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Chapter 166 Bathing in clear water

While Wasp was working her magic, A40 did her best to cover her. Wasp held nothing back from A40, and many of her thoughts were archived by A40, including her misanthropy and madness.

Such a clear and simple connection makes A40 feel cherished. It hopes that it can be a real person and can fully understand this emotion. All it can do now is swing a knife.

With the influence of magic power, Milaya's armor began to peel off, liquefy, and slowly turned into pure water. The metal components disintegrated and reorganized one after another, and transformed into completely different substances under the control of magic power.


"Fire!" The two remaining pale troops immediately opened fire on the A40.


The density of bullets is better than the violent storm. The A40 turns the sharp blade in its hand violently, and the bullets are knocked away around it. It is not that the weapon is danced so that water cannot enter it, but that it precisely calculates and judges the trajectory of the bullet, thus evading most of the shots.

At the same time, use the smallest movements to chop those bullets that cannot be avoided.

Slashing, deflection and step-step dodge are executed together to achieve the strange effect of being unable to be hit by bullets. This is beyond the realm of ordinary people and requires special training to achieve it.

However, I can't keep up.

The bullets traveling at supersonic speed began to scratch the metal shell of the A40, and it instantly activated the small energy shield on its body to minimize the degree of injury.

The A40 tried to protect the hornets, while Rollo held his "iron inkstone" to lock onto the live target in front of him. He knew that in the face of such density of fire, the A40 could last up to 2.2 seconds without being hit.


Rollo fired again, using a 13mm caliber variant shield-breaking bullet. This was a newly developed experimental bullet specifically designed to suppress energy shields. In view of his recent experience, he named it "Illusion". A40 and Wasp reminded him of it.

Reminiscent of the state before he became an inhuman thing, he often harbors fantasies about many things.

"Illusion" passed through the shield without being effectively intercepted, and hit the chest of a pale legionnaire. He groaned and fell back. The armor of the individual soldier had excellent defense, and even a direct hit to the chest did not kill him.

The tactical goal has been achieved. Due to Rollo's deterrence, the other Pale Legionnaire who was not hit stopped shooting, grabbed his wounded companion with one hand, and tried to carry Milaya away.

Rollo loaded the next large bullet into the iron inkstone, this time it was a high-explosive bomb, preparing to cause murder.

——The fire of change, the fire of rebellion, using violence to end violence, using war to end wars.

The pressure on the A40 is much lower, and it charges forward. The speed increases sharply!

It uses agility and slashing speed to structure its entire combat style. A40 passes through the shield field, first kicks over the shield generator on the ground to render it ineffective, and then swings the knife towards the Pale Legion soldier, directly hitting a single target.

Soldier armor.


The alloy sword cut through the outer layer of protective gear, but once it reached the personal armor plating, it could not penetrate further. The knife was still embedded in the armor and could not be pulled out.

This armor is strong enough! The light tubes in A40's eyes turn red and flash crazily. This is the opponent it wants. Finally, there is a guy who is tough enough for it to beat!

"Death!" The Pale Legion pulled out the saber hanging on the outside of his armor and slashed at A40 quickly, like a falcon preying on prey, directly taking away A40's head.

A40 At this time, the sword was still stuck on the outside of the Pale Legion's individual armor. He could not pull it out for a while, so he had to abandon the sword and retreat, lowering his head to avoid the slash.

Immediately afterwards, it quickly launched a downward sweep, intending to hook the opponent's right foot, causing him to lose balance and fall, but it missed a move and kicked it without moving. The pale soldier in individual armor was like an iron tower.

Not moving at all.

The Pale Legion roared with filial piety and swung its sword towards A40 again.

Rollo fired for the second time, and the bullets blasted into the outer armor of the Pale Legion. With a deafening bang, the high-explosive bullets caused astonishing damage, blasting holes in the armor of individual soldiers.

Lila had been observing for a long time, and now she seized the opportunity to shoot.


The bullets from Cassandra's Comet then arrived, passing through the cracks and killing the Pale Legion.

Clean and neat. Rollo heard the gunfire and secretly praised it. A first-rate sniper.

Another soldier was hit in the chest by Rollo and was injured. Now he quickly got up, injected himself with combat enhancement potion, and decided to fight to the death.

At the same time, Milaya screamed.

The magic power of the wasp took full effect, causing Milaya's armor to disappear completely, turning into water flowing next to her body. A pair of huge peaks bounced out, covered with crystal clear water, and her whole body was unobstructed, white and gorgeous.

Seriously injured, Milaya's physical fitness and mobility were completely dependent on the armor itself. Now that the armor turned into water, she immediately felt unprecedented weakness and pain, as if she had just been born from her mother's womb, and returned to the lake of consciousness where she was crying loudly.

