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Chapter 753: The Sixth Japs Specialize in Curbing the Japs

The headquarters of the Hebei, Shandong and Yu Military Region is located in Pu County.

It was the day when the army was on vacation, and the streets were very lively with people coming and going.

"Dr. Xiao Fan, he's looking for Chief of Staff Zhou again!"

"Yes, Chief of Staff Zhou is really lucky, but if you ask me, Dr. Fan is the one who has the foresight to act steadily and ruthlessly!"

Fan Xiaoyu had just come out of the headquarters. A discerning person could tell at a glance that she was sulking. She met many acquaintances along the way, but there were always some blind guys who made a joke with Fan Xiaoyu.

Although she is new here, she has already gained quite a reputation in the Hebei, Shandong and Yu Military Region. She is known for her surgical skills with a knife and a steady and ruthless approach.

Fan Xiaoyu has an outgoing personality and a slightly aggressive temper. It is precisely this personality that allows her to quickly integrate into a new environment.

"Oh, who am I talking about? It turns out to be the tough guy whose legs were so frightened by the injection!" Fan Xiaoyu didn't mean to show any weakness at all.

"Whose legs are weak? I won't even frown when the little Japs stab me with bayonets. I am a person who is afraid of injections?" The soldier was stubborn and tried to quibble.

"Okay, since you are a tough guy, I will treat you like a tough guy next time you go to the hospital!" Fan Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and gestured with his hand: "I will give you a needle as big as a chopstick and let you

How about giving it a good experience?"

After hearing this, the tough-talking soldier's legs suddenly became weak, and his whole body was like noodles, slumping against the soldier next to him.

"No, Doctor Xiao Fan, I am joking for you, but please don't take it seriously!" The soldier hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Do you think I'm joking with you again? Someone provoked me just now, and you were unlucky enough to bump into it!" Fan Xiaoyu lowered his head, seeming a bit aggressive.

"No, Dr. Fan, I will atone for my sins. You must have failed to find Chief of Staff Zhou when you went to the headquarters just now. I know where he is?"

The soldier rolled his eyes and immediately sold the news about Zhou Weiguo. He lowered his head and muttered a few words in Fan Xiaoyu's ear.

"Okay, I'll let you go today. From now on, when you follow Comrade Zhou Weiguo, you have to keep an eye on him, do you hear me?" Fan Xiaoyu instructed.

"Got it, Doctor Fan!" The soldier who spoke was from the security force affiliated with the headquarters. He often met Zhou Weiguo in person, which was why he knew Zhou Weiguo's whereabouts.

As the deputy chief of staff of the Hebei, Shandong and Henan Military Region, Zhou Weiguo rarely had a free day, so he took his special forces team out for training.

When Fan Xiaoyu rode his horse to the big river surrounding Pu County, he saw Zhou Weiguo holding a fishing rod and sitting leisurely on the ground, while a group of special force soldiers were splashing in the water.

"With such a big movement, my fight here was in vain. It seems that you are still very energetic. Before dark today, each of you will catch ten fish and go back, otherwise you will not be allowed to go ashore!" Zhou Weiguo said, but the soldiers in the water were saying

There was a wail.

"Zhou Weiguo!"

When Zhou Weiguo heard this familiar voice, he could not hold the fishing rod firmly in his hand. "Comrade Fan Xiaoyu? Why are you here?"

"What's the matter, this big river belongs to your family? You are allowed to come here to fish, but I am not allowed to come here to bathe?" Fan Xiaoyu said deliberately.

"Stop taking a shower. Although it's not cold now, the temperature in the water is unbearable for most people!"

"Who is making trouble with you?" Fan Xiaoyu said, took off his hat and threw it into Zhou Weiguo's arms, and then started to unbutton his coat.

"Hey, look at you!" Zhou Weiguo grabbed Fan Xiaoyu's hand, turned to the members of the special operations team who were watching the excitement in the river and said, "Get away!"

The soldiers were very discerning, so they started to coax them and ran away in an instant.

"Zhou Weiguo, are you avoiding me on purpose?" Fan Xiaoyu asked.

Zhou Weiguo had a headache after hearing this. Even though Zhou Weiguo usually had a lot of clever ideas, his superiors had brought trouble to him because of a beauty, and he really couldn't resist it.

"No, these guys usually don't train well. I'm finally free today, so I have to give them extra food!" Zhou Weiguo said.

"Really not?"

"Really not!"

