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Chapter 697 Yan Laoxi: The old man is good at lying.

Since the end of 1940, when the former commander of the First Army, Yoshio Shinozuka committed suicide, Yoshio Iwamatsu took over as commander of the First Army, and Masaru Hanatani served as chief of staff.

In his early years, Yoshio Iwamatsu served as the China Section Chief of the General Staff Headquarters. He had been active in China for a long time and had interacted with many senior officials of the National Government. He was a well-known China expert within the Japanese army.

He successively served as the commander of the 21st Infantry Brigade of the 5th Division, the commander of the Ryukyu Garrison, and the commander of the 15th Infantry Division.

Masaru Hanatani, together with the senior staff officer of the Kwantung Army, Seishiro Itagaki, and the operational staff of the Kwantung Army, Kanji Ishihara, masterminded the Ryukyu Lake incident and became the core figure in launching the "September 18th" Incident. Before coming to the First Army, he was a member of the Third Division.

Commander of the 29th Infantry Brigade.

After the two took office, they actively implemented the soft policy proposed by Okamura Neiji. The First Army gradually reduced its confrontation with the Chinese armed forces in Shanxi, and instead shrank its strength and began to recuperate.

When Okamura Neiji was in Taiyuan, he proposed that the First Army should concentrate its forces on a large-scale sweep of the Eighth Route Army's Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area, which once again made the two of them want to wash away their shame. However, the national army in southern Shanxi and the western Shanxi

However, the Jinsui Army was like two time bombs hanging on one side, making it difficult for the two of them to feel at ease.

Previously, in 1939, after the headquarters of the Japanese Army's China Expeditionary Force was established, Chief of General Staff Seishiro Sakagaki proposed that the First Army's decoy of Yan Laoxi's surrender would be the top priority in the future, and called this plan the "Bo Job."

After the Jinsui Army arrived in western Shanxi, when Shinozuka Yoshio was in office, he took aggressive and coercive measures against the Jinsui Army. However, Yan Laoxi made a move. Not only did the Japanese army give up a lot of territory, but they were also

A large amount of funds, weapons and ammunition were defrauded.

After Hua Guzheng took office, in order to ensure the smooth progress of "Bo's work", he sent flying teams to bomb the Kenanpo where Yan Laoxz was and the Yellow River ferry in the Shanxi-Sui Army defense area.

This move by the Japanese army suddenly woke Yan Laoxi from his sweet dream, and he immediately sent representatives to contact the Japanese army.

At that time, he told the negotiators: Our situation is very bad. Chiang Kai-shek wants to eliminate us in the name of the war of resistance. He will not give us enough funds, nor will he provide us with additional personnel and weapons. He suppresses us everywhere and makes things difficult for us.


The Eighth Route Army went even further. It not only attacked us everywhere, but also tried to lay eggs by using chickens to lay eggs. The Eighth Route Army had strict organizations in various parts of Shanxi and pulled the common people there. If the Japanese attacked us again, they would only end up being wiped out.


At present, we can only develop ourselves by temporarily borrowing the strength of the Japanese. This is a last resort and our only way out.

And put forward four propositions, namely "Asian alliance, joint defense against communism, diplomatic unity, and self-care of internal affairs."

So starting in 1940, the Jinsui Army and the Japanese Army first held talks at Baibiguan. After that, the Japanese Army and the Jinsui Army reached a consensus that the two sides would cancel the state of hostility, support each other, and jointly fight communism. The Japanese army withdrew from Xiaoyi County, and the Jinsui Army

This also led to the outbreak of the Shanxi Incident to a certain extent. Yan Laoxi arrested people in the New Army who were developing in the Eighth Route Army.

Afterwards, the two sides held Fenyang talks and reached the Fenyang Agreement. This agreement was an oral agreement reached by Yan Laoxi and the Japanese.

