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Chapter 136 personally go out

Save the image of Lila's new body and think about it again and again. This body is lifelike enough. If Farosha really wants to resurrect a soulless original body of Lila, it will not be more beautiful than this artificial body. And it is more beautiful than this artificial body. The human body is stronger and more durable. What is wrapped under the skin is no longer weak flesh and blood, but extraordinary steel and machines. It condenses the crystallization of modern technology. The KM rating reaches 55 points, which is quite outstanding.

Lila, who is reborn a second time in this new body, will have a leap in ability.

"The total mass of the body you ordered is 65 kilograms. It uses the latest 'painting' technology of our R&D department to accurately create a bionic humanoid with multiple service functions and combat functions. It will definitely provide you with an unimaginable experience. ." The customer service continued to introduce, and then sent the final payment confirmation.

The cost of constructing this flawless new body reached a whopping 5 million dollars. With the newly equipped consciousness chip and mind transcription equipment, the total cost reached 8 million dollars.

After paying the balance, agreeing on a delivery time, and requesting logistics information encryption and special packaging, Xu Yang ended his communication with the institute.

Lila was about to go upstairs. She sent Xu Yang the financial report of Nisto Company in advance. After studying it, Xu Yang had a deeper understanding of the current business situation.

After such a long period of operation, Xu Yang still has 40 million disposable liquidity, but the actual value of the assets he owns is very high. After the restoration of Nisto Industrial Park is complete, its own valuation has reached a huge 300 million, becoming a company that can continue to bring returns. of fixed assets.

Xu Yang’s current monthly income includes: Jumen Trading Company’s import and export profit dividend of 570,000 yuan, Cui Junyou Prosthetic Clinic Center’s dividend of 240,000 yuan, Nisto Industrial Park’s iron ore output of 2.2 million yuan, and the Route 90 community’s balance of 1,500 yuan after public expenses. Funds, monthly income of about 3.01 million yuan.

As the corporate war between Kyoto Unlimited and Black Fire Innovation is imminent, the arms trade is booming, and the prices of components, raw materials and metals in the upper reaches of the military industry are rising all the way, which is a huge benefit to Nisto Corporation.

Since the industrial park resumed production, it has mined 2,500 tons of high-quality iron ore, all of which have successfully found buyers. Most of them have been acquired by "Global Express", a procurement company affiliated with Gaoge Kyushu, and transported to Gaoge through the logistics channels of Jumen Trading Company. Beilingfu, a metropolis in Kyushu, also extended an invitation to establish a stable cooperative relationship with Nisto Company and make Nisto Company the designated supplier of Gaoge Jiuzhou's equipment manufacturing department.

This is profitable, and you can enjoy the rebates from Gaoge Jiuzhou Purchasing Department with Huanyu Express, which is harmless. It is a bit strange to refuse under such circumstances. In order to complete the trick, Xu Yang still accepted the invitation.

It is amazing that I have provided services to my old employer in this way. These iron ores from the seabed will be turned into high-quality steel through complex smelting processes, which can be used to cast the war shuttle army in Kyushu, or become the armor of the war witch. a part of.

The company's expenses include: machine maintenance and equipment refurbishment of about 150,000 yuan, personnel expenses of about 100,000 yuan, and subsidy expenses for community No. 90 of about 30,000 yuan. Excluding these expenses, Nisto's monthly income reaches about 2.73 million yuan. .

The income is still considerable, and it can be considered as an annual income of 20 million.

If it operates stably until the end of the year, the book funds are expected to increase sharply, because the industrial park's production capacity is still expanding. It is mid-August now, and Xu Yang plans to control the entire Aizu City before the end of the year. By then, he will have the manpower and funds at his disposal.

Just more.

Community No. 90 is a barren place. If you can't collect much money, you still have to subsidize it. After the order is stabilized, the next step is to improve the quality of residents, increase individual labor output, and improve the business environment. Only then can the subsidy situation end.

In fact, no amount of money can change Xu Yang's original intention. He is not interested in making profits. He mainly tries and explores the reconstruction of the underlying system. As conflicts intensify in the cyber era, the underlying people who make up the majority of the world need order, fairness, justice and free development.

Opportunities, these are all suddenly given by capital which cannot be merciful.

