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Chapter 127: Pain and Fear

As soon as he rushed in, Miying knew he was in the right place.

There were at least a hundred guns hanging on the wall, all placed on metal racks, representing the powerful firepower of the new era. She quickly searched and compared relevant information in her database to find the weapon that best suited her.

To carry out shadow justice, you need a main battle rifle and a close-quarters weapon.

The main battle rifle is a new concept launched by Black Fire Innovation, which advocates allowing a single weapon to perform multiple functions. Many of Black Fire Innovation's flagship arms products are designed according to this concept.

They have a long range and can switch between precision shooter and fully automatic modes. They have a grenade launcher hanging underneath and can perform critical missions. They have a built-in ammunition switching system and can choose to enhance armor annihilation or human lethality. Each component is completely modular and can be combined with

Other pistols and submachine guns in the Blackfire Innovation Series can exchange parts for easy battlefield maintenance.

Such a weapon naturally exists in this arsenal.

She quickly reached out and took down a dark, slender main battle rifle from the wall. It is the standard firearm currently prepared by Black Fire Innovation for elite combatants, the E7 main battle rifle "Lost Soul". Miying picked up the bullet and fired

Throw them into the bag and fill the magazine of this E7.

Thinking of Rat Sentinel Perry, Miying helped him get a 9mm pistol, a P6 "Scorpion Needle", and prepared to bring it to him.

Looking around the arsenal, Miying's eyes quickly stopped at a pale blue blade fixed on a glass frame on the wall. A stable ion beam burst out from the hilt, emitting a dazzling blue light.

The condensed high-energy beam emits an alluring buzzing sound, as if expecting a strong enough swordsman to take it away from the wall, send it to the battlefield, and send it to the place where it is needed most.

Ion sword!

Perhaps the most armor-piercing melee weapon today.

In the KM rating led by the company alliance, which is used to evaluate the rarity of technology, the ion weapon has a score of KM70. In comparison, Xu Yang's "Cloud Beast" nano-armor with multiple functions only has a score of KM65.


What Kong Tai is most proud of is the ion ax he received as a gift for serving in the Blackfire Revolution. Now Miying has also received a weapon of this level.

She quickly pulled the ion sword from the wall and shook it in the air. The ion current surged violently, but was restrained by the force field and turned into a blade shaped like a thin wing.

Miying quickly went through his corpus to find the name that best suited it.

"Shadow Kill"!

After gathering Shadow Kill and hanging it on her waist, Miying found another dark armed vest. She kept searching for useful props and stuffed enough explosive grenades and electromagnetic pulse grenades into the vest pocket.

Then she found sabers, energy batteries, nuclear fission batteries, spare firearm components, treatment needles, robot repair kits, first-aid sprays, and other miscellaneous smaller portable tools, all of which she stuffed into her vest to keep her prepared.

Immediately afterwards, Miying jumped out of Baihai Apartment, closed the door again, got on the S400, and went straight to the "Fenghaise" hotel.

This hotel is located on a secluded street. There is a liquor stall set up outside. Business is very slow. The owner is dozing off while leaning on the counter.

Miying drove the motorcycle to a nearby stop, pressed the Mouse communicator, and soon saw Perry greeting him on the roof. With Perry's assistance, Miying climbed to a high place with his hook and claws, and climbed lightly

to the roof.

"It's down there." Perry pointed to the back room, "I heard from the little mice that a tall man in a trench coat did go in, in room 202."

"Here you go." Miying gave Perry the "Scorpion Needle" pistol and the saber.

"Oh!" Perry was extremely surprised. He had never received such an expensive gift in his life, or in other words, this was the first time he had received a gift in his life.

It couldn't help but keep playing with the gun in its hand, so that when it returned to the rat outpost, it wouldn't have to be bullied by the big black rat.

Miying passed the information about the man in the trench coat in Room 202 to Xu Yang, and he immediately hacked into the hotel's network system.

Unfortunately, the camera only captured the corridor outside room 202. It was extremely quiet at this time, with the gray carpet covered in hazy orange light.

The camera was of no use, but he found a smart wall-mounted screen connected to the Internet.

