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Chapter 199 Ancient Mysteries

Release Yanduo, causing the situation in the entire world to change drastically.

Even if we don't mention the company's chaos, other mysterious people also have different trends. When Xu Yang and others go to find Yan Duo, various ancient beings are also paying attention to all this.

The "Moonfire" Mond on the moon was particularly concerned. It clearly noticed that the sunlight transmitted to the planet had weakened, which worried it.

The planet's fragile ecosystem is not ready to undergo such a severe test, and it fears that reckless Yando will inadvertently kill all life on these 500 million square kilometers.

So its huge body swayed slightly on the moon, stretched its neck, glanced at the planet's surface, and quickly calculated all the information it wanted to know.

… Yanduo’s consumption of the sun is within control, and the sun will recover quickly.

So it continued to lie on the surface of the moon, observing other areas of the planet, looking for beautiful female creatures with horns, and included them in the reference range of the next concubine.

Mond is relatively satisfied with his current living situation.

It predicted that the civilization of humans or witches would fill the earth, and no matter which side won, the dragons would become extinct. So as early as 3,000 years ago, it took its wife and children to move to the moon, staring at everything from the sky, and its mind was broadened a lot.

Trapped on a small planet, dragons should look to the stars and the sky. Facts have proved that its decision was quite correct, as all its compatriots on the ground were hunted to death.

Unlike Dirnai, who is eager for the throne of God, Mond appears to be graceful. Compared with the illusory god, it cares more about its concubines and hundreds of thousands of dragon descendants, each of whom it has worked hard to raise.

Mond personally opened up a new world and sent his concubines and descendants into it to breed. He lay on the surface of the moon and used his huge body to block the real entrance to the lunar world to prevent the artificial celestial bodies launched by the company from photographing the real moon.


As long as this old dragon is still lying on the moon, the company will not be able to climb the moon.

Its presence on the moon is equivalent to locking up the company's aerospace technology. It cannot even land on the moon, so there is no discussion of developing other planets. It can only stay on the surface and compete with each other for limited resources.

Realizing this, the Corporate Alliance and Mond are completely on opposite sides.

During the period when the Company Alliance had just defeated the Witch, its prestige and combat effectiveness had reached the peak in history. They were strangulating Mond's secret order on the surface, weakening its source of power, trying to create weapons against the moon, or sending powerful Witches to hunt and kill them.

Mond, try your best to deal with this old dragon on the moon and let corporatism march towards the stars.

The threat of the corporate alliance aroused Mond's anger. Before they succeeded in exterminating all mysteries, Mond joined forces with other mystics to secretly weaken the corporate alliance and support the rise of other interest groups, eventually shaping a series of giant enterprises and brand-new interest groups.

, constantly weakening the influence of corporate alliances. Today, they have lost their appeal to unite world resources and gradually become empty shells.

Humanity ultimately cannot unite.

After overcoming the crisis, the mystics who were not captured are waiting for Falosa to reappear with the throne. They started murdering the gods just to find the opportunity to recast the throne. Now everything is back to business, Falosa was safely unearthed and completed.

The last step to kill the gods is to get the throne.

In this case, a new round of conflicts surrounding Falosa is about to begin.

However, Falosa, who holds the throne of God, is not a little witch waiting for food. She was unearthed only 2 months ago. Not only did she successfully rescue Yando and gain a powerful ally, but she also escaped the butcher knife of Dirnai.

This made Mondstadt look at this with admiration, and it began to reconsider the value of this witch's friendship. The battle for the throne must be bloody and ignorant. The mystics have gone through endless years, are smart, strong and wise, but now they are killing each other for a false opportunity.

It made Mond feel despised, and the grace and self-cultivation he had accumulated over the years were gone.

Mond's original intention was just to stay on the moon with peace of mind and protect his family, but the resources of the lunar world are getting less and less, so it has to start thinking about the major issue of opening up the connection between the moon and the surface, which requires re-intervention on the ground.


It is willing to adopt a softer, more elegant approach to contact Falosa, that is, to cooperate with it.

After rescuing Yan Duo, her fate was tied to that of Sun Yan Duo. As a result, the two became a power alliance and could not be underestimated.

Mond constantly ponders the possibilities of the future.

Not only profitable, but also endlessly beneficial...

If you don't make good friends with an emerging power group, you don't know how much you will miss.

Falosa could instinctively communicate with Mondstadt directly through the power of the throne, but Dirnai can also appear in that space, and the situation must be very terrifying when the time comes.

There is only another way.

In order to calculate what means he would use to contact Falosa and the others in the future, Mond's consciousness left the body of the huge old dragon, switched to another smaller dragon body that was more suitable for movement, and came to his own body.

The treasure house releases the mist of prophecy and begins to divine the possibility of its fate intertwining with theirs.

