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Chapter 114 The New God Shapes

After exhausting her magic power in the test, 101 took a long sleep in the staff dormitory. She slept on the upper bunk of the bunk bed, leaving the lower bunk for 102. She had a worry that even she thought was ridiculous, fearing that something would happen here.

In the event of an earthquake or tsunami, she must immediately escape with 102 to a safe place.

She felt a considerable degree of fear in her dream, as if there was an invisible rope binding her body. There were still five years left before her death. For the Son of Phantom Light, withering away was a destined fate.

When she woke up, 102 was still huddled in the quilt. According to 102's wish, 101 bought her a quilt with pink kittens printed on it, which was really cute. 101 crept down the bed ladder, feeling sad about 102's

Naive and ignorant.

She is jealous of educated humans who have the opportunity to understand history, culture, politics and society, while witches are insulated from real knowledge. They have been enslaved since childhood and are purely illiterate.

and dreams are out of reach.

Maybe Falosa can change the witch's fate.

101 went to Farosha's private room. Her house was located in the corner of the entire industrial park. It was originally a room in a warehouse and was transformed into her own secret base by Farosha. 101 knocked on the door gently, but the door was unlocked.

Opened in response.

It was dark inside, and 101 timidly looked back at the corridor outside. Only the emergency lights were weak and glowing orange, like a dying person blinking.

In the darkness, Falosa turned off the screen of her mobile phone. She sat cross-legged at the end of the dark room, maintaining her sense of mystery. In her mind, those hot and bloody scenes lingered, and people all over the world will remember them.

This kind of extreme video upload caters to Falosa's curiosity.

"What do you want?" Falosa asked hoarsely.

"Honor my God." 101 knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly to Falosa in the darkness, "We are witches created with a limited lifespan. Even if we try our best to dedicate ourselves to you, we are still limited by fate.

, I can’t repay you in my lifetime.”

"Get close to me."

101 was frightened, walking through the darkness, groping as far as possible in the direction of Farosha, as if walking in a trap, getting closer and closer to a monster.

Soon, she felt Falosa's cold hand on her throat, her heart was beating wildly, and goosebumps appeared on her skin. Soon the skin of that hand changed from soft to hard, and human skin turned into marine life.

The animal's thorny skin was explored with fingers from the throat down to the center of the chest.

She said nothing and pursed her lips.

"Cursed life, stolen magic power." Falosa murmured, "Your magic power is not given directly by the stars, but is blinded by the sky. The stars will not tolerate your existence. Your existence is like an illusion.

, annihilated at any time.”

"What should I do?" 101 is well aware of all this, but still holds on to a glimmer of hope, thinking that this is just the speculation of scientists. However, Farosha, whom she trusts, also admitted this, which means that their journey in the world is particularly short.

, death is like a sharp knife hanging high above their heads. Looking back at the past five years, their road was full of thorns.

If the essence of life is pain and hopelessness, why do people continue to taste it?

101 Want to get hope.

"I know what you want, but you still need four witches," Falosa whispered, "and then you can hold the first ceremony to confirm my authority. Ordinary magic can only restore your life for 7 days, but

If you use your magical power, you can survive for more than five years each time."

"...I will spare no effort to serve you." 101 said tremblingly.

Falosa behaves horribly, taking lives at any time, blurring the boundaries between life and death, playing with life span and existence wantonly, and is as deep, unpredictable and ever-changing as the sea.

The trembling of 101 came from her fingertips. Farosha savored it carefully. What she needed was the awed followers.

Loyalty is difficult to establish, but terror can be established day and night.

Farosha needs to define her own image in the eyes of her followers, which is the beginning of her path to becoming a god.

Falosa's hand moved up again and rested on 101's shoulder.

"Farosa de Aquila walks among witches..." she said.

Speaking of this, Falosa closed her eyes. It was also an extremely important decision for her.

If you want to continue climbing on the road of strength, the first thing you need to figure out is "who you are", that is, know yourself.

"...She pursues knowledge and power. She is in charge of the law of killing and the law of recovery. She is the supreme leader of all witches. She has only one form."

Pursuit, power, identity, and image, Farosha defined a new god from four dimensions to prevent believers from having random thoughts and inducing division.

101 silently memorize it, and then retell it under the guidance of Farosha.

Knowledge and power, killing and recovery, the witch god Farosa.

As 101 offered her faith, Farosha found traces of dewdrops emerging in her heart, and the faith of loyal followers provided the most primitive traces of dew.

These scars have appeared on many great men, monarchs, and sages. They are the product of the beliefs of their own followers, and will eventually form dewdrops, making them invincible heroes or philosophers who interpret the world.

"Keep up this performance." Falosa whispered, "I will extend the lifespan of your sisters, grant you the honor of following me, strengthen your magic power, and change your destiny of death."


"Bring 102 also."

"Yes, but I..." 101 mustered up the last courage, "...I want to know... what is your ultimate goal?"

"Save all the witches and bring salvation to them." Falosa said.

