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Chapter 230 Huge Fox

Through the phantom, the bullet hit Du Qianqian's body, and the bullet rotated inside her body, stirring up a lake of flesh and blood along the way.

Du Qianqian's body fell backwards quickly. She let out a shrill scream and covered the place where she was hit. She unconsciously released the deformation and returned to the original shape. Her expression was severely distorted by the severe pain, and she continued to shed tears. .

101 saw that the person she hit was not a giant fox but a human, and she immediately tensed up her nerves. When she saw that the opponent was Du Qianqian, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, I hit something nasty.

Seeing this, Xu Yang frowned, immediately fell in front of Du Qianqian, injected a treatment needle into her shoulder, then picked her up by the waist, rushed out of the ward, ran to the nearest automated doctor, and checked the cabin through voiceprint recognition. The door opened and Du Qianqian was placed on the operating chair.

"Huh...huh..." Du Qianqian breathed hard, his life force was flowing away rapidly.

"It's okay." Xu Yang comforted her.

Du Qianqian only felt numb from her chest down, and the place where she was hit seemed to be swallowed up by nothingness, making her feel no pain. This was not a good thing, because all her sense of the body was leaked from the wound. Starting from the place where he was shot, the area of ​​numbness and coldness quickly expanded on his body.

She looked at Xu Yang with tears in her eyes, hoping that he could stay with her. She didn't want to be left alone.

"It's so hard..." Du Qianqian murmured.

"Be patient, you will get better." Xu Yang comforted Du Qianqian.

"Well..." Du Qianqian hid his grievance in his heart.

Xu Yang quickly exited the automatic doctor and closed the hatch. He operated on the external panel and selected the fully automatic treatment mode - first aid - abdominal trauma - small caliber gunshot wound - therapeutic needle has been administered - start. The mode is determined. Finally, the sound of the robotic arm lifting and the guide rail moving was heard inside. The robot doctor applied anesthesia to Du Qianqian, and then began a series of procedures, trying to remove the shrapnel, cut off the pieces of flesh, and clean the wound.

"...Sorry." 101 followed.

"Why did you shoot Du Qianqian?" Xu Yang was confused.

"I thought she was a threat to you." 101 explained, unconsciously lifting her brown hair.


"I didn't know it was her. She turned into a giant fox." 101 didn't want this to sound like revenge.

"The huge fox..." Xu Yang pondered, "...that's wrong."

This was different from what he saw. In his eyes, Du Qianqian was not dangerous at all. But 101, like 102, seemed to recognize Kirino Reiyo as something else.

Xu Yang returned to the ward, and 102 was anxious.

"How's it going?" 102 was worried, "Is the relocation okay?"

"Before you care about her, care about yourself first." 101 pushed his sister back on the bed and let her lie down.

"Maybe he will die," Xu Yang said, "but with Falosa here, we can avoid the worst outcome."

"Hey..." 102 is worried that the relationship between Du Qianqian and 101 will always be bad, but this is definitely not good. In Nisto Company, they meet day and night, and there should never be any cracks in their relationship.

"You have seen what Du Qianqian became just now, right?" Xu Yang said, "In your eyes, what has she become?"

"It turned into a green-faced and fanged monster," 102 gestured. "It has a mouth that stretches from ear to ear, and protruding teeth."

"What I saw was a big fox that was at least 3 meters tall." 101 heard the difference. "It's not as scary as you said. At least it was a good-looking fox. It was beautiful. Although I still shot it.

Got the gun."

"It was an unintentional mistake," Xu Yang pondered, "I will explain it to Qianqian personally later. And I was the one who made her transform, so I was also wrong. The original intention was to use Qianqian's power to reveal the true appearance of the Sakura Witch.

But it seems that different people see Sakura Witch completely differently."

"Let others try it." 102 climbed off the bed, "I want to hear what other people have to say."

Xu Yang saved the video of the incident and played it repeatedly.

The pictures recorded by modern technology should be able to abandon all magic, but this is not the case. What people see on the screen is still different. From Xu Yang's point of view, Du Qianqian's deformed face is still so charming that he


Xu Yang deconstructed the picture itself, and the graphics processing software readings provided the most realistic display data, proving that the facial area of ​​"Kirino Reiyo" is actually a lump of mold, and the light and color responses read out are completely gray.


In fact, people should not be able to see anything clearly.

In this regard, Xu Yang convened a secret screening meeting. He cut off other areas of the video, leaving only the full picture of Du Qianqian after his transformation. At the same time, he did not tell others the actual content of the video, and only asked them to observe and report truthfully.

What you see.

"A very scary fox-headed monster with no eyes." 102 records.

"An unprecedentedly strong and huge fox," 101 recorded, "can make people feel the beauty of the animal."

"In the fog, you can vaguely see a standing fox." Lila recorded.

"A fox-headed woman wearing a pink sweater and long flowing hair, with a graceful and luxurious appearance." Yoshioka Mizuro recorded.

