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Chapter 138: Capture the Golden Branch

"Ah yeah!"

"what happened?"

"What's going on!" The staff and customers in the front hall of the store were all shocked. The shock wave collapsed the nearby walls, and the fire exploded, turning the store into a sea of ​​flames. The earth trembled, making people unstable. Such a terrifying situation

Without blinking an eye, they quickly escaped from the main entrance to avoid being killed.

Waves of flames shot out, rings of fire rose, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, as if you were in a huge oven, with black smoke billowing and visibility extremely low.

The members of the arms dealers who were lucky enough to escape from the store were stunned to see the scene of the explosion of flames. The employees were in tears, and other gang members also had their legs trembling. Such extremely bad business problems had ruined Blackfire's reform plan.

, just destroying the brand's business and reputation is enough to make them doomed.

The warehouse of a well-known "arms dealer" brand suddenly exploded, which is enough to make people doubt the quality of Black Fire's innovative military industry.

"Is this the arms dealer?"

"Why did it explode!"

"It's amazing!" Onlookers on the street quickly took the video and uploaded it to the Internet. This arms dealer has always been domineering, but now it has finally suffered a disaster, which has attracted a large group of people to gloat.

"The arms dealer on Bird Wisdom Avenue exploded!"

"Ha ha!"

"It should have exploded long ago."

"They consider themselves the father of Aizu Castle."

"I almost got beaten by them." Netizens left crazy comments and praised this, just for fun. Residents near Bird Wisdom Avenue have suffered losses from arms dealers. These people rely on their own control of the supply of firearms to fight with

Gangsters and street gangsters collude and run rampant.

A large number of gangsters who had taken refuge with arms dealers felt anxious and sent people one after another to inquire about the news.

If the Black Fire Innovation is the backer of arms dealers, then the arms dealers are their backers. Once the source of weapons supply collapses, the old underworld overlords will also be affected, and the underground power structure of Aizu City will be reshuffled.

Fire burns ambition.

Such an explosion naturally alerted the backup force of Blackfire Innovation. They quickly contacted the security company associated with it, quickly dispatched reinforcements, and went to investigate the intelligence.

According to Xu Yang's analysis and deduction, the safety time left for them is only 5 minutes. After these 5 minutes, they will be dragged into a protracted war.

Xu Yang issued the order, then further observed, built a model of the entire environment, collected combat data of 101, 102 and A40, and explored their potential and subjectivity for review.

According to the previous route that Wasp took to go to the bar to drink, Wasp usually returned from the alley at the back door of the store, where A40 was lying in ambush, holding an alloy sword in hand, ready to go.

It sees Wasp in action and captures her scurrying back.

She drank wine and ran over from the back alley with her entourage. Facing the burning warehouse, she burst into a hoarse laugh without warning, as if a long-standing dream suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Quickly put out the flames." The entourage urged, and then grabbed the dark gold spear on the back of the wasp, used a special method to verify it, and pulled it out. It seemed that a special chip was implanted under her skin.

"Aren't you afraid of death now? Evie?" Wasp's tone was sarcastic, her smile not diminishing.

A40 was ready to take action, but the distance was a bit far and he couldn't jump over directly. He was so anxious that sparks of electricity shot out all over his body.

"What are you worried about?" 101 urged. Both she and 102 were wearing the "Ming"-level witch armor that Xu Yang had ordered before. It fit the body, provided protection, and assisted the use of magic power to a certain extent.

"I can't jump over it!"

"What's the use of you?" 101's kindness will only be reserved for my sister.

101 came behind it, grabbed the synthetic man who seemed a bit dull to her with one hand, and teleported above the two Wasps. During the fall, she used a second teleport to leave, leaving A40 to fall.

"Oh!" A40 took advantage of the situation and launched a downward slash from the air. The sword slashed from behind and hit Ivie's back. The blade slashed from top to bottom and slashed downward from the shoulder. In an instant, a vertical slash appeared on Ivie's back.

It looked like a hole, and then it pulled out the knife forcefully, bringing out countless blood and rushing out.

Evie let out a heartbreaking scream. She gritted her teeth. The implant calmed the nerve center and blocked the pain for a short time. Her body fell backwards slowly, taking advantage of the opportunity to completely pull out the dark gold spear from the wasp.

He came out, then staggered and fell to the ground, blood spurting out from his body, and the cut muscles were mutilated with blood.

Wasp was still watching the explosion in the warehouse, wondering why the arms dealer's warehouse suddenly exploded. He turned around and saw Evie who was accompanying him being hacked to death and falling to the ground.

"Wasp..." Evie made a hoarse voice.

The wasp stared at her as if he were a disgusting burden.

