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One hundred and sixtieth chapters drink poison to quench thirst

Milaya ordered to advance at full speed, without giving the Katsuragi gang a chance to react, and to go straight to the target, striving to end the battle within 30 minutes.

Milaya was only grateful for the fact that she was a witch.

She had spent a lot of time acquiring men, property and power. Now that she had no shortage of resources in the first two areas, all that was left was to further develop her own power.

The witch can control reality through the power of idealism, so it is meaningless to study the rules of physics deeply - Milaya always thought so until she broke her head in cultivating magic power.

She found in despair that she could only wait patiently like other witches for her magic power to increase naturally. It would take another 100 years to join the ranks of Mesozoic witches before she would have the opportunity to be promoted to a ruler.

Unwilling to be caught up in the trivial matters of life like ordinary people, Milaya not only supplements her abilities in other areas, but is also willing to try other opportunities. She believes that capturing Farosha can break her vulgar daily life.

We're almost there.

In the square outside Lee's Supermarket, across the street from Suzuki Spring, a white shuttle was parked and a motorcycle fleet was lined up.

Seeing this formidable enemy, members of the Katsuragi Gang immediately mobilized, occupied various commanding heights, and set up machine guns at the windows to guard against possible attacks.

Milaya walked to the console and observed the external situation through the shuttle's scanning and monitoring system.

It's late at night in Kataki District. The sky screen mirror has been adjusted to night. The streets become more prosperous after 8 pm. The square is filled with advertising light boxes. The brightness is adjusted to the maximum, reflecting the nervous faces of pedestrians.

There are customers everywhere. They came to the street with the idea of ​​having fun. There are also many children and women pushing strollers. Now they regret not bringing guns with them.

Milaya saw the corpses of many people hanging high on lantern poles, dripping with blood. They had tattoos, cheap armor and signs of deep modification. They should be gangsters and street wanderers. Wild dogs surrounded the feet of the corpses.

From time to time, they would jump up to eat the remains of their feet. Many corpses were bitten clean from the knees down.

Some people here are fighting violence with violence, and Milaya finds it interesting.

She has seen too many chaotic cities in the archipelago. As the special envoy of the Lighthouse Core stationed in the archipelago, she has visited the future jungles cast with reinforced concrete in the Silla Peninsula, and smelled the mixed smell of smoke and sea in the Taiya Islands.

The smelly air, the same in the northern archipelago, with gun butts, laughter and saliva hitting people's faces... What I saw in front of me was completely different. There were pale flags of "protect the territory and the people" everywhere, just like amulets for superstitious people.

People stick them on their windows or doors in their homes.

Aizu Castle has changed so much.

There is a luxurious order here, the street stalls are neatly arranged, the eyeball robots used for patrols are floating in the air, the ronin who washes his hands in the golden basin carries a samurai sword on his back, dyes his hair black again, and the bosozoku park his motorcycle peacefully.

I want to spend some money in the square in the designated parking space.

No one wants to cause trouble. Violent gangs, thugs, kidney cutters, loan sharks and some uncooperative business owners are now attracting flies on lampposts. Milaya scans the QR codes hanging on their chests.

The page that popped up showed the reasons why they were sentenced to death - robbery and murder, assault on women, human trafficking, manipulation of labor contracts, and the impact was particularly bad.

I had to destroy it all. The next group of people who are willing to do this are probably still waiting in line to be reincarnated.

"Is the Katsuragi Gang a gang that brings stability to everyone?" Milaya used the built-in communicator to contact Suzuki Shinji, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"There must be someone behind her," Shinji Suzuki explained neatly, "How could she be so organized with her own brains."

Milaya adjusted the firing angle of the shuttle cannon. If the people in the Lijia Supermarket took action, they would fight back first and blow up the entire building. In the previous rat tide, some survivors did not evacuate to Twenty-Six

Instead, they used the defense facilities here to hold on for a long time.

She closed her eyes and used her digital mind to hack into the joint defense facilities in the Lee Family Supermarket and shut them all down.

Those high-spirited Katsuragi gang recruits at the window were desperately trying to adjust the smart security facilities, trying to open them, and they were kicking and kicking in a hurry.

"Let's do it." Milaya whispered.


The sound of engines sounded, making people's hearts beat violently. They hadn't heard such violent sounds for a long time. The dense convoy movements symbolized bloodshed. For locals who had lived for a long time, they couldn't bear to hear the news.

Understand that it is usually the beginning of a massacre or a conflagration.

"Kill!" Shinji Suzuki yelled and gave the order.

Large motorcycles roared forward, rampaging through the square and crushing stalls. Pedestrians backed away to both sides and screamed. Those with limited legs were knocked to the ground and were instantly run over by several motorcycles.

He couldn't even utter a scream, his body was crushed like mud, a lake of flesh and blood.

Milaya's white shuttle "Mir" looks like a beast. Its sides are covered with guns, its wings are extended, and its four floating cannons fire in turn, attacking the fire point at the window of the Lijia Hypermarket. Each energy shell triggers an explosion all over the world.

The building shook violently.

Lee's Supermarket, a modern castle tower that was considered impregnable, survived the attacks of giant rats during the rat tide, but now it has been punched with countless holes like a honeycomb.


"Help--" People were terrified and fled in all directions.

