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Chapter 61 Sparrow Battle

Chapter 61 Sparrow War

The hilltop where Zhang Zhiming was located was right next to the official road. The official road suddenly narrowed due to the mountains on both sides, making it a good place for an ambush.

"Captain, the little devil is here, why are they all cavalry?" Erzhu pointed at a group of cavalry at the mountain pass and said.

"This is troublesome. The power of the landmines made by local methods is small, and the little devil cavalry is very fast. I'm afraid the mines laid will not have any effect." Zhang Zhiming hammered his fist and said.

"Xiao Anzi, hurry up and inform Captain He and the others that the troops led by the little devil are cavalry from a squadron, and ask them to dig a horse pit at the end of the ambush circle. Go quickly." Zhang Zhiming ordered.

Sakata Nobutetsu, an old devil, was not a good person. He sent a cavalry squadron to take the lead in conducting fire reconnaissance. The mines laid by the Eighth Route Army basically could not hurt the cavalry, and there were indeed troops ambushing them. The Eighth Route Army's firepower could not do anything to the cavalry, and they could charge with just one charge.

Once out of the ambush circle, the large troops behind will be able to follow immediately.

The Little Japanese Cavalry stopped near the mountain pass. An officer on horseback looked at the mountain with a telescope, fearing that he might be ambushed.

The little Jaap officer waved his hand, and immediately four little Japs armed with crooked-handle machine guns rushed over on horseback. The crooked-handled machine guns in their hands opened fire at the hills on both sides.

A stream of bullets hit Zhang Zhiming in front of him, splashing dirt in his face.

Zhang Zhiming pouted a few times and said hurriedly: "Don't even shoot. This is the enemy's fire reconnaissance. We will hit the little Japanese infantry later."

At this time, several landmines were stepped on by the little Japanese soldiers and horses, but they did not cause any harm to the investigating little Japanese soldiers.

But it also frightened the little Japs who were investigating, and they quickly retreated on their horses.

The little devil's cavalry squadron leader here heard the noise and quickly reported to Sakata Nobutetsu: "Captain, there is an enemy ambush ahead."

Nobuyuki Sakata was indeed very cunning and cunning. At this time, he was dressed as an ordinary Japanese soldier and was sitting on a carriage transporting supplies.

"Yamashita-kun, immediately send out an engineering team to clear mines," Sakata Nobutsu said to the adjutant Yamashita Tomohisa on the side.


A dozen little Japanese engineers slowly stepped forward with detection instruments.

"Captain, the little devil has sent out engineers, shall we fight?" Erzhu asked.

"Don't worry, I'll let the little devil go. Just wait and see." Zhang Zhiming said cheerfully.

A Japanese engineer discovered the mine and called for the engineer to dig it with a shovel.

"Nani, you have a bad conscience on Tubal Road." A sapper looked at the yellow stuff on the shovel and saw a big lump in the pit with an iron piece stuck in it.

The little Japanese engineers quickly buried it with soil and stepped on it with their feet.

There was a "boom" and a puff of black smoke. The little Japanese engineer who stepped on the mine was stabbed in one leg, and the other one was only injured by the stones and iron fragments in the mine.

Zhang Zhiming on the top of the mountain saw it clearly, "Except for the machine guns, I took aim at them all to fight these stupid little devils."

With a "ba" shot, a little Japanese engineer was hit by him with a 38-meter cap. Several other militiamen on the hilltops also took aim at the target and fired, and sparse gunshots rang out.

It's a pity that although all of the hundred or so people in the county brigade have guns, there are only seven or eight 38 guns, and only 40 or 50 medium-sized guns captured from the puppet troops. The rest are all from the main force.

The old sleeves that were purchased by the army were made in Hanyang, and the rifling has been smoothed. In addition, most of the bullets are reloaded, so the accuracy is not much better.

Personnel No. 100 opened fire, but only seven or eight were killed. The remaining few Japs fled back quickly.

"Captain, are you still sending people to continue clearing mines?" Adjutant Tomohisa Yamashita asked.

"The sound of gunfire is very messy, and there are no machine guns. It should be just a guerrilla force on the Tubal Road. Our target is the enemy's main force, and we should not be held back by a small force," said Sakata Nobutetsu.

"Iwai-kun, I order you to lead your cavalry team to level the mines in front of you." Sakata Nobutetsu said loudly.

