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Chapter 13 The Rats

Rats, rats, swarms.

Xu Yang heard the sound of teeth grinding and hair erecting from all directions. There were sounds everywhere, crawling, low howling, rustling, endless.

The number of ratmen must have reached a terrifying figure.

"We have to wait for an opportunity to leave." Xu Yang walked to the door of the game hall and looked sideways at the situation outside.

Beside the surrounding low iron houses, at the vents of the underground city dome, in the dark alleys and underground rock ravines, there are black shadows everywhere, emerging one by one, looking around with their bright yellow eyes, searching for prey.

Countless hungry monsters.

I can't go out now, so I can only stay away from the limelight for a while.

Xu Yang turned around and saw Xiaodao Yezi taking out a cheap white syringe from his backpack, pricking his arm, and injecting himself with some medicine.

"What is that?" Xu Yang was confused.

"Tranquilizer," said Ye Zi. "If you stay in the game room for a long time, your mind will become confused, you will see double images, you will not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion, you will still have auditory hallucinations in your ears, and you will feel like beating someone up. After taking this, you will feel better."


"...Is this what your doctor prescribed?"

"How can I afford to see a doctor," said Ye Zi, "I only get cheap injections."

"You look like a stamp addict." Xu Yang said.

The so-called "stamp" is a nickname, referring to a powerful hallucinogen that is popular all over the world. It has extremely serious addictive properties. In order to protect the work efficiency of employees, the company has banned "stamp".

But outside the company, many people are willing to take a sip of this thing and never be able to leave it for the rest of their lives.

It was so harmful that Xu Yang hated it deeply.

"Okay, it's not as scary as a 'stamp'." Ye Zi said.

"Xu Yang, you said this is a rat man," Falosa observed the rat man's corpse, "How come I've never seen it before? There's no record of it in the monster illustrated book. It's even stranger than the era I lived in."

"They only appeared after the Witch War, so of course you haven't seen them before."

"I didn't expect that the stories on the ghost story edition were not made up, but that the Rat Man actually existed." Ye Zi said.

"Because the anti-rat operation was so successful, too many rat-men were killed. But I also guessed that they cannot be extinct. Rat-men are better at surviving than cockroaches."

In the past, ratmen multiplied rapidly around most underground cities. The conditions they needed to survive were extremely simple and their vitality was very tenacious.

Some people believe that rat men are biological weapons secretly created by witches for revenge, otherwise it would be difficult to explain their various strange characteristics.

The rat people stole many technologies from humans and almost became the second intelligent civilization. They are distributed all over the world. However, their active development process was interrupted by humans. They were slaughtered by bullets and chemical poisons. They were destroyed and used by humans.

Violence is isolated from civilization.

What else is left in their hearts besides hatred and rage?

Xu Yang didn't know, but the rat man did come back, but at this time.

"Wow ah——"



Screams continued to sound, and the rat people entered one house after another, killing and cannibalizing people everywhere.

The cry was so close, it felt like it was so close.

Many ratmen originally wanted to go to the game hall to investigate, but there were too many iron houses around. These houses were leaky on all sides and could be eaten, and their attention was attracted.

This is a place without security services, everything is completely self-defeating.

Complete security services include many, such as rescue shuttles arriving at any time, rapid response teams, medical emergency, insurance claims, fire safety and other items.

The price of security purchased by a company is very affordable. After all, people in the company live a regular life, with dormitories and workstations working together, so the security company has relatively few things to deal with.

If the object of protection is an individual, the price is much higher.

A truly decent security service must be effective 24 hours a day and all over the place. It would cost tens of millions per month, and Xu Yang couldn't even afford it.

Some companies will extend the security services they purchase to the neighborhoods around the site, where residents are affiliated with the company and receive company protection. Such neighborhoods are called company jurisdictions.

In the same way, giant companies will also provide some protection to companies within their sphere of influence, using their strong financial resources to set up their own security departments to ensure that transactions are carried out in accordance with the regulations of the company alliance and to protect the lives and safety of their business owners.

In this way, there are a total of 20 giant companies, dividing the entire world into 20 jurisdictions, and only giant companies are qualified to send representatives to participate in the corporate alliance's parliament to determine the world's business rules.

Now, Xu Yang is nominally within the jurisdiction of Kyoto Infinite, but this is an underground city, a poor place, with too few decent companies, and the residents' spending power is limited. Kyoto Infinite does not want to spend too much on this, and does not care about their lives or lives.

Underground residents have no choice but to purchase expensive security services themselves or turn to gangs for help.

Residents in this area cannot even afford gang protection fees, are completely outside the scope of all forms of security services, and live in the shadow of death.

After the sounds of carnage, there was the sound of corpses being eaten.

Rat people eat and chew, and they also make simple sounds.


"Come on, this way..."


As they attract friends, more and more rat-men appear. Even if some residents try to resist, the result is only to attract more rat-men and be eaten alive to death.

Xu Yang frowned.

There is no way to go on like this. Sooner or later, the rat people will find this game hall and kill us all. Farosha's strength has only recovered a little bit, and Ye Zi can't fight at all. I can shoot, but the bullets are also exhausted.


"Bringing you with me is like a burden," Xu Yang said to Ye Zi, "You must cooperate with me unconditionally, otherwise I won't take you to live."

