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Chapter 10 Darkness

Falosa stopped Xu Yang and groped for the darkness around him.

The underground world has a complicated environment and is full of strange rocks. It took her a few minutes to find a rock crevice that could accommodate several people. It was extremely concealed and dim.

Xu Yang took out the military rations found on the shuttle to share them. Falosa tore open the package with force, and a bunch of food and ingredients fell out, which shocked her.

"Is this a candy bag?" Farosha carefully identified the contents. "So many incredible things fell out. It's hard to imagine that people in this era made a living by eating these things. They had no flavor at all and were hard.


Xu Yang looked at the clumsy Farosha and couldn't help but think of her value and potential.

Her power is terrifying, and she has been sleeping for thousands of years and has complete memories of the witch era. Such a super-ancient witch can either become a great hope to lead change in the entire world, or become the ultimate nightmare that will destroy the world.

After the company defeated the witches, there were many incidents of witches running amok. They were too powerful, broke free from their restraints, and killed people. Witches are still the most feared thing by the company, but they can always be born from simple human breeding activities, even

Any test-tube baby may become a witch, and there are no rules at all.

The company is neither willing nor has the means to completely exterminate witches, and they have great scientific research and commercial value. Capital has its own unique vision. The starting point of all its decisions is to increase its own value and obtain profits, so capital is not willing to give in.

If witches are to be exterminated, the main thing to do is control them.

Xu Yang was inevitably a little nervous when getting along with Falosa.

He doesn't have the company's means to control witches.

It's a bit too much to describe Falosa as a humanoid nuclear weapon, but at least he is now living with a humanoid monster.

Want to change the status quo? Survive by her side first.

"Are you going to live on this kind of food?" Falosa poked at a bag of tough beef stew.

"I'll do it." Xu Yang came back to his senses, read the instructions on the outer packaging, and quickly figured out how to eat these rations.

He stuffed the package of beef stew into a soft bag with a flameless heater already reserved inside. He tore open the water bag, added water, and then tied the soft bag tightly.

As the chemical reaction proceeds, the soft bag gradually becomes hot.

"You can eat it in a moment." Xu Yang said, "There are others here."

He shined a flashlight on the ground and saw that many of the scattered foods were ready to eat. He picked them up and gave them to Farosha. She unwrapped them and ate them as soon as she got them.

"This is a chocolate bar."


“Vegetable crackers.”


"Cheese bread."


"corn cake."

"This is tasteless."


"So sweet."

"Mayonnaise and peanut butter can be used..."

"Why is it gone after one bite? I want more."

This guy eats everything.

Xu Yang took the heated beef stew out of the soft bag, tore off the opening and handed it to Farosha.

She licked the taste of the soup, then poured out all the beef slices and brisket and ate it.

There was a strange look on Falosa's face.

"It's amazing!" she declared, "It's like being at a magician's party, except instead of the food emerging from under bird's beaks, rabbit top hats, and dragon wings, it's emerging from some paper and hot water.


"as long as you are happy."

"I forgot...it's obviously you who should eat something."

"I eat very quickly."

Xu Yang developed the habit of fast food at the company, which he did day and night for 6 years.

He saw that the mercenaries' battlefield food did contain nutritional paste, so he opened one and ate it.

Nutritional creams have the same taste all over the world, that is, tasteless, without any taste, but you will feel full quickly, which is the key to improving efficiency.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important invention in food science. It is comprehensive in nutrition and low in cost, as long as we don’t delve into what it is made of.

Xu Yang suddenly thought that there must be something here that Falosa could not eat in ancient times, so he gave her a bag of liquid coffee.

"This is called coffee." Xu Yang said, "It only came about after the discovery of Tequila Island."

"What is this...oh!" Falosa quickly drank a bag of coffee, and some star-like light spots appeared in her eyes, "It seems that her strength has recovered a little."

This was something Xu Yang didn't expect, as he was not very familiar with the mechanism of the witch.

Now he saw that there was light in both of Farosha's hands. One hand was as red as blood, and the other was as gray as a dream.

"Recovered..." Falosa murmured.

The witch returns.

Xu Yang stood up and leaned against the rock wall.

Falosa silently looked at the marks on her hands and turned to Xu Yang: "Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

A completely cold tone.

There is a world of difference between witches and humans. To them, humans are not the same kind at all. It is as natural for witches to kill humans as it is for humans to kill wild animals.

Xu Yang had known this for a long time, but experiencing this kind of thing personally still made him feel cold to the core.


It feels like walking on thin ice, and even one rash move will lead to disaster.

