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Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Chutu the little devil

Just as he was talking, the correspondent covered in dirt rushed into the command post and breathlessly reported: "Commander, political commissar, the Ninth Company's position is tight! Requesting reinforcements."

The commander was startled: "Which other troops can be mobilized now?"

"Everyone who can get up is on board, and only the wounded are left in the rear."

"The security company is here, transfer it up."

"The order you personally gave half an hour ago has been supplemented to the first battalion position."

The commander frowned at this time, and Political Commissar Ma thought for a moment: "Didn't the new third company just recruit more soldiers? Ask Xie Gouzi to lead the men to press forward."

"Yes!" The correspondent turned around and ran away.

There was heavy artillery fire outside the command post, but Li Daben and his brothers could only lie on the trench and watch helplessly.

Li Dazhen said anxiously: "Look at how this battle is going. By the time our turn comes, there won't be even a single Japanese hair left."

Lively said: "At least pick up the bayonet and take it back. There's something to be said for it."

Just as he was talking, he saw correspondents running back and forth in the trenches from a distance, shouting as he ran: "Anyone from the new third company! Are there any from the new third company?"

He grabbed a soldier casually and said, "Do you know where the new third company is?"

"I don't know, we broke up long ago."

The correspondent looked around anxiously, and suddenly Li Dazhi came out. "The new third company, leave it here!"

The correspondent stepped in front of him and looked him up and down: "You are from the new third company? Why haven't I seen you? Where is your company commander?"

"The company commander has already rushed up. We are the reserve team." Li Dabo patted the main box on his waist and said, "I am the platoon leader!"

The correspondent said with relief: "The commander ordered your third company to immediately replenish the ninth company's position."

Li Daben asked quickly: "Where is the ninth company's position?"

"Did you see the dead tree over there?" The correspondent pointed, "Secure that side, don't let a single Japanese go by. Go find your company commander!"

"Promise to complete the mission!" Li Dajin rushed back and said to the militia members nestled in the trenches: "We have been given a position to pick up foreigners, ready-made bargains, let's go quickly!


A group of people were fooled by Li Da and rushed towards the ninth company position. As soon as they ran under the dead tree, a cannonball exploded next to them.

Li Daben suddenly fell down in the trench. The other team members who had never been on the battlefield had never seen such a scene.

At first I really thought that Yang Luo'er, a Japanese pickpocket, was coming, but I was so frightened that I ran around with my head in my hands.

Di Gua ran over, grabbed Li Dabeng and asked, "Why don't this cannon be fired elsewhere, but here specifically for us?"

Huan Zheng also shouted: "Li Da, what kind of path are you leading? Why are you leading me to the road of death?"

At this time, Li Dazhen couldn't fool anymore, and shouted: "Yell a ball at me, this is an order from above!"

Lively: "What kind of order is this? Why do you want us to be cannon fodder?"

As he spoke, another explosion sounded, this time so close. Li Daben felt his head buzzing. When he raised his head again, he felt the world was spinning. He only saw Sweet Potato and Lively talking in front of him, but could not hear what they said.

Suddenly, Digua was stunned, and pointed his hand behind Li Dabenshen with a look of horror on his face.

Li Daben, who was stunned by the bombing, looked in the direction of Sweet Potato's finger and woke up with a fright.

I saw a group of figures slowly appearing in the smoke, with yellow military uniforms and plaster flags, and forty or fifty little devils rushing towards their position.

The little devils were holding machine guns, and squadron leader Fujita was at the front holding a command knife.

Takada said to squadron leader Fujita: "Fujita-kun, you really chose the right direction to break out of the encirclement. The Eighth Route Army didn't even have time to stop it."

Seeing hope, the Japs ran desperately across the open ground without cover.

If Li Da's group had a machine gun at this time, these Japanese would be easy targets.

However, in the entire militia only Li Da has a tortoise box, how can it be too late?

By the time he reacted, the Japanese were already close to him. He used all his strength and shouted, "Hold on."

Then a grenade from a grenade exploded behind him, and he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Zhou Weihan and his party heard fierce gunshots coming from the battlefield far away.

Zhou Weihan did not let anyone act rashly, but instead asked a group of people to ambush in the woods on the roadside.

At this time, the soldiers who went to investigate rushed over and said: "Commander, on the battlefield ahead, a unit of our Eighth Route Army is exchanging fire with the Japs."

Guard company commander Wu Qin said: "Commander, this is not far from the Ninth Column base area. It should be the Ninth Column's troops."

Before he finished speaking, another reconnaissance soldier shouted from a distance: "Captain, a group of little devils broke out of the encirclement and rushed towards us. There are about forty or fifty people, and they are not carrying heavy weapons."

Zhou Weihan smiled: "It's better to come early than to come by chance. The fat meat that comes to your door cannot be let go."

"Jing Dagang, let the soldiers put on those 10 pieces of Czech equipment. No matter how good the equipment is, it is useless if it is not used. It is time to see blood."

"Come here little devil, Czech style, greeting with fancy tricks, stand out from these idiots, let one go and I will ask you for help."

The soldiers stood ready, and not long after, a group of little devils rushed over desperately, led by squadron leader Fujita, who had no idea that they were waiting for death to come again.

In an instant, there was a loud burst of gunfire, and countless bullets were fired at the kid. Fujita was beaten into a sieve because he ran in front and was given priority by the soldiers from the guard platoon. The other kid didn't react and fell to the ground one after another like onions.

Zhou Weihan saw a soldier next to him still holding a Czech stick, and said angrily: "Okay, I really think I am a landlord and a rich man, I don't know how to save some bullets."

The soldier smiled and said: "Captain, it's really fun. I have to say that this Czech style is much better than the little devil's crooked tricks."

"Stop talking nonsense and clean up the battlefield quickly. As per the old rules, no one will be left alive."

"Captain, there are 45 Japs in total, including a major, squadron leader, and a lieutenant, executive officer. None of them escaped!" Wu Qin handed over a sergeant's knife.

Zhou Weihan took over the Zuoguan Sword and was very satisfied.

When Zhou Weihan and others arrived at the battlefield, the soldiers from the Nine Columns were cleaning the battlefield.

At this time, in the temporary command post of the Nine Columns, dark clouds were overwhelming the city. The commander of the Nine Columns held up the phone and did not dare to put it to his ear. A roar like a bell came from the other side of the phone.


"The leader scolds the division commander, and the division commander scolds me, and I will scold you. You damn grass-eaters, one column beats the enemy and one squadron is stunned, and people run away. The face of the ninth column has been lost to you! If you are

If you can’t do it, get out of here as soon as possible and don’t let me see you here!”

The phone over there hung up with a bang.

(End of chapter)

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