This wall-mounted screen was connected to the hotel's wireless network. Xu Yang traced back to the network unit, cracked the key, took control of it, and quietly turned on its camera.

In an instant, all the information in the room was at a glance. Xu Yang forwarded the captured footage to Miying, and she was able to understand everything that happened in the room.

——The strong man is photocopying a book in his hand.

The strong man had already taken off his windbreaker and was only wearing a simple linen robe.

He sat on the bed with a scanner in front of him. He patiently placed a thick black book on the scanner, turned a page from time to time, recorded the information on it, and forwarded it to his accomplices thousands of kilometers away.

This way the real criminal was identified.

Every time he scanned a page, he tore off a page, threw it into the brazier at his feet, and burned them to ashes. The content on it had been successfully scanned, and the book was useless as a carrier, and it could not fall into the hands of others.

At the same time, he put his personal smart terminal on the table and was communicating with others via video.

"Gonny, you are so patient." On the screen, a black wizard was sitting cross-legged under the thatched house with white mysterious symbols painted on his face.

"There are still 400 pages." Gao Ni patiently flipped through the wizard's inheritance in his hand.

The ancient wizards' monographs are extensive and profound, covering countless precise knowledge, enough to teach an ordinary mortal to become a professional wizard step by step, making them versatile.

In order to avoid alerting others, Xu Yang did not hack into Gao Ni's own terminal, but he was extremely interested in the scanner used by Gao Ni.

He began to try to transmit the cracking package to the scanner. If the information scanned by it could be restored, there would be no need to worry about Gao Ni burning the wizard's inheritance.

To Xu Yang's surprise, the scanner did contain previously scanned data. Although they were placed in the recycle bin, he could restore them.

He quickly copied these files in the background and transferred them to himself.

The part on the scanner, plus the part that was not burned by the other party, means that the complete wizard's inheritance can be restored.

"After you finish, take the shuttle back to the village as soon as possible." The black wizard explained, "Tulisa and Sally are waiting for you."

"They must be nearby, just call them over." Gao Ni smiled and turned over another page of the book, tore it off and threw it into the brazier, and then began to scan the content of the next page.

"I just came back." The black wizard understood.

He summoned a black woman from outside. She held a brown-skinned child of mixed black and white race. He was about 3 years old, licking his fingers and ignorant of the world.

"Hi, Goni!" Tulisa smiled at the camera and put the child in front, "Why haven't you come back yet? Sally misses you."

"It will be done soon." Gao Ni turned over a page of the book and scanned the contents. "I am very hidden here, but I didn't bring enough money, otherwise it would be more convenient to use a fully automatic scanner like that."

"Say good night to daddy~" Tulisa asked the child in her arms to wave to the camera, showing an innocent expression.

Looking at his wife and children in the camera, Gao Ni felt a morbid sense of satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

It was all smooth sailing.

In Taixi Continent, he was just an insignificant dregs of society. Just because he was from Taixi Continent and his skin was fairer, he was treated as a god as soon as he arrived in Reshu Continent, which was awe-inspiring.

Following the rumors of wizards all the way, Gaoni searched for the path for mortals to approach the supernatural. He was not tested by the elders of the tribe, but he successfully seduced the tribe chief's daughter Tulisa, married her and had children.

Considering that his descendants might become the rulers of the entire tribe, Gao Ni finally obtained the wizard inheritance of Re Shu Continent. The original Re Shu continent retained the last fire of the wizards, but now it became Gao Ni's property.

Now he has completed his mission in the Archipelago, constantly piecing together the fragments of the wizard's great power. With this achievement, he can continue to advance in the wizard system, and finally reach the end of the power, prove his extraordinary power with his strength, and gain infinite divine power.

The women from Lidao Continent are indeed more interesting to fuck than those from Reshu Continent. Gao Ni thought about it while catering to the wife in the video. He should stay here for a while longer and go back to the savanna after having enough fun. In order to win

The wizard's power, hanging around with zebras, gazelles and crocodiles all day long, almost drove people crazy.

"Your strength is so great." The black wizard praised, "You are the hope of the future for wizards."

"Haha..." Gao Ni smiled.

Wizards are destined to check and balance witches.