The general meaning is that both sides cooperate. The Japanese arm the Shanxi-Sui Army with thirty regiments, and the entire territory of Shanxi is handed over to Yan Laoxi. The First Army is under the command of Yan Laoxi, and Yan Laoxi needs to electrify the whole country and break away from the jurisdiction of the National Government.

As a result, the time was not until 1942. For two years, Yan Laoxi's power supply was delayed, but the conditions were improved a lot. At one time, the Japanese were asked to provide food, at another time, they were asked to support some weapons and ammunition, and at another time, the Japanese were asked to provide some weapons and ammunition.

I will ask for some more land.

Jin Province was the site of the Fourth War, and the Japanese army had an absolute advantage. The Central Army, the Shanxi-Sui Army, and the Eighth Route Army were three pillars. Compared with the clear anti-Japanese proposition put forward by the Eighth Route Army, Yan Laoxi was able to play both sides, and his position was very erratic.

The stepping points are very precise.

No one is offended and everyone takes advantage. In his words, it's like dancing on three eggs.

The Nationalist Army and the Eighth Route Army were still calm, but the key point was that the Japanese couldn't stand it anymore. The Japanese army's front line in China was getting longer and longer, and there was a shortage of manpower everywhere. However, many troops were restrained in Jin Province. The Japanese were eager to fight with Yan Laoxi.

Decide on the surrender so that we can free up our troops.

Yan Laoxi's actions made Yoshio Iwamatsu and Masaru Hanatani very angry. The Japanese also used hard and soft tactics. One moment they gave Yan Laoxi candy, and the next they ordered the troops to attack. Who knows whether Yan Laoxi was soft or hard?

If you want to eat, you have to give him something. If you hit him, he will not hesitate and fight back immediately.

Now the Japanese army wants to use troops against the Eighth Route Army, but the Central Army and the Shanxi-Sui Army are watching eagerly from the side. How can it not cause a headache for the Japanese army?

Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Hanatani was sitting opposite Yoshio Iwamatsu and said: "Your Excellency General, the representative we sent to contact the Central China Army has returned and reached a verbal agreement with its top commander Li Mo'an. The China people promised that as long as we do not take the initiative to attack

, the other party will never take the initiative to provoke a dispute!"

"According to intelligence, after the former commander of the First War Zone, Wei Lihuang, was transferred, the newly appointed commander was a loser and a master of internal fighting. Many of his generals were not convinced, and his direct troops resold military supplies.

The rest of the troops rushed to follow suit and traded with the Eighth Route Army, resulting in the deterioration of military discipline. At this time, the Chinese armed forces in the Zhongtiao Mountain area are far inferior to before, so there is no need to worry!"

"At this moment, I think General Gangcun's proposal to win over the Shanxi-Sui Army, suppress the Eighth Route Army, and concentrate our efforts on solving the national troops in the Zhongtiao Mountain area is an excellent strategy!"

Opposite me, Iwamatsu Yoshio heard this and rubbed his temples: "I don't know, but this is the original intention and the order of His Majesty the Emperor. We must implement it. What does the Jinsui Army say?"

Mentioning the Jinsui Army, Hua Guzheng's face flashed with warmth and anger, and he immediately cursed: "Yan Baichuan is really a capricious villain who only takes advantage and is never willing to suffer losses. Every time he talks, he has to take advantage of the imperial army."

You can’t get some bargains out of it!”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "As the actual controller of the Jinsui Army, he is not as happy as a war zone commander of the China National Army, and has not given a clear answer for a long time!" At this time Hua Gu

He had already lost patience with Yan Laoxi's delay.

"Mr. Huagu, we are too anxious, which has led to the current passivity. Before the meeting, our ongoing troop mobilization has been informed by the Jinsui Army. If we do not take the initiative to find Yan Baichuan, he will because he does not know our side clearly.

Motives, urgently come to discuss with us, the current situation is too passive!" Iwamatsu Yoshio said with a headache.