Nothing can be accomplished overnight. Xu Yang plans to start with the order of a few thousand people on Route 90, and then gradually expand to affect the 300,000 people in Aizu City and change their living conditions.

The witch is used to win the war and is the guarantee of absolute force. The new order is used to change the social ecology and is the implementation of one's beliefs all the way. Both are indispensable.

Lila walked up, and as soon as Xu Yang saw her, he thought of the beautiful scene of Lila sent by the research institute before, and suddenly felt something.

Seeing Xu Yang's gaze like this, Lila couldn't help but feel shy because she didn't know what he was thinking, but she didn't want to become a tool to satisfy her master's ordinary needs.

"Let me defeat the wasp and take back the golden branch." Lila wanted to be more useful.

"Yes..." Xu Yang nodded, "Let's settle the matter of Wong Wong and Jin Zhi first."

He sent all the information he collected to Lila, and she quickly interpreted it completely.

"This guy has a sting," Xu Yang reminded, "We have also seen it in the video. She has some kind of reality manipulation ability, at least she can turn glass into water, and her entourage has always been wary of her.

, she refuses to relax even when she talks, and must start suppressing her."

Seeing this, Lila's consciousness chip began to operate faster.

The time has come.

She wanted to break the knot in her heart and accomplish something she had wanted to do a long time ago.

——Defeat a reality manipulator with your own hands.

Reality manipulators can do things that even technical means cannot.

Lila's magic power is subtle and not particularly unique. Although she is a high-level witch, technological scanning equipment with a KM rating of 60 or above can do the same thing as her.

Moreover, her consciousness has been transcribed into the chip, and her body has been transformed into a prosthetic body. She can no longer grow, and it is impossible to reach the next level of "ruler". This perception has reached its limit, and it will also be lost due to the loss of the consciousness chip.

And passivation phenomenon occurs.

These worries are slowing down Lila's calculations. She must untie this knot, defeat a reality manipulator, and avenge all these years of pain.

"I want to test it out." Lila said calmly.

Confronting the reality manipulator, defeating, subduing or killing it with her own hands, no matter which outcome will make her calm her past resentment. Can the magic of detection defeat the reality manipulator? The answer to this question is something she will uncover with her own hands.

"I don't trust you." Xu Yang held her hand and said, "We have to go together."

"You are the master and cannot take personal risks." Lila shook her head, "You should leave the tasks to your subordinates and servants."

"You are by no means a subordinate or a servant," Xu Yang said firmly, "You are an extremely important person to me. Do you think I can trust you to do it alone?"

"Lila is by no means a useless person who needs you to worry so much," Lila said softly, "please feel free to send me on the mission, I will come back with good news."

"...that's fine."

Now that it’s all said and done, Xu Yang must respect Lila’s wishes.

As a reconnaissance officer in the Conquest of Witches, Lila also has her own pride.

Xu Yang stayed in the industrial park to coordinate some issues left behind when he left before, and went to talk to Falosa to prevent her from watching the short video all day long. This kind of software designed for the instinct of intelligent creatures does have indescribable capabilities.

The charm of blocking. Falosa's favorite video host suffered from depression, which made her regretful.

Lila rented a motorcycle, put on a black leather jacket and a metal helmet, and drove to the area near the arms dealer.

Since the relevant magic traces have been captured in Taiyang creatures before, it is easy to identify the opponent's signal this time. As long as Lila is patient and detects, the physical signs of every target around her can be read in her heart.

For Lila, it was back to the time when she was serving Qianhu Electronics, operating covertly, fighting alone, completing various complex tasks and then escaping unscathed.

Qianhu Electronics is a giant enterprise in northern Taixi. It started by producing high-quality mobile phones. It has extremely high technical reserves in the supply of communication equipment and network infrastructure. Its security department includes 700 people.

Previously, she only served Qianhu Electronics' asset expansion. High-value targets died in Lila's hands one after another, and countless high-value intelligence was stolen by her. However, her own treatment has not been improved, and she still continues to operate on the most dangerous front lines.

Numbing oneself in the killing day after day.

But it's different now. For the first time, I act out of my own will and ideas, rather than being controlled by a few words in the action briefing. The goal of my work is not to kill the company's old enemy, but to sew up my past.

of scars.

Feels great.

This chapter has been completed!
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