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Chapter 219 Lord of the Hive

The communication came from her friend at the research institute, Katagiri Ai. She is responsible for the development of a series of secret technologies at the Z3 Research Institute, that is, Kyoto Mugen's insider technology, which will never be disclosed to the outside world. There is no market distribution channel, and the research and development progress is also kept secret.

Although it studies the world's most cutting-edge technologies and explores toward the limits of science and technology, the Z3 Research Institute's funding scale is also the easiest to be cut off. The backbone of the technical team is constantly being transferred, leaving the remaining scientific research witches shouldering particularly heavy research and development tasks.

, overloaded work has become the norm.

"Little love?" Kazama Miyari wrote back.

"Miyari!" Ai Katagiri sounded quite cheerful on the other end of the communication, "I heard that you were transferred from the research institute. Where did you go?"

"A new company." Kazama Miyari has met too many new people at Nisto Company, and now she can finally hear a familiar voice again, which makes her feel nostalgic.

"Congratulations on the new environment, the new atmosphere." Ai Katagiri and Miyari Kazama have a close personal relationship. They received scientific research training in the same batch, but were eventually transferred to different research institutes.

No matter what the future and prospects of Nisto Company are, Kazama Miyari is still very satisfied so far.

"Where are you?" Kazama Miyari was concerned about her friend's work progress, "What are you busy with at hand? Z3's projects are all the most sophisticated, right?"

"Of course, it is top-notch data equipment." Katagiri said, "We are designing a new-architecture supercomputer, which leads the world in data operation capabilities and can be compared with Kyushu's 'Universal Tianlong' and the 'Star Ring' at the core of the lighthouse.


Xiao Ai is still so energetic. Kazama Miyari can't help but feel satisfied. Even though eight years have passed, the events of the past are still vivid in his mind. After being transferred to different research institutes, although the opportunities to meet have been cut off, they still communicate from time to time.

Keep in touch.

"The environment here is good, and although the salary is not as good as it is, it should be pretty good." Kazama Miyazaki said easily, "I guess it will make me respectable here."

"That's good..." Ai Katagiri said weakly.

"What?" Kazama Miyari noticed something was wrong.

"I...I don't know." Katagiri said, "I feel very uncomfortable, a little uncomfortable."

"Then go...to see a doctor." Kazama Miyagi's heart trembled.

"I had a severe fever yesterday and my left leg hurts," Ai Katagiri said with a trembling voice, "It's the same today, hey...Miyari...the company hasn't approved my sick leave yet, and hasn't found out what's wrong. But I used the automatic doctor

I checked and found a tumor on my left knee..."

"You...you apply for emergency treatment...you..." Kazama Miyari gritted her teeth, and she could hear an uncontrollable despair in her tone, but she couldn't help in any way from so far away.

On, "...you go to see a doctor, go for an operation...you...your life..."

"I feel very uncomfortable. When I left the work station today, my left leg seemed to be broken. I took two boxes of painkillers. This is a very difficult disease to treat, and I don't want to treat it. This is not a good way to leave reality.

Any chance?"

"Xiao Ai... please..."

"...I looked at the hospital next to the research institute. There are many patients in the world, and I will become one of them. The company will sell my organs. Will that help others?"

"Don't talk nonsense...you..." Kazama Miyari felt a splitting headache.

"I'm trying to make a will," Ai Katagiri said. "I want to give you all the funds in my cash card before I die. Just a little bit of money, a little over ten thousand. Can you buy more new clothes?"

"No...it's not..." Kazama Miyazaki choked, "It's not that sad...it's not that troublesome...please...can you just live?"

"I thought about it before, but I don't think about it now." Katagiri Ai ended the communication.

The whole world seemed to crack in front of Kazama Miyari, and the joy brought by the new working environment disappeared in an instant. She fell back on the bed, her whole body shrank back weakly, her nose became sour, and tears came from her eyes. Too many things slipped from her fingers, dignity, destiny and safety, and many of the things she tried to hold on to were falling apart.

She knew that her efforts now were valuable, but she was neither in time nor able to catch up.

When can we get rid of the self-blame caused by weakness and powerlessness?

What is desperate is that what she needs is not a little bit of power, but an extremely powerful force that can change the current situation.

Kazama Miyari weakly crawled towards the head of the bed and wanted to turn off the light. When he looked up, he suddenly saw 102 appearing in front of him, as if he had teleported in.

"102?" Kazama Miyazaki was confused, "You..."

"I am 101." 101 corrected Kazama Miyari's misunderstanding.

"Twins?" Kazama Miyazaki was surprised, "This is again..."

"I'm here to take you to meet someone," 101 said. "She is the savior, protector and god of all witches."

"What can she do? Pretend to be a ghost?" Kazama Miyazaki said in a bad tone.

As a scientific research witch, she can't stand too many false delusions. She wants to see all falsehoods deconstructed by precise numbers and formulas, just like their lives are being explained by pain and hopelessness.

"You'll know when you get there." 101 put his hand on Kazama Miyari's shoulder and led her into the secret room.

In an instant, the surrounding scene changed, and Kazama Palace found herself in a dark environment where she could not see her fingers. She had seen too many similar methods, using darkness to create fear. Those secret ritual groups used this method to deal with new entrants. role, forcing them to accept all forced concepts in panic and confusion, causing them to lose the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

I see.