In the hazy fog, the result is gradually revealed...

A spell book.

Mond observed this book, and it remembered this book. Wizards sought knowledge from the mystical person, and Mond also taught some of its power to these mortals. The book records the spells of the moon. As long as you learn them, you will be able to

Will have contact with Mondstadt.

This book will be the key to their future, and since it appears in the fog, it means that they have this book, and as long as they try to find the moon's spell from the book, they will be connected to Mondstadt.

The four-star map has long confirmed the pattern of the world, the stars, gods, witches and humans. However, the despicable Orxian stole the throne and misinterpreted the gods as one god. At that time, many ancient demigods became discouraged and retired to the countryside.

, the rest are called ancient mystics, and have nothing to do with the authority of "gods".

After killing the gods, the order was reversed, the stars were observed, the gods were absent, the witches were killed, and humans rose.

All the current situations are the result of repeated games between various forces. At this point, Mond has other ideas about the throne.

It does not want to use violence to plunder the throne of God, but it also intends to keep the water flowing. It knows that even if it climbs to the throne of God, it will be as unwilling to give up its mundane needs as Orxian. Then, in ten thousand years, I am afraid that it will be killed by other god-killers.

Killing is nothing more than a historical cycle.

Rather than letting some guy sit on the throne and gain infinite power, Mond would rather maintain the status quo.

In other words, Falosa must live and not give the throne in her soul to anyone. It feels that intelligent life, including itself, is not worthy of using this kind of machine that can reach the sky in one step.

It looks forward to the future, the future of the entire lunar dragon clan, a prosperous and noisy future...

Falosa, the lunar dragon clan, has many suns. If its speculation is true, the Lord of the Forest will be added in the future. Once they successfully reach an agreement on the interest relationship, this will be a group composed of 3 ancient powerful beings and 1

The immortal alliance built by two supreme witches will definitely play a huge role in the current situation and completely change the face of the world.

Mond waited patiently for the moment they opened the spell book.

On the other side, Dernai also returned to her apartment.

She has a space carrier in the center of New Taipei, called the "Heaven". Diener has prepared for thousands of years to ascend to the gods, and promised to share the power of the throne with everyone. However, the despicable Orxian

However, he stole the throne and took the power for himself. At that moment, Dirnai gave up all good intentions, leaving only evil thoughts and jealousy.

For a long time, she has been hiding behind history, watching with a cold eye, using angels to manipulate the changes in the world structure, incubating companies one after another to participate in checks and balances, so as to prevent their stupid things from affecting her.

Passing through the cross-shaped portal, Dirnai returned. She vibrated her six wings and sent the spiral spear back to the space where it was stored. The battle with Yando damaged the weapon itself and also caused Dirnai herself to be injured. It will take time to recover.

After recovering from the fight with Yan Duo, she was not sure that Yan Duo could be taken down quickly, so she decided to leave.

She cannot be observed by mortals, who will have random thoughts about her and disrupt her existence. She has spent a long time shaping her current image, and her efforts must not be wasted.

Dernai sat on the throne in the center of the hall, his whole body shrouded in dark purple light, analyzing the future direction.

Apart from her, there is no other life, and no other mysterious person is qualified to use the throne. This is Dernai's most determined attitude.

Unfortunately, Yando is too difficult to kill, and Falosa is now close to Yando, finding herself a reliable ally.

A good move...

Many winged angels flew into the hall and knelt before Dienai. She looked at these angels. They were supposed to be the servants that Dienai used to send messages to the world, raining down fire and death on the rebels. Each one had a distinguished reputation. Now,

But it's just a floating empty puppet.

"Oh, great Creator, like a chain of dominoes, the sun is disappearing, panic is boiling, and the economic crisis is breaking out." They said, "Companies are collapsing, millions of corporate people are being fired, and human civilization is heading towards depression and depression.


"What about the alliance between the Lighthouse Core and the Company?" Dirnai pondered, "We want to capture the witch and the army."

"We have infiltrated the main characters inside. Except for the gatekeepers of the giant tower project who are still... difficult to influence, there are also some witches with particularly strong beliefs who are unwilling to cooperate with us." An angel with black wings said.

"Just bring Milaya back." Diernai said, "Absorb her formally and tell her our true identity and purpose. She knew too little about us before."

"We will try our best." The angels flew around Dirnai.

Milaya is currently imprisoned in Tianshu, and his specific whereabouts are unknown.

"Where are the stray angels? Have those betrayers and escapees been found? Now, we need more power than before." Dilnai asked.

"Found them, Creator." An angel submitted a list to Diernai, "But they are still unruly and rebellious, refusing to return to your arms."

So many traitors, so many stray angels...

Dernai became aware of the whereabouts of one of the messengers.

Chainsaw Angel started a gang.

This chapter has been completed!
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