A40 swung the knife towards the wasp. The restrictions on her body were gone, and she felt as light as a swallow. She jumped back, distanced herself, and confronted A40. A40 was waiting for the opportunity to attack, looking for the most vulnerable part of the wasp's body.

"Are we going to help?" 102 asked.

"Time is limited, get the golden branches first." Xu Yang ordered. The golden branches have the highest priority. The reason why we came to the arms dealer was to capture the golden branches.

"Then, it's his fault if he loses." 101 picked up 102 and teleported towards the basement, leaving the wasp to A40.

Breaking into the basement, due to the chaos on the ground, no one was left underneath. 102 found a safe hidden on the wall. According to Xu Yang's previous investigation, this safe may be where Jin Zhi is hiding.

"How to open it?" 102 saw a 6-digit password dial.

"There is no security program or signal transmission and reception point. It is a mechanical lock." Xu Yang detected the situation and sent a message to them.

101 observed it for a while and found that the box was 50 cm long and 35 cm high, so it was not considered a large safe.

"This is an embedded box, but it can be pulled out directly from the wall. We will take the whole thing away and go back to the industrial park to pry it open." 101 judged that she knew the situation was urgent and did not want to waste time here.

102 grabbed the metal handle on the surface of the safe that was used to open the door with both hands, and pulled the safe out. He mobilized his magic power to strengthen his muscles, and his strength increased sharply. The box was pulled out with difficulty, and the entire wall was overwhelmed, and bursts of sound were heard.

There was a shattering sound, almost falling apart due to the huge pulling force, and the ground under 102's feet was also cracked inch by inch. Thanks to the strong quality of the witch armor she wore, otherwise it would have been damaged due to the huge force.


102 forcefully tore the safe completely off the wall!

Her body immediately took several steps back, covered in sweat and gasping for air. The entire wall almost collapsed due to 102's violent actions, leaving huge holes and deformed steel nails.

Xu Yang searched for the stealth armor equipped by the Wasp before, but could not find it for a while. It seemed that it had been taken away as the Black Fire power shrank.

101 heard the rumbling sound and knew that the basement was about to collapse. She grabbed 102's back with one hand, lifted the deformed handle of the safe with the other, and teleported away from the basement, returning to Xu Yang.

Got the golden branch.

"Please allow us to leave first." 101 was a little nervous. More and more people gathered outside, and the crowd was noisy. The explosion had attracted too much attention, and she did not want to expose her and her sister to the public eye again.

More importantly, multiple short jumps have exhausted her magic power, and she needs to rest for a period of time before she can teleport again.

"101, as a team we must advance and retreat together." Xu Yang explained, "The next step depends on the performance of the A40."

The best evacuation time is 2 minutes left.

Once it times out, it will be involved in a battle with Blackfire reinforcements. At that time, it will not be a clean attack and may cause unnecessary trouble in the future.

It depends on whether the A40 can kill the Hornet within 2 minutes.

In the back alley of the store, A40 pursued several times without success. As its name suggests, the Wasp has a variety of movements and unpredictable trajectories. It has many implants in its body that enhance reaction and dodge capabilities, shortening the reaction time to less than 0.05 seconds.

Inside, the mobile performance is also very strong, and it can travel a long distance with a little roll.

While dealing with the A40, the Hornet can also reach out to the burning arms dealer's store.

"The flames are dying out," she said.

With the release of the magic words, the motto she set contributed to the change of reality. Under the control of the wasp, the explosive flames that swept through the arms dealers began to extinguish quickly as she said. The fire became smaller inch by inch, and finally almost disappeared.

, the houses and buildings no longer burned, the flames disappeared, leaving charred walls and floors, and the embers completely covered the buildings.

This is impressive. Xu Yang thought to himself. Isn't this exactly the same magic as Eve Anak who destroyed the Council in the first place - "command reality", using words to change actual existence?

Eve Anark, just by saying "all witches lose their magic power", the witches really lost their power, which eventually led to the defeat and massacre of the witches. I never thought that the power of the wasp and Anark turned out to be the same type.

.Since Eve's death, the power that originally belonged to her has returned to the stars and been projected onto the new witch again.

Blackfire Innovation's reinforcements are responding quickly and are approaching, and time is running out.

The wasp maneuvered quickly in the alley, using its extraordinary movement speed to avoid the blade.

"Retreat." Xu Yang ordered.

The best opportunity to kill the wasps has been lost. If it continues to be delayed, the results already obtained will be lost.

A40 is extremely anxious, and it does not want to be regarded as an existence that lacks combat power.

A warrior's mission is to defeat his opponent and never lose!

"I can do it!" A40 replied quickly.

It aimed at the gap where the wasp landed again, looking for the gap in her breathing, mobilizing the whole body's electrical energy, and overloading the processor.

There is a flaw!

A40 slashes forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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