Crush, crush, the members of the Suzuki crew drove the crew forward.

Suzuki Shinji let out a burst of hearty laughter, opened the collar of his blood-red shirt, and the strong wind blew in his face. It had not been so exciting for a long time. This was smoother than the Suzuki group's own expansion in the Katagi area.

The motorcycles sprinted back and forth, and the Katsuragi gang members were driven out of the building. While asking for help from the Suzuki Izumi headquarters, they tried their best to fight back with guns. However, in the face of such a powerful offensive, their resistance was like raindrops falling on steel.


Amid screams and whines, the citizens fled in panic. The Suzuki group was back, and there was no doubt that they would have a fierce conflict with the Katsuragi gang.

Many people recorded the video and posted it on local forums. Many people still remembered Shinji Suzuki and concluded that the white shuttle belonged to the core technology of the lighthouse, and they all posted uneasy messages.

"It's over..."

"Everyone, please leave Kataki District!"

"The Suzuki team is back!"

More than 30 nearby Katsuragi gang members responded quickly and set up defenses along the only road from the square to the Suzuki Spring to confront the returning Suzuki gang members. They controlled the street and hid between low buildings.

They set up defense along the window. They knew they couldn't resist, so they could only delay as much as possible to buy time for Suzuki Izumi to deploy his defense.

"We can't leave now!"

"Hold on!" several key members of the team shouted.

Seeing how high-spirited they were, Shinji Suzuki ordered his men to control the surrounding situation and block the way for others to escape.

"I heard that the Katsuragi gang is very crazy!" Suzuki Shinji raised the gun in his hand and looked around, "That Katsuragi Asa took over my territory and robbed my property. He really regarded himself as a person.


He spoke with great force, and his voice echoed in the streets for a long time.

"Kataki District is no longer your territory!" a Katsuragi gang member shouted.

"Call Katsuragi Ao out!" Suzuki Shinji fired a warning shot into the sky. Survivors around him were trembling all over. They were so frightened that they squatted on the ground, not daring to breathe. "Didn't you say 'protect the country and the people'? Where can we protect them?"

Come on! Call Katsuragi Asa over! Otherwise I will kill everyone present!

The citizens who were unfortunately involved in the street were trembling and desperate. The members of the Suzuki team pulled out their firearms one by one and aimed at these innocent residents. As long as Shinji Suzuki gave the order, they would open fire together, instantly destroying the entire city.

Streets turned into bloody slaughterhouses. This was something they were already very skilled at. Killing people was the best way to regain their authority. Let everyone remember the Suzuki Group.


A man was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Shinji Suzuki immediately aimed at the man's back and pulled the trigger.


After the gunshot, a hole was punched out in the back of the man's heart and he fell down.

The Katsuragi gang members looked pale.

"Surrender! Fools!" Suzuki Shinji yelled, "I am the overlord of Katagi District! You Katsuragi Asa's newly recruited wild dogs! You have no courage at all!"

"Go to hell!" The Katsuragi gang members were extremely angry and prepared to counterattack.

Milaya couldn't help but smile. She leaned forward from the shuttle and looked through the glass at the Katsuragi gang members who were trying to defend themselves on the street. Their movements with guns stopped instantly and stopped moving.

Shinji Suzuki was frightened when he saw the changes in the Katsuragi Gang members. He didn't know what the monster in the shuttle behind him was doing. He quickly waved his hands secretly. The other members of the Suzuki Group also stayed put and did not dare to express their anger.

The street suddenly became very quiet.

"Forever Milaya." The Katsuragi gang members all said one sentence.

Milaya's eyes swept around, looking at the streets, houses, shops and stalls. The survivors around them were squatting to hide, but now they all stood up, and the people staying by the windows in the building also stood up.

He opened the window unconsciously, his posture was sluggish and his expression was stiff.

"Forever Milaiah." They said the same sentence in unison.

The tone is more stereotypical than that of the robot.

"Eternal Milaiah." Everyone began to repeat it, as if this was an established rule, a holy law that could not be disobeyed or violated, a word of salvation that would allow them to gain eternal life, and they had to be spoken personally in order to be forgiven.

Suzuki Shinji held his breath, fearing that he would fall into the same fate.

He didn't know what Milaya's ability was, but he only knew that she could win easily. No matter whether it was the Katsuragi Gang or any ancient witch, it was impossible to defeat Milaya. She was undefeated.

"Go forward." Milaya sent the message.

"...Okay...come on! Destroy everything!" Shinji Suzuki shouted, "Take back the territory that belongs to us!"

"oh oh!"

"Come on!" The team members were still in shock caused by Milaya's abnormal mental power, and their morale was a little low. They regained their strength after repeated urging by Suzuki Shinji.

They brandished knives, fired guns, tore up the surrounding banners of "protect the environment and the people," roared wildly, and rushed straight to Suzuki Spring. Ordinary citizens controlled by Milaya also rushed out like zombies, forming a wave of

The crowd cleared the way for the Suzuki group and rushed to the Suzuki Spring.

To clear the way, to bear the bullets, to let those who think they are very capable realize their own powerlessness. Milaya has become very skilled at driving ordinary people to death with a faint smile on her face.

There was only one voice that kept echoing and screaming in the depths of their minds——

Milaiah forever.

This chapter has been completed!
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