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Chapter 106: The Rat People Take the Right Path

Seeing Sally's dejected look, Xu Yang felt that it would be useless to say more.

In his view, if a person does not want to save themselves, it will be difficult for external forces to do so. They will huddle on their own and reject any persuasion. But if a person is determined to change, he will start taking action without being reminded by others.


Xu Yang's eyes swept around the inner wall of the room, and his eyes fell on a map on the wall, and he was instantly attracted to it.

This is the layout map of Yongsen Technology Seabed Mining Industrial Park.

The geothermal power station left behind by this company became Mouse Village's energy supply. According to the map, the power station originally supplied the industrial park on the other side of the sea cave.

This industrial park is not small in scale.

Yongsen Technology has invested in and built a large-scale park on the seabed, including not only the outermost geothermal power station, but also a complete set of facilities such as internal R&D rooms, factory production lines, employee dormitories, robot repair shops, seabed mines and garages. It is ambitious.

He plans to start a business on the nearby seabed.

Not far from this Ratman settlement, there is a complete underwater operation base! If it belongs to us, it will become the first asset of the new company.

Seeing Xu Yang looking at the map intently, Sally let out a disdainful snort.

"What do you want to do?" Sally lay on the sofa, rubbing her hair with her hands, enjoying the dizzy feeling, "You... what do you want to do when you stare at it?"

"Is Yongsen's Undersea Industrial Park nearby?" Xu Yang pointed to the map, "Have you used it? This scale is not small."

"Of course, I also want to..." Sally got up, pulled out a dirty blanket from under the sofa, wrapped it around her body, and walked to the map, "otherwise why would I bring this map back from outside the park? Sometimes

I also fantasize about whether I can attack this place...but I can't."

"Is it because I brought my own security facilities?" Xu Yang was curious.

"No, no," Sally shook her head, "We thought so before. You see, for the geothermal generator outside, we changed its power supply mode from supplying it to the submarine industrial base to supplying it to our homes. We plan to

Shut down the defense facilities in the base. Phew..."

"Then what?" Xu Yang asked.

"Don't be so hasty." Sally crawled to the broken cabinet, opened the drawer, and took out a new pack of stamps, planning to indulge again. The taste really made her want to stop.

She had been overdosing for several days. She was still half asleep and bleeding from her teeth.

"Hey..." Guan Wanchang stood at the door. Seeing all this, he only felt endless sadness. Every time he saw Sally's decadent look, he felt like a saw was pulling back and forth on his aging heart.

It watched Sally grow up. This child had always been smart, prudent, and responsible, until Mateo introduced the stamp to her, and the dreams of the past were shattered all over the floor, leaving a deformity.

Sally tore the stamp open and was about to take a few sips when the stamp suddenly returned to its intact state. She could only smell the plastic smell of the outer packaging.

She felt weird and thought she was hallucinating, so she pulled the stamp apart violently, but the next second, like a magic trick, the gap in the stamp disappeared without a trace. She was still holding a package of intact stamps, unable to smoke at all.

Sally was scratching her head and head in annoyance.

Xu Yang knew that it was Falosa who was causing trouble, so he turned his head and saw her with a cruel smile.

Sally also noticed something was wrong and turned to stare at Falosa: "It's you? What do you want to do?"

"I personally resurrected you. Where did your respect go?" Farosha slowly walked up to Sally. She subconsciously stepped back. Farosha's gaze made Sally feel uneasy.

She felt like she was confronting a ferocious beast, and the tiny mouse would be swallowed up in an instant.

"You..." Sally leaned against the wall, unable to retreat, feeling dizzy.

The image of Farosha suddenly became particularly tall in her eyes. She felt that her vision was blurred. Everything seemed to sink into colored bubbles, like a painting with paint randomly splashed. Only Farosha's appearance was particularly clear, accompanied by indescribable emotions.

She felt a sense of fear, and she wasn't sure whether it was some new power of Farossa, the result of hitting too many stamps, or both.

"I am the new god of witches." Falosa looked down at Sally, "Your ability is very powerful. I want to enjoy your loyalty. I think you still have a lot worth dedicating to me."

"leave me alone……"

"You have no choice." Falosa stretched out her hand and brought it to Sally's mouth. "Kiss my finger and say, 'I obey Falosa, the God of Witches.'"

"……What can I get?"

"I will increase your strength, unleash your potential, and indulge your desires."

"You're crazy." Sally squeaked sinisterly, "This is my territory, and I will let my compatriots kill you all."

"Your shabby kingdom and your shabby compatriots." Falosa shook her head.

