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Chapter 101 Open the whole

Falosa went to prepare and sent Xu Yang away.

Xu Yang felt that a series of things would happen in the future that would place extremely high demands on his physical strength and energy, so he planned to go to the restaurant to have something to eat first.

He entered the club restaurant, which had a nice environment. It was divided into two areas: a Western restaurant and a light snack bar. The interior of the Western restaurant was luxuriously decorated, and the embroidered decorations on the carpet were like the works of art by famous artists. It made people reluctant to put their feet up, lest these beautiful embroidery be ruined.

It was a mess.

101 and 102 were eating dessert. They looked at each other seriously and fed each other cakes, cheese and cream sandwich biscuits with forks. The suspended robot shuttled in the air and brought plates of exquisite pastries. These foods were made by machines and were of high quality.

, uniform quality.

"Eat more," 101 said softly, "We have never had such good food there."

She scooped up the raspberry pudding with a silver spoon and slowly put it into 102's mouth. 102 licked the spoon clean and looked into 101's eyes seriously.

"We will have more delicious food in the future," 102 said seriously, "countless, countless delicious foods."

"The food supply here is definitely enough." Xu Yang said.

"It's you!" 102 looked up, "Oh, I don't even know what to call you now."

"Anything is fine." Xu Yang said casually.

"Just call him boss." 101 said.

"You can't be our boss with this body," 102 lowered his head to eat the cake, "it would be better to kill a cow with one punch."

"Then I have to go to the gym here to exercise." Xu Yang said.

"She was joking," 101 said hurriedly, "We obey your orders."

When the two sisters said this, Xu Yang couldn't help but turn to the gold-rimmed mirror hanging on the wall and look at himself carefully. He was quite handsome, but he didn't shave. He was 28 years old, so he had some vicissitudes of life. He was on the thin side and was 1.76 meters tall. He was quite handsome.

Low profile. When the nano armor is not unfolded, it looks like a long-sleeved vest, inconspicuous, with a gray denim jacket on top.

It's not bad. He touched the stubble. It doesn't need to attract attention.

Bacchus was experimenting with her little ink monsters on the dining table, wanting to know if they would eat and explore more of the ink monster mechanisms.

I saw ink dripping from the palm of her right hand. When they touched the table, they took shape on their own. Their images were ever-changing, like people, small beasts, pterosaurs and butterflies. They squirmed endlessly. Their vitality was limited, and the ink would dry up after a few minutes.

And die.

Backus retrieved the ink stains before the cleaning robot came to clean them.

She sprinkled a little ink on a plate of steak, and it immediately stood upright and turned into a small black dinosaur. It lowered its head and gnawed at the steak. It quickly wiped the beef clean. It had indeed doubled in size and was able to move.

The time is also extended.

An ink beast that has not eaten can only survive for about 3 to 5 minutes. After digesting the steak, the big ink beast became obviously stronger. It wandered around repeatedly and howled. It was very strong and never disintegrated.

"Your ink power is very useful," Xu Yang said. "One day they will grow like the giant beasts in the movie. People will leave your records in history, alongside those legendary witches."

"I'm still going to try." Bacchus observed the larger ink beast. It had persisted for 20 minutes without collapsing. But in her expectant gaze, the ink beast disintegrated without warning and spread all over the floor.

A black ink stain was left on the ground. Fortunately, Bacchus was able to recover it completely, otherwise this large puddle of ink would cause the cleaning robot to collapse.

"You seem to be very obsessed with developing strength." Xu Yang said.

"I don't want to be a parasite... I want to be useful." Bacchus scratched her hair. The inferior hair dye made her head itchy.

"No one said you were." Xu Yang comforted.

Bacchus said nothing, and Xu Yang suddenly realized that Bacchus's self-esteem did not allow her to enjoy here with peace of mind. However, once this paranoia was too strong, it would lead to even more embarrassing consequences.

"It's okay," Xu Yang said, "We are friends, and friends should take care of each other. This is natural. There is no saying who wants to suck the blood of the other."

Bacchus nodded slowly.

"...Then I still have to make certain changes. After all, in every sense, this is my second life." She said.

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll know in a few days." Bacchus gave a forced smile.

I really don't know what she plans to do. Xu Yang feels a little confused.

After casually eating some bread and meat rolls, he went to the master bedroom to find Farossa.

The smell in the bathroom was thick and the heat was blowing on his face, making Xu Yang feel warm all over his body, as if he had entered a sauna. In the endless haze, he saw Farosa.

"Come on," Falosa said hurriedly, her hair soaked.

Xu Yang opened the shower curtain.

"my pleasure."

July 25, with Farosha.

July 26, with Farosha.

July 27, with Farosha.

July 28, with Farosha.

In the dead of night, Xu Yang couldn't help but start to reflect. Our planet is just a corner of the universe. Why don't we surrender to the limitations of gravity and explore the distant stars with the strongest will and the highest enthusiasm? Now we are trapped in our own cocoons and controlled by our senses.

, forgetting the lofty mission of our intelligent creatures.

July 29, with Farosha.

Gradually I don’t know what time is.

This is indeed a rare time to relax. In order to clean up the radiation, Aizu Castle is closed to the outside world, and there will not be many changes in the short term. Moreover, hiding here can avoid various searches.

Whenever Xu Yang was weak, Falosa used the "Law of Recovery" on Xu Yang to reverse his energy, making him energetic and full of energy day and night, never overtired, and very healthy.

This experience is also completely new. Falosa enjoys it endlessly and is in high spirits, occupying most of Xu Yang's energy throughout the day.

Every time Lila brought food in, everything in the room was impressive.

They rested together, but Farossa was still afraid of Lila. Sharing private space was the limit of what she could bear, and nothing else was possible.

These days were Xu Yang's happiest time. There was no pressure, free drinks and free food all day long.

"I am the queen of the witches, and you are their new monarch." Falosa whispered to his pillow.

"This means responsibility." Xu Yang looked at her.

It is difficult to describe his feelings for Falosa at this time in words. After so many days of in-depth contact, he feels that he understands this witch better from the outside to the inside.

She is a crazy person and a person who is afraid of madness. She treats others harshly, but she also has high demands on herself. She is extremely disgusted with fragile humans and is equally disgusted with mediocre witches. In short, Farlow

Sarah has no double standards.

Living with such an energetic witch, having no worries and enjoying herself, Xu Yang felt that this place was a real paradise.

What brought him back to reality was that the detoxification drug prepared for Sally was delivered to the trading company. It was time to leave the club and visit the rat village.

This chapter has been completed!
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