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Chapter 858 Joint talks between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party

The captured generals were Li Xianzhou, commander-in-chief of the group army, and Liu Ziban, director of the political department, including two major generals as counselors, a major general as chief of staff, and a major general as director of the necessary department.

The 28th Army's Guard Regiment, with nearly 2,000 people, and the Artillery Regiment with nearly 1,200 people, came out one after another to surrender after understanding the general situation.

The offensive in this battle was fierce and rapid, so there were no major casualties on either side of the enemy. As the national soldiers came out one by one from their entrenched housing areas, they turned over everything except their military uniforms and personal belongings.

All members of the Guard Regiment are equipped with American equipment, even more luxurious than the Assault Regiment. According to the type of weapon model, Garand rifle, carbine, Thompson submachine gun, M1919 medium machine gun, M2 Browning heavy machine gun, M1903A4 sniper rifle, A1911A1 pistol, M260mm


The wide variety of equipment made many soldiers' eyes widen. They rushed to take care of the weapons and equipment. However, no one was willing to go to the National Army Artillery Regiment. After all, the captured artillery would not be used by the infantry.

"I'm telling you, the superiors gave us the task of counting weapons and equipment to our 9th Regiment. That's a sign of trust in us. I'm going to put the ugly words in front of you and see if it works. It's okay to get started and touch it, but don't play dirty tricks.

, Our Eighth Route Army has discipline and cannot embarrass the 9th Regiment or the 15th Brigade!"

The person speaking was the commander of the 9th Regiment of the 15th Brigade. As a commander who worked his way up from the grassroots level, he knew the ropes very well. The soldiers saw weapons and equipment that were closer to each other than their wives and children, not to mention the people in front of them.

It is an American equipment rarely equipped in the Eighth Route Army.

Whoever is not jealous is the bastard. He, the regiment leader, wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get some weapons before the war. However, the enemy surrendered on his own, just to get some weapons and equipment. Now there is no legitimate reason.

The battle in Dayangji ended successfully, but the second phase of the combat mission has not yet been completed. The 92nd Army north of the Yellow River still has strength, and the whereabouts of the remnants of the 12th Army that fled from Dayangji are unknown.

Inside the headquarters, Zhou Weihan did not show the slightest joy. What he thought was a well-thought-out plan was actually slapped in the face and someone tricked him.

"Immediately report the results of Dayang Ji to the military region. The 15th Brigade, 9th Regiment, 10th Regiment and the Mountain Artillery Battalion are stationed in Dayangji. The rest of the troops must rest and recuperate and wait for orders from the headquarters at any time!" Zhou Weihan said.

Deng Keming, commander of the 4th Teaching Brigade, was very anxious at this time. After all, according to Zhou Weihan's guess, the remnants of the 12th Army were most likely thinking of marching into the Huxi area under the leadership of He Cuizhi. This was the base camp of the 4th Teaching Brigade. Currently, there was only one leader led by the political commissar.

Group housekeeping.

"Comrade **, otherwise our unit would return to the base first, and the fighting on the left and right would not consume much energy, so there would be no need to rest and recuperate!" Brigadier Deng said.

After hearing this, Zhou Weihan stood up and walked towards Deng Keming, pressed him on the stool, and said: "Brother, I know you are anxious, but the more anxious you are, the more calm you must be. Don't rush back to the army!"

"Although He Cuizhi ran away, the chance of running eastward is higher, but other directions are also possible. From what we know about him so far, he doesn't play according to common sense, so we still need to wait!"

Zhou Weihan also blushed a little when he said this. The Fourth Teaching Brigade sent out most of its troops to help in this battle. If the base area was damaged because of this, Zhou Weihan would not be able to see anyone in the future.

Everyone in the headquarters was packing up their belongings and preparing to move at any time, just waiting for Zhou Weihan to give the order.

The 92nd Army was divided into two parts. Because the Eighth Route Army kept interspersing and harassing people on the retreat route, the military headquarters could only contact the troops at the division, regiment, battalion and company levels. The retreat became more chaotic and gradually lost contact.

In order to avoid causing greater casualties, Hou Jingru, commander of the 92nd Army, made a bold decision to sue for peace with the Eighth Route Army. The military personnel were shocked after hearing this.

"Military, do you want to report to the summit? After all, this is not a trivial matter!"

"Report? To whom? Report to whom? The radio station has been unable to contact me. I am afraid that Dayangji has been occupied by the Eighth Route Army at this time. This matter is related to the lives of all the soldiers of our 92nd Army. If you are held accountable afterwards, I will bear it alone!" Hou Jingru


At best, it's a request for peace, but at worst, it's called surrender. As a direct line unit of the Central Army, the 92nd Army actually sued for peace from the Eighth Route Army when it still had strength. Isn't this a naked slap in the face of the committee member?

