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Chapter 625 Farewell Telegram

In the Japanese military station in Heze County, the usually domineering Japanese patrol team disappeared.

Inside the headquarters, several little Japs were burning important documents in a panic. The radio set up nearby was beeping. The little Japs who were receiving the telegram suddenly stood up and walked to Ichiro Tengyuan's office.

In the office, Ichiro Tōgen, as the supreme commander of the Japanese army, did not go to command the battle, but he knelt down in front of a small square table with a slumped expression, holding a handful of ribs in his hand, and spitting the wine in his mouth on the ribs.

Then wipe it carefully.

Maybe it was the light in the room that shone on the ribs, which flashed Toyuan Ichiro's eyes, and little bits of blood dripped down the blade onto the white cotton cloth.

Tengyuan Ichiro seemed not to feel the pain, but continued to wipe the blade of the sword. The man sitting opposite couldn't help but said: "Sir, although the Eighth Route Army's offensive is fierce, as long as our troops hold on until dawn, the Imperial Army's planes will definitely come.

With support, there will still be a glimmer of hope!"

"Sir, the troops in the city now need you to step up and cheer up. Please cheer up!" The adjutant put his hands on the ground and knocked hard.

With a pious look on his face, Ichiro Togen put the ribs in his hand on the white cloth on the table, and then said: "Munaka-kun, there is no need to do this!"

"Heze County cannot be defended. As General Harada said, the Eighth Route Army's attack on Heze County is most likely a strategy to encircle the county for reinforcements. Now that our department has lost contact with the brigade headquarters, the brigade commander is probably

The odds are stacked against us, there is no way we can save this battle!"

During the day, the Eighth Route Army's siege troops relied on their superiority in artillery fire and made smooth initial progress. They successively removed strongholds outside the city in the east and south directions of He Zedong.

But the good times did not last long. Not long after the battle started, Japanese aircraft from Xinxiang Airport rushed to the battlefield. Fortunately, the siege troops were warned in advance, and Brigadier Han ordered all troops to hide.

Although the progress of the siege was slowed down, after dark, the artillery troops launched artillery bombardment on Heze County again, and it only took half an hour to break through the outer city of Heze.

Xin Tiebing originally thought that the Japanese commander would organize troops to resist based on the complex housing terrain in the city, but what was surprising was that, whether it was the Japs or the puppet police, after breaking the city, they actually ran towards the inner city in a swarm.


Compared with the outer city, the inner city covers a much smaller area. The Eighth Route Army siege troops simply surrounded the inner city. Now the little devils really became a trapped beast.

While the two were talking, the little devil's telegraph operator pushed open the door and came forward to report: "Sir, there is a telegram from the division headquarters!"


"Hey, I'm aware of the situation in Heze. If you can't fight anymore, you should break out of the encirclement as soon as possible. You must not leave a bullet or a grain of food for the Eighth Route Army!"

"Call back to the Division Headquarters. Our division is determined to coexist with Kawazawa County in order to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor! Okay, you can go down!" Ichiro Teng Yuan said the contents of the farewell telegram concisely and comprehensively.

"Munaka-kun, do you understand now?"

"Sir, even if our troops cannot defend Heze County, the reconnaissance troops sent out reported that there are no traces of Eighth Route Army troops in the west and north directions. Our troops can retreat to Dongming in the west, or to the north, which is a distance of

Zhencheng, which is closer to the river, breaks through. As long as it retains its strength, it won't take long until the main force of the imperial army returns, and then they can come and avenge today!" the adjutant persuaded reluctantly.

Tengyuan Ichiro seemed to have the intention to go all the way to the end, then he stretched out his finger, pointed around, and said: "Mun Zhongkun, you listen to the gunshots outside, the Eighth Route Army has surrounded the inner city, how can we break out of the siege?

He said that as a soldier of the Japanese Empire, he should have an honorable death, and I will need Mr. Muranaka to be my intermediary!"

"Now go and make arrangements according to the instructions of the division troops!"

"Hi!" The adjutant could only respond helplessly when he saw that he couldn't persuade Togenichiro.

Outside the city, the siege battle is still going on in full swing. Artillery shells are constantly bombarding the inner city wall of Heze County. Compared with the outer city which is full of residential buildings, the inner city is where the Japanese and puppet military offices are located, or where

Arsenal, grain depots and other important places.

Therefore, when the siege troops launched their attack, they had no scruples at all.

Under the east wall of the inner city, more than a hundred puppet soldiers squatted under the wall to avoid the shelling. Several puppet army officers gathered together. They seemed to be discussing something.

"Brothers, have you figured it out? The Japanese are gone. Now they have too much time to take care of themselves. This matter should be taken care of sooner rather than later. If it is delayed any longer, by the time the Eighth Route Army comes into the city, it will be too late!" A puppet soldier said.

the officer urged.

"But how can the Eighth Route Army circumvent us?" Another person said worriedly.

"What you are talking about is all nonsense. Why did I just call you guys together? Although our brothers became traitors, we did not have any blood on our hands. Besides, as long as you take the initiative to open the city gate, it will be considered a crime in the Eighth Route Army."

A major meritorious performance!"

"If it doesn't work out, I can still collect the gold and silver, and maybe go back to my hometown and become a rich man!"

"Let's do it. As long as we can survive, we can do whatever it takes!" Several people agreed.

"But, we need to deal with these dozen little devils in front of us first!",


On the roof of a residential building in the outer city, Brigadier Han and Xin Tiebing were observing the battle ahead.

"It's a bit strange. The enemies in the city don't seem to have any fighting spirit? Why don't they even show their heads? This is not like the arrogance of the past!" Brigadier Han said.

"Haha, Brigadier Han, the little devils are not made of iron, and the puppet soldiers are not fools. Whether it is the city wall fortifications or the strength of the garrison in the city, Heze County is far behind Changzhi and Handan. This

I guess the enemies in the city are very disorganized, so I think we can let the troops rush in!" Xin Tiebing said.

Brigadier Han nodded upon hearing this, and was about to order the troops to attack when a white flag suddenly appeared on the city wall.

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The puppet troops in the city who were preparing to surrender even hung an oil lamp on the flagpole just to be on the safe side so that the Eighth Route Army could see clearly.

A puppet soldier shivered and hid beside the crenel, fearing that he would be killed by a shell. Then he tried his best and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Commander of the Eighth Route Army opposite, we surrender, please stop the shelling!"

"We surrender, can you hear us?"

"The enemy has surrendered?" Although Brigadier Han couldn't hear the shouts of the puppet troops on the opposite side, he still understood their intentions and said: "Guard, inform the artillery to stop the shelling immediately! The offensive troops sent people to contact the enemy!"

Sure enough, shortly after the bombardment stopped, the puppet troops in Dongcheng quickly opened the city gate, and a unit of the Eighth Route Army outside the city quickly rushed to the city gate. With the cooperation of the puppet troops, they successfully took over the city wall fortifications.

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