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Chapter 227 Deep Water

Xu Yang went back to visit 102.

"Why don't you let Falosa restore you?" He saw that 102's face was bloodless. He had already been treated by the automatic doctor once. He came out after a 2-hour operation. Now he was lying on the hospital bed wrapped in a white quilt, equipped with

Vital signs monitor.

"Because I had so much fun fighting, a stronger magic circuit was established in my body." 102 stretched out her hand and asked Xu Yang to sit next to her. "It seems to be in the flesh. If it recovers, this part of the body will also grow.

Changing back is like doing it in vain."

"Then have a good rest," Xu Yang comforted her, "If you need anything, just tell me and I will help you with everything."

"Look," 102 showed him his cut shoulder, which has now been sewn back together. "The angel was just like that, sawing and sawing. It was so powerful. I thought I was really invulnerable."

"So, you have to destroy the enemy before they find you," Xu Yang said. "In a super-standard battle, the advantage of attacking first and attacking first is too great."

"So Lila is the most powerful witch." 102 suddenly realized.

"Of course," Xu Yang said, "If there is another battle in the future that requires all the strength like the battle against Milaya, the core of the battle we will focus on is Lila. She can sense and lock on the enemy, and cooperate with super vision

If the means of attack are eliminated, there will always be risks in close combat."

"Then I don't have to fight." 102 said.

"Even if we fight, you should be carried by 101 and jump into the battlefield, omitting the process of approaching the enemy." Xu Yang thought for a moment.

"But sister can't just jump into strange places, it will explode." 102 was a little worried.

"That is also Lila's job. If the target scene can be detected in advance and feedback is given in real time, there is no need to worry about 101's actions." Xu Yang said.

"Even without Lila, we won this time." 102 sat up from the bed, smelling of blood and disinfectant.

"And you have become stronger, having gone through the test of arduous battles." Xu Yang touched her hair.

"Ms. Falosa said that I can advance to the next level soon, and I can also become a ruler witch." 102's eyes lit up, "It will be even more powerful then."

"Currently, your partial strengthening is only to strengthen muscles, strengthen the hardness of skin and bones," Xu Yang nodded, "It would be even more amazing if you could learn to temper your internal organs. When the time comes to strengthen your brain, you will become super smart.


"I'm so strong." 102 lay back, peaceful.

"Why isn't 101 here?" Xu Yang didn't see 101.

"My sister is in trouble because she didn't help enough." 102 said, "My sister always treats me like a child."

"This battle has affected a lot..." Xu Yang said, "I asked Katsuragi Ao to seal off the venue on the Chainsaw Angel side, waiting for us to take over the cleanup and collect key items and intelligence."

"Chainsaw Angel was resurrected by Farossa and is being tortured." 102 said.

"This..." Xu Yang suspected that Chainsaw Angel would be rendered unable to survive or die by Falosa. "You stay here to recuperate first, and I'll go check on the situation."

On the other side, according to Farosa's wishes, Kazama Miyari helped her design a torture device, and then left because Farosa wanted to enjoy the fun alone.

She kept the entire venue to herself, sitting on a metal chair, wearing a white formal suit and red tie, leaning forward.

The pieces of flesh and blood of Chainsaw Angel were placed in a huge glass box, and she was preparing to resurrect Chainsaw Angel.

The evil goddess Dienae raised many angels, and the Chainsaw Angel was undoubtedly one of them.

I wonder how many things can be tortured out of Chainsaw Angel.

Falosa prepared a lot of things, such as whips, spiked iron balls and various instruments of torture. She had seen other Chaos Witches do similar things, and now it was finally her turn.

She wrapped her magic power around the piece of flesh and then released the law of recovery.

——All things return, life reverses, and the red light flashes.

The Chainsaw Angel instantly appeared from the glass box.

She was terrified.

"Me? Me?" She was shocked. Chainsaw Angel still clearly remembered the scene when he was blown up by a blunderbuss. "How did I... come back to life? What is it? What kind of power?"

Chainsaw Angel was even more frightened when he saw Falosa.

"Hello." Falosa looked at the Chainsaw Angel, "I am the God of Witches."

"There is no such god!" Chainsaw Angel shouted, "Let me out!"

She flaps her huge wings, but the glass box is too small to move. Her halo has been lost and is now in the ruins of the Apple Orchard nutritional cream filling factory.

Without the halo, it would be difficult for her to unleash her full power.

"Starting now, I'll ask you questions." Farosha leaned close to the glass box and slowly released the magical power of the sea water.

Chainsaw Angel found that a large amount of sea currents emerged from the ground, soon covering the bottom of the box, covering her feet, and it was still rising.

"Go to hell!" Chainsaw Angel punched the glass surface, unable to shake it.