After the two of them were alone, the conversation suddenly became dull. Zhou Weiguo seemed to be focused on the fishing rod, but in fact, his mind was already wandering to nowhere. The float moved several times, but no fish was caught.

Just when Zhou Weiguo was trying to find something to talk about to ease his embarrassment, a staff officer from the command headquarters came on horseback: "Chief of Staff, telegram from the Communist Party!"

Zhou Weiguo took a look at the telegram and murmured to himself: "Takeshita Jun, I didn't expect that he would join the army after all!"

"Xiaoyu, when you were in Jiaodong, did you hear about the special force led by Takeshita Jun?"

Fan Xiaoyu thought carefully: "I have never heard of Takeshita Jun, but I heard that the Shandong base area was attacked by small groups of Japanese troops many times, and several leaders died!"

"It is said that the newly appointed deputy chief of staff of the Jiaodong Military Region was attacked by a small group of Japanese troops when he was out. When he was finally sent to the hospital for rescue, he had already died. I was at the scene at that time!"

"The headquarters of the Qingyuan Guard Brigade of the national army was also attacked, and the command organization suffered a devastating blow. However, the brigade commander happened to be away from the headquarters and luckily escaped!"

"Humph, we are really enemies on a narrow road!" Zhou Weiguo snorted coldly: "If I were in Hutoushan back then, I would have met Takeshita Shun earlier, but it's not too late now!"

After saying that, Zhou Weiguo notified the special forces to gather urgently. Fan Xiaoyu on the side said with concern: "You have to be more careful!"

"Don't worry, I won't make you a widow!"

"Fuck you!" Fan Xiaoyu said coquettishly.

Zhou Weiguo and Takeshita Jun, old friends, were originally destined rivals, but now something has gone wrong. If Takeshita Jun hadn't been ordered to come to the Taihang base, it would have been difficult for the two to meet each other in this life.

Zhou Weihan had no intention of letting the two friends kill each other, but this might be Zhou Weiguo's last chance to see Takeshita Jun, so the choice was left to Zhou Weiguo himself.

Two days later, when the delegation was waiting impatiently in Changzhi, the Eighth Route Army headquarters finally sent someone to inform them that they would rush to Guxin Town, Shexian County early tomorrow morning.

At the request of Qian Dajun, the entire delegation of about a hundred people was arranged in a separate compound. The person responsible for the security work was the military police company from the mountain city, and Zheng Yaoxian was responsible for the overall coordination.

"Brother Six, are we too sensitive? Maybe there are no Japanese spies in the delegation!" Zheng Yaoxian's younger brother and apprentice Song Xiao'an said.

"Xiao'an, do you know why I asked you to come alone with so many brothers in Luoyang Station?" Zheng Yaoxian put his military uniform on his shoulders and put his legs casually on the table.

"Brother Six must be interested in me!" Song Xiaoan said with a smile.

"Well, except for you and Jian Zhi, everyone else is the original staff of Luoyang Station. Although the details are almost there, there is still a window of paper between them!"

"Compared with you, Jian Zhi is too impetuous. You are a person who can keep his composure. You have already paid attention to it, and you came to me to feel my pulse!"

"Hehe, as expected, nothing can be hidden from Brother Six's sharp eyes!"

"Brother Six, these past few days, the delegation has been waiting here for news about the Eighth Route Army. Some people have long been impatient. This is a normal phenomenon. The identity of our military commander is on the surface. The little Japanese spies must know it.


"Based on my observation, the delegation can be divided into three types of people. The first type is those who advocate cooperation with the Eighth Route Army and appear calm. These are mainly members of the democratic parties. The second type is those who clamor for trouble every day.

This category is mainly local warlords and government officials, and the third category is those who secretly stir up trouble but never come forward!"

"I think this third category of people is the most suspicious. From today to before departure, we will focus on suspicious people. Several radio stations carried by the delegation are now all concentrated in one room. The hidden dangers have been reduced. All we need to do is to see if these people have any

Without contact with the outside world, and now at this last moment, I don’t believe these people can hold it back!" Song Xiaoan said.

"Well, there is some truth in what you said. It seems that you have worked hard!" Zheng Yaoxian nodded after hearing this: "The government's own people have been carefully verified and can be trusted, but don't forget about the little devil.

Spies are so powerful that they may be found in every department of the government, not to mention local warlords. The Japanese may have started arranging chess pieces more than ten years ago!"

"According to my understanding of the Japanese intelligence network, the members of each intelligence team perform their own duties. Some people are among celebrities, some are hiding among the street circles, and more are lurking

In every department of government!”

