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Chapter 841 Kong Jie: Brigadier, you can’t ignore me

Because telegraphs could not convey information accurately and in detail, the Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area spent a large amount of budget funds to lay telephone lines in basically every county, including one line that went directly to Pingshun via Ci County.

One of the duties of the Self-Defense Forces and militia in normal times is to patrol along the telephone lines to prevent enemy agents from sneaking into the base area from sabotaging them. However, there is still a risk of remote telephone calls being monitored.

"Secretary, the call is on!"

Zhou Weihan took the phone and said in a deep voice: "Hey, is this Lao Xing?"

"Commander, it's me!"

"How is the situation over there?"

“Things are not good!”

Zhou Weihan suddenly felt a little upset when he heard the messy sounds over there, and waved his hand to signal everyone else to go out. Zhao Bingzhang opened his mouth when he saw this, and finally took everyone out.

After leaving the door, he blocked the door and drove everyone else away: "Let's all disperse, go and do other things first!"

"Good means good, bad means bad. What does it mean to be not very good? Why did you, Mr. Xing, learn to be so vain?"

After Zhou Weihan finished speaking, it was obvious that Xing Zhiguo was breathing rapidly: "The situation is indeed not good. According to the previous action plan, Xu Dali and Liu Tianming have gone to the front line to command the battle. The national army's offensive was very fierce. We suffered a loss at the beginning.

, the first and second divisions have lost several positions one after another, most of the peripheral telephone lines have been cut off, and now we can only communicate through the radio!"

"The most important thing is that Chu Yunfei's troops were advancing very fast in Tunliu where Kong Jie's independent regiment was stationed. They just sent a telegram asking for help half an hour ago, but the fastest march route of our Tainan reinforcements happened to be in the fighting area.

I won’t be able to get through it for a while!”

"This time the responsibility lies with me. Our vigilance has been lax in the past six months. After your reminder, we originally wanted to start training, but we did not expect that the war would come so quickly and the enemy would attack so resolutely!"

Zhou Weihan said: "Lao Xing, now is not the time to hold people accountable. I also have the responsibility. I transferred Ding Wei's troops, so I called you anxiously. How are you going to respond?"

"The Communist Party members and the political commissar are on their way. I have made two preparations. The radio station cannot contact the 24th Army now. I am going to send someone to contact Fan Hanjie. On the other hand, I will organize the troops to resolutely fight back. Shexian County Cadre Corps, Pingshun

The basic regiment has acted as a reserve team and can go forward at any time. The 280th Regiment continues to be stationed in Lin County. The supplementary regiment is dispatched from Linnan to attack Lingchuan to see if it can cause a fire in the backyard of the Changzhi area, forcing Fan Hanjie to call back part of the offensive force!


Zhou Weihan nodded when he heard this: "It's better not to have too much hope on Fan Hanjie's side. Since he has taken action, he will not give up easily. He told the supplement team to be careful and don't let themselves get trapped in it. Otherwise, they will be trapped in it when the time comes.

Trouble, the 24th Group Army has an advantage in terms of strength, but the attack surface is too small, so you can only hold it back, and the situation will gradually turn around!"

"In addition, the current situation can affect the whole body. I am afraid that the Japanese troops from Anyang to Xinxiang will not be safe. I will ask the troops from the Northern Henan Army Division to flank them. You should also be more careful!"

"Lao Xing, you are the commander-in-chief of the front line, you can't mess up at this time!"

"Don't worry, I know it well. To be honest, before you called me, I was still a little confused. But after you said this, my thinking became much clearer!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Weihan let out a long sigh. He couldn't quench his thirst with water far away, so he could only call to give advice.

Zhao Bingzhang listened to the commotion in the room, pushed the door in at the right time, and said: "Comrade, the National Army has long expected to take action. The Tainan Military Region must also have countermeasures, but on our side, what happens next

It’s not good either!”

"The 142nd Division has passed Weishan Lake, and the main force of the 92nd Army is approaching our defense area. In my opinion, war is inevitable!"

Zhou Weihan said in a deep voice: "The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. Since the national army wants to fight, let's see you on the battlefield!"

The words are divided into two parts. As Xing Zhiguo said on the phone, the most critical situation on the front line is the Tunliu area where the Kongjie Independent Regiment is stationed.

The core area of ​​the Taiyue base area is to the north of Lintun Highway. Tunliu is located in the southeastern corner of the base area. The geographical location is very important, but the development potential is really not great. After all, the four directions of east, west, south and north are not

The brotherly units are the national defense zones.

Originally, it was to assist the Tainan Military Region in assisting the garrison. However, the national army was defeated in the Zhongtiao Mountain area last year. According to the instructions from the superiors, the Taiyue Military Region should open up a base area in the Zhongtiao Mountain area in the southwest, and at the same time assist the First Column to strengthen its momentum in the Yuncheng area.


