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Chapter 880: Lao Jiang: What a big scapegoat

During this period, Zhou Weihan had been paying attention to every move of the Japanese troops in the Haizhou area. Although Terauchi Isamu had said on the phone that Xuzhou's 21st Division had already taken Haizhou under its command, the news that came later made Zhou Weihan feel unbelievable, and he

It feels natural.

On the day the Emperor's Special Envoy was assassinated, the Japanese Marines stationed at Haizhou Port were still waiting for the results. However, because the Chief of Staff of the 21st Division was sitting at Haizhou Station, the news of the Emperor's Special Envoy's assassination was blocked.

After the Marines reacted, they only had time to occupy Oura Railway Station. When they took the train to Haizhou, the Japanese troops of the 21st Division occupied Haizhou first.

As a port city, Haizhou is undoubtedly a piece of fat. Whoever occupies Haizhou will have the right to speak. The top military and navy officials do not care who controls Haizhou. In other words, this is a kind of reward.

In return, both parties will depend on their abilities.

Before the incident, both parties had a tacit understanding not to mention the matter, but they were all trying their best. Terauchi Isamu was unable to do so because he was far away in Handan, so he could only place bets on both sides.

The Japanese Army and Navy were old enemies, and often gave each other stumbling blocks. How could the Marine Corps give the 21st Division an advantage?

As a result, an offensive and defensive battle around Haizhou began.

The underground intelligence station in Haizhou, the Jiangsu base area, did not understand what happened at first. In the telegram reported, it was mentioned that the fierce fighting in Haizhou was caused by our troops or the national army.

After the telegram reached the base area in Northern Jiangsu, Commander Huang of the Northern Jiangsu Military Region was confused after seeing the contents of the telegram. The Northern Jiangsu Military Region definitely did not send anyone, and the national army even ran to the southwest to hide, appearing out of nowhere.

Such a troop?

The first three people in the base area knew about the assassination of the Japanese Emperor's special envoy, but they thought it was a simple assassination mission in the Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area, and did not think that it was mixed with the struggle of high-level Japanese officials.

So after some investigation, it was discovered that there was a fight between the Japanese army and navy, and then the telegram was sent to the Hebei, Shandong and Yu base areas.

The Haizhou Offensive and Defense Battle ended with the 21st Division's complete victory before dark that day. The Marine Corps was not taken seriously within the Japanese Navy, simply because the Japanese Army and Navy did not cooperate with each other during many joint operations between the Army and the Navy.

, so the big guys in the navy got a few marines out of anger.

Although the Marine Corps stationed at Haizhou Port is well equipped, the number of personnel is only a thousand. How can they capture a county town?

Although the battle was over, the contest between the two sides had just begun, which really gave Zhou Weihan a good show.

Terauchi vowed to resume transportation the next day. However, after the train loaded with goods arrived at Oura Station from Haizhou, it was forcibly detained by the Marine Corps, and even the merchant ship was intercepted by warships outside the port.

This move immediately made the commander of the 21st Division, Tian Zhongjiu, furious. So he transferred a group of elites from the main force of the Japanese and puppet troops who were conducting a large-scale sweep in the northern Jiangsu area to form a northbound detachment. It only took two days to reach the sea.


Then the situation did not go as expected. After the northward detachment of the 21st Division approached Oura, although it captured Oura with its strength, it was bombarded by naval warships and suffered huge casualties.

At this time, it had been four days since the assassination of the emperor's envoy. However, Aihara Takahiro's body and his entourage were shelled near the port, and no one survived.

This unexpected turn of events caught both parties by surprise, but Isamu Terauchi couldn't sit still and hurriedly took a transport plane to secretly rush to Xuzhou.

The reason why Terauchi Isamu was able to hedge his bets was because there were members of Koinichi Kai on both sides, and he would not suffer any loss if he followed either side. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more out of control, Terauchi Isamu had no choice but to intervene in person to mediate.

The 21st Division is composed of Chief of Staff Okamoto Ayumi and Kaishu Fleet Commander Hidero Hojo. The location is set to be in Kaishu, but the two sides do not trust each other. Fortunately, Terauchi Isamu's reputation as the commander of the 41st Division is strong enough.


"Gentlemen, please forgive me for being frank. If you and I work together, we will benefit from each other, but if we separate, we will both be hurt. Although the military headquarters has not explicitly stated the ownership of Haizhou, the headquarters of the dispatched army is eyeing it. The matter of Haizhou should be settled as soon as possible!"

"The 21st Division is responsible for transportation along the railway, and the Haizhou Fleet is responsible for the escort of merchant ships along the way. You two have great responsibilities and cannot exist without each other. In my opinion, it is better to stop here and give in to each other!"

"The Marines will hand over Oura Station to the 21st Division, and the 21st Division will allow the Marines to set up 500 troops in Haizhou City to strengthen Haizhou's defense force!"

The two little devils, Ayumi Okamoto and Hidero Hojo, looked at each other and snorted coldly one after another. Although they wanted to kill each other alive, as Terauchi Isamu said, the situation forced them to sit together again.

"Yo Xi!" Temple Yong finally felt a big stone fall in his heart: "Only when we unite as one can we seek common development!"

"Terauchi-kun, how should we explain to His Majesty the Emperor?" Okamoto Ayumi asked, and Hojo Hidero also sat up straight after hearing this.

