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Chapter 192 get out of trouble

"It feels weird." Xu Yang waved his staff casually, and a large pool of seawater instantly appeared in the cabin and splashed to the ground.

"Human brain power is limited, and physical strength is also limited." Falosa pretended to be mysterious, crossing her fingers, "Think about it, if you use various elixirs and talismans to increase your abilities, wouldn't you be able to achieve the following

With one step of evolution, you will not only have towering wisdom and hit the streets with one punch, but also be able to drive all kinds of modern equipment. The witch, the mystic and the god of death have many ways to make up for your shortcomings and turn you into a little bucket.

, he’s great at whatever he does.”

"That's really a promising future." Xu Yang threw the scepter back to Falosa, activated the shuttle's self-purification system, and emptied the seawater on the ground.

"Moreover, if we die quickly, the theory of lifespan will separate us." Farosha caught the scepter, "Even if you want to spend the next few hundred years with me, you have to use your mysterious power to extend your life.


"That's true..." Xu Yang didn't want to die so early.

"And me." Lila will also live for a long, long time. If Xu Yang falls before her, she will never accept it.

With a 10-hour countdown to the undersea journey, the shuttle is moving forward rapidly.

No matter how troublesome and tiring it is, Lila will not be bothered by it and will do what needs to be done. Farosha plays with the good things that Xu Yang has brought back, thinking about how to put these ocean series treasures to use.

Xu Yang stared at the deep sea landscape outside the glass. After passing the huge corpse, everything on the seabed became novel.

Before, you could still vaguely see sunlight filtering through the turbid seawater, and you could see the sediment on the seabed filled with industrial waste. As the Innovation continued its voyage and dive, the seawater became deeper and deeper, and the visibility became worse and worse.

The "God Binding Project" is located in an area called the "Blue Ocean", which is located at the junction of the jurisdictions of Kyoto Infinity and the core of the lighthouse. The Innovation sailed all the way deep, leaving the natural structure of the continental shelf and diving as far as possible to avoid being caught by other ships on the surface of the ocean.

It was discovered that the Innovation at this time seemed to have entered a deep abyss. Through the windows, sea creatures could be seen wandering blindly. Compared with the past, the abundance and density of marine life populations have greatly decreased, and they have been polluted by human water.

The torture was excruciating.

There is an extremely lonely feeling here.

The darkness of the deep sea was like an extremely huge cocoon, wrapping them inside, making them an insignificant speck in the world.

After leaving the continental shelf, the Innovation dived to a depth of 500 meters. Corals, seaweeds and strange-shaped submarine rocks were distributed under the shuttle, like a whole painting with messy paint splashed on it, but it was displayed in a dark gallery.

Among them, the colors cannot be distinguished.

The interference from the fragments of the gods faded away, and the sea descendants regarded Falosa as their mother again. They tried hard to follow the Innovation. These sea descendants had many hands, many wings, and dragon heads and scaly bodies. Sometimes some sea descendants left because of hunger.

They go out to search and kill the surrounding fish schools, and then return to follow the shuttle until they finish eating. They are veritable ocean overlords, because Falosa has been creating and guiding ocean currents behind the shuttle, and the sea descendants can also follow the shuttle.

Up speed.

Falosa finished trying out the magic weapons she snatched from the small shrine, and then she sorted them into categories. Before they were needed, she, like Xu Yang, silently stared out the window at the silent scenery on the bottom of the sea.

It was so quiet that they couldn't feel anything. In fact, the main engine of the Innovation was constantly roaring and vibrating. It was just that their ears had listened to the roar of the engine for so long that they had regarded it as a normal background sound, so that they felt it instead.

There was silence all around.

Lila turned her head to look at Xu Yang and Falosa from time to time. This voyage was too short for her.

The three of them were quiet, without any noise, accompanied by the suffocating feeling of the deep seabed.

She likes it very much.

With one third of the voyage left, they entered the absolute deep sea and came to an ancient realm that humans had not yet explored. The smart screen on the center console detected and mapped the surrounding environment. They saw huge whale bones and dead bodies.

Marine life is different from the fragments of gods. Xu Yang has at least seen these long-extinct creatures in the Marine Encyclopedia. Their corpses are piled underneath, and their nutrients nourish a particularly prosperous seawater ecology. The skeletons turn into rocks and become jellyfish and worms.

's home.

They also saw sunken ancient ships, treasure chests, and half-buried giant-like skeletons next to them. However, they saved time and did not examine them one by one.

"Yan Duoye..." As soon as Xu Yang started to speak, he found that he felt awkward because he hadn't spoken for several hours. Falosa was also stunned for a moment, and couldn't hear anything clearly for a while.

"It..." Xu Yang added, "Does it also have its own clan? Just like the ice giant, it has a big hand, but there are also many small creatures coming out next to it."

"Yanduo is a lonely life." Falosa looked at the huge corpses of those strange giants. "These giants who died on the seabed should be the descendants of other external races. They all fell from the sky."

