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Chapter 827: Exercise of personnel rights

"I don't agree. Ding Wei and the 279th Regiment can be taken away, but the 281st Regiment must stay!" Zhao Gang said in a very firm tone.

Xing Zhiguo, who has always been a good old man, also stood with Zhao Gang. Zhou Weihan laughed dumbly. It didn't matter whether the 281 regiment was taken away or not, but this was a negotiation skill.

If the asking price is too high, there will be room for counter-offering. The 279th Regiment was formerly the 28th Regiment of the Central Hebei Military Region brought by Ding Wei from Jizhong, and the 281st Regiment was formerly the 2nd Battalion of the New Second Regiment.

These two regiments can be said to have emerged from the flames of war. Whether it is weapons and equipment or personnel quality, they can be said to be first-rate in the entire Eighth Route Army.

As long as these two regiments are there, key members will be continuously drawn from them to form new troops. If Zhou Weihan takes away both regiments, it is tantamount to digging up the roots of the Tainan Military Region.

"Well, the 281st Regiment will stay, but the 29th Regiment will be taken away. However, don't inform Ding Wei in advance. When the superiors appoint him, let him directly take the 279th Regiment to set off, which will save him the trouble of making many detours when the time comes.

It’s a roundabout way!” Zhou Weihan said, but in fact it was his turn to act like a showman.

Zhou Weihan was an activist. He stayed in Tainan for more than half a month after returning from Yanzhou. On the one hand, he wanted to unify his comrades' thoughts, and on the other hand, he wanted to urge Zhao Gang to get married as soon as possible.

There is basically a consensus at the upper levels regarding unification of ideas, and Zhao Gang only needs to continue to control the situation and grasp the overall situation.

During this trip to the Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area, Zhou Weihan was already prepared not to come back, so he was ready to exercise his rights for the last time.

As the saying goes, personnel is politics, and Zhou Weihan has now found this samadhi. The Tainan Military Region's team has truly grown since the establishment of the cadre school, and a steady stream of cadres were added to the army.

The military region leadership team can only decide on the appointment of cadres at the regiment level, deputy brigade level, and appointments above the brigade level. The military region leadership team has the right to recommend, but the decision-making power rests with the superior department.

Zhou Weihan had long held a list of recommendations in his hand. Xiang Ying was appointed as the first division secretary and political commissar. Shen Fang, the head of the Shexian County Cadre Corps, served as the chief of staff of the first division. Xing Zhiguo concurrently served as deputy commissar and political commissar of the second division.

Zhang Hao also serves as deputy director of the Political Department of the Military Region.

This is an adjustment of upper-level personnel. The biggest problem in the Tainan Military Region is that there are too few veteran comrades with qualifications and military exploits. Xing Zhiguo's appointment as deputy secretary is a natural progression, but the promotion of Shen Fang and Zhang Hao can only be said to be Zhou Weihan's hard work.


When submitting the recommendation list, Zhou Weihan will also apply to the headquarters to resign as a member of the Tainan Military Region. The head of the headquarters must not be embarrassed because of this situation. It is a disguised exchange.

In addition, the personnel changes at the middle level are mainly reflected in filling up the deputy positions at the regiment and battalion levels. Even if new members of the Tainan Military Region take office in the future, Zhao Gang and Xing Zhiguo will have more room for maneuver.

On the occasion of parting, the three old comrades-in-arms said goodbye one by one. Zhou Weihan specifically said: "The Tainan Military Region and the Hebei, Shandong and Henan Military Region have the same origin. It is difficult to separate them clearly. There is another difficulty in this."

"A large part of the intelligence networks of the two military regions overlap. Comrade He Wensheng has been in charge of the work, but this has also led to unclear division of responsibilities. You, Zhao, must not lose control when the time comes."

He Wensheng was originally the director of the Enemy Industry Department of the Tainan Military Region, and later worked in Hebei, Shandong and Henan. Relying on the convenience of trading with the Japanese, the intelligence network developed extremely rapidly in the Japanese-occupied areas. It was impossible for the two military regions to abandon this intelligence.

Power can only be shared.

"This is no problem!" Zhao Gang said directly.

"There is another point that I have always been worried about. That is the contribution of those comrades who were ordered to lurk in the enemy camp. Their contribution is indelible. Old Zhao, you must keep their files and information. No matter when the time comes, someone must come forward to prove it.

Their innocence!”

In addition to Zhou Weihan's family, monk, Wan Jingang, Liang Daxi and other three security guards also went with them.

The group of people went south from Yamawang Mountain to Pingshun. Wen Qiang originally wanted to meet her brother, but unexpectedly it came to nothing.

It was originally a secret that Zhou Weihan went to Yanzhou to study, but he showed up in Xi'an, which made Wen Yu understand that Zhou Weihan was not in Tainan.

After that, Wen Qiang rarely showed up in Pingshun. Before leaving this time, Wen Qiang sent telegrams to his home and the Political Training Office of the 94th Division, saying that he wanted to see his brother.

"When was the last time you showed up?" Zhou Weihan asked.

Xu Dali immediately replied: "A few days before the first Chinese New Year, Director Wen even asked Chief of Staff Xing to say goodbye, saying that he was going home to visit his parents!"

"We usually keep a close eye on him, but the intelligence network only extends to Luoyang. Director Wen did show up in Luoyang, and then disappeared!"

Wen Qiang was a little worried: "What will happen to my brother? I called my family and he didn't come back during the New Year."

"It's okay. Your brother is better than a monkey when it comes to sticking hair on his head. Their military commander has always been elusive. What could happen?" Zhou Weihan said.

"Screw you, a dog can't spit out ivory, how can you talk like that?"

Zhou Weihan sent Wen Qiang away and said to Xu Dali: "I'm still a little worried. Although Wen Qiang gets along well with us, that's because he was assigned here by the superiors. If the military commanders give him

There are some benefits, but maybe he has bad feelings in his heart again!"

"Although we have been watching him before, he is constantly getting to know us. It is better to keep such a person around. If he takes action and sends more people to look for him, the truth will always be revealed!"

Xu Dali nodded in response, and Zhou Weihan continued: "The chief of staff will stay in the mountains for a while. You have to be more responsible here in Pingshun. Don't take it lightly for the national army in the Changzhi area. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain!"

The two of them lit up a cigarette respectively. Seeing Xu Dali's hesitant expression, Zhou Weihan asked, "Do you have something to say?"

"No, no matter what, I will obey the arrangements of my superiors!" Xu Dali said.

Zhou Weihan joked: "Dali, you have been following me for a long time. Do you know what I admire most about you? You don't fight or grab, you are a down-to-earth person!"

"It is right to listen to the arrangements of superiors. We should support the work of the political commissar and chief of staff more in the future!"

On that day, Zhou Weihan stayed in Pingshun for one night, and early the next morning he crossed Ci County and arrived at the Zhangbei Military Division. Wu Qin, who had received the notice in advance, greeted him early.

"Commander, I miss you so much!"

Zhou Weihan dodged and Wu Qin followed from the 29th Army. The two of them had known each other for a long time and had the best personal relationship.

"What did Isamu Terauchi say?"

"We have all discussed it, and the location has been decided on at Liumiao, which is at the junction of our army's base area and the Japanese army. The time is two o'clock tomorrow afternoon!" Wu Qin replied.

Zhou Weihan had wanted to meet with Teruchi Yong for a long time, but the contact was through Tainan, which could easily lead to disputes. After all, Tainan Military Region only took over Teruchi Yong's territory.

If Temple Yong opened his mouth to attack, Zhou Weihan, who was in Tainan, would not be able to take the blame.

This chapter has been completed!
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