"Of course, it is reported truthfully. During his tenure, Kaishu Defense Chief Mori Takayuki neglected his duties, indulged in drinking and sex, and the public security in the territory was corrupted. As a result, His Majesty the Emperor's special envoy was assassinated at Kaishu Railway Station. His body and accompanying attendants were bombed by the enemy on the way back.


"The surrounding 21st Division and the Marine Corps were shocked to hear the bad news and quickly sent troops to reinforce and stabilize Haizhou's public security. After joint investigation, they successfully discovered that the enemy was hiding in the Haizhou Intelligence Station and killed dozens of enemy operators!"

"The chief officer of the Kaishu garrison, Mori Takayuki, felt that he could not escape his guilt. He left a suicide note and committed suicide in fear of guilt. Now Kaishu is under the joint control of the 21st Division and the Navy, and the remaining enemies in the territory are being carried out.

The campaign will be completed soon!"

What a truthful report. Isamu Temple's confusion of right and wrong made the two little devils secretly smack their tongues. Otherwise, he could be the head of the guru group, but his ability to report to the top is beyond their comparison.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "I have no objection, it all depends on the arrangements of the temple chief!"

"Chief of the temple, I will report to the division headquarters right now!"

"Gentlemen, although the warships have blocked the port, the radio contact cannot be cut off. Rumors must have spread in the country at this time. In order to prevent the military officers from falling into a passive situation, it is better to report it as soon as possible!"

"By the way, please don't reveal my trip to Haizhou!"

Kaishu seems to be the focal point of this domestic political storm in Japan. If it had not been related to normal transportation, Isamu Terauchi would never have rushed to Kaishu at this critical moment due to his caution.

The story is divided into two parts. Cao Dabao and his party traveled from the base area in northern Jiangsu, through Huaibei, across the Jinpu Railway to northern Anhui, then across the Longhai Railway and finally arrived at the Hebei, Shandong and Henan base area. It took them four days to travel.

Since the specific actions could not be learned from the telegram, Cao Dabao reported to Zhou Weihan as soon as he returned.

"You mean the Navy is also involved?"

"Yes, the member of the Xingilhui who met me in Haizhou City was definitely a member of the Navy, and the Japanese lieutenant in charge of distribution at Haizhou Station was also a member of the Xingilhui. After the gunfire, the six of me retreated south, all the way to Taohua Stream

There are no Japanese troops in the mountainous areas coming to pursue!”

"Other comrades don't know as much about the situation as I do, and they think it's just luck, but I think this is intentional within the Japanese army, and we just need to take action!" Cao Dabao said.

"When the emperor's special envoy came, he stirred up all kinds of monsters and monsters. It's really more and more interesting!" Zhou Weihan smiled, and then said to Cao Dabao: "This matter is indeed not simple, but you don't need to think too much.

I urge the comrades who participated not to mention it again in the future!"

"Yes!" Cao Dabao responded. Seeing that Zhou Zhou Weihan had no intention of continuing to ask questions, he took the initiative to say goodbye.

At present, in addition to the military fortress, the road network in the base area and the fortifications along the route and other related projects have come to an end. The democratic government of the border area held a celebration party. The deputy chief of general staff was invited to attend. Only Zhou Weihan was at the headquarters.

I originally thought that this matter would come to an end, but two days later, a report about the Jinling Puppet Government exploded like a thunder.

The Jinling Puppet Government stated in the report that the special envoy of the Japanese Emperor, as an ordinary Japanese citizen, came to China with the idea of ​​​​China-Japan friendship, but was assassinated in Haizhou for no reason. He hoped that the Nationalist Government would give an explanation, otherwise it would affect China and Japan.

The relationship between.

The Nationalist Government was very confused, and Chiang Kai-shek expressed that he was unjustly accused, so he asked the Military Commander and the Central Commander-in-Chief. However, both the Military Commander and the Central Commander-in-Chief were deeply involved in the matter and did not dare to pretend to claim it. After all, it is hard to say whether they deserved the credit.

So I sent a telegram to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, asking if it was the Eighth Route Army that did it. Just admit it was yours and don't be embarrassed.

The boss was confused, and Zhou Weihan was even more confused. He thought this matter was over, so why was it reported again?

In contrast, the 21st Division and the Marine Corps are not confused, but anxious. What does the horse riding have to do with your Jinling puppet government? We Japanese ourselves are not doing well, so you jumped out first to seek justice.


Your master stabbed you in the back, and you jumped out to stir up trouble? So the 21st Division and the Marine Corps agreed that this was an attempt by the dispatched army headquarters to overturn the table and interfere in Haizhou affairs.

The headquarters of the Japanese dispatched troops in China took advantage of this incident and sent a telegram to the domestic base camp, stating that the public security in China, especially in North China, was corrupt, that the rule of the Japanese Empire was in danger, that the Eighth Route Army's armed forces were rampant, and that central China was unable to make progress, and requested the transfer of several main divisions.

The regiment must be stationed in China, otherwise it will be in danger of capsizing.

As the commander of the China Expeditionary Forces, Shunroku Hata is of course willing to strengthen the Japanese military strength in China, and he is not afraid of the big bosses in the military department in his position.

This move coincided with the ideas of the cabinet and the Japanese Emperor, and was considered by the Japanese Military Department as a betrayal. However, the telegram was not sent to the Japanese Emperor, and was intercepted by the Military Department.

However, the struggle among Japan's top leaders did not end. Taking the death of the Japanese Emperor's special envoy as an introduction, it intensified.

This chapter has been completed!
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