"A very evil black fox head with a sinister smile, wearing a lab coat." Qian Meng recorded.

"A fox-headed human being," Kazama Miyanagi recorded, "about 1.75 meters tall, with black hair on the back of his head. He wears the old-style robes of aristocratic women from the archipelago. His posture is elegant and noble, with a protruding front kiss and lower eyes.

There’s pink eyeshadow.”

Falosa also took a look at the video.

"An upright white fox with a few cherry blossom petals falling on its head." She said, "There's something special about it."

"What about you?" 102 looked at Xu Yang, "Why are you so calm when such a big fox comes close to you?"

At this point, I can no longer say that I only saw beautiful women.

"In short," Xu Yang said, "the current investigation has some clues. Thank you for your cooperation."

An hour later, the automatic doctor turned on the green light, and after a burst of exhaust sound, the hatch slowly opened, and the operation was successfully completed. Although the process was risky, Du Qianqian survived strongly.

She put on a blue striped hospital gown and weakly walked out of the automatic doctor. Her face was pale and bloodless, as if she would collapse if she was blown away. She would need to stay in the ward for some time to recover.

Xu Yang and 101 both wanted to talk to Du Qianqian, but before them, Lila claimed that she had something to talk to Du Qianqian and took Du Qianqian directly to her room.

In any case, this little chaos leaves a lot of doubts.

Judging from the files released by Kyoto Unlimited, Kirino Reiyo is undoubtedly a reality manipulator, and her multiple faces may be her witch ability.

Kirino Reiyo, the founding father of Kyoto Mugen, has accompanied the growth of the entire company. From the first president to the seventh president, Kirino Reiyo has always been there to assist the left and right. Every time when the power of the president is transferred, she will

The president welcomes the president into the ancient shrine to complete the prescribed rituals, and then often stays with the president to advise him.

It seems that under the influence of Kirino Reiyo's guidance, all the presidents are also shrewd and capable people. They work vigorously and vigorously, and are full of courage. They are all first-class professional managers who meet the needs of shareholders to expand the interests of the group.

No matter in any form of reporting, Kirino Reiyo always wears an unchanged fox-face mask. Her appearance is mysterious and her true appearance is unpredictable. She will never show her actual appearance. If her ability is different depending on the observer,

And showing different appearances, then it is reasonable to wear a mask, so as to avoid causing confusion. Thinking of this, Xu Yang felt troubled again.

Pan Ruiyin was transferred away by Kirino Reiyo, and they needed Pan Ruiyin to come back to join the Seven Witches Ceremony. This was the prerequisite for everything. Now it seems that they still have to establish contact with Kiriye Reiyo himself.

Xu Yang checked the key provided by Kitada Ryuji and accessed a secret communication channel of Kyoto Unlimited high-level officials. He used this key to pass security authentication and establish a communication connection with the channel through an encrypted proxy server.

In an original visual interface, he only saw an isolated fox face icon in the center of the screen, currently in color, representing that Kirino Reiyo himself was currently in the channel.

Sakura Witch... Kirino Reiyo.

He has set the anonymity effect in advance, and after going online, his presence will appear as a gray icon.

On the other side, on the 79th floor of the Kyoto Mugen Headquarters Building, the entire floor is divided into Sakura Witch's private areas.

Kirino Reiyo sat on a black swivel chair and looked at the smart screen in front of her seriously. When a stranger accessed Kyoto Unlimited's secret communication channel, she quickly received a prompt.

This communication channel has been set up with extremely high confidentiality and cannot be broken into by hackers. At the same time, it is only open to Kyoto Unlimited’s core members, senior investors and key subordinate companies. Because Kyoto Unlimited is currently weak, various factions have withdrawn.

While walking away meant, the channel fell into silence.

But now a stranger came.

Kirino Reise immediately opened the channel page and concentrated on it.

Because of her mysterious style, in the imagination of the outside world, the public usually thinks that Kirino Reiyo leads a luxurious life, collects a large number of handicrafts, and does things with style. In fact, she is very frugal, and the decoration of the entire office is quite simple. She only leaves

Necessary furniture and electronic equipment, all optional decorations are removed by her, and gifts given by people are distributed to subordinates or sold to fund savings accounts for crisis purposes.

Correspondingly, in order for Kyoto Mugen to survive this crisis, the small treasury she had accumulated over the past 100 years has been exhausted. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is impoverished. If Kyoto Mugen fires Kirino Reiyo, she will have no self-confidence.

If you cannot maintain your capabilities, you will soon be acquired and captured by other companies.

Considering that the unfamiliar account that accessed the channel might be a new real investor, Kirino Reiyo became more energetic. She clicked on the other party's account and sent her greetings.

"Hello." She stared at the screen intently, looking forward to the other person's reply and thinking about the other person's possible response.

This chapter has been completed!
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