This power system was originally designed to target witches. Gaoni had already killed and ravaged many witches in Reshu Continent. Although Gaoni himself could not do it, the old wizards of the tribe could use the secrets of divination and prophecy.

This technique allows you to know the whereabouts of the witch in advance and predict the results of various combat plans in advance. As long as you choose the one with the best simulation results and implement it, the witch will be at your fingertips and can be manipulated by anyone.

Wizards are superior to witches, just like men are superior to women. This is the view that Gaoni has always believed in.


There was a gunshot outside the window.

The bullet broke the glass, penetrated the curtains, and hit Gaoni's upper body linen clothes. This ancient magic cloak for wizards has strong protection and recovery properties, and even bullets cannot destroy it.

There was an attack! Gao Ni felt a dull pain in his chest. The bullet was aimed at his heart. God knows how the shooter knew his relative position. Gao Ni quickly got up and picked up his wand.

"Gaoni? What's wrong!" In the video, Gaoni's wife Tulisa was suddenly startled, and their child Sally was so frightened that she started crying.

Gao Ni had no time to respond.

He quickly jumped out of bed, cast a spell with his wand, summoned the Eternal Protection Edict, and cast a circle of black and gold magic light around his body, forming an indestructible protective power.

On the one hand, the wizard's ability is derived from the knowledge obtained from ancient mystics, and on the other hand, it is derived from the imitation of the stars and the mobilization of the nature of nature. The methods are varied.

No matter what kind of attack, the Eternal Protection Law can block it... Gao Ni tensed his nerves and his heart beat wildly.

The decree is suspended on his head, upper body, arms and legs, forming an airtight protection.

A figure jumped into the hotel room, and the window shattered!

Miying slashed out Shadow Kill quickly, and the ion beam penetrated the protection of the law, but could not break through. She felt a strong sense of blockage, as if a pair of big hands were holding her blade and pushing it back, preventing her from fully pulling the blade.

Cut in.

"Go to hell!" Gao Ni quickly prepared a powerful roaring thunder law.

The so-called "Roaring Thunder" is the most powerful law he has, specifically designed to restrain humans and robots. Tens of thousands of volts of thunder and lightning will blow all enemies into pieces, and even the hotel itself will be blasted into annihilation by the summoned thunder and lightning.

Miying immediately retracted the shadow, aimed at Gaoni's feet that were not protected by the law, and quickly slashed diagonally downwards. The ion beam penetrated the skin and bones, as easily as cutting off paper, and cut Gaoni's left side in the blink of an eye.

The legs were cut off at the base.

"Ah -" Gao Ni screamed, his voice was loud, and his left foot was completely broken from the ankle. Severe pain hit his mind, causing him to fall to the ground. The amulet law fluctuated violently for a while, due to the loss of the wizard

It dissipates invisible due to the manipulation of will.

Gao Ni flopped on the ground like a frog. The wound on his left foot was slashed by an energy weapon. The wound was charred and the bones were smoking.

Shadow justice has arrived!

"You set the fire! You killed two people!" Miying clenched the shadow with his left hand, turned his right arm into a blade, and swung it violently, cutting off Gao Ni's hand holding the staff, so that he could no longer pass the staff.

Cast a spell.

"Wow -" Gao Ni couldn't feel the existence of magic power and decree for an instant, and the severe pain and fear made him tremble all over.

"I want to avenge them!" Miying slashed Gao Ni across the face. The sharp blade penetrated both sides of his cheeks. His tongue was also cut open from the side and turned into a split. Blood gushed out like a fountain. Gao Ni wailed miserably.

, no longer a human voice.

"Revenge!" Miying used Shadow Kill to cut open Gao Ni's witchcraft clothes, concentrate energy to create high temperature, and burn through Gao Ni's chest.

His sternum was burned through in an instant. Miying used the arm knife to cut off the remaining ribs, stabbed into his heart with force, and pulled out his heart from the middle of the chest, cutting off the connection with other parts of the body. Miying was

The shadow is caught on the tip of the knife.

The heart that was picked out was still beating. Every time it beat, a large pool of blood spurted out from the aorta, squeezing the blood out of the heart. A stream of blood sprayed on the communication video. Under the blood paste, Tulisa

and Sally let out a piercing scream.


This chapter has been completed!
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