To this end, the brigade commander successively transferred one regiment from the 386th Brigade and the Third Column of Death, leaving the base area empty of troops, which also led to the weakening of the connection with the independent regiments garrisoned outside.

"Captain, the telephone line between the regiment and the brigade headquarters has been repaired!"

Kong Jie was overjoyed when he heard this: "Quick, pick me up from the brigade!"

"Hey, Brigadier, I'm Kong Jie, can you hear me? I'm Kong Jie!"

Kong Jie was afraid that the other party wouldn't be able to hear, so he yelled at the top of his lungs, and the brigade commander's voice came from the microphone: "If you speak louder, my ears will be deafened by you. The telephone line is being repaired very quickly!"

"Brigadier, our independent regiment is in a bad situation right now. You are my old leader, so you can't ignore me!"

"What's going on now?"

"The battle has been going on for more than three hours. Our independent regiment only needs to deal with Chu Yunfei's sole brigade in the south. However, the 45th and 46th National Army Divisions from Changzhi launched an offensive in Lucheng and Pingping in the east, and they were suddenly cut off.

The relationship between our department and the military subdivisions is slightly better in the west. There are only a few small teams wreaking havoc in the base area, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to contact you now!”

Kong Jie is really desperate now. Although the other troops in the first division are not far away, they are blocked by the national army. Reinforcements cannot be counted on.

Listening to Kong Jie's complaint, the brigade commander said on the phone: "Don't worry, after receiving the telegram, I sent a regiment plus two county brigades to support. The headquarters also sent reinforcements and special agents stationed in Huangyadong.

The group must be on its way!"

"You have to be mentally prepared. The mountain road is not easy to walk after all. At least you have to hold on until dark so that reinforcements can arrive one after another. Although you are not under my command now, I would like to remind you not to care about the gains and losses of one city or one place.

It’s not a good thing to spread our troops too thin at this time. If we preserve our strength, we will be able to settle the score sooner or later!”

The brigade commander was worried that Kong Jie would fight to the end with the Nationalist army. By then, all his troops might be exhausted and reinforcements would not arrive yet.

On the other side, Chu Yunfei was standing on a hilltop, observing the battle ahead. He saw that the gunfire gradually became sparse on the Eighth Route Army's fortifications opposite, and then officers and soldiers of the only brigade occupied the fortifications.

"Brigade, the forces of the Eighth Route Army are too scattered to form effective resistance. According to the current progress, we can spend the night in Tunliu County tonight!" Fang Ligong said at the side.

When Chu Yunfei heard this, there was no joy on his face. Instead, he sighed: "What next?"

"Then, of course, we followed Shangfeng's order and brought the entire Tunliu area under our command, thereby expanding the defense area of ​​my only brigade. Our peaceful coexistence with the Eighth Route Army is only temporary forbearance, and a sword-to-arms encounter is inevitable!" Fang Ligong said.

"Brother Ligong, you and I have known each other for many years. To be honest, I can already see hundreds of thousands of troops fighting to the death in this land. It's just that this moment comes too early. The foreign thieves have not been eliminated, so why is there civil strife!


Chu Yunfei slowly closed his eyes. For some reason, he suddenly remembered Zhou Weihan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He touched the Browning pistol on his waist.

Once upon a time, the two had a very pleasant conversation when they first met. Although their positions were different, they regarded each other as friends. Unfortunately, as Zhou Weihan was promoted, the contact gradually broke off.

Chu Yunfei was reluctant to fight against the Eighth Route Army, especially at this time. Unfortunately, as the 3rd Army entered the Jincheng area and coordinated with the 24th Army in the north and south of Changzhi, the national army's strength in the Changjin area greatly increased.

With his backbone tightened, the wind direction in the army changed greatly. People from the Political Department instigated the officers and soldiers to stir up trouble on the front line several times. Chu Yunfei had long expected the occurrence of this war.

During the battle with the Independent Regiment, Chu Yunfei left some room before the battle and did not deploy offensive troops to the west of Tunliu on the pretext that he was worried about being discovered by the Eighth Route Army in advance, otherwise the situation would be even worse.

"Let's go, move the headquarters forward, and order the attacking troops to speed up the progress. Now that we have started, we should gain a foothold earlier!" Chu Yunfei said.

At noon that day, more than 3,000 officers and soldiers of the Solitary Brigade arrived at the outer positions of Tunliu County. Fortunately, Kong Jie decisively issued an order to move the scattered troops closer to the county, which greatly preserved the effective strength. At present, relying on the fortifications, there are still many people to deal with.


