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Chapter 20 Shrines

"What?" Ye Zi asked.

"We have a new hiding place," Xu Yang said. "The nearby Lijia Robot Supermarket is where we can rest."

"What's better than this?"

"It's safer. After all, this is the territory of gangsters. If they commit crimes, it will be difficult for us to deal with it."

"Hey!" Ye Zi felt helpless, but after all, it was Xu Yang's opinion. She unconsciously tended to listen to his words and began to pack her big bag full of cards.

Games? After entering the company, there will be no chance to play games. Xu Yang thought to himself. He looked at Ye Zi’s data card and the game compartment next to it. The data card became smaller and more exquisite, while the game compartment had a streamlined appearance and occupied an area of

It's very big, with wild colors, like an industrial beast, and full of design.

These things brought back memories of the past, and Xu Yang felt a little dazed. When he was a child, his biggest dream was to get out of school early and play games. After going to work, his biggest dream was to sleep in the dormitory during the holidays. Now his biggest dream is to return to the ground alive.

People's fate is so wonderful and difficult to predict.

"I didn't expect that the witch is also very good at playing games." Xu Yang said.

Ye Zi stopped cleaning up and fell into silence. She stared at Falosa and finally spoke.

"Really? So you are really a witch?"

"Yes." Falosa said.

"You saved me and brought me back to life. Ah... Actually, I couldn't help but think about these things over and over again. It turns out I wasn't hallucinating. I kept convincing myself secretly that the scene of being killed was a memory.

Chaos, you are not a witch, but...you still have to face this kind of thing. I really died once, and it was the reality manipulator who saved me."

"Her power saved you," Xu Yang said, "Don't connect her with the fighting witches and industrial witches hired by the company. She is a good witch."

"No," Ye Zi curled his lips and said disdainfully, "This way I have a reason to lose. The witch's reflexes, physical fitness, and learning ability are much better than ordinary people."

"Kyoto Mugen once studied witches," Xu Yang said, "almost every test indicator far exceeds that of humans."

"How did you study it?" Falosa asked.

"I don't know the specific method," Xu Yang said, "but the method is very bad."

The "research" methods used by the people of Kyoto Mugen on witches were extremely cruel. A series of physiological experiments were followed by brutal vivisections. He had visited the open source database shared between companies, and he almost vomited just by seeing a few experimental illustrations on the title page.

Yes, I didn’t read the information in detail.

"The nature of witches is very curious." Falosa sneered, "In my past, there was a big difference between witches and humans, but in your era, this difference is still obvious. It doesn't matter, I have long ago

Knowing that witches and humans can never coexist peacefully, the solution is obvious - humans must return to their previous positions."

"So... such a scary momentum." Ye Zi was shocked by Falosa.

"Don't think too much," Xu Yang said, "Farosa, in the eyes of the company, you are just a walking anonymous cash card that anyone can use to swipe. Follow me until you completely recover, and I will protect you.


"People used to avoid me," Farosha said, "but now I suddenly have friends."

"No, no, I hope we can still play games together!" Ye Zi said, "Let's not talk about these weird things. When we find two game warehouses with good network, let's go get equipment together and protect the peace of the world!"

Falosa laughed.

"Yes, that hour just now was truly the most enjoyable hour I have ever spent in my life," she said. "People in this world have 'games' to play, so they should be carefree."

"Yes, games are the best! As long as I can play games, I am most satisfied. I have brought many games with me. I will play something else next time!"

There were hundreds of dead people outside, rat men were rampant in the shadows, gangs were fighting and killing innocent people. This situation made Xu Yang unable to distract himself from other things, and he could not feel the attraction of the game for the time being.

Ye Zi organized her data cards, and Xu Yang saw a square gold card sandwiched among them.

"That's..." Xu Yang couldn't help but say, "Special guarantee card?"

The so-called special guarantee card is a special guarantee certificate issued by wealthy businessmen, executives, capitalists, business owners and other powerful people for their relatives. It is certified by the company alliance and has high popularity. With the special guarantee card, you can do things cheaply around the world.

It is also divided into levels, with a total of 180 levels. Each 10 levels can unlock different permissions, which is what everyone dreams of.

"Ah," Zi Zi zipped up the big bag, "The level is very low, only level 10. My dad has a little money, so he helped me do this."

"Why don't you go enjoy the life of a rich man and come to this miserable place?"

"Just for this." Ye Zi picked up the big bag, "If I go to work, I won't be able to have fun."

Xu Yang was about to speak but stopped.

"Do you want to call me stupid!" Ye Zi was angry, "You should enjoy your days from nine to nine!"

"I didn't." Xu Yang said quickly.

Ye Zi gave up her wealthy family, and I gave up my job in a giant company. Both of them were abnormal. She must have some unclear reasons, and there is no need to go into details.

