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Chapter 607: Untenable Situation

While the appeasement army was undergoing internal integration, the Japanese army was also paying attention to the movements of the Eighth Route Army. Starting from the Battle of Zhuanmiao Town, even the cavalry regiments attacking in enemy-occupied areas were noticed by the Japanese army. However, the Japanese army only defended passively.

There was no big move.

Shangqiu, the headquarters of the 4th Japanese Cavalry Brigade.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, Cao County has sent another telegram, please check it!" The adjutant said and handed over a telegram. The content of the telegram was the recent whereabouts of the cavalry regiment in enemy-occupied areas.

After reading the telegram, Kojima Yoshizo looked gloomy and shouted angrily: "Bagaya Road, when did the Eighth Route Army have such a cavalry that it can't defeat?"

The adjutant in front of him suddenly had an idea, thought of a possibility, and said immediately: "Commander of the brigade, our military horse farm was attacked by the Eighth Route Army before. The Eighth Route Army may have taken this opportunity to form a cavalry unit!"

"Nani?" Kojima Yoshizo was stunned, and then said: "Absolutely impossible. How could the Eighth Route Army form a cavalry in just a few months?"

"But this is the fact!" The adjutant said somewhat resignedly.

"Baga!" Kojima Yoshizo was a little angry when he heard this, and stepped forward and slapped the adjutant twice hard.

"Hi!" Although the adjutant received a slap, he still stood at attention respectfully and responded.

"Go and call Araki-kun and Nishimura-kun!"


Not long after, Chief of Staff Yoshihiro Araki and Chief of the Shangqiu secret service Takehiko Nishimura arrived one after another.

During this period, Yoshihiro Araki, as chief of staff, was responsible for applying for troop reinforcements from the 35th Division and the North China Expeditionary Force Headquarters, while Takehiko Nishimura participated in the reorganization of the Pacification Army.

The Fourth Cavalry Brigade of the Japanese Army was under the jurisdiction of the 35th Division, and under its jurisdiction was the 25th and 26th Cavalry Regiments, the 4th Cavalry Artillery Regiment, and an additional independent 30th Infantry Brigade.

Originally, the 30th Independent Infantry Brigade was centered in Heze and stationed in Zhencheng, Dingtao, and Caoxian County as a daily garrison force, while its cavalry unit was permanently stationed in Shangqiu and roamed and fought in various counties in southwestern Shandong as a mobile unit.


However, as the southwestern Shandong military division expanded outward, the balance maintained by the Japanese army's efforts was broken, which also led to multiple battles between the two sides.


After Kojima Yoshizo explained the reason, Araki Yoshihiro immediately said: "Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, the Harada Division Commander has sent the tank squadron under the 35th Search Regiment to support our unit!"

However, Yoshizo Kojima was not very satisfied when he heard this: "Nani? Only the search wing? How will the dispatched army headquarters respond?"

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"Hey, the main force of Lanfeng's 220th Regiment is in Changzhi Yusha. Lanfeng's defense strength is empty, and it is urgent to send the imperial army to garrison. In addition, Zhengzhou is the key direction of the division's main defense, and there is no force to support our unit!"

"The Dispatch Army Headquarters responded by dedicating an infantry brigade from the 21st Division stationed in Xuzhou to maintain security in the occupied areas!"

"Bagaya Road, for the sake of Zhengzhou that we have not won, do we have to give up the counties in southwestern Shandong that we have already won?" Kojima Yoshizo said angrily.

Previously, the order conveyed by the Japanese North China Expeditionary Force Headquarters was very affirmative. Japanese military forces in various places must actively shrink their forces to reduce the chance of fighting with the Eighth Route Army and avoid unnecessary casualties.

If Li Yunlong had stayed in the mountainous area of ​​Luling Town, Kojima Jizo would have been unwilling to fight against the Eighth Route Army. However, Li Yunlong first took away the Japanese military horse farm and then expanded the base area in southwest Shandong, which led to many battles between the two sides.


"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, the Imperial Army has suffered many defeats in North China, especially in southern Shanxi. The Eighth Route Army in various places has become more and more rampant. Although the Imperial Army still has the advantage, facing the vast territory of China, the troops in the rear cannot maintain local security. Similar to

The situation in southwestern Shandong is different!"

Nishimura Takehiko was about to continue talking, but Kojima Yoshizo interrupted him directly: "How could I not know, but if the Eighth Route Army is allowed to develop, sooner or later, I am afraid that one day, the Eighth Route Army's cavalry will be forced outside Shangqiu City!"

"Besides, the Eighth Route Army has already taken the initiative to attack. If we continue to tolerate it, southwest Shandong will really become the territory of the Eighth Route Army!"

Everyone present was silent. How could they not know the advantages of cavalry in plain areas like southwestern Shandong?

Sensing that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit dull, Kojima Yoshizo patted the table: "Gentlemen, although the Empire of Japan occasionally suffered defeats in the North China battlefield, this was only temporary. We must never forget the honor of being imperial soldiers.

Cheer up, swear to serve His Majesty the Emperor to the death, and open up fertile territory for the Empire of Japan!"

"Hey, I swear to serve His Majesty the Emperor to the death," the two men stood up and shouted.

Kojima Yoshizo nodded with satisfaction and continued: "The Eighth Route Army's initiative to attack this time is quite unusual. Perhaps after the defeat of the battle, reinforcements were invited. Nishimura-kun, you need to send more attention to this aspect of intelligence!"


"But the Imperial Army still has the advantage. Although the Eighth Route Army has cavalry units, how can it withstand the warriors of my Fourth Brigade? Moreover, if the tank squadron is used properly, it can cause huge damage to the Eighth Route Army!" Kojima Yoshizo continued,

The implication is to boost morale.

"Commander of the brigade, the appeasement army's combat effectiveness is also not weak. Using it to deal with the Eighth Route Army can become a powerful arm of the imperial army!" Nishimura Takehiko said.

"Youxi!" After revealing their intention to annihilate the Eighth Route Army in southwestern Shandong, both of them quickly agreed. Kojima Yoshizo nodded with satisfaction: "Within ten days, the appeasement army must complete the integration and distribute all kinds of combat supplies.

Destroy the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop, a serious nuisance!"


At the same time, inside the Eighth Route Army headquarters, the boss and others were discussing the autumn harvest plan for the Taihang base area.

"According to the response from various counties, this year, the situation of the people in the area is pretty good. However, in the guerrilla zones and the areas occupied by the Japanese army, food production has been reduced, and the Japanese army has increased its efforts to collect taxes. The people's life is not easy. The autumn harvest is around the corner.

, the Japanese army will definitely send troops to the base area to grab food if it is not good!" said a cadre of the Northern Bureau.

During the summer and autumn harvests, there are frequent battles between the enemy and ourselves. Around the entire base area, although there will be no major battles, small-scale battles continue one after another.

"Not necessarily. The Japanese army has suffered repeated setbacks and is no longer as arrogant as before. However, food is really the top priority. Boss, this may be a good opportunity?" said the deputy chief of staff.

Of course the boss understood what the deputy chief of staff meant. The two had discussed it many times before, and the boss said: "Kill him while he is sick, and what we are fighting for now is food. Providing food is the foundation of the base area. The Japanese army doesn't come here every time."

Are you grabbing food from the base area?"

"Let's change this time. Before the autumn harvest, each unit will work hard to expand its base areas and try its best to obtain more food to survive the crisis in the coming year!" the boss finally said.

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