What a beautiful lie. 101 My nose is sore. Why tell such a beautiful lie? What if people believe it?

"Understood." 101 resigned step by step.

101 walked out of the dark room where Farosha was. The light outside made her feel dizzy for a moment. She quickly closed the door and took a deep breath.

Obey Farosha and gain hope.

She was worried, so she went to look for the location of 102, but couldn't find it in her room. She found that she had been called away by Xu Yang to go to the testing ground to practice magic.

Arriving near Xu Yang, 101 found that Xu Yang and Farosha were two extremes. All she could feel around Xu Yang was endless peace of mind. She had never seen Xu Yang angry or bitter, and he would not be frightening.


For a moment, 101 wanted to sit next to Xu Yang, but the distance between them was so far.

Xu Yang was letting 102 carry the iron ore. Part of it had been smashed to pieces, and 102 was carrying the remaining parts. She was not wearing armor, only the black gelcoat on her body.

She was smiling and very happy. She found a suitable angle and successfully lifted the iron ore. It seemed that it was not very laborious. However, during the process of putting the ore down, she claimed that she felt that the stone was getting heavier and heavier.

"It is estimated that your strength is related to the distribution of magic power," Xu Yang said, "When you subconsciously lift a heavy object, the magic power is converted into strength. When you put the heavy object down, you subconsciously reduce the consumption of magic power, so your own strength also increases.

It has been reduced. Correspondingly, if you want to maximize your power, you must train to control your own magic power consumption."

"Oh!" 102 nodded vigorously.

"Is there any other progress?" 101 whispered.

"Of course." Xu Yang was very satisfied with today's test. He pointed to the broken iron block next to him, "Now I have confirmed that the magic power of 102 is not just a strange power, but actually a 'part strengthening'."

"What?" 101 was a little confused.

"Think about it," Xu Yang said, "102 beat a dead object with hundreds of kilograms of force, why is her fist okay? According to a normal person's physique, it would have been torn to pieces by the force of the shock, and the skin would definitely be damaged.

Rupture and bleed.”

"Yes, yes." 102 also discovered a new use for her ability. She whipped the huge ore with force and kicked it on the rock, making a cracking sound. Countless cracks suddenly appeared on the rock. Her feet

The black rubber foot coverings everywhere were shattered by the blow, but the skin and bones were not damaged.

101 suddenly realized why the Black Fire Innovation only marked their powers as teleportation and huge strength. This was because they were children of phantom light with a short lifespan. They had no preservation or development value. They were only put into actual combat as experimental subjects to be recycled for the next generation.

The experimental data for batch reference does not focus on their ability development.

"In this case, there is no need to wear armor!" 102 wants to fight naked! Armor will only affect her ability to withstand damage. With the parts strengthened, she can directly use her magic-strengthened body to resist damage.

"You still have a lot of room for growth, come with me now." 101 went up to hold her hand, preparing to take her to meet Falosa.

The two sisters must provide their loyalty at the same time in order to impress Farosha and grant them corresponding rewards.

"But Xu Yang bought us an ice cream machine." 102 looked at Xu Yang eagerly.

"Yes, it's over there at the staff restaurant." Xu Yang pointed in the direction of the restaurant, "Sally is coming over today too. Let's go eat ice cream. There are 12 flavors."

"I'll do it next time." 101 nodded reluctantly, "Sorry, not today."

"But I want to eat ice cream." 102 said coquettishly.

"I'm doing this for your own good." 101 squeezed 102's hand, his expression becoming more severe.

102 looked at 101, as if she saw a mirror reflecting her angry face. She lowered her head, glanced at Xu Yang reluctantly, and then followed 101.

Sally had arrived at this time. She looked around, smelled, and twitched her plush ears.

101 suddenly thought of recruiting witches for Farosha. Now we still need to recruit 4 witches.

"Sally...do you want to meet Lord D'Aquiglia?" 101 asked.

"Forget it." Sally didn't like Farossa.

"...The Witch Ministry welcomes you to join," 101 said in a good-natured way, "We need your abilities, and the witches should unite under the banner of Falosa."

"I belong to Mouseville," said Sally, "not to Farossa."

"..." 101 nodded slowly, and then led 102 away.

"Their attitude is really weird." Sally looked at Xu Yang, "Farosa is now the leader of the witches?"

"Of course," Xu Yang nodded, "She has grown a lot. Deception was originally her specialty, but now she has added intimidation, pretense and mystery, which can be considered her leadership style."

"She must have her own weaknesses." Sally was still afraid of Falosa.

Xu Yang's phone vibrated, and when he lowered his head, he saw a private message from Falosa.

It turned out that she was quarreling with someone on the Internet, and the other person was a professional netizen. Not only did he use vicious words, but he also used a lot of Internet vocabulary, which made her feel extremely humiliated and difficult to understand. She could only select them one by one and ask Xu Yang to explain them all to her.


"She can't live alone." Xu Yang said, editing the answers and sending them back.

This chapter has been completed!
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