"Special card?" Falosa asked.

"A kind of certificate, just like the ones provided by ancient kings to princes and princesses, indicating that they have extraordinary status. People along the way should treat them well and not neglect them."

"I was lucky enough to play games with the little princess," Falosa said.

The leaves are helpless.

"I haven't been home for seven years," she said. "What's the use of a special guarantee card? My family treats me as a joke."

"No matter how low-level the special protection card is, it is still a special protection card. You are a big shot." Xu Yang said, "I will escort you back to a safe place. Your family will probably reward me well."

"You actually want to use me in exchange for benefits! Damn company man!"

Even for a level 10 special protection card, the person who handles it is worth at least hundreds of millions, has some control over a certain company's jurisdiction, and can provide protection.

In other words, once you reach Ye Zi's family on the small island, it is not impossible to escape from the predicament of being wanted.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang felt a little hopeful, but when he saw Ye Zi's appearance, she felt aggrieved and almost cried.

"Don't let me see my family." She said, "Okay? They will definitely humiliate me."

"I will listen to you," Xu Yang said, "I will not bully you."

Forget it, after all, I can't force her to help like this, so I'd better do it casually.

"Really?" Ye Zi opened his eyes wide.

"Let's go to the new safe house now," Xu Yang faced the corridor outside the game room, "come with me."

"Get out of here?" Falosa asked.


"Before that...please come here." Falosa looked serious.

"Don't run around." Xu Yang glanced at Ye Zi, "If the gangsters see the special guarantee card, they will make you into minced meat and trade it to the black market."

"I know," Ye Zi sighed, "I've always hidden it very well."

Xu Yang approached Farosha and she grabbed Xu Yang's hand.

"The witch's power must be prayed to God to get back." Falosa said.

"But I also told you about the Witch War. All the churches were destroyed."

"It's here."

"Here?" Xu Yang felt incredible, "This is the place where you can bathe in hot springs."

"I'll take you there." Falosa said firmly.

She led Xu Yang quickly through the corridor.

Zigzagging down, Xu Yang came to an elegant courtyard. A holographically projected crane perched on an artificial rockery. Below was a gurgling pool with large lotus flowers and lotus leaves scattered among it.

Passing through the stone paved walkway on one side of the courtyard, Xu Yang saw a vermilion wooden door, sealing the small shrine in front. A similarly blood-red samurai sword was hung on the door, as if it was used to ward off evil spirits or to ward off evil spirits.

To suppress the things enshrined in the shrine.

"It doesn't look very safe." Xu Yang said.

"The god I am looking for is behind the door." Falosa said quietly.

"The company seems to be very afraid of the existence of gods. It seems that gods and witches have some kind of close connection."

"God must have left traces in this world."

"Yes, there is a giant company called 'Gods Tomorrow', which specializes in luxury goods and high-end fashion brands, but they only retained this name because of historical issues."

"In the past, the church, witches, nobles and ordinary people made up the world. The witches were not tolerated by the nobles and were feared by ordinary people, so they cooperated with the church. I have also served the church for many years, and God will not treat me badly. And

If the 'Company' wants to completely destroy the witch's power, it must also erase all traces of God."

"Yes, they really put a lot of effort into this."

"for example?"

"The company spent decades on the project, forming a special task force to deal with supernatural forces, inventing anti-witch armor, demolishing all churches, hunting down all esoteric groups, and monitoring the birth of all witches..."

"It doesn't matter. As long as I come into contact with the power of God, I can recover quickly and even be stronger than before. God is sleeping behind that door, I can feel it."

"In other words, get back the magic power."

"Yes, my magic power... My magic power is restricted by the so-called anti-witch weapon and is very dry. But I can still grow and continue to grow. When the two powers are developed to the limit, the 'Law of Recovery' can turn the whole world back to

In the original time, the 'law of massacre' could kill all humans, animals and witches in the world, and return everything to zero. Oh, Xu Yang, that scene is so beautiful, and the silence of the earth will be unprecedented."

"If I wanted to live, I shouldn't have let you do this."

"I will not hurt you. We share an oath, have you forgotten?" Falosa smiled.

She wants to create a world where only the two of us survive, which feels even more creepy. The witch cannot give birth. If she does this, all history so far will be destroyed by Farossa.

However, even though the power of God is close at hand, this is obviously someone else's territory, and there is no way I can go there.

At the entrance of the courtyard, several robot gangsters arrived. They wore black uniforms and sunglasses and aimed their submachine guns at Xu Yang.

"You have broken into the private area, guest." The robot gangster made an emotionless electronic voice, "Leave now, count down to ten seconds."

Xu Yang held his breath. If he tried to break into the shrine directly...

This chapter has been completed!
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