She walked outside and kicked down the ladder that connected the high house to the ground. It made a heavy sound when it fell to the ground. The rat people below creaked and screamed, but they were unable to get up for a while. They hurriedly tried to support the huge ladder.

Sally's face was distorted, her mouth was drooling, and she scratched her chest uneasily.

"Guan Wanchang..." Sally looked at the old white-haired rat in a hoarse voice. To her extreme disappointment, Guan Wanchang chose to lower his head.

It doesn't know what to do now, it only knows that if Sally is allowed to enjoy the stamps, she will eventually break down and die suddenly in this small, dark rat village.

"Slave Queen of the slave race," Farossa's voice was low, and she continued to exert oppression. Her voice was magnetic, pulling Sally's determination, "Your race has been at war with humans for so many years, and apart from the bitter consequences of defeat, there is nothing.

If you don't get it, your tribe will continue to be tortured and killed until it disappears completely from this land. Is this what you want?"

"I want...stamps!" Sally made a sharp voice, her eyes were bloodshot, her hands emitted a faint light, one hand was a spark similar to an electromagnetic pulse, and the other hand was a dark green biologically enhanced magic power.

It's electromagnetic pulse again. Xu Yang has suffered too much in this regard. It's annoying to death. You must be vigilant. If Sally's electromagnetic pulse bursts out, it's hard to imagine the consequences. Although Falosa uses the law of recovery to take care of it, she still has to endure the hardship.

It is certainly inevitable.

"...We don't want to hurt you." Xu Yang said, "Don't act rashly."

"It was her...it was her first..." Sally swallowed back her saliva, the magic power surged chaotically in her body, and her sanity, which had been eroded by the stamp, was shaking.

"Poor thing." Falosa estimated the time and then released her magic power.

——The law of reply.

In an instant, Sally rolled to the ground, letting out bursts of happy screams, covering her mouth and nose, all the muscles in her body twitched, her eyes rolled white, and her tongue was exposed.

"What did you do to her?" Guan Wanchang was shocked.

"Return to her previous 'high' state." Falosa snapped her fingers, "Isn't this very convenient? It just returns to the previous happy state without further damaging the body."

Sally twitched crazily on the ground for a while, spitting out a lot of saliva. After a long time, she got up, wiped her face with a dirty towel, and looked at Falosa in pain and confusion.

"What have you done?" She gasped for breath, as if the air could not flow smoothly from her lungs.

"I can reverse your pain," Farosha said. "You can enjoy your psychedelic state as much as you want, and then I can reset your body back to a healthy state. This is my gift to you, as long as you do it."

I serve, as my loyal servant, to enrich the ranks of my men.”

"On the other hand." Xu Yang reminded, "Sally, you don't have to listen to Falosa's arrangements and don't become her slave. You can quit 'stamps' and be a normal and smart leader to maintain the rat people.


"How to quit?" Sally gasped.

"Just rely on the anti-addiction drugs on the table." Xu Yang pointed to the neatly arranged anti-addiction drugs. They were sealed in pale boxes and looked far less attractive than the stamps in green packages.

Sally kept breathing rapidly.

She picked up the dirty towel again, this time wiping the nosebleeds from her own hands. Seeing the blood stains on the towel, the dirt and the filth she spit out on the ground, Sally's eyes became distracted.

The rat people outside had put the ladder back up, and several angry black rats were holding pistols and wanted to come up and fight Xu Yang and the others. Sally climbed outside and told the anxious rat people below that she was fine.

"You gave me two choices." Sally sat at the door, staring gloomily at Xu Yang and Falosa, "You are not really good to me, but you want to use me and my compatriots."

"If you are slaughtered, you won't even have the value of being used." Falosa made a sympathetic look. She opened her arms and wanted to embrace Sally, "Come to your new god.


"Stay away from us..." Sally's throat was dry, "We are here...it's good."

"It's hard to say what future you have here," Xu Yang pointed to the large dome houses, mushroom fields and working ratmen outside. "You should obviously help the ratmen get on the right track. How many of them died in a war?"

In the midst of a meaningless conflict? They willingly obey you and regard you as their leader. Therefore, whether you realize it or not, you now shoulder an extremely important responsibility - to guide your people to the right path."

"The right way..." Sally looked confused, "What is the right way?"

"Develop production, learn technology, educate children, and move towards civilization."

"I don't know..." Sally was a little confused, "...can everyone... really do it... If this is the right way of the rat people, what about you?"

"We? Our right path is to wake up, accumulate strength, and then defeat all giant companies." Xu Yang said firmly, "Take back all the freedom, dignity and wealth that we should enjoy from the hands of capital!"

This chapter has been completed!
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