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Chapter 567: The End of the Kwantung Army (Part 1)

The Japanese troops in the city were mainly entrenched in the south city that had just been occupied. Therefore, three teams of the reconnaissance company dispersed to the north city under the leadership of Lin Zhengxiong and several "insiders".

Dong Jiang's squad of soldiers were dressed exactly like little Japs. Under the leadership of Lin Zhengxiong, they passed through several alleys. As soon as they showed up on a street, they ran into a Japanese patrol in Beicheng who had heard the news.


Lin Zhengxiong reacted extremely quickly, waving to the little devil's patrol: "Quick, quick, the headquarters has been attacked, we are chasing you, go to the headquarters to protect the General!"

Captain Cao, the kid who led the team, saw Lin Zhengxiong's military rank and immediately responded: "Hi!"

The two groups just passed each other, and the little Japanese did not become suspicious. After that, a small group of soldiers quickly hid in a small alley.

Dong Jiang waved his hand, and a small group of soldiers rushed to the nearby half-destroyed house. Dong Jiang and Lin Zhengxiong also hid nearby.

Temporarily having a hiding place, the two breathed heavily, looked at each other, and laughed in unison.

"Why are you laughing?" Dong Jiang asked.

"Before you sneaked into the city, you told me that everyone in your reconnaissance company is a good player. Why are you running around like a rabbit now?" Lin Zhengxiong said with a smile.

"Shit, what I said is not true at all. All the equipment is left outside the city. As long as there are fewer little Japs in the city, I will dare to lead the soldiers to fight against the Japs. Fighting with the Japs head-on is not our reconnaissance.

Even the job!" Dong Jiang retorted.

While the two were talking, gunfire suddenly erupted in Nancheng.

"That's not right. Our people have all evacuated to the North City. Why are there still gunshots in the South City?" Dong Jiang said doubtfully, changing the word "we" to "we" when speaking.

"How about I go out and take a look?" Lin Zhengxiong said.

"Farewell, the Japanese military headquarters was bombed. Judging from the scene, your transport team is the most suspect. Can you go out and show your face at this time?" Dong Jiang stopped Lin Zhengxiong from going out.

In Nancheng, when the Eighth Preliminary Division was evacuating, there was a suicide squad scattered in Nancheng. After hearing the explosion in the city, some of the suicide squad soldiers rushed out and happened to collide with the Japs.

Japanese Army Command Headquarters.

The Japanese captain Go Miyata was originally responsible for the defense of the city wall. Hearing the movement in the city, he immediately led his people and rushed over. Later, when he saw the headquarters that had turned into ruins, he couldn't help but became furious: "Baga, hurry up, find it right away."

Your Majesty General!"

At this time, the kid who had arrived earlier had dug Yukio Imada out from under the rubble, but even the crazy kid couldn't bear to look at Yukio Imada's miserable condition.

When the explosion occurred, the adjutant was reporting next to Yukio Imada. The adjutant only had time to protect Yukio Imada, and then the solid wood roof on the roof hit the two of them heavily, and then the two of them were buried under the rubble.


This operation of the reconnaissance company directly brought down the entire Japanese army headquarters. The person in the platoon was a Japanese major general and the other was a Japanese captain.

Currently, the top Japanese commander in the city is only battalion commander Goichi Miyata.

As soon as the scene changed, the Japanese pursuit troops out of the city ran into the pockets set up by the Sichuan Army's 47th Army.

From the perspective of the entire pocket formation, the terrain is difficult, with highlands on the north and south sides. The 104th Division of the Sichuan Army is located on the north side, and the 178th Division is located on the south side. There are also independent regiments and teams directly under the military headquarters arranged at the exit of the pocket formation.

The 89th Division, which arrived later, was responsible for cutting off the Japanese pursuing troops in the middle, thereby reducing the pressure on the 47th Army. Three regiments from the Tainan Military Region blocked the Japanese troops' retreat and launched a strong attack.

The Japanese army used all their strength to pursue the remnants of the 27th Army, vowing to wipe out the 27th Army of the Sichuan Army in one fell swoop. Although they had previously known that there was the 47th Sichuan Army to the south, the little Japanese did not take it seriously at all.

"Give me some!" shouted the little Japanese officer who was in charge of the battle.

At that moment, more than 500 Japanese troops each launched an aggressive attack on the Sichuan Army positions on both sides, and the remaining 300 or so troops attacked the exit of the pocket formation.

"Sir, Nishikawa Battalion and Maeda Battalion 1 were intercepted by the enemy and unable to join our troops!" a young Japanese soldier reported.

"Don't worry, tell the warriors that our air support will arrive soon!" Miyata said in a deep voice.

Although the number of Japanese troops was small, they had just rested for half a night and replenished half a day's combat supplies. In addition, they had just occupied Changzhi not long ago, so it was a time when their troops were well-prepared and their momentum was at its peak.

Although there were many divisions ambushing on both sides, their firepower was too weak, and they were quickly pushed in front of the fortifications by the Japs.

"Brothers, the little devils are attacking. Let these idiots see how good we are at wielding a sword and kill them!" Commander Li of the 187th Division pulled out his sword and shouted.

"Kill the little devil!" The remaining soldiers jumped out of their positions and were strangled with the little devil in a blink of an eye.

The battle situation on the mountain top on the north side is generally similar, but the 104th Division has not participated in the war before, has complete personnel and relatively sufficient ammunition.

After suffering more than a hundred casualties, the attacking Japanese army finally climbed to the top of the hill where the 104th Division was located, and in the blink of an eye they were drowned in a sea of ​​people by the remaining soldiers.

The independent regiment of the 47th Army deployed at the exit was equipped with four heavy machine guns. The little Japanese who attacked the exit kept falling on the way to attack.

"Okay, okay!" Li Jiayu, commander of the 47th Army in the rear military headquarters, saw the fighting in front and cheered one after another: "Let the pistol team rush up and deal with the group of little devils at the exit first!"

"Yes!" the messenger immediately responded.

"Military seat, the divisions on both sides have started hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army. These little devils are the elite of the Kwantung Army. Although we have the numerical advantage, even if we win in the end, it will be a tragic victory. Should we seek help from the 27th Army?

Some reinforcements?" said the chief of staff on the side.

"What nonsense, the 27th Army was begging for help when they passed by us. It's not like you didn't see it!"

"In this way, the guard camp is equipped with a lot of traps and short guns, so let the guard camp go up!" Li Jiayu said immediately.


Compared with the fierce fighting situation on the Sichuan Army's side, the 89th Division and the three regiments of the Tainan Military Region flanked the Japs with less than a thousand men, and the battle was much smoother.

As soon as the battle began, more than 4,000 soldiers of the 89th Division on both sides repelled a wave of Japanese attacks with their excellent weapons and equipment.

Then, without giving the Japanese army more time to react, the three regiments of the Tainan Military Region each concentrated their light machine guns on the commandos, using the commandos as sharp knives to tear the Japanese army's entrenched formation into pieces.

After that, the soldiers of the 89th Division on the position swarmed down. The Third Regiment of the Tainan Military Region continued to attack back. The Fifth Regiment and the 29th Regiment quickly moved forward to support the Sichuan Army who was fighting a bloody battle with the Japs.

This chapter has been completed!
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