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Chapter 599 Li Yunlong: I have also experienced the addiction of being a cavalryman

Hanji Town, where the Southwest Shandong Military Division is located, is located in a prominent position in the area of ​​confrontation between the enemy and ourselves. To the north is Chengzhuang, to the east is Chaizhuang, and to the south is Peizhuang. Each of the three villages is stationed with a company, forming a semicircle with Hanji Town as the core.

State defense posture.

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Zhouzhuang, Zhuzhuang, Qianlizhuang, and Yaoji are located to the east of Hanji Town, lined up from north to south. The four Zhuangzi are the forefront of the battle between the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese and puppet troops, but the control is in the hands of the Japanese army.

However, due to insufficient manpower, the Japanese army stationed puppet troops and local security forces here. There was also a small group of Japanese troops and numerous puppet troops stationed in Zhuanmiao Town, ten miles to the east.

Several villages that were originally less than ten miles apart now formed two completely opposite worlds.

At the entrance of Chaizhuang Village, the sound of horse hooves and the neighing of war horses kept coming. After the Shandong Southwest Cavalry Regiment added a group of backbones, a total of more than 600 people gathered here.

At this time, a war horse galloped over. The soldier on the horse had no time to dismount and reported in a hurried tone: "Commander, the headquarters informed that the enemies in Zhuanmiao Town have moved out!"

Li Yunlong rode on a war horse, looked around at the many soldiers present, and shouted loudly: "Comrades, it has been more than two months since the cavalry regiment was established. Both the weapons and equipment and the daily meals are better than ordinary ones."

Good luck, soldiers, now it’s time for my subordinates to meet Zhen Zhang!”

"The other soldiers have long had their opinions. Why can the cavalry eat some meat every now and then? Whether you will eat meat or drink porridge in the future will all depend on today's battle!"

"I always chop at straw piles, and I can't practice to my true level. Today we will practice with the Japanese and puppet soldiers in Zhuanmiao Town. I have also experienced the addiction of being a cavalry!"

Li Yunlong's few words inspired the bloody spirit of the soldiers, and even the horses seemed to smell the smoke of the beacon fire and seemed extremely restless.

"Sun Desheng, you take the First Company and the Second Company to Zhouzhuang, Zhuzhuang, and the Third Company and the Fourth Company follow me to Qianli Village and Yaoji!" After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he pulled out the big sword on his back and did not wait for the soldiers to respond.

Instead, he drove his horse ahead.

When the soldiers of the cavalry regiment saw this, they immediately divided into two groups, followed Sun Desheng all the way to the northeast, and followed Li Yunlong all the way to the southeast.

Compared with the sword hanging in Li Yunlong's hand, the cavalry regiment at this time could be said to have exchanged shotguns for cannons. The arrival of the Tainan Military Region's cavalry regiment not only supported a large number of backbones, but also brought a batch of captured weapons and equipment.

The soldiers of the Cavalry Regiment of the Southwest Shandong Military Region now carry a saber and wear leather armor, and half of them use horse rifles.

The dispatch of the cavalry regiment this time was not accidental. During the training of the troops of the Southwest Shandong Army, several small units went deep into the enemy's rear to carry out guerrilla warfare, harassing the enemy continuously.

In addition to the strongholds and towns where the Japanese troops were stationed, the Eighth Route Army guerrillas were active in the western areas of Dingtao and Caoxian counties.

Everywhere they went, in addition to accurately attacking local landlords and traitors, the guerrilla comrades repeatedly released news to the local people that the main force of the Eighth Route Army was about to fight back.

For a time, the people's hearts in the enemy-occupied areas were unstable. Large households that remained neutral or did not cooperate with the Japanese army, and the landlords became more and more determined to draw a clear line with the little devils and traitors. At the same time, some traitors were all in danger, fearing that after the main force of the Eighth Route Army returned,

, to liquidate it.