Even if the Eighth Route Army shows its favor and the 92nd Army can return to the Kuomintang-controlled area afterwards, Shangfeng will definitely pursue responsibility. This is the common thought of everyone present.

The 92nd Army was alone in the north of the Yellow River. Li Xianzhou was worried that if the contents of the radio contact were leaked, it would easily disrupt the morale of the army. If the joint talks had not yet begun, the 92nd Army would be defeated as a result, which would become a big joke, so

Even Army Commander Hou Jingru didn't know yet.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Hou Jingru stood up and said: "The situation forced me to save the lives of all the soldiers of our 92nd Army. It is my responsibility as the commander. If I report to my superiors and wait for a call back, I am afraid that the day lily will be cold!"

"I've made up my mind!"

Not long after, the 92nd Army headquarters sent several detachments on horses to gallop northward. Along the way, they encountered many national troops hurriedly fleeing south, and even encountered an intersecting unit of the Eighth Route Army along the way.

Since the rear area was in chaos, the front-line blocking troops knew that if they did not retreat, they and others would be sacked by the Eighth Route Army. Therefore, it was meaningless to continue blocking, so they simply led the troops to withdraw, which resulted in a one-sided situation.

Hou Jingru sent out four small teams, which was obviously prepared in advance. What he was afraid of was that the team would go in without anyone seeing them.

"Chief of Staff, our people reported that they captured a group of personnel sent by the 92nd Army. The person who came was Hou Jingru's adjutant and said he wanted to see you!" Li Fengnian said.

"Hou Jingru?" When the deputy chief of staff heard this, a familiar face flashed in his mind. He and Hou Jingru were old acquaintances. They were both graduates of the first batch of Huangpu, and they had a close comradeship during their school years.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I'm afraid I can't hold on, so I came here specifically to negotiate!"

"Have someone send the relevant people over immediately, I want to see them!"

Although Hou Jingru was a general of the National Army, he was an early member of our party. In 1924, he was sent by the party organization to study at Huangpu Military Academy. At that time, the head of the recruitment team in Shanghai was No. 1, and the two became acquainted.

After April 12, following the Nanchang Uprising of our party, after the troops were dispersed, he worked underground in Shanghai under the leadership of Comrade Xiangyu. Unfortunately, due to Gu Shunzhang's rebellion, he finally lost contact with the party organization.

If he had not lost contact with our party, his current status and position would be that of a high-ranking official.

Hou Jingru's adjutant was quickly sent to Dingtao. After meeting the deputy chief of staff, he handed over a letter in person. After reading it, the deputy chief of staff sighed and lamented the uncertainty of fate, and immediately asked someone to keep the letter.

"Go back and tell your commander that I already understand what he means. I will have someone specially seal the letter so that he doesn't have to worry!"

"This battle was not our intention. The people who were killed and injured in the fight were all our own people. The war has reached this point and there is no need to continue. You can go back!" said the deputy chief of staff.

The adjutant was the only one who carried Hou Jingru's autographed letter, and the other teams were acting as cover-ups. After Hou Jingru's adjutant left, the deputy chief of staff specifically ordered the letter to be kept secret.

Li Fengnian on the side was a little puzzled and asked: "Chief of Staff, the current situation is very good, should our army just give up? Before, the troops on both sides were still fighting to the death, and now we have to shake hands and make peace?"

"As I said just now, there is no need to continue fighting. Besides, the situation has changed now. It would be better not to fight!" said the deputy chief of staff.

The situation on the front line was quickly reported to the Eighth Route Army headquarters. At this time, even the boss and others did not know that Chiang Kai-shek had already had the idea of ​​a joint discussion. Of course, even if the boss and others knew about it, they would not easily follow Chiang Kai-shek's wishes.

When the war starts and the goal is not achieved, how can it be said that it can be stopped by stopping?

Chiang Kai-shek tried to eliminate the Eighth Route Army entrenched in the Sulu, Henan, and Anhui regions through war, and the Eighth Route Army also tried to gain a certain degree of autonomy through war.

The Communist Party is an independent political party and pursues the principle of independence. However, in large areas of North China, the construction of political power is often interfered with by external factors.

Taking Shandong as an example, with the establishment of political power, the remaining local National Government officials or local landlords and gentry often used the excuse that the Eighth Route Army's territory was in northern Shaanxi.

Compared with the Kuomintang, the Communist Party lacks legitimacy, so it needs to use war to make the existence of local political power more reasonable in order to form a stronger appeal.

"Comrade Zuo Quan is an old comrade in the party. He has no selfish motives in doing this. He must have secrets that are difficult to tell in the telegram!" Chief of Staff Teng has great respect for his predecessor, Deputy Chief of Staff, and the two have been close friends for a long time.


The boss nodded after hearing this: "Of course I believe him. I will call back to the Hebei, Luyu and Yu Military Region and follow Comrade Zuo Quan's ideas. Others will actively cooperate!"

