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Chapter 123 The Wizard's Spell Book

After finishing the investigation in "Cilong", Miying opened the window, jumped into the distance, shot out a hook from her shoulder, and grabbed the drainage pipe exposed outside the wall of the opposite apartment. The rope quickly contracted, pulling and swinging her body.


Immediately afterwards, Miying climbed up and disappeared deep into the city.

After escaping for about 4 kilometers, she felt a little safer. Sitting near the ventilation duct at the top of the city, the sound of fans whirring and rotating could be heard from deep in the huge metal structure, and there were bursts of unsettling and weird hums coming from the rusty walls.


"I have killed your daughter's murderer." She edited the message and transmitted it to clients on the deep anonymous network, along with photos of the target's headless corpse.

The other party did not reply to any message, but only transferred 50,000 funds as a reward.

50,000 in capital, plus the previously completed commission, now has 140,000 in assets.

She also wants to save more money, to save up to 500,000 yuan, so that she can buy an energy shield generator to enhance her resistance to gunfire.

Miying stood up straight, her coat violently blown by the howling storm wind in the city.

The so-called shadow hunting is also the shadow of cyber monsters.

Bring death to all villains, criminals and sexual perverts and enforce justice in the shadows.

An eye for an eye, violence for violence.

She will spare no effort until the city is completely cleansed of criminals and scum to avenge everything she has suffered.

Companies are greedy for money, and civilians are indifferent. The regulatory mechanism of this world has completely failed, and we can only rely on heroes to implement justice and eliminate injustice!

These concepts were formed after Niederreiter and I watched a lot of dark hero-themed novels and anime.

And she firmly believed it.

If Xu Yang hadn't helped her, she and her companions would have been tortured to death. It's the same now. If she hadn't taken the initiative to enter the trap and attack the criminal, more ordinary girls would have been brutally murdered.

The screen of the mobile phone flickered, and a new message was sent. Cui Junyou forwarded instructions from Xu Yang to Miying. It seemed that he was going to a certain place to look after someone and obtain crucial props.

Miying imported the data into the brain analyzer, then jumped away and headed to the next mission location.

Synths don't get tired and don't need to rest.

Moreover, it is an instruction from a cyber monster, and Shadow cannot refuse.

On the other side, in the "Cilong" apartment, four security company personnel were inspecting the scene. They were heartbroken over the tragic death of Yuan Yixiong. This was a high-quality customer who was willing to pay 400,000 yuan a year, but now his body was lying on the ground.

Seeing the interlaced shadow icons left on the screen next to them, they were even more annoyed.

Damn the shadow of the cyber monster! In the past two weeks, it has caused countless chaos in the city and killed countless upright and upright citizens. It is simply the criminal among criminals.

They uploaded the news about the "Shadow of the Cyber ​​Monster" to the bounty hunter commission list. The value of her head continues to rise. The current bounty reaches 7 million. Once anyone discovers the "Shadow of the Cyber ​​Monster", they can

Killed on the spot.

Security personnel searched the scene, retrieved files, looked for suspicious records, and tracked the traces of the cyber monster's shadow.

The "Cyber ​​Monster" himself has disappeared for a long time, and now its shadow appears again, causing people a headache.

After a while, a large azure shuttle approached the fourth floor of the apartment. The ramp was lowered and placed on the window of the living room. The security personnel looked sideways at the sound and were a little surprised for a moment.

A soldier in power armor took the lead, knocked hard on the window, and took out the investigation certificate of Tianshu Manufacturing. When these ordinary company security personnel saw the personnel from the giant company arriving in person, they did not dare to neglect and quickly opened the window to welcome them in.

"It's the 'Shadow of the Cyber ​​Monster' again." The power armor soldier walked into the living room, turned around and saw the special shadow mark on the wall screen, "Ghosts really exist."

Behind the power armor soldier was a pretty girl with long black hair wearing witch armor.

"Hello." She greeted the security personnel and took out her company ID, "I...I am Lu Jing, the special witch from Tianshu Manufacturing's office in Anjiu City. We have been tracking cyber monsters.

Of course, this also includes the killer who calls himself ‘Shadow’. I hope you can help provide evidence.”

"Of course, of course." Ordinary company security personnel did not want to disobey the witch from a giant company, so they immediately handed over the files captured by the camera to Lu Jing.

After checking the files, Lu Jing found no valuable information. The target had been hidden behind masks, hats and heavy clothes, making it impossible to see his true face.

He received very little information. Lu Jing frowned and shook his head at the power armor soldier beside him.

"Crazy." The power armor soldier lowered his head and looked at the poor man with his head cut off, "If the cyber monster himself is a suspicious person who holds an anti-corporate stance, then the shadow of the cyber monster is a complete anti-social personality.


"His eyes are implants." Lu Jing lowered his head, connected the brain-computer interface of Yuan Yixiong's head with a cable, and began to read data.

Soon, she captured the last 5 seconds the man saw before he died.

Lu Jing entered the perspective of the deceased before his death, and the girl's appearance was vivid in his mind.

She moved swiftly and swiftly, taking out the sharp blade hidden in her sleeve, slashing towards Lu Jing. In a trance, she felt that the person being beheaded was herself.