"Understood." Ye Zi observed Xu Yang, "Are you really from a company? Which company do you belong to? I know all the companies in the archipelago, so you are from the Xia region, right. Mingzhu? Dafeng? Or those two giant companies?"

"Let's start with you. Where did you come from?"

"Go to Beijing."

"Kyoto Mugen's headquarters? That place is so developed."

"I can't stand in the eyes of people in the company," Ye Zi curled his lips, "I don't care about the current life, it doesn't matter where I live, it's up to you."

"Telling out my true situation will only make it more troublesome."

"You! You obviously..."

"Don't make any noise, we are going to run away soon." Xu Yang looked at the situation outside.

A low roar sounded in the distance.

This noise is huge! It obviously comes from some kind of huge monster, far beyond what any tiny mouse can make. Is it some new type of monster?

As the huge roar sounded, the rat people whispered to each other, looked around, and made intensive squeaking sounds. Then they gathered together and ran in one direction, as if they had received some form of summons.

What a great opportunity! There are obviously a lot less ratmen around.

Xu Yang asked Falosa and Ye Zi inside the house to escape with him.

"Follow me!" Along the street, Xu Yang took the lead and rushed towards the center of Pianmu District.

There are shops and squares in the center of Kataki District, which means companies are settling in!

No matter how much you hate the company in your heart, there is no doubt that the company can provide services and protection, which are extremely valuable at times like this. Even if there are risks within the company's jurisdiction, it is better than staying in the dark and being attacked by ratmen.

Companies may hire emergency power services or have their own generators, and if power is restored to the area, each company will be the first to be taken care of.

No matter how small a company is, it still acts as a commercial entity and is valued in the rules of the company alliance.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned a corner, Xu Yang saw bright light coming from the reinforced concrete.

The sky cannot be seen in the underground city. This light slightly illuminates the underground city dome made of cold metal. The light is pale and weak, refracting along the arc of the dome, spreading for several meters before being swallowed by darkness.

In Xu Yang's eyes, this scene was as beautiful as the blue white clouds.

A symbol of civilization!

He took a deep breath.

"It will be safe where there is light." He looked back and saw that the Rats had spotted them, running quickly from the darkness, crawling crazily along walls, pipelines and concrete roads, like vengeful beasts.

The Rat Man is coming!

And there are more and more, where do they come from?

As the tide of rats gathers, their courage doubles.

At first, the Rat Man only dared to whisper in a low voice, but later he began to roar loudly, and the sound became louder and louder, like a flood.

"Can't kill too many." Falosa said as she ran, "The last bit of strength... I can annihilate 50 at most."

With such little strength, Falosa could kill fifty ratmen. Xu Yang admired but felt powerless at the same time.

There were more than fifty rats chasing him.

Everywhere he could see was covered with rats. They called to each other and swarmed out of the nest, one after another, dominated by pure rage and group impulse, they only devoured the three pieces of fresh meat in front of them alive.

They don't run very fast, except Falosha.

Xu Yang suffered from symptoms of implant instability. He could hear the broken parts in his right hand clanking, and his motor efficiency decreased.

As for Ye Zi, Xu Yang really wanted to ask her if she didn't participate in sports at all? She was out of breath just after running a hundred meters, and she looked like she was about to faint on the spot.

Only Falosa was amazingly good at running, and she was able to run far away from them in one go.

Walking through the twists and turns of the underground passage, Xu Yang saw a building, like a bathing center or hot spring, which was still open. It turned out that the previous lights came from this building.

The exterior decoration of this hot spring is quite eye-catching. There are more than a dozen red lanterns hanging on the eaves, and the name of the store "Suzuki no Izumi" is written in large characters on the plaque.

Two strings of colored lights are wrapped around the wall, and some Daruma tumblers, pink dolls, masks, etc. are hung on them.

Is it safe to get there? Will anyone in the store be willing to help?

Xu Yang can't guarantee it now, but he knows he must go there to have a greater chance of surviving.

He turned his head and fired a few shots at the rat tide. Small waves surged in the rat tide. The fallen rat man with gray fur was instantly trampled into mud by his companions who came after him. His screams were insignificant among the roars of the rats.

There is no slowing down their movements.

The rat people bared their teeth and doubled their anger. Some of them threw rocks at Xu Yang and the others, and shot with crude homemade firearms, but their accuracy was poor.

Even so, the pressure is still doubled. As long as you are hit, you will be injured and then submerged.

They were still 500 meters apart, but the sound of running rats seemed to be in my ears.

"I... can't run anymore..." Ye Zi was panting, looking extremely embarrassed while carrying her big bag.

"I saved your life," Xu Yang's nerves were almost broken. He gritted his teeth, his heart was beating wildly, and he turned his gun and pointed it at Ye Zi, "I don't want to see you die in the mouth of a mouse again!

I would rather kill you! Run!"

The Rat Man is still some distance away, but the bullet is instantaneous.

Xiaodao Ye Zi took a deep breath and turned pale. She suspected that Xu Yang would shoot her immediately if she didn't leave. His tone didn't sound like a joke.

She could only sprint forward, and her strong desire to survive made her speed increase again, so that she would not distance herself from the rats, but she would not be held back either.

The last leg of the road!

This chapter has been completed!
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