"Captain, the head count has been completed. There are more than 1,100 people in the main force of our regiment, and more than 800 people in the county brigade and other local armed forces. According to the reports reported by the soldiers, there are more than 100 soldiers in the second battalion who broke out to the east because their way forward was blocked by the national army.

While leaving, more than 900 commanders and combatants are still missing!" the Chief of Staff reported.

"I know!" Kong Jie responded in a muffled voice, digging his fingernails into his flesh. He said he was missing, but in fact he was most likely sacrificed.

"I'm going to take a look at the positions outside the city. You are responsible for maintaining order in the city. In addition, inform the political commissar that if nothing can be done, let him lead the troops to evacuate from the high ground outside the north city!"

"But Commander, the high ground outside Beicheng is our independent regiment's only escape route. If the high ground is lost, it will be completely blocked!"

"That's better than being taken over by the same group. You have to leave some seeds for the independent group, otherwise the number will be gone!"

None of the senior leaders of the Independent Regiment mentioned whether to abandon the city and leave. The Eighth Route Army also has military laws. If you are afraid of fighting and are timid in battle, you will have to be dismissed from your post and investigated after the war. Besides, Kong Jie can't handle this kind of thing.


The purpose of voluntarily giving up some frontline positions and gathering troops towards the county town was to preserve strength. This was a legitimate command strategy. However, Kong Jie did not put all the eggs in a cage. Instead, he asked the political commissar of the Independent Regiment to station some of his troops outside the city.


On the one hand, it is to create a cornering force and disperse the strength of the Sole Brigade; on the other hand, it is to leave a seed for the independent regiment.

The battle started soon, with the only brigade's artillery fire focused on the independent regiment's position outside the city west. Although the artillery fire was fierce, the subsequent infantry charges were repeatedly repelled by the independent regiment.

The soldiers of the Independent Regiment had already accumulated anger in their hearts and were determined to fight to the bitter end. Coupled with the fact that they were equipped with heavy machine guns and artillery directly under the regiment, the battle situation was not one-sided.

Although they are all Chinese, when their own lives are at stake in real battles on the battlefield, no one is merciful.

"Brother Ligong, it seems that the tough battle has just begun. We were too optimistic before. The Eighth Route Army was not defeated, but took the initiative to retreat and shrink its troops!"

"Originally, we had the advantage in terms of strength. The Eighth Route Army needed to defend the defense area and the strength was too dispersed. Now the situation has reversed. The situation is very unfavorable to us. We should continue to strengthen our forces on the west side and reduce our troop deployment in the east. Even if the Eighth Route Army starts from the east

If we break through, we still have the 27th Army and the 45th Division to deal with it!"

"We must break the city before dark, otherwise we will be passive!" Chu Yunfei said.

"Brigade, my subordinates reported earlier that some prisoners of the Eighth Route Army were captured. Do you think they could be used at this time?" Fang Ligong said.

Chu Yunfei was stunned when he heard this: "We are the National Revolutionary Army, the Chinese army, not those Japanese beasts. I don't want to hear such words again in the future!"

As Chu Yunfei said, the situation on the battlefield is reversing. Although the Independent Regiment is the besieged party, it has taken a slight initiative.

The Only Brigade was adapted from the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army. After joining the Central Army's combat sequence, it was reorganized into two regiments plus the brigade artillery and other directly subordinate units, with a total strength of more than 5,000 people.

In addition to more than a thousand people stationed in the defense area of ​​Changzi County, a total of more than 4,000 people were engaged in combat. With the occupation of a large area in the southern part of Tunliu, more than a thousand people were stationed in this area to search for the soldiers of the independent regiment that had collapsed.

In the siege battle, several times the number of troops should have been invested as siege troops, but Chu Yunfei underestimated the strength of the defenders inside the city, and Kong Jie also deployed some troops on the high ground outside the city.

The Sole Brigade needed to deploy troops in four directions outside the city and on high ground. In addition, it needed to leave a reserve team to guard against reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army. This resulted in Chu Yunfei's troops being stretched thin.

As Chu Yunfei made targeted troop adjustments, a total of eighteen artillery pieces were concentrated in the west of the city, including six American mountain cannons.

The smoke from the Independent Regiment's position had not yet dissipated, and the attacking troops took the opportunity to slowly retreat. Since the Independent Regiment had not been expanded, most of them were veterans who had experienced life and death many times, and they were keenly aware that the situation had changed.

"The enemy is about to start shelling. Hurry up and hide in the air raid shelter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scream of artillery shells piercing the air came from above. Kong Jie stood on the city wall and watched the balls of fire rising on the position outside the independent regiment. The city wall seemed to be shaking constantly at this moment.

"Chu Yunfei was also anxious and started to get serious. He notified the guard company to prepare. After the sound of artillery became sparse, he immediately organized men to enter the position outside the city through the tunnel!"

This chapter has been completed!
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