Although the shadow of the cyber monster still blocked her face, Lu Jing was able to scan the data. She excerpted the scene and looked closely. She could see the photoreceptors deep in the opponent's pupils and capture the synthetic material of the skin around her eyes.


...The so-called shadow of the cyber monster turns out to be a synthetic human! No wonder he is so energetic and has been killing people for days. This kind of atrocities must be stopped. Lu Jing thought to himself. By the way, the cyber monster's route has been determined before.

There are several locations where it appears, including a synth store.

At first, some people committed violence in the store and posted the video on the Internet, but due to the interference of cyber monsters, they were scared to death. After the store owner returned, all the service synths in his store were gone, and he asked the security guard

Company claims.

If we compare this visual residual information with those missing machines from the Synthetic Shop, we should be able to get new clues.

"We will definitely find the cyber monster," Lu Jing led two companions back to the shuttle. "There are still three pieces of nano armor to recover."

"If you find the shadow, the main body is not far away." A soldier in power armor pulled the door hard, making a loud noise when closing it, "There are still 25 days left before the mission deadline given by the supervisor."

"Then we will find it within 25 days. Even if we search Aizu City, we still have to find it." Another soldier in power armor said firmly, "I will be transferred back to the Xia region based on this merit."

At this time, Miying has learned about the task assigned to her by Xu Yang. She needs to go to the Aizu Castle Cemetery and the home of the so-called gravekeeper, Izumi Yamazaki, to find the whereabouts of the wizard's spell book there.

At the same time, Xu Yang also sent an anonymous express to Miying, which needs to be collected at the designated location with the code.

In the unmanned warehouse on a hidden street corner, Miying found her express mail in rows of closed cabinets, quickly pulled it out, closed the cabinet door, and dived into the dark alleys of Aizu City. Her eyes had night vision.

function, you can clearly see the contents of the express.

A communicator.

It is a very crude, small black communicator that is only half the size of a hand. It gives people an outdated feeling, like an outdated appliance that would be found in the homes of older generations.

There was a white note tied to the communicator, asking Miying to use the wiring. She leaned against a low wall and hid next to a large trash can. She pulled out the data cable from behind her ear and plugged it into the communicator.

"How have you been lately? Miying." Xu Yang called over.

"Slowly finish your own thing." Miying opened her left chest, put the communicator in, then zipped up her coat and walked through the city. Under the condition of wiring, she could use data encoding without speaking.

Create audio messages.

"Are you fighting?" A strange synthetic voice sounded, sounding very excited, "It must be fighting!"

"This is..." Miying has never heard such a movement.

"I am A40." The synthesizer explained, "I like to fight against strong people."

"That's right, A40 and I are finishing the work on the other side." Xu Yang said, "...I saw that you are at the top of the city's reward list and have killed many people."

"They all deserve to die." Miying killed 40 people, 24 of whom had sex crime records, and the rest were stained with blood.

"It's flamboyant but not cautious." Xu Yang criticized, "To implement justice, we must pay attention to strategy."

"I'm filled with hate."

"Don't let hatred go to your head." Xu Yang said.

"Are you saying I shouldn't do this?" Miying responded fiercely, "Niederreiter has already criticized me and said I killed indiscriminately."

"No," Xu Yang explained, "I just think that fighting alone is not efficient enough."

"I can do it myself." Miying didn't want to be looked down upon by Xu Yang.

“But you also have to recruit like-minded people, build a community, and build a shared belief.”


"Now let me help you." Xu Yang has scanned the information of the blocks around Miying's location, converted them into a 3D three-dimensional model, marked the locations and power supply conditions of all cameras, sensors and monitoring systems, and transmitted them to Miying.

For a moment, she felt as if she had gained the ability to see through. She had a panoramic view of all the information around her. The intelligent surveillance network that she was usually extremely afraid of could now be seen at a glance. She could quickly find the blind spots in their network scans and avoid any form of records.


Such powerful information control! Miying felt inspired and no longer felt constrained by fear.

"Now use the second module function of the communicator." Xu Yang instructed.

Miying activated the Rat Sentinel system of the black communicator. The communicator emitted a burst of special low-frequency sound waves that could not be detected by human ears, but had a completely different effect on the ears of the rat people.

She heard the tapping sound of water pipes coming from above, raised her head, and saw a gray-furred rat-man sticking its head out from the dark pipe system, blinking its green eyes in confusion.

"Let it take you to your destination." Xu Yang said, "Find the whereabouts of the wizard's spell book."

"Copy that." Miying jumped up and crawled into the rat path. Shadow Justice should never be alone.

Shortly after Miying left, Lu Jing tracked him down.

She applied for the right to detect the cameras in the neighborhood, found traces of the killer, and rushed over. The camera did not capture the killer's specific whereabouts, only a silhouette hurriedly entering the alley. She chased him into the alley, but found nothing.

Has it disappeared... Lu Jing felt a little confused, followed by disgust and disgust.

It is really as unpredictable as a shadow. What is she trying to achieve by killing one after another like that?

This chapter has been completed!
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