"I guess I will have to deal with them in the future." Xu Yang took a deep breath. He felt a little top-heavy. Staying at the bottom of the sea for too long gave him a particularly extraordinary experience.

Staring at the countless wreckage dead on the seabed, Farosha is now more aware of the meaning of her thousand years of sleep.

Too many people died, and too many legendary stories flourished, flourished, withered, and withered during her death. They were forgotten like the landscape in the deep sea. She wanted to speak but did not want to make a sound. She would rather

As silent as the entire sea.

She was gradually attracted by the sea.

The more she eats from the gods, the stronger her control over the sea water becomes, which will be of great help to her next plan to ascend to the gods.

Falosa has completely subdued the gods in her mentality, so the mental interference of the gods is no longer a concern. Every drop of sea water constitutes a part of the gods, but she killed such an existence with her own hands and swallowed part of it into her own spirit and spirit.

In the body. After she completes the 7 witch rituals, the prayers of the witches will allow her to completely evolve.

"Ocean" is undoubtedly the first power. What kind of power there will be in the future mainly depends on what the seven witches will think. Their mixed thoughts will construct the essence of Falosa as a god.

101 will provide "mystery" because she can't see through Falosa.

102 will provide "power". Although 102 doesn't understand all this, she at least knows that Falosa is very strong.

Yoshioka Mizuro will provide "majesty", and she is grateful to Falosa for turning her from an ink-spraying useless witch into the witch with development potential she is now.

Qianmeng will provide "control", because Qianmeng's mind is immature, and fools will find themselves a master.

Du Qianqian will provide "fear", which was also designed by Farosha. She was extremely harsh on Du Qianqian in order to gain a frightening power in her future god construction.

Pan Ruiyin is too far away. After being recalled, he will be domesticated into a servant again. Then there is one last person, the last spot...

Falosa slowly thought about it. 7 The witch ritual is quite complicated. Many queen-level witches have tried it in ancient times, and they all used the divine power gained from the ritual to dominate for centuries until they were attacked and killed by mystics or gods.

She couldn't let herself fall into that fate, so she had to be perfect this time to become a god, especially the candidate for the seventh witch.

This silent deep-sea snorkeling made them all become more profound. Xu Yang did not rest and kept looking at the deep-sea scenery outside the window. At first, he was slightly excited because of seeing the strange scenery, and kept recording their images with his brain processor.

Later, he became completely numb. No matter the cemetery, whale falls, fish schools, rare giant squids, submarine volcanoes, ocean ridges, or trenches, Xu Yang had no emotion at all.

It was so beautiful and so lonely. Compared with the sea, Xu Yang felt like Xian Chen. The burden of the world and the problems of life became insignificant compared with it.

Eat, rest, two people together, three people together. It is really not appropriate to bring 101 and 102. They are too young and do not know how to face the life enlightenment brought by this huge sea.

At 1 a.m. on September 10, the Innovation arrived at the "God Binding Project".

When the detector confirmed that the deep-sea base was less than 5 nautical miles away from them, they let go of their long-held breath. The power of the shuttle engine dropped, and Xu Yang lost all strength.

"We're here, we're here." Lila left the bridge and went to the side to recharge her batteries. Xu Yang was debugging the network communication module and preparing to hack into the God Binding Project.

Those seaborn roam loyally beside the Innovation, ready to fight for Farossa's will.

He could not let such a long expedition to the lonely sea go to waste. Xu Yang took a deep breath and adjusted his mood. This time, he would definitely, absolutely must complete the plan and rescue Sun Yanduo from this base.

At the same time, Hinata in the Binding God Plan also woke up from his slumber for two months.

It was vaguely aware of Farosha's arrival, which it had longed for, and immediately began to establish a spiritual connection with Farosha.

After detecting the fluctuations in their thoughts, the scientific research witches in the base immediately became alert and began to work. The entire God Binding Project turned on lights in many places.

"Yan Duo - Yan Duo - Yan Duo!" Sun Yanduo was very happy.

It really wants to get out of trouble.

Yan Duo originally thought that Falosa was going to lie to it, just like so many mystics had done in the past, such as "Moonfire" Mond, "Liar" Mika, the evil woman Dilnai, the reborn Intis... one

A conspirator and a villain, he suffered a lot and was exploited.

But Falosa is different. What a wonderful, upright, extremely honest, kind and friendly witch, she actually came to save it!

"Yan Duo!" Yan Duo continued to call, "Yan Yan Duo!"

"Okay, okay." Farosha responded in her heart, "I'm here."

What a sincere emotion makes Sun Yanduo feel that there is still beauty in the world, that the world is not completely chaotic, and that justice and order are shining brightly at this time. Falosa de Aquilia, an underage girl from the witch clan

, God-slayer, ruler of the throne, mysterious exile, master of escape, one of the 13 Chaos Witches. I am willing to come to save it and free it from the shackles of human beings just because of their friendship a thousand years ago. How can I call it that?

It's not exciting.

Lots of inflammation!

This chapter has been completed!
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