Kazama Miyari suddenly understood.

Judging from the current situation, Nisto Company is just a secret ritual group mainly composed of witches under the packaging of the company. No wonder everyone seems to be moving strangely, as if they are harboring endless secrets. Kazama Miyari has seen this Be very clear.

As a scientific research witch, Kazama Miyari had enough psychological expectations for all this. She also knew that she would not be convinced by such methods, so she acted unprecedentedly calm, but even more cold than before.

Before she had a chance to say anything, a hand reached up to her face and wiped away Kazama Miyari's tears with her fingers.

The candlelight was lit at 101, and under the light, Kazama Miyazaki saw a beautiful witch standing in front of him. The moment he saw her, Kazama Miyazaki briefly lost the ability to speak.

It's not that this witch's aura is terrifying, nor that her appearance is frightening, but... she is more noble than other witches that Kazama Miyazaki has seen, making Kazama Miyazaki feel ashamed.

Kazama Miyari feels that witches are similar to beasts. They all have their own claws and courage, but they are imprisoned by humans. She considers herself to be the more active and impulsive group among the beasts, and often faces the iron railings. Biting and scratching, she will express her attitude forcefully. But the witch in front of her has gone beyond the category of "beast" and has returned to the essence of a witch, demonstrating the most distinctive characteristics of witches: being extraordinary and rebellious. Even a spiritual beast cannot compare to a truly noble witch.

"You...you..." Kazama Miyazaki said with difficulty.

"I am Falosa." The witch wiped away the tears on Kazama Miyari's face, "Are you unwilling? Why?"

"Because I... don't have the ability." Miyazaki Kazama gritted her teeth, "I don't have the ability to do what I want to do."

"What is your magic power?" Falosa took the red wine glass handed over by 101 and held it in her hand. At the same time, she observed Kazama Miyari with a deep gaze, half for inspection and half for curiosity.

"What about you?" Kazama Miyazaki took a deep breath to stay rational, "I want to know yours first."

"Killing, and recovery." Falosa said softly, "I can end my life or reverse reincarnation, all in my mind. I am the embodiment of disaster and the overthrowr of the world."

"You look...different." Kazama Miyazaki pursed her lips. Farosha had a profound impression on her, or it was a shock to some extent. From any angle, Farosha was beyond her.

her cognition.

"Because I have spanned the long time of the mortal world," Falosa said, "history is just a noun to me. I am history itself, and the sum of the past, present and future."

Kazama Miyari releases her magic power.

Her magic power is to summon a certain level of light balls. Two golden light balls float up from behind her. They are just like embryos in the womb that have not yet grown and differentiated into limbs and organs. They have various primitive aspects that are not yet identifiable.

Figure out what they look like after they are formed.

"What is this?" Falosa observed.

"According to the report, it is some kind of spiritual entity that has not yet given birth to its true identity." Kazama Miyari explained, "But I feel... very familiar to me, like my own split... Unfortunately, my magic power is too

Weak, no characteristics whatsoever.”

"I can make them grow up," Falosa said, "I can advance your magic power and transform you from a cub witch to a lower-level witch. At that moment, maybe you can know what is behind these light balls.


"Evolution of magic power?" Kazama Miyagi was startled, "This is... this is something that only... only gods can do in history."

"I've already told you," 101 said in a disgusted tone, as if he couldn't understand Kazama Miyari's slowness, "she is the God of Witches."

"Then...what should I do in exchange for such a gift?" Kazama Miyari asked.

"Say: 'I obey Falosa, the God of Witches.'"

Kazama Miyari took a deep breath, thinking of Katagiri Ai, her own life, and the pain and suffering day and night. Her desire for power was far greater than before. She wanted to watch the world collapse in front of her eyes, and all of this

They all need magic power and she needs to become a truly powerful witch!

"Obey?" Kazama Miyari knelt in front of Falosa, "More than just obeying! God of Witches! I am willing to trade my soul to you!"

"Very good." Falosa put her hand on Kazama Miyari's head.

The connection with the stars has been established. Kazama Miyazaki is ready to communicate with the stars, but there is a lack of opportunity for communication. Now that this channel has been opened and strengthened, a large amount of magic power emerges from Kazama Miyazaki's heart and fills the magic circuit.


The long-standing shackles were broken. Kazama Miyari raised her head. Her body was filled with magic power that was several times more powerful than before. She couldn't help but raise her hand and summoned those "light balls" again. The number of light balls also increased from 2.

to 3.

The three shining balls of light have now turned into three figures exactly like herself, standing next to Kazama Miyari. With her, her eyes empty, Kazama Miyari clearly feels her own will and these separated "

"Self" are closely connected, and these three clones have completely become the subordinate management branches of Kazama Miyari's will.

"It's very interesting." Falosa looked at everything in front of her, "It's a brand new type of magic power."

Kazama Miyari closed her eyes and carefully digested the new abilities she had gained. The other three clones also did the same action. After a while, they all opened their eyes.

No one else is needed, "they" are a team with the same mind.

"Hive mind." Kazama Miyari suddenly understood her true ability and was so excited that she trembled, "...my magic power is...'Queen Bee'."

This chapter has been completed!
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