At that time, her whole body was soaked with water, and she was so weak that she fell limply to the ground, unable to move.

The data virus was still eroding her will. Without her armor, she felt cold all over and began to secrete tears unconsciously due to the pain.

"Retreat!" The Pale Legion had to inform the other five companions who had broken into the Suzuki Spring. Milaiya was completely disabled and had no other choice but to retreat.

He picked up the wet Milaya by his waist, activated the back-mounted jet drive system of the individual armor, and quickly jumped away from the battlefield, followed by the A40 in pursuit.

The red light in its eyes flashed even more rapidly, and the synths were operating in overload, with their strength, agility, and information processing speed increasing exponentially. The Pale Legion's escape strategy failed to work, and they were still being closely pursued by A40.

Seeing that the enemy was withdrawing, Lila diverted her attention and turned her target to Rollo and Wasp on the street. She was still wary of these two people. They might just come to fight out of curiosity, and they were definitely not allies.

Rollo stood behind the wasp. The wasp did not look back, but began to whisper.

Before the wasp could say any words, Rollo quickly stretched out his hand, restrained the wasp, and pierced the wasp from the back with the dark gold spear again, breaking out of her chest. The limiter was not physical and did not cause physical trauma, but it was effective.

Seal all the power of the wasp.

"Enough fun." Rollo suppressed the hornet, "I have collected enough materials for advertising, and any more will be meaningless emotions."

"..." She said nothing.

"I received news yesterday," Rollo said, "We have negotiated the last deal before the war - Kyoto is infinitely willing to let you go back to Taiya."

"What's the deal until September? What did Blackfire give me in exchange for?" Wasp whispered.

"War waits for no one...you don't need to know."

Wasp looked in the direction of A40. The synths who were stubborn in fighting had disappeared out of her sight and were fighting behind the streets made of metal walls and light boxes.

——You fool, take the battle so seriously so that I won’t miss you in the future.

Lila watched the Wasp and Rollo disappear from sight, lost in thought.

On the other side, behind Suzuki Spring.

The robot Quiro was used as a secret hand. It was activated after Milaya was injured and launched an attack from the rear. It killed people on sight. Several customers had no time to escape and took refuge in the hot springs, but were directly mutilated by Quiro with a knife.

It attacked extremely fast, with slender arms and legs, and quick movements. It passed through the entire room in the blink of an eye, killing them at the water's edge, and their blood filled the pool.

Swift, deadly, and extremely fast-moving, Quero is a scavenger-type robot created by the core of the lighthouse. It can clear an entire street of living creatures in an instant. The energy cannon carried on its other arm also strengthens its attack capabilities.

Even the slightly weaker armored vehicles cannot withstand Queiro's artillery fire.

Not only that, Quelo also carries anti-electromagnetic pulse components, and the shell is made of rare alloys. It is difficult for ordinary armed forces to resist, and he can easily solve the defense of an entire village or camp on his own.

After killing the customer, Quiro quickly left the bath and came to the corridor.

It scanned the location of the core office of the entire building and detected two motionless figures there, who were probably the commanders in charge of the Suzuki Spring.

Kill them and the battle will be resolved quickly.

With this tactical judgment in mind, Quiro moved quickly along the corridor. It moved extremely fast, exceeding the initial explosive acceleration of a sprinter. To ordinary people, it was completely an afterimage.

"Stop!" 102 was hugged by 101 and teleported behind Quero. He threw the chain ax at Quero with all his strength.

The commander of Suzuki Spring has a high priority. Quiro's judgment. The battle has a low priority.

With its movement speed and killing efficiency, as long as it enters the core office, it can kill two targets in an instant, and then chop up melons and vegetables like a storm to destroy the entire Katsuragi Gang. This is all within the calculation range of Quiro.

So instead of fighting with the two mysterious witches wearing armor and masks, it quickly ran upstairs.

101 Teleported and grabbed the handle of the axe. The next second, he jumped in front of Quero with the axe. He first let go, and then jumped away again.


The ax blade suddenly appeared in front of Quiro, and Quiro was moving at high speed. His body sprinted forward and collided with the ax head. Under the two-phase high-speed movement, it was cut into a huge gap in the collision, and his body also moved forward with the reaction force.

After it fell down, the metal shell was completely cut open, and the electronic components and circuit board were clearly visible underneath.

Its own high speed caused fatal injuries, but it could still fight. This ferocious robot like a mantis immediately turned over and climbed up, observing 102, scanning the opponent's situation, and trying to capture her next move.

Another witch - not found in the scan.

101 had appeared behind Quero, touched its back with one hand, then teleported to a position directly above 2,500 meters high, let go of his hand, teleported back to the house, and took a breath.

Leave Quero in Anju City.

This chapter has been completed!
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