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Chapter 882: 10 billion kilograms of grain

"The statistical results of the summer harvest are out. It is indeed a great harvest!" Tan Lin held a report in his hand and ran into the military headquarters in excitement. With Tan Lin's usual calm style, this time

At this moment, the table was rattled.

Everyone at the military command headquarters gathered together when they heard the news. Everyone knew that this year's grain harvest was good, but after all, they were not working in the local government, so they didn't know what the situation was.

Zhou Weihan reached out to take the report from Tan Lin's hand, but Tan Lin dodged it and said, "Guess how much grain was collected?"

Tan Lin's question stumped Zhou Weihan. In fact, he only roughly knew how much cultivated land there was in the base area. He stretched out his palm and gestured: "Five billion catties, just a lot more!"

"Tch, you are too petty. Where are you now? To tell you the truth, the base area harvested a total of 10 billion kilograms of wheat, which is just a lot more!" Tan Lin said excitedly.

"How much?" Zhou Weihan snatched the report away, and the headquarters instantly exploded.

“I can finally eat with an open stomach!”

"Yes, I can finally have a full meal!"

In the past one or two years, the Eighth Route Army troops in the Hebei, Shandong and Yu Military Region were able to ensure food supply. Although they were hungry, not everyone could have enough to eat.

In order to reduce the burden on the local government, combat troops can only guarantee three kilograms of food supply during wartime, and the daily food supply must be reduced. Among them, government officials are the most prominent. Some government officials even need to use subsidies to buy it themselves because they have families to take care of.


Zhou Weihan read the report quickly, and then let out a long breath. He held Tan Lin's hand tightly: "We succeeded, and we finally don't have to tighten our belts to live in the future!"

"Yes, everything is over, and there will be good days ahead!" As the director of the administrative department, Tan Lin has the heaviest burden and the greatest pressure.

The Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area currently has a population of 20 million, but more than 2 million are refugees who have poured into the base area from south of the Longhai Line. Most of them are old and weak children who lack productive capacity. This means that the ecological balance of the original population in the base area has been broken.


The invasion of Guandong may seem vigorous, but in fact, countless people's bones were buried in the process. If more than two million people were to flood into the Kuomintang-controlled area, it would inevitably arouse civil unrest.

Fortunately, our party's base area had strong organizational and executive capabilities. Tan Lin patched things up and begged for favors everywhere, so that the Japanese army's conspiracy to overthrow the Hebei, Shandong and Henan base areas went bankrupt.

This summer harvest in the base area is mainly based on winter wheat, and there were already signs of a bumper harvest last winter. Officially because of this foundation, the people understand that only by following the Communist Party's Eighth Route Army can they get benefits, and the various policies implemented by the local government can be implemented smoothly.

Tan Lin was able to borrow grain from the landlords and gentry in the base area with just a word, and that was why the Eighth Route Army dared to form a field column. All of this was based on a good harvest of grain.

But after all, it is not as practical as putting food into one's own granary. The people in the base area are waiting for this summer harvest. From the base area to the landlords and gentry, down to the ordinary people, they are waiting to see whether the Communist Party can implement it truthfully according to the propaganda, or like the National Government, newspapers

Propaganda is one thing, but actual implementation is another thing.

The Eighth Route Army troops are also waiting. Only when they have sufficient food in hand can they carry out the next military operation.

In the past, the Eighth Route Army raised food mostly through apportionment or reasonable burdens, but from paper implementation to actual implementation, the situation faced was extremely complicated.

In the process of expropriation, although expropriation regulations are issued every year and expropriation standards are formulated, there are still people who act independently or do not implement the regulations in accordance with the regulations. The method of mobilization and solicitation is mostly used. The burden is very small and focuses on a very small number of wealthy people.

Sexual apportionment, the burden mainly falls on the middle peasants and above.

The result of such unreasonable expropriation is a heavy burden on landlords and rich peasants, and even affects military-civilian relations and production enthusiasm.

However, this situation rarely occurs in the Hebei, Shandong and Henan base areas. Specifically, it is the Hebei, Shandong and Henan base areas established by Zhou Weihan and Tan Lin.

When Tan Lin led the work team from Yanzhou, he was not just working with Zhou Weihan, but also had an important task. He was responsible for promoting the experience of progressive tax pilot operations in various frontline base areas. The Hebei, Shandong and Yu base areas were the best blueprint.

The war not only brought military victory, but also had a far-reaching impact in the reshuffle of local production materials and production order. Zhou Weihan eliminated a group of local stubborns through the anti-stubborn campaign. In the subsequent process of opening up base areas,

Another group of local supporters of the Japanese army were eliminated, and a group of enlightened country gentry were won over.