Xu Yang stared closely into Falosa's eyes, as if facing an unknown beast in the deep sea, and his hair stood on end.

It was too easy for her to kill those mercenaries. Even with professional training, the biochemical warriors transformed around her could not do it so cleanly.

"Ha," Farosha laughed easily again, "your death is all bad for me, I won't kill you."

"This is really the most utilitarian explanation."

"Only the utilitarian argument can convince you," Falosa said. "You don't believe that there can be any real emotions between witches and humans. I treat humans the same as I treat tools and animals."

Falosa looked at Xu Yang calmly, and for a moment he realized what Falosa meant - she did not mean any harm.

There is no deep hatred between us, and there is a basis for cooperation.

He packed up his things and shined his flashlight outside.

"I heard that some mental stimulation can restore the witch's power," Xu Yang said, "but I'm not familiar with it."

Just as he was about to set off, Falosa caught up again and took Xu Yang's hand.

"If you are really so vigilant," she said, "let us use the miracle of the oath."

"The miracle of the oath?"

"A power that no one can betray." Falosa silently chanted the miracle, the air twisted, and the shimmer turned into a golden talisman. There were originally several scratches on it. After summoning it, those marks were all eliminated.


"There are other traces..."

"They are the witches who made an oath with me in the past. The disappearance of their traces means that they are all dead, and their magic power cannot escape their life span. And you are the first mortal to share an oath with me."

She pressed her hand on the golden rune, and a notch expanded into the shape of a cat.

"These are miracles designed by the sons of beasts a long time ago before their demise," Falosa said. "They traded their souls to the Lord of the Forest to form these eternal runes. People who share the same oath cannot betray each other.

, let alone hurt each other, otherwise their souls will be devoured by the Lord of the Forest."

"Lord of the forest? Does that thing still exist? It won't perish when the trees are cut down."

"It is something that breathes with the earth and the sky, as evidenced by the miracle that I can summon it. Its palace is hidden beyond human knowledge, and only dreaming children and elderly widows can touch it."

"It's amazing."

"Everything from my era is amazing to this day. I even ate goblins. What animal do you like? Put your hand on it and the mark will turn into an animal with the temperament that best suits you."

Xu Yang put his hand on the rune.

There is an additional notch on the rune, which stretches out and looks like a soaring bird.

"Flying birds." Xu Yang said.

"Bird? I think it looks like a goose or a swan."

"And you are a cat, and cats are naughty by nature."

"I like anyone who doesn't follow the rules."

After the notch was formed, Xu Yang looked at Farosha and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It was as if there was some kind of compulsory bond that restricted him from doing all kinds of harm to Falosa.

"Let all this stand," Farossa said solemnly, "let us share the same oath, as the same will unites us, that we will never turn swords against each other, never slander, never harbor betrayal, never

The Secret of Gaiden.”

"This thing must not be obtained by the company." Xu Yang said, "In that case, even defecting to the company will be impossible."

"It's a force that's not easy to control," Falosa said. "The organization you call a company may not necessarily like it. It can unite people like never before."

"There are pros and cons. You really know a lot of mysterious methods."

"In general, this way you don't have to worry about me blowing up your head," Falosa said.

"That's weird, why? What if I do something you don't like?"

"My mother told me to repay kindness, and the lessons learned in childhood are often hard to throw away. Ah, in retrospect, it was because my mother was human that I let so many people live."

She kills without blinking an eye and maintains certain principles.

"It turns out that since I am bound by this mysterious oath, I will not hurt you or do anything subjectively malicious to you."

"Me too, just don't be so tight. Hey, by the way, you've seen my body, let me see yours too."

"Were you this open in the past?"

"During my coma, some 'changes' occurred in my body." Farosha blinked, "I'll tell you later."

"Now that your witch power has been restored, wouldn't we be able to run amok in all directions?" Xu Yang pretended to be relaxed.

"The duration was very short, and the remaining power available was very small. It can only be said that a negligible part has been restored."

"Drink another bag."

Falosa didn't want to regain her strength, so she found more coffee, tore off a corner and poured it into her mouth.

She tasted the content carefully and felt the changes in her body.

"There is no growth." Falosa said, "It seems to be an emergency measure, not a recovery measure. It seems that only God can help me."

If her magic power recovers a little, it seems that she can use the law of recovery to repair the damage to her prosthetic body? Xu Yang guessed. But he doesn't know how her ancient magic power will interact with the modern implants on his body. A slight difference can make a huge difference.

, you cannot risk your own safety.

This chapter has been completed!
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