harass the outside and look for fighter opportunities.

But if Sun Dianying surrenders to the enemy, the three battalions and the more than 2,000 people from an artillery company brought by Yang Han may be trapped in the tiger's mouth, unable to break the siege, and even he himself will have to help.

"How about asking your superiors for instructions?" Yang Han asked.

"Our superiors haven't fully understood the situation in Lingchuan yet, so they keep interrupting us, and we will suffer from the chaos. Now that we're here, we can't go back in a state of disgrace!"

"In this way, we will send more scouts out and spread out farther. Commander Xing, although the New Fifth Army has been defeated, we cannot let the team collapse like this. We still have to collect the defeated troops along the way!" Fu Weisheng suggested.

The three of them discussed it and decided to move on.

At around eight o'clock in the morning that day, more than 6,000 Japanese and puppet troops surrounded Lingchuan County and issued a final notice to Sun Dianying to leave the city and surrender before nine o'clock.

As shells exploded in the city, Sun Dianying's heart became heavier and heavier. Several regiment leaders looked at Sun Dianying, waiting for him to make the final decision.

"Everyone, only by retaining useful people can you plan for great things. Saving the country through curves may be a strategy to turn things around!"

As soon as Sun Dianying finished speaking, a regimental commander present stood up and said: "The 89th Division and other reinforcements have come for reinforcements. Our unit still has strength. It will not be a problem to hold on until the reinforcements arrive. Why bother to be a traitor to the little devil!"

Faced with the collision of his subordinates, Sun Dianying immediately angrily shouted: "Shut up, our officers and soldiers have suffered heavy casualties. We should not cause any more unnecessary casualties!"

This chapter has been completed!
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