These people occupied a large amount of local production means. As they were eliminated, a large amount of land was vacated. As the land reform progressed, a production order that was in line with the interests of the Eighth Route Army and the broad masses of the people was born.

During the land reform, a field with a yield of two hundred and fifty pounds of wheat per mu was designated as a standard field. Each strong laborer was allocated three acres of standard field. One standard field was equivalent to one R&F. After taking into account other incomes of the people, they were divided into twelfth grades.

Taxes are collected on an equal basis.

Although those with more grain still produce more and those with less grain produce less, the Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area has eliminated farm laborers and poor peasants through land reform, and expanded the group of middle peasants. On the contrary, it has reduced the burden on rich peasants and landlords, and greatly improved the living standards of the people in the base area.

production enthusiasm, and at the same time drive people's income through breeding, industry and commerce, and continue to expand the basic market.

This year is the first year that the progressive tax will be fully implemented in the Hebei, Shandong and Henan base areas. Middle farmers will bear 9.76%, rich farmers will bear 29.65%, and business landlords will bear 21.77%.

The Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area covers an area of ​​about 80,000 square kilometers, totaling 120 million acres, and has a population of nearly 20 million. Excluding those who make a living in the county or work in industry and commerce, there are about 15 million people who actually work in the fields.

According to statistics, the reclamation rate of base land is about 50%, which is equivalent to about 60 million acres of cultivated land. Among them, the land for planting winter wheat in this summer harvest is about 40 million acres. Calculated based on an output of 250 kilograms per mu, it is about 100 acres of wheat.

Billion pounds.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! According to the proportion of each class's burden, even if all of them pay 10% of the public grain, it is equivalent to about 1 billion kilograms of public grain. These public grains are actually controlled by the Hebei, Shandong and Henan base areas.

Seeing Zhou Weihan's excited expression, Tan Lin decided to pour cold water on him: "Don't be happy too early. If you don't become a leader, you don't know the difficulties of being a leader. On paper, the public grain turned over this time should be 1.25 billion kilograms, but before

We borrowed 400 million jins of grain from the gentry and people from all over the country, which must be paid back. After all, the public grain at our disposal is only 850 million jins!"

"The remaining 850 million kilograms need to feed a large number of people. Among the party, government and military personnel in the base area, there are tens of thousands of people in the border region government and many affiliated agencies, and nearly 120,000 in the military field troops, main forces, and local basic troops.

In addition, there are many state-owned factories with 30,000 managers and workers, plus 160,000 people, including semi-off-the-job local armed forces..."

"Hey, stop it now. Although I'm not a master, I don't know the actual situation at all!" Zhou Weihan quickly stopped Tan Lin's preaching: "You, Lao Tan, are used to living in poverty. It's okay to be careful with your budget, but you

Don’t fool me!”

"The basic cadre regiment is not completely out of production. When I visited various military divisions before, each battalion and company had its own public land and the harvest was good. These grains are no longer within the scope of public grain payment. The same is true for local armed forces. Not only will they not become

burden, maybe I can even contribute a batch of food!"

"Each factory in the base area is an independent system. It is financially self-supporting. Food supplies and daily necessities are distributed uniformly. These state-owned factories are the economic backbone of the base area. Life is getting better and better. Even in difficult times, the living standards of workers are also good.

Much higher than ordinary people, otherwise why would ordinary people work in factories even if they break their heads?"

"On the contrary, the main forces such as the column and the Fourth Teaching Brigade should give priority to supplies. You, Lao Tan, should be able to distinguish the importance!"

The fields where the 40 million acres of winter wheat are located this time are all standard fields with fertile soil. After harvest, the next crop of corn will be planted, and the corn will mature in September or October.

The other 20 million acres of cultivated land are mostly mountainous, shoalland or newly reclaimed land, and their fertility is worse than that of standard fields. Therefore, soybeans, sorghum, peanuts, cotton, potatoes, sweet potatoes and other crops are mostly planted. Although the harvest time is inconsistent, it is also

A harvest that is hard to ignore.

Tan Lin smiled awkwardly, as if he was a little embarrassed by Zhou Weihan, and said: "Okay, okay, I don't want to fool you, but this food is not easy to come by. This year is a bumper harvest, and you can predict that next year will be the same."

Good harvest? We have to live our lives carefully, but we can’t..."

Tan Lin has always been sober, so he is a little worried about the current atmosphere in the base area. Under the leadership of the Hebei, Shandong and Henan Branch, production and construction in the base area are parallel with military preparations for war.