Although the Japanese army achieved a staged victory in southwestern Shandong, due to insufficient troops, they were unable to complete their victory in one battle and annihilate all the armed forces of the Eighth Route Army. Anyone with some knowledge will understand that this is a tug-of-war between the two sides. Those who are easy to bet

, it will inevitably be liquidated by the other party afterwards.

The Eighth Route Army took the initiative to give up some places and shrink its strength, which was a conspiracy.

The two forces took turns occupying an area. On the one hand, the difference allowed some unsteady people and large landowners to strengthen their determination to resist Japan. On the other hand, it allowed the Japanese army's limited forces to be dispersed among the huge enemy-occupied areas.

The situation reversed, and it was the Japanese army's turn to be hampered everywhere.

On the trail leading from Zhuanmiao Town to Qianli Village, a team of more than 20 people wearing ordinary people's clothes was advancing rapidly.

"Platoon leader, the front is Qianli Village!" The soldier running at the front turned around and shouted.

"Stop moving forward!" the platoon leader leading the team shouted immediately, and after speaking, he glanced at the telephone pole connecting Qianli Zhuang and Zhuanmiao Town.

"When we passed through Zhuanmiao Town, the kid must have sent a message to Qian Lizhuang. We can't go any further. If the kid enters the village, it will be difficult for the comrades of the Cavalry Regiment to fight!"

"Then which direction should we run?"

The platoon leader leading the team pointed at the green gauze tent not far to the north, and then said: "Run to the north and be sure to drag the little devil!"

More than 20 people immediately left the trail and headed north. Soon after, more than 200 Japanese and puppet troops pursued them. Among them, only a few were real Japs, and the rest were puppet troops.

The soldiers hiding in Qingsha Zhang immediately opened fire and attracted him. The little devil was originally intended to chase the guerrillas who had been wreaking havoc in the occupied area. After hearing the noise, they immediately commanded the puppet troops to press forward. The two sides started fighting in Qingsha Zhang.


On the other side, the security team and puppet troops from the former Lizhuang, who had received the order, all gathered together and were preparing to intercept the guerrillas who were breaking through here.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong led three companies of cavalry and more than three hundred men of the fourth company to arrive. The enemy had not seen the cavalry yet, but only heard the thunderous sound of horse hooves, which disrupted their position.

Former Lizhuang built trenches at the entrance to the east and west villages. The soldiers of the cavalry regiment crossed the trenches with their horses and fought towards the village. If they encountered resistance along the way, they cut them down with their swords.

"Kill!" The soldiers who were scattered in the front village of Lizhuang gathered at the east entrance of the village. Li Yunlong took the lead, holding the saber high in his hand and knocking down the two puppet soldiers like chopping melons and vegetables.

The puppet troops at the entrance of the village deployed two light machine guns, but before they could take effect, the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army came to them.

In the blink of an eye, all the puppet troops and security forces gathered at the entrance of the village were defeated. The Eighth Route Army cavalry was not willing to fight anymore and rushed out of Qianli Village towards Zhuanmiao Town.

When Li Yunlong and his troops arrived, the guerrillas were still trying to entangle the enemy in Qingsha Zhang, but the little devils had already noticed that something was wrong.

Rapid whistles were sounded, trying to gather the scattered troops, and the puppet troops kept coming out of the green gauze tent.

More than 300 cavalrymen did not stop. Li Yunlong rushed to the front with more than 30 cadres. The entire cavalry formation was like an arrow piercing the back of the Japanese and puppet troops. The first unlucky ones were the few who were supervising the battle at the rear.

Little devil.

Several little devils who looked like dwarf carrots were knocked away by the war horses one after another, and then trampled into a ball of rotten flesh.

Each company of the cavalry regiment was equipped with three Type 96 light machine guns, but they were not used under the command of Li Yunlong.

In the blink of an eye, the barely gathered puppet troops were killed, and the two companies of cavalry were immediately divided into two, surrounding the remaining fifty or so puppet troops.

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