"Indications from the past indicate that Yan Baichuan had the intention to cooperate, but he only considered his so-called interests, instead of quickly cooperating with the imperial army in good faith, and completely surrendered to the imperial army. In order to avoid the sharp edge of the imperial army, he continued to contact in secret

At the same time, the Central Army also pretended to cooperate with the Imperial Army, and deliberately proposed exaggerated conditions and used cooperation conditions that we could not implement to delay negotiations. This is Yan Baichuan's plan to delay the war!" Hua Guzheng said in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, General, I suggest that in future negotiations with the Jinsui Army, we should still use force oppression and economic blockade. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve our goals. If we negotiate only by peaceful means, we will fall into his delaying strategy."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Once again, we send representatives to contact the Jinsui Army. We can properly agree to Yan Baichuan's conditions. Humph, as long as the imperial army is free, he will have to vomit out whatever he eats!" Iwamatsu Yoshio said!


This time, the Japanese army approached the Central Army and the Shanxi-Sui Army for talks with great sincerity. It was a tacit understanding among the three parties to jointly deal with the Eighth Route Army.

It was just that when Chief Wei first came to power, he strongly advocated uniting the Eighth Route Army to resist the Japanese army, and this suppressed the harmonious voices within the First War Zone.

Both the Central Army and the Jinsui Army wanted to watch the fire from across the bank and watch the tigers fight from the mountain, in order to weaken the strength of the Eighth Route Army. However, in comparison, Yan Laoxi and the Jinsui Army under his command were natives of Jin Province. Once the balance was broken,

The Japanese army turned their guns and the Shanxi-Sui army had only two ways to go.

The first is to preserve strength and cross the Yellow River into Shaanxi Province. However, in this way, the Shanxi-Sui Army that Yan Laoxi worked so hard to manage will become a rootless source. At that time, it will be suppressed by the Central Army everywhere. The Northeast Army is a lesson learned from the past.


The other way is to join the Japanese, but Yan Laoxi is a person who cares about his reputation after all, and he is not willing to be a lackey for the Japanese if there is any room for maneuver.

There is a reason why the Central Army agreed happily. After meeting the Japanese representatives, the First War Zone immediately reported to the old man. Without any effort on his own, someone would help deal with the Eighth Route Army. Of course the old man was happy, so he acquiesced.

followed this approach.

The people around the old man have an extremely accurate grasp of the international situation and understand that the Japanese are eager to deploy their troops to Southeast Asia and even the Pacific, and that the number of Japanese troops in China will become smaller and smaller.

Under such circumstances, the attitude towards the Japanese army within the Nationalist Government changed, and some of them proposed to show weakness, so that the Japanese army could safely transfer its troops out of China, thereby reducing the pressure on the national army.

Even if the North China Expeditionary Force will attack Zhongtiao Mountain in the future, they can actively shrink their troops to the south of the Yellow River, trade space for time, and consume the Japanese troops in China.

This idea is feasible, but it cannot be known to Americans.

In the following days, the Japanese army began to contact the Jinsui Army again. Huagu Zheng personally received the representatives sent by the Jinsui Army to show his sincerity.

Unexpectedly, under the kind invitation of the Japanese, the person who came was not Yan Laoxi himself.

Hua Gu was furious at that moment and said to the representative of the Jinsui Army in an arrogant manner: "Can you represent Yan Baichuan himself, or can you represent the entire Jinsui Army?"

"In my opinion, you can't represent him. Yan Baichuan is so cunning and deceitful that he has deceived all the Chinese people. No matter who he appoints as a representative, he cannot be his family. I must negotiate directly with him to solve the problem, otherwise I will raise it."

The imperial army will not agree to any of the conditions!"

Seeing how tough the Japanese army was, the representatives of the Jinsui Army had no choice but to return to Kenanpo in disgrace. After learning the content of the meeting, Yan Laoxi smiled instead of getting angry: "Liar? This old man is good at it!"