After all, they were old partners for many years. The boss was worried that the deputy chief of staff's easy ceasefire would cause dissatisfaction among other comrades, so he specially asked someone to express the attitude of the Eighth Route Army headquarters in a call back.

In fact, Chiang Kai-shek is not a fool. The frontline troops are in danger. Maybe the 28th Group Army has been wiped out by the Eighth Route Army before the talks have begun.

In order to avoid this situation, after discussing with Dai Jitao, he sent someone to contact the Shancheng Office of the Eighth Route Army to express the idea of ​​​​collaboration.

After Yanzhou learned the news, they did not immediately order to stop the fighting, but made preparations to fight and talk at the same time. However, the situation on the front line changed too much.

The sky became slightly brighter, the field of vision gradually became clearer, and the remnants of the 12th Army led by He Cuizhi finally appeared.

As Zhou Weihan expected, the remnants of the 12th Army marched south first after leaving Dayangji. After getting rid of the cavalry company, they decisively moved westward, aiming directly at the Huxi area.

At the same time, news came from the Shangqiu Intelligence Station that the Japanese troops in Shangqiu had dispatched a large number of Japanese and puppet troops after dawn and were heading towards Yucheng.

"After confirming the traces of the 12th Army, our army has less worries. We immediately ordered the troops to act according to the plan. We must be careful of sudden attacks by the National Army. This is the old skill of our Eighth Route Army, but He Cuizhi cannot be underestimated!"

"The purpose of the Japanese and puppet troops in Shangqiu is very clear. We are here. It seems that they have not been wronged before. There is a tacit understanding between the national army and the Japanese and puppet troops. Now that the enemy is coming, we must not let them go back!"

"Not only must we eliminate this group of Japanese and puppet troops, but we must also capture the county seat of Yucheng and further infiltrate Shangqiu. Whoever occupies Yucheng will gain the initiative!" Zhou Weihan said.

The geographical location of the Yucheng area will be a bridgehead for future battles between the enemy and ourselves. If the Eighth Route Army captures Yucheng and establishes a foothold here, it will not only be as simple as gaining a territory.

Hoarding heavy troops and a large amount of supplies in Yucheng can make the rear base more stable. At the same time, in the Eighth Route Army's future operations against Japan, unnecessary time and losses in transporting supplies can be reduced, and operations can be more flexible.

Since the specific strength of the Japanese and puppet troops was unclear, and the remnants of the 12th Army were in the Huxi area, Zhou Weihan could not afford to hesitate.

According to Zhou Weihan's order, the entire 15th brigade was stationed at Dayangji, part of the 16th brigade was stationed at Niuwang Lake and the fortification positions along Xiaoyangji, and the rest of the main force rushed to Dangshan in trucks.

The Fourth Teaching Brigade returned along the original march route, with the headquarters and assault regiment following closely behind. Although the remnants of the 12th Army were fleeing, Zhou Weihan once again weaved a large net to cover them.

The 16th Brigade left some troops to garrison the original Japanese strongholds and fortifications. Zhou Weihan also became suspicious. The 486th Regiment of the 81st Division of the National Army garrisoned at Laowangji did not make any movement at all. It neither followed the main force eastward nor rashly headed south.

This made Zhou Weihan have to suspect that He Cuizhi once again deployed the ecstasy array. Perhaps the real purpose was to personally lead the remnants of the 12th Army to mobilize the main force of the Eighth Route Army and jump out of the encirclement before the main force of the Eighth Route Army formed an encirclement. In this way, he planned to open a breakthrough on the Longhai Railway, and then

Head south to Huaibei.

at the same time.

"Military seat, the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army is chasing after them again. In the plain area, our army cannot escape the enemy's pursuit!" An officer quickly rode over to report.

He Cuizhi frowned. He didn't expect Zhou Weihan to be so difficult to deal with and find traces of the 12th Army so quickly: "We can't leave anymore. The main force of the Eighth Route Army around Dayangji is probably on its way here at this moment!"

"Brothers are exhausted. Once we fight the Eighth Route Army, we will never be our opponents. We order the troops to build fortifications on the spot!" He Cuizhi said.

The movements of the 12th Army were quickly detected by the Cavalry Regiment. The regiment leader Sun Desheng could not help but be overjoyed and said to the political commissar: "Old Qin, you are still smart, but the National Army has obviously understood our plan!"

Qin Fuwen smiled: "But our goal has been achieved!"

The cavalry regiment still searches for traces of the 12th Army in company units, but the overall formation is in a formation, with signal flares as guidance between each other. It only plays a surveillance role. Once the enemy approaches, it uses mobility to escape immediately and does not engage with the national army.

It made the 12th Army miserable.

Unable to run and run, unable to hit again and again, He Cuizhi finally had no choice but to give up the march and order the troops to build fortifications on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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