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Chapter 56: Terauchi Isamus Cooperation

The next day, Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang discussed and asked Chen Feng to take the mountain artillery battery and the battle defense artillery battery to coordinate with the brigade headquarters.

"Chen Feng, the brigade commander called for the artillery battalion to come over. You can't embarrass our New Second Regiment. You don't have to save me the artillery shells and beat the little devil hard." Zhou Weihan ordered.

"Also, this is your artillery battalion's first large-scale artillery battle with the Japs. It doesn't matter if your belongings are gone. Bring your brothers back to me, do you hear me?" Zhou Weihan was really worried and asked again.

"Commander, don't worry, I know what I know." Since Chen Feng became the commander of the artillery battalion, he has been doing small things at first, but this time it finally comes in handy and he can use it to his heart's content.

"Okay, let's go quickly and pay attention to safety along the way."

"Yes, regimental commander, political commissar, please rest assured that the artillery battalion will never embarrass the New Second Regiment." Chen Feng stood at attention and saluted with a military salute.

Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang stood on the Yama Mountain and looked at the artillery battalion's march from a distance, "Old Zhou, are you reluctant to part with it? Are you afraid that the brigade commander will leave the artillery battalion behind?"

"Old Zhao, although the artillery battalion is our favorite, the equipment is easy to talk about. If you don't have it, you can still make money. Talents are rare and hard to cultivate. If something goes wrong in the battle with the Japs, we will feel bad."

The artillery battalion has been moving with the regiment headquarters and is stationed at Yamawang Mountain. Usually, Chen Feng, Zhou Weihan and Zhao Gang give cultural and military lessons to the artillery battalion and the guard company.

"Old Zhou, you are just overkill. No matter how advanced the equipment is, a unit cannot become an elite without experiencing the baptism of war. Just like Czechoslovakia has sophisticated weapons, but there is basically no resistance in the face of the German invasion.

So I surrendered," Zhao Gang said.

After Zhou Weihan listened to Zhao Gang's words, he thought that after a while, you will know what the first army power in Europe is.

The "Maginot Line", which had an iron wall, collapsed in just 6 weeks. France proved to the world what true surrender means. In the Battle of France, France's surrender was unparalleled, because no one could

The country was able to capture Paris before France surrendered.

After seeing off the artillery battalion, Zhou Weihan had a phone call with Isamu Terauchi from Wuyi and agreed to meet. The matter was so important that Zhou Weihan felt that it would be safer to discuss some things in person.

In the private room on the second floor of Chuanxiang Building, Temple Yong has been waiting for you for a long time.

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to meet me this time?" Isamu Terauchi was still dressed like a businessman.

"Terauchi-kun, regarding your raid this time, what do you think are the chances of severely damaging or annihilating the main force of our army?" Zhou Weihan asked first.

Isamu Terauchi pondered for a moment and said: "General Shinozuka said at the combat meeting that this raid was to severely damage the resistance forces in the North China battlefield and support the Imperial Army's subsequent campaign in Shandong."

"But in my opinion, the independent fourth mixed brigade will not achieve greater results. It can be concluded from previous raids. On the contrary, the Shanxi-Sui Army in western Shanxi will make progress."

"Terauchi-kun, as you said, the Bantian Regiment attacking my base area went deep alone without any support. The soldiers and civilians in our base area have been waiting for the Sakata Regiment for a long time and are preparing to annihilate the Sakata Regiment in one fell swoop. They are even preparing to counterattack Wuyi and Wu'an."

Zhou Weihan boasted, giving Temple Isamu a blow on the head first.

"Nani? The Eighth Route Army has developed to such an extent." Terauchi Isamu said in surprise.

Although the little Japanese at this time had already realized the role of the Eighth Route Army on the battlefield behind enemy lines, they did not truly realize the strength of the Eighth Route Army until after the Hundred Regiment Battle.

"Terauchi-kun, you must remember that only our Eighth Route Army can bring you real benefits. Our transaction has just been conducted for the first time. In the future, there will be a lot of money entering your pocket, and you also

I don’t want the transaction to be interrupted right now.”