"Captain," Iwai Nosuke was about to speak when he was interrupted by Sakata Nobutetsu.

"Baga, I order you to lead your cavalry team to clear the mines in front of you, quickly and quickly." Sakata Nobutsuru repeated sharply again.


Sakata Nobutsu, an old Japanese soldier, was not only ruthless to his enemies, but also even more ruthless to his own people. He actually used the cavalry, which was a precious resource within the Japanese army, to go over the mines.

"Warriors, spread out and charge, and give them away."

A squadron of little Japanese cavalry launched a death charge and rushed over with a roar.

"Captain, what are you doing, little devil?"

"Damn, the little devil is really cruel, he just used the cavalry to attack the thunder," Zhang Zhiming said with a breath of air.

While talking, the little devil cavalry had already rushed out of the ambush circle. Only about a dozen of the more than a hundred cavalry fell. The fallen little devils were basically trampled to death by the cavalry behind them because they charged too fast.

"Youxi, the 1st Squadron of the 11th Battalion is responsible for the cover. The others are moving forward at full speed and ignore the Tubal Road on the mountain." Sakata Nobutsu said loudly while sitting on the carriage.

After receiving the order, the little Japs from a squadron rushed to the surrounding hills. Zhang Zhiming, who was on the mountain, saw more than thirty little Japs coming towards him and shouted: "Hit!"

At this moment, the only crooked gun was fired, and a little Japanese who couldn't avoid it was hit. But before the machine gunner could be happy, a bullet hit his chest.

Zhang Zhiming brought over a light machine gun, and while firing, he shouted to the soldiers: "Throw grenades to cover, and retreat quickly. If you don't move for a while, you will be surrounded by the little Japs."

More than thirty grenades were thrown down, killing several little Japs.

Then Zhang Zhiming led his men towards the mountain forest, and the other team members on the hilltops retreated after seeing this.

After everyone gathered together, Zhang Zhiming asked breathlessly: "Second Pillar, how many people are left?"

"Captain, the kid's marksmanship is so accurate. In just a short exchange of fire, more than thirty people were killed or injured." Erzhu said with a sad face.

"The kid will definitely be difficult to deal with. I have no intention of going back alive. Let's go and meet up with Captain He and the others."

The words were divided into two parts, Li Daben was leading people to come here.

Digua ran over in a panic with two people: "Sir, the gunfire over there has stopped?"

"Where are the people who ambush you? Did they run away?" Li Da capable asked.

“Too far away, can’t see clearly”

"The fucking telescope in your hand is just a decoration. The little devil is walking along the official road. Our people must be ambushing near the official road. You are right to go this way." Li Dabo pointed in a direction and said.

Zhou Weihan was worried that the local armed forces who were harassing the little Japs would not be able to hit the little Japs where they hurt, so he specially sent Mr. Li to come over and give the little Japs some extra ingredients.

The Sakata Alliance fought hard and broke through three ambushes of the county brigade and the district squad. However, the cavalry squadron suffered miserably. There were a total of 134 people on horseback, and only more than 90 people were left after several charges.

Here Zhang Zhiming also led the county brigade to join He Chunsheng and others.

"Captain Zhang, how are you doing?" He Chunsheng asked with concern.

"More than thirty casualties"

"The comrades in the previous district teams were surrounded by the Japs, and not one of them escaped," He Chunsheng said.

"Damn, these little devils react too quickly, and the commander is not a good person either. They are much better than the usual little devils." Zhang Zhiming said distressedly.

While the two were talking, a soldier ran over and reported: "Company commander, a group of our people have arrived, they say they are from the New Second Regiment."

"Is that Captain Zhang in front of you?" Li Dazhen shouted from afar.

"It's one of our own." Zhang Zhiming knew it was Li Da as soon as he heard the voice.

After the two parties reunited.

"I am Li Dabenshi, the captain of the independent brigade of the New Second Regiment. I came to support you on the order of our commander Zhou."

"Captain Li, you guys arrived just in time. I am He Chunsheng, the commander of the first company of the brigade's special agent battalion."

Not to mention that there is no distinction between the priorities of the three waters, Zhou Weihan cannot be the leader of the regiment and lead his men to harass the enemy.

Thanks to Brother Hellcat for the 1000 reward.

Book club group: 759879943

(End of chapter)

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