Although the current achievements are gratifying, Tan Lin always feels that the atmosphere is a bit overheated. He is in charge of the overall situation of production and construction, which is still within the controllable range. However, he is worried that the rapid expansion of the army will affect the balance of production and development in the base area.

To put it bluntly, there are differences in the future development of the Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area, and this may also exist in Yanzhou. The production construction and external expansion of the base area must be differentiated.

Whether to focus on production and construction, or to focus on external expansion, once a foreign war begins, the existing balance will inevitably be broken.

Take the Japanese army as an example. Although it occupied most of China's territory, it is still unable to manage the occupied areas like Japan itself, even the puppet Manchukuo, which means that resources have not been transformed.

Tan Lin's concern is that once a foreign war begins, military success may be achieved, but the newly recovered lost territory will obviously not be able to be built into a stable base in a short period of time.

As a result, the old base area must not only provide supplies for the frontline troops, but also continuously transfuse blood for the new base area, which may drag the old base area down.

Local government officials represented by Tan Lin believe that the current foundation of the base area is still too weak to withstand too much trouble. There is actually no problem with this view.

It’s just that time waits for no one. Now the international and domestic situation is gradually becoming clearer. Many people know that the little devil will not be arrogant for long, but the key point is how long can the little devil last?

No one knew this better than Zhou Weihan. He felt that the Eighth Route Army should obtain more capital before the Japanese were defeated, and even rely on its own strength to regain the Northeast. All of this needed to be achieved through war.

Other cadres serving in the army may not understand Zhou Weihan as well, but this does not prevent them from supporting foreign efforts to regain lost territory, so two different concepts emerged.

One side is the conservatives represented by the local government, and the other side is the militant faction represented by the military. Although it is not an endless debate, both sides have their own reasons. After this summer harvest, it will definitely be brought up in the meeting again.

, Zhou Weihan had no good solution for this.

However, Zhou Weihan understood clearly that everything in the world has something in common. As mentioned earlier, why the Hebei, Shandong and Yu base areas can work together to carry out production and construction, it is because it allows the people to see benefits and hope.

This principle also applies within our party. It is normal to have disagreements on development. At this time, superiors need to intervene and put forward reasonable plans so that the comrades below can see hope and benefits, and no one is better than teachers.

The summer harvest brought great joy to everyone in the base area. After filling the granaries, ordinary people in every household took the initiative to hand over the public grain that should be paid to the commune, and then the commune delivered the grain to granaries in various places.

In addition, the local government purchased approximately 120 million kilograms of grain from ordinary people according to grain prices, transported it in batches to the base area in northern Anhui, and then transported it to eastern Henan.

In 1938, in order to delay the Japanese attack, the Nationalist Government ordered the bombing of Huayuankou, causing tens of millions of people to be affected and nearly 4 million people to be displaced. Forty-four counties in Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu were invaded by the Yellow River Flood Zone.

At present, the 13th Brigade and the 15th Brigade are both south of the Longhai Line, with Yongcheng as the core, and the northern Anhui base area including Xiayi, Boxian, Woyang, and Mengcheng is gradually taking shape.

Although it is called the Wanbei Base Area, it is only a part of northern Anhui. The subordinate counties are actually closer to the Longhai Railway. Only Woyang and Mengcheng in the south are affected by the Yellow River Flood Zone.

A month ago, in order to prevent the 35th Division from taking advantage of the summer harvest to grab grain in eastern Henan, Ding Wei led the 15th Brigade into eastern Henan. However, the counties in eastern Henan were the hardest hit areas in the Yellow River Flood Area.

Five years have passed since the Huayuankou embankment burst. Because the Yellow River has no fixed flow channel, the counties and districts in the New Yellow River Basin are still suffering from the impact of the Yellow River flooding.

After the floods rushed through, they left behind sand, gravel and yellow mud up to several meters deep, which brought great difficulties to the reclamation of fields in the Yellow River Flood Area.

The 15th Brigade stated in a telegram to the Military Region that the soil in Tongxu, Taikang, Huaiyang and other places is hardened, desertified, and there is no human habitation for hundreds of miles. The conditions in Juxian, Zhecheng, Luyi and other places are slightly better because they are farther north, but the food supply

Reduced production is inevitable because the influx of disaster victims has caused the turf and tree roots to be eaten away.

The military region had long received a telegram from the 15th Brigade, but since the Hebei-Shandong-Henan base area already received more than two million victims from eastern Henan and northern Anhui, it was unable to squeeze out food, so it had to let the 15th Brigade raise food on the spot.

Ding Wei had a good guess about the situation in the base area, so early in the morning he targeted the local puppet troops and large landlords, and finally managed to get a batch of food.

This chapter has been completed!
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