"Your domestic royal family, chaebols, and high-ranking military officials are constantly grabbing money and supplies from this war. But what do you who are fighting on the front line get? If you are lucky, Terauchi-kun, you can still return to the country.

, but are you willing to be a small vendor?" Zhou Weihan said to Terauchi Yong.

Zhou Weihan's words reminded Isamu Terauchi of his days in China. The Terauchi family was also a famous family, but it was just a side branch of Osaka and had long since declined. The main branch was in Yamaguchi County. When he was young, his father was killed in the Russo-Japanese War. As the eldest son of the family, Isamu Terauchi

, there are two younger brothers below, the youngest brother was given away because he didn’t have enough to eat.

Isamu Terauchi realized how difficult life was early on. He and his mother made a living by selling small commodities since he was a child. He was fed up with the oppression of the local nobles in Osaka. Later, he was lucky enough to be cared for by a big shot in the main branch, and then he embarked on the road of joining the army. When he joined the army, Isamu Terauchi swore an oath.

You must let your family live a prosperous life.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you need me to do? I may not be able to provide much assistance." Isamu Terauchi was worried that he was to blame.

"Terauchi-kun, the Bantian regiment went deep alone. The supply line was too long and was attacked by the Eighth Route Army. The entire army was wiped out. The Eighth Route Army counterattacked across the board. Wuyi garrison commander Terauchi Isamu led his men to fight bravely, resisting the enemy forces in the base area, and defending Wuyi and Wu'an." Zhou Weihan

I had already thought up the script for Terauchi Isamu.

"Terauchi-kun, what do you think of this script?" Zhou Weihan asked.

"Yo Xi, what do you need me to do?"

"Terauchi-kun, you will be responsible for the follow-up supplies of the Sakata Alliance."

"Yes, I am responsible for the supplies of the entire Fourth Independent Mixed Brigade. The supplies will be transported by train together with them. At that time, Wuyi will carry out unified transportation."

"After the battle started, the daily supplies of Bantian Regiment will be transported by our New Second Regiment." Zhou Weihan said directly.

"Nani?" Terauchi Yong was stunned by Zhou Weihan's words.

"Does Mr. Zhou want to take the opportunity to attack the Sakata Alliance in the name of transportation?" Isamu Terauchi said after thinking.

"Terauchi-kun deserves to be a graduate of mainland China. He guessed my intention right away." Zhou Weihan didn't want to reveal his intention to poison the supplies, so he praised Terauchi.

"Mr. Zhou, we actually have a better plan. We can save a batch of ammunition and replace it with your Eighth Route Army's reloading bullets." Isamu Terauchi simply gave Zhou Weihan a plan with all his heart.

"Terauchi-kun, even reloaded bullets are expensive resources within our army and cannot be prepared in a short time."

When the war comes, most of the reloaded bullets will be drawn from the soldiers, and what will they use to fight the Sakata Regiment?

"Jun Zhou, as a friend, I have some news to tell you. The brigade commander of the Fourth Independent Mixed Brigade this time is Major General Kawamura Kaoru, and the chief of staff is my brother Jin Terauchi. The two have always been at odds."

It is common for the military chief and the chief of staff to disagree within the Little Devils. The reason for this phenomenon is that the staff officers are directly appointed by the General Staff Headquarters or the Military Command Department and come from the Army University, while the military chief is promoted based on military merit.


Although the staff officers of each combat unit have low positions, they represent the emperor's guidance of military operations and are not vassals of the military commanders at the same level. They have great powers. As the saying goes, "a carrot cannot be read on its back."

"Nobuzuki Sakata of the Sakata Regiment is a confidant of Kaoru Kawamura. In this raid, the part of the Sakata Regiment was nominally supervised by my brother Jin Terauchi, but in fact it was fully commanded by Sakata Nobuori. I was worried that my brother would be affected by this during the battle.

Injured, please protect the safety of my brother." Isamu Terauchi said, stood up and bowed to Zhou Weihan.

"Terauchi-kun, you are too worried. With your position as your younger brother, it shouldn't be a problem to find an excuse to stay behind. It's not compatible anyway. There is no need to die with the Sakata Alliance," Zhou Weihan persuaded.

***The author has something to say***

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