"It seems that the Japanese are really anxious now. The Eighth Route Army has made too much noise in the past two years. It's time to suppress it. Otherwise, the entire Sanjin land will have to be replaced. Whatever, I will do it myself, old man.

Take a trip!"

At this time, Yan Laoxi had deep opinions on the Eighth Route Army and the Central Army. After the Japanese army occupied most of Shanxi Province, the Shanxi-Sui Army had to huddle in a corner of western Shanxi.

The Eighth Route Army indeed flourished in the name of fighting the Japanese invaders and protecting the land of the Three Shanxi Provinces. The Central Army did an even better job. It first banned the government represented by Sun Chu in southeastern Shanxi, and then incorporated the entire 358th Regiment with just one order.

Order of battle of the Central Army.

After Yan Laoxi heard about Chu Yunfei's 358-day collective break away from the Shanxi-Sui Army and switched to the Central Army, he angrily cursed: "Eating the old man's food and receiving the old man's salary will end up being a white-eyed wolf that is not well-fed."

, Old Man’s 358th Regiment, if I had known better, I wouldn’t have allowed the officers and cadets of Huangpu to return to our Shanxi-Sui Army!”

Anping was the venue for the talks between the two parties. After learning that Yan Laoxi came to the talks in person, Hua Guzheng changed his previous tough attitude, and the two parties immediately entered a state of deep affection.

"Your Excellency, in the Battle of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. fleet was defeated by the Combined Fleet of the Empire of Japan. Our Empire of Japan was victorious in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The Allied forces of Germany marched straight into Eastern Europe. If you enter an uninhabited land, you must also be there.

Clearly, not to mention the National Government, your Excellency, it is in your own interest to cooperate with the Empire of Japan, and it is the right time. There is no benefit in waiting and watching!"

"Right now, the Eighth Route Army is growing in North China. The Imperial Army wants to solve this serious problem. You don't need to do anything now. All you have to do is watch the fire from the other side. During this time, you can also think carefully about the future of Your Excellency and the Shanxi-Sui Army!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hua Guzheng made it clear directly, but Yan Laoxi wanted to take the opportunity to put forward some more conditions, so he adjourned the meeting temporarily on the pretext of going to the toilet.

Just after Yan Laoxi came out of the toilet, he was thinking about discussing something with his confidants, but he heard the captain of the guard report: "General Secretary, the troops stationed outside Anping reported that a large group of people is heading towards Anping!"

"What?" Yan Laoxi was confused at that time, thinking that the Japanese were going to take the opportunity of the talks to force him to Taiyuan.

At this moment, Yan Laoxi heard a loud voice coming from the lounge where the Japanese were: Artillery, come forward!

"No, it's the Hongmen Banquet. The Japanese are trying to kill me. Let's go!" Yan Laoxi trotted to the venue and shouted: "Abort the meeting!"

Then he left with his entourage. A group of Japanese people in the lounge looked at each other and looked at each other. They didn't know why Yan Laoxi changed his attitude when they were having a good conversation just now.

"Bagaya! The Chinese people are very cunning and cannot be trusted!" Hua Guzheng cursed loudly.

"Sir, I'm going to inquire right away, please wait!" The adjutant on the side quickly chased out to understand the situation, but saw Yan Laoxi and his party riding away on horseback.

It turned out that the "artillery troops coming forward" just now was a misunderstanding. Before Hua Guzheng came, he prepared a big gift for Yan Laoxi, which was a million French coins.

In order to let Yan Laoxi know, he specially asked someone to shout loudly outside during the break: "French currency is coming forward."

Who knew that the pronunciations of French currency and artillery in Japanese are very similar, but Yan Laoxi studied in Japan for eight years in his early years, and his knowledge of Japanese was half-baked. In a hurry, he just heard it as "artillery is coming". After doing this, he suddenly understood

Yan Laoxi ran away in fright.

This chapter has been completed!
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