Falosa pressed the power supply system in the device, and high-voltage current was released from underneath, penetrating the seawater and penetrating the chain saw angel's body. She screamed, trembled violently, and smelled of burning all over her body. She collapsed on the ground, her wings

Closed together, a large number of feathers burned.

So beautiful, so beautiful, Falosa thought to herself.

She looked at the chain-saw angel trembling in the rising sea water. The angel prisoner in the glass box made Falosa feel a sense of pleasure. Now as long as the knob is pressed, the angel will be electrocuted.

Falosa's toes are curled up, it's so funny.

Chainsaw Angel was trembling all over. Looking at Farosha who was separated by the glass, there was only fear in her heart. The previous electric shock caused her to convulse continuously and she could not stand up. Her head was dizzy. The sea water was still rising and it had already covered her body.

Over the calf.

"Kill me, it doesn't matter." Chainsaw Angel looked down at the sea water.

"Death is difficult," Farosha said. "Your memory has not deceived you. You are indeed dead, but I can reverse the process. So even if you are tortured to death, you can be restored again. The whole process

Do it again."

"...So vicious." Chainsaw Angel raised his head in despair.

"Just obey." Falosa sat on the chair with a cold expression.

"How do you guarantee my safety...even if I tell you the information you want, you will still kill me, right?" Chainsaw Angel gritted his teeth.

"Take your time." Falosa said softly, "Don't be in a hurry."

The seawater continued to rise and had already covered Chainsaw Angel's thighs. She stood up in the glass box with difficulty.

The Chainsaw Angel stared at Farossa in silence. Except for Lord Dirnai, the woman in front of her put enough pressure on her to make her feel a certain degree of fear from the bottom of her heart.

"First of all," Falosa asked her first question, "What is your relationship with Dirnai?"

"I am an angel under Lord Dirnai." Chainsaw Angel whispered, sounding weak, "...she created us and made us her servants."

"How many such angels are there?" Falosa pondered.

"There are nearly 1,000 angels in total," Chainsaw Angel said. "In Lord Dirnai's plan, we would have been sent to preach her gospel. But she has completely changed and become very weird... But I am

A very young angel who doesn't know what happened in the past."

"Why did you come here while Dirnai is still in New Taipei?" Falosa was still afraid of Dirnai. Among the current ancient mystics, only Dirnai showed complete hostility.

She has no intention of cooperating at all. And her power also belongs to the most powerful group among the ancient mystics.

"Because I want to do something, do something... different." Chainsaw Angel looked down at the rising sea water with a bitter look on his face, "She has been depressed, and... treated us harshly, forcing us to overload.

Work, meet her various needs, and help her secretly control all aspects of New Taixi Continent. So I escaped during the field mission and became a stray angel."

"I see." Falosa clapped her hands, "So, you are Dienai's enemy, right?"

"Yes! Don't you want to deal with her too? When I escaped, I took away a lot of things from Dirnai's treasure house." The wings of the chain saw angel were soaked by the sea water, and the sea water covered her chest, making her

Feeling difficulty breathing, "There is still a lot of information about her——"

"Where are you now?" Falosa was curious.

"I can't say." Chainsaw Angel said hoarsely, "I still... I still don't know if you will kill me if I continue talking."

"Kill? Not kill? Do you think there is any difference between the two based on your current situation and my ability? You will be resurrected, but you have to wait until I finish this round." Falosa stared at the sea water intently.

How to rise.

The deep water covered Chainsaw Angel's throat, and then her chin. She stood on tiptoes in fear, but the water was still rising. Her body struggled desperately in the water, pressing her head against the top of the glass box, and trying to breathe as much as possible.

"No...no...gu..." The seawater has covered the face of Chainsaw Angel and filled the entire glass box. She is sad and desperate, floating in the water inside the entire glass box.

"And there's electricity." Falosa pressed her hand on the button, and the chain saw angel was soaked in water. The high-voltage electricity would cook her. Once she pressed it, it was perfect, an absolute work of art.

Xu Yang came in and saw the situation, and the scene was impactful.

"No," he stopped Falosa, "we are not a strange organization, and the prisoners are not for fun."

Falosa clung to the glass box and looked at the terrified and suffocating face of the chain saw angel for a few seconds, and then slowly withdrew the water.

The water level gradually dropped, and Chainsaw Angel's body also fell down, pressing on her own wings. She lay on the bottom of the glass box, vomiting out water, feeling the greatest fear in her life, and looked at Farossa in despair.

"Are you okay?" Xu Yang looked at Chainsaw Angel, but his eyes were blank.

"Her personality no longer deserves to be treated normally." Farosha said easily, "Chainsaw Angel, bark like a dog to me."

"Woof," said Chainsaw Angel.

This chapter has been completed!
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