"But no matter what, every member of the Japanese intelligence team is equivalent to a point in the grid. In the network of relationships around him, many downlines have developed. Every time one slips out, it is a nest case!"

"So, how do you conclude that there is only one Japanese spy in the delegation? And how do you determine that the one who actively exposed himself to our sight is not a deliberate bait?" Zheng Yaoxian said.

"Hiss!" Song Xiaoan took a breath when he heard this. He had also thought about this guess, but he immediately suppressed it. How capable the Japanese were to plant multiple spies in the delegation: "Brother Six, what if?

According to what you said, if the Japanese spies are not one person, does that mean that these spies are probably not affiliated with each other and are not from the same intelligence team? They just received different tasks before coming here! But how did they receive them?


Although the old man had considerable objections to the Eighth Route Army bypassing the National Government and holding a trial on its own, he had no intention of joking about the safety of the delegation and his party.

The delegation includes both leaders of democratic parties and foreign liaison officers from European and American countries. If something goes wrong, the old man himself cannot afford it.

Therefore, some of the accompanying personnel carefully checked their resumes and files. Everyone who received the notice was taken away directly, with little chance of contact with the outside world. To a certain extent, even if Japanese spies were mixed in, they would be able to avoid

The spies communicated with the line.

Regarding Song Xiaoan's question, Zheng Yaoxian did not give an answer because he did not understand it clearly: "Xiao'an, there is one more thing you need to be careful about, and that is the foreigners in the delegation. They may not joke about their own safety, but

There are no guarantees with the entourage!”

"Brother Six, I understand. I have arranged for everyone in the military police company to work in pairs and be on duty 24 hours a day. They will not even blink before setting off!"

"Okay, let's go down!" Zheng Yaoxian waved his hand, thinking about various arrangements in his mind. Maybe he wouldn't be able to find out the Japanese spies tomorrow, but he would still not let the information leak out. Zheng Yaoxian was confident about this.

But how did the Japanese spies receive the mission? This question has been echoing in Zheng Yaoxian's mind.

Before leaving, Dai Chunfeng sent a secret message, asking Zheng Yao to find out the spies hidden in the delegation. At the same time, Shancheng was also stepping up the investigation. What they wanted was to take advantage of the opportunity for the Japanese spies to jump out and make some gains.

In the evening, the delegation waited together to finish their meal. The cook was alone, and the vegetables, meat and eggs were inspected.

After eating, everyone rested in their respective residences. Soon after, a burst of noise suddenly came from the yard.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Zheng, there are many people suffering from diarrhea. Should we arrange for people to be sent to the hospital immediately?"

"No, call the garrison headquarters immediately and send a military doctor over!" Zheng Yaoxian said calmly.

"But there are two Americans among them!"

"No exceptions, treat everyone equally!"

"Yes!" the plainclothes military commander responded helplessly.

Just after dealing with his men, Qian Dajun came over after hearing the news: "How is the situation?"

Song Xiaoan on the side replied on behalf of Zheng Yaoxian: "Sir Qian, we have just investigated and found out that these people all ate the same dish today, and someone had given laxatives to the dish in advance!"

"Why is it that your military commander is responsible for the safety and security? Is this how your military commander does things?"

"Chief Qian, please be patient. This is just a deception. The Japanese can't wait any longer. The results will be available before dawn!" Zheng Yaoxian said.

"Well, I'm waiting for your results!"

After receiving the notification, the military doctors rushed to the delegation's residence. Fortunately, the infected person did not eat much and the diarrhea was within control.

"How is the situation?" Zheng Yaoxian asked.

"Sir, these people have taken the essential medicine, but I'm afraid they won't be able to get out of bed for two or three days and will have to rest in bed!" the military doctor replied.

"Okay, just stay here and wait for notification when you can leave!" Zheng Yaoxian only followed one principle: no one is allowed in but no one is allowed out.

"Yes!" The military doctor knew that he would be out for a short time before he came.

Throughout the night, most people in the delegation did not have a good rest. Several patients lying on the bed had different reactions to diarrhea.

One of them had vomiting and diarrhea, and the reaction was the most severe. In the end, he was unable to get down to the ground to solve the problem.

"Baga Yalu, why are these Chinese people so difficult to deal with!" The little devil was lying on the bed, his eyes dull. He originally planned to get the news out by seeking medical treatment